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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.23 08:08
Eröffnet am:04.11.09 16:04von: squalidAnzahl Beiträge:3.736
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.23 08:08von: aktienmädelLeser gesamt:889.606
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331 Postings, 5640 Tage zack26wasn nu los

11.01.10 18:25
den ganzen tag leicht im minus und jetz gibts ne zündung...hat das nen bestimmten grund,news?? ::::BRAVO:::: weiter so sabinchen...  

9279 Postings, 7580 Tage Happydepotvielleicht....

11.01.10 20:13
irgendwo als neue Kursrakete präsentiert worden...News finde ich keine,sind ja in der letzten Zeit schon einige herrausgekommen.
Fakt ist das Sabinchen war vorher und ist immer noch stark unterbewertet,vielleicht hat es ja jetzt bei einigen geklingelt,und kapieren endlich was für ein Potenzial Sabina hat.
Alles andere ist eh nur bla bla.
Wer Ahnung von Börse hat,muß einfach Sabina im Depot haben.

PS: es sprach der Schlaumeier,er hat aber recht.

1059 Postings, 6513 Tage tho710Sabina Gold & Silver

11.01.10 20:46
Hallo Forum,

hohes Volumen bei steigenden Kursen in Kanada sieht gut aus.

Auch die großen Käufe der Insider, zeigen den Weg an.

Man muss sich nicht wundern wenn kurzfristig die 1 Euro Marke fällt.

Sabina ist und bleibt einer der fundamental besten Rohstoffwerte.

Meine Meinung.  

9576 Postings, 6508 Tage TykoSchön....

12.01.10 07:56
noch ein paar Monate warten......
dann sind wohl alle grün...


1115 Postings, 6773 Tage scioutnescioEndlich...

13.01.10 12:41
kann ich wieder einmall positiv zu Sabina posten. Grund hierfür ist nicht nur die Kursentwicklung in der letzten Zeit. Die macht mir Freude!

Gestern hat Robert Cohen von Dynamic Funds auf BNN sich zu Sabina geäußert.  Er hat ein BUY rating vergeben und sein Kommentar lautete:

World-class project. Very robust project. They are still drilling and it will get bigger over time. You have to have patience with this one. It has moved up lately and will continue to move up. It is a long-term thing. We will see more recognition for what this project is.

Schon allein die Tatsache, dass Sabina nach über drei Jahren wieder einmal Erwähnung fand, ist erfreulich, weil kanadische und internationale Investoren BNN verfolgen und Sabina dadurch in den Fokus gerät. Mit Interesse werde ich in der nächsten Zeit das Handelsvolumen in Totonto verfolgen. Wir hatten an den letzten sieben Handelstagen sechsmal über 150.000 Stück gehandelt, das kam in den letzten Monaten selten vor. Grund hierfür dürfte sein, dass Sabina seinen technischen Report veröffentlicht hat.

Hilfreich ist auch, dass einige Analysten sowohl den Silber- wie auch den Goldpreis in den nächsten Monaten steigen sehen.  

1346 Postings, 6543 Tage uli68Artikel

17.01.10 07:04

176 Postings, 6183 Tage Fürchtenix@uli68

17.01.10 09:20
"Papiergold" in Form von Minenaktien oder Schuldverschreibungen sind Versprechungen und im Härtefall Schall und Rauch.

Meint er damit so eine Art Enteignung?  

300 Postings, 6383 Tage squalidda is er, der euro!!

19.01.10 18:52

9576 Postings, 6508 Tage TykoYepp!

19.01.10 18:53
nie wieder Pennystock....!

1115 Postings, 6773 Tage scioutnescioUnd auch in Kanada gehts bergauf

19.01.10 18:55
weiterhin gute Umsätze. BID nur 0,01 unter dem ASK. Weiter so!  

