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Much activity as B of I gains from index re-weighting
DUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 3,056.56 (+8.34) Settlement date: June 17th
EUROPEAN MARKETS continued their modest rally yesterday, with a surge of buying and selling activity at the close of trading as a result of re-weightings on the MSCI indices.
Bank of Ireland was the main beneficiary of the re-weightings, as it moved from the MSCI Small Cap Index to the MSCI Standard Index at the close of business.
This prompted a large spike in “technical buying interest” in the stock, as investment funds that track the index bought the banking stock.
AIB and Irish Life & Permanent also climbed, with the latter shaking off the ill effects of a downgrade by ratings agency Standard Poor’s last Friday.
Banking analysts also noted that the disposal of Royal Bank of Scotland branches will provide a litmus test for the appetite for UK bank assets, which is significant for AIB because it plans to sell its UK operation later this year.
Pharmaceutical group Elan saw its share price suffer as a result of the index re-weighting, with the stock declining at the end of trade.
The other main event of the day was the consolidation of shares in Independent News Media, as it sought to evade penny stock status. The group’s proposed one for seven share consolidation became effective, meaning it no longer trades at about the 10-11 cents level but above 80 cents.
A Dublin-based dealer said the move by the company was mainly “optics”, while the resultant change in its share price should not be of too much relevance or concern to investors. Only the number of shares in issue in the media group has changed: its market capitalisation remains the same.
Paper and packaging group Smurfit Kappa performed well as it sought to erode recent pressures. There were buyers in insulation group Kingspan, while food groups Aryzta and Kerry both ended the day in negative territory
today at 11:12 am
The Front Pages
Just what the country needed at the end of a week when we were officially deemed to be out of recession – the Sunday papers tell us that 4000 jobs are to be axed at three of the countries’ biggest employers.
“Nightmare for jobs as Eircom to shed 2000” – Sunday Independent
“BoI and AIB to cut 2000 jobs” – Sunday Tribune
The Sunday Independent describes the eircom jobs development as “a devastating blow that will heap further pressure on Brian Cowen just days after the Government claimed the recession is over.”
The report claims that the mass redundancy package to be proposed by the telecommunications giant as the biggest since the start of the downturn three years ago.
In a morning of stupefyingly worrying employment news, the Sunday Tribune’s lead is an eerie parallel of the Sindo, reporting that the same number of jobs will be slashed by the country’s two biggest banks.
Bank of Ireland will announce plans to cut 1000 jobs, equating to 10 per cent of its workforce, in the coming weeks while AIB are considering similar cuts which are expected to take place in September.
Away from jobs, the Sunday Times leads with a story about the dissatisfaction in governing party Fianna Fail. “Rebellion at all-time high in FF” hollers the headline above a story which tells us that four party representatives – Cork TD Christy O’Sullivan and Senators Labhras O Murchu, Jim Walsh and John Hanafin – could be stripped of the party whip if, as planned, they oppose the Government’s Civil Rights Partnership (O Murchu, Walsh and Hanafin) and Dog Breeding Establishment (O’Sullivan) bills this week.
The Irish Daily Star Sunday leads with a story that will be of interest to all followers of sport and League of Ireland supporters in particular.
It says that the life of Shamrock Rovers’ former Leeds United and Republic of Ireland youth international Robert Bayly is under threat from the same Ballyfermot gang which murdered brothers Paul and Kenneth Corbally last week.
Short Interest (Shares Short) 1,219,700
Days To Cover (Short Interest Ratio) 0.6
Short Percent of Float 0.20 %
Short Interest - Prior 4,315,000
Short % Increase / Decrease -71.73 %
Hoffe dass es jetzt schnell (mit guten Q2 Zahlen im Rücken) Richtung 1€ geht...das ist zumindest mein Ziel bis Ende August.
Ich werde trotzdem nicht einsteigen,weil mir ALLE Bankenaktien suspect sind !
Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010, 08:04 Uhr
Dublin (Reuters) - Den beiden größten irischen Banken sollten nach Einschätzung von Finanzminister Brian Lenihan aus den Stresstests weniger Probleme erwachsen als vielen anderen europäischen Instituten.
Die Allied Irish Banks und die Bank of Ireland seien im Rahmen des irischen "Bad Bank"-Programms bereits einer Belastungsprobe unterzogen worden, sagte Lenihan am Dienstag. In Teilbereichen sei diese Prüfung härter gewesen als die europäischen Stresstests. Daher dürfte es bei ihnen weniger Schwierigkeiten geben, sagte Lenihan weiter. Die beiden Institute haben als einzige des Landes an den Tests der europäischen Bankenregulierer CEBS teilgenommen.
Die irischen Banken wurden wegen ihres starken Engagements in strauchelnde Immobilienkredite massiv von der Rezession des Landes und den abstürzenden Häuserpreisen betroffen. Sie mussten daher großenteils verstaatlicht werden.
© Thomson Reuters 2010 Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Written by Will Peters
Friday, 16 July 2010 14:45
Two generous target share prices are issued on Bank of Ireland.
Bank of Ireland ADR (NYSE:IRE) could see massive share price in the long term say equity analysts at both Dolmen Stockbrokers and Nomura.
The two brokerage businesses have issued guidance on Bank of Ireland's Irish listed stock (ISE:BKIR).
Dolmen Stockbrokers have set their target at 1.75, that is 147.18% higher that at yesterday's close of 0.708.
Nomura is more bullish on Bank of Ireland stock, setting their target share price at 2, this is 182.49% higher than at yesterday's close.
It's been a poor days trade on global stock markets:
Stocks slumped Friday on earnings reports from two big banks disappointed investors and a survey showing that consumers are becoming more pessimistic.
Notfallbeihilfe für Bank of Ireland genehmigt
Brüssel - Die Europäische Union verlangt von der Bank of Ireland drastische Einschnitte im Gegenzug für eine bereits gewährte staatliche Finanzspritze. So muss sich die Bank von einigen Sparten trennen und die Kreditvergabe an britische Unternehmen reduzieren. Die EU hatte im vergangenen Jahr eine Notfallbeihilfe der Regierung in Dublin in Höhe von 3,5 Milliarden Euro vorläufig genehmigt.
Nach dem Platzen der US-Immobilienblase musste das Geldhaus Staatshilfe in Anspruch nehmen. Irland hat toxische Vermögenswerte in Höhe von 12,2 Milliarden Euro übernommen und hält seither als Minderheitsaktionär 36 Prozent an der Bank of Ireland.
Nachdem die Bank einen Umstrukturierungsplan vorgelegt hat, gab die Europäische Kommission am Donnerstag endgültig grünes Licht für den im März 2009 gegebenen Staatszuschuss.
Dem Umstrukturierungsplan zufolge wird die Bank of Ireland zwei Kreditportfolios abbauen und damit ihr Engagement auf dem britischen Markt für Firmenkundenkredite erheblich verringern. In Irland wird sie ihr New Ireland-Lebensversicherungsgeschäft, ihr Hypothekenmaklergeschäft ICS Building Society und ihren 17-prozentigen Anteil an dem irischen Kreditbüro ICB verkaufen. Um den Wettbewerb zu erhöhen, wird das Geldhaus als eine der beiden größten Banken des Landes kleineren Konkurrenten Zugang zu ihrem Geldautomatennetz gewähren und ihren Kunden für ihre Kontokorrent- und Kreditkartenprodukte alternative Dienstleistungen und einen besseren Kostenvergleich mit anderen Banken anbieten.
EU-Wettbewerbskommissar Joaquín Almunia sagte, die Änderungen würden den irischen Bankenmarkt weiter öffnen und den Markteintritt und das Wachstum von Wettbewerbern erleichtern.