331 Postings, 5640 Tage zack26$-) $-) $-)

19.01.10 18:57

429 Postings, 6475 Tage andrebestFürchtenix: Minenaktien

19.01.10 19:11
Minenaktien nur Schall und Rauch....Schwachsinn sag ich dazu!!!
Wenn die Enteignung von Unternehmen bzw. Anteile davon im "Härtefall"
zu befürchten wäre, warum sollten dann Münzen, Immobilien oder sonst
irgendetwas sicher sein??? Die Zeiten von Gold- oder gar von Silberverboten
sind doch vorbei, und wenn Unternehmen + Aktionäre enteignet werden,
weil sie Edelmetalle im Boden haben...warum sollte sich der Staat nicht direkt
90% aller Vermögen aneignen und fertig!??? Schwachsinn!
Die Regierung besteht auch nur aus Menschen, die ihre Kohle behalten wollen...  

331 Postings, 5640 Tage zack26:-(

21.01.10 17:58
wäre ja auch zu schön gewesen wenns so weiter gegangen wär... naja jetz heißt´s wieder warten  

331 Postings, 5640 Tage zack26was´n nu wieder

21.01.10 19:20
gewinnmitnahmen??  oder hat jemand ne andere erklärung für mich??

danke schon mal im voraus...  

9576 Postings, 6508 Tage TykoMeld mich besser erst bei 2,-€.......

21.01.10 19:28
bißchen Luft haben wir dann zum €.....




die blöden 25ct hätten noch gefehlt......

wat gut ist kommt wieder.....Frohe Ostern!

960 Postings, 6398 Tage Zwenernur die Ruhe Jungs

21.01.10 19:38
Eure Zeit wird auch noch kommen!
Schwacher Gesamtmarkt auch die "grossen" Produzenten sind ordentlich im Minus.
Solange der Trend bei EMs hält sollte es auch hier wieder aufwärts gehen ausser der "Spaten" bricht ab :)  

1115 Postings, 6773 Tage scioutnescioIst doch normal

22.01.10 15:39
In den letzten 5 Tagen hat
Zink 5,3%
Silber 6,1% und
Gold 4,2% eingebüßt.

Ist doch klar, dass dann die Kurse nachgeben. Wenn man dann noch die miese Stimmung an den Märkten allgemein berücksichtigt...

Übrigens: Ich denke, dass WIR noch nicht den Tiefststand für Januar gesehen haben...  

429 Postings, 6475 Tage andrebestdann warten wir eben

22.01.10 20:13
noch etwas mit dem Nachlegen....:)  

1346 Postings, 6543 Tage uli68die

27.01.10 12:16

120 Postings, 5452 Tage VO2006sabina?

23.02.10 11:06
Hoch und dann sofort wieder runter! Mit Sabina braucht man wirklich starke Nerven - hoffe nur, dass wir nicht alle schon sehr bald ein böses Erwachen haben!  

429 Postings, 6475 Tage andrebestvo2006

23.02.10 17:22
Sabina ist ein Explorer und die sind nunmal volatil, wobei der 3-Jahres-Chart
von Sabinchen doch gut aussieht:

Produzenten wie First Majestic Silver und Silver Standard sehen derzeit
auch nicht besser aus.  Wenn Silber wieder bei 19 $ steht, jammern wir wieder,
nicht genug nachgekauft zu haben.... ;-)  

1115 Postings, 6773 Tage scioutnescioNews: Bohrprogramm für 25 Mio Dollar

25.02.10 15:39
Sabina to Spend $25 Million on Nunavut Exporation

Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. (TSX: SBB) is pleased to announce the exploration program and budget for its Nunavut precious metals projects. Camps are currently being opened and provisioned with drilling scheduled to commence on or about March 15, 2010.

Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. is an emerging precious metals company with district scale, world class undeveloped assets in one of the world's newest, most politically stable mining jurisdictions: Nunavut, Canada. The properties cover the 3,000 km2 Wishbone Greenstone belt (which hosts the world class Hackett River Silver Project) and the proximal Back River Gold Project.

Hackett River is one of the largest undeveloped silver - zinc volcanic massive sulphide ("VMS") deposits in the world with indicated resources totalling 43.3 million tonnes grades of 4.65% zinc, 144 g/t silver, 0.42% copper, 0.64% lead and 0.30 g/t gold. An additional inferred resource totalling 14.6 million tonnes with grades of 4.46% zinc, 136 g/t silver, 0.31% copper, 0.57% lead and 0.31 g/t gold is also contained at Hackett River. The deposit is precious metals rich with approximately 45% of the value of the resource in silver.

In late 2009, an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") was completed on the project. The PEA envisions that Hackett River can generate $1.8 billion in free cash flow, an NPV of $975 million (5% discount) and an IRR of 25.9% by producing three payable concentrates over a 16 year mine life.

"The Hackett River PEA identified an already robust project that is more than able to sustain the large infrastructure capital required to become an economic mine," said Tony Walsh, President & CEO. "Our previous experience in the Canadian north has taught us that size and throughput is key. While the deposits at Hackett River are all open to depth and are expected to transition to underground at some point in their mine life, the focus is on finding more near surface, higher value mineralization to extend the open pit life of the operation and defer the underground development until the project can fund these costs from cash flow. After our very successful 2009 season, we are excited about the aggressive program that we have planned for 2010 and expect to start receiving results mid to late April."

Hackett River

The goal of the 2010 drill program at Hackett River is twofold. The first goal is to investigate and quantify targets which can significantly improve the early years of the project economics by identifying high value mineralization (copper/silver/gold stringer mineralization) located near or within the current open pit shells and reducing the currently contemplated strip ratio.

The pit shells and the current waste to ore strip ratio identified in the PEA contain a number of areas that require additional drilling to potentially convert designated waste rock to a mineralized resource. During the 2009 work program, Sabina drilled selected portions of this classified waste material, both within and outside of the current pit shells, and identified strong mineralization. The conversion of a significant portion of the classified waste material to ore would have the positive impact of reducing the strip ratio and enhancing project economics. This drilling will target the currently proposed open pits at the Main, east Cleaver, Boot Lake and JO Zones.

High priority targets include the copper stringer mineralization to the west and north of the Main West deposit and an area immediately to the south of the Boot Lake deposit where strong geophysical anomalies remain untested.

The second objective for 2010 is to identify additional mineralization which could provide Sabina an opportunity to increase project throughput and/or further defer the capital associated with the transition to underground. This drilling will focus on the discovery of new ore zones within the core 5 km by 2 km area of the known deposits.

New high potential targets have been defined based on the field work of 2009 and include the West Cleaver area, where gossans with significant base metal values have been outlined, and the Chuck Lake area, where copper-rich alteration was discovered.

To view the Hackett Drilling map, please click on the following link:

The Company has planned to drill approximately 18,000 meters at Hackett with a budget of approximately $10 million. The budget also includes associated geophysical programs, field mapping and prospecting. A small airborne survey will be completed in conjunction with a selected portion of the Wishbone project.


Objectives for the 2010 program at Wishbone include returning to the May Zone, which was discovered in 2009, to complete sufficient drilling on the zone to enable a resource calculation to be completed. Work will focus in and around the D'Arcy Lake area following-up on the May Zone discovery and testing several high potential targets such as Watson Lake where surface grab samples of up to 5,160 g/t Ag, 30.3 g/t Au, 5.2% Zn and 2.21% Pb have been found. The May Zone is a large near surface target that is proximal to the proposed Hackett River mill and provides an opportunity for supplemental mill feed ultimately deferring underground development. The zone is tabular, has a shallow plunge and is open in all directions. Geophysical interpretation of the May Zone has outlined a minimum 2,000 meter strike length of which only the northern most portion has been drilled and has the potential to run approximately 2km along strike. The shallow plunge of this deposit makes it an excellent open pit target.

The Company plans to drill approximately 8,300 meters on the Wishbone property with a budget of approximately $5 million. The 2010 program will also include a significant field component consisting of mapping, prospecting and ground geophysics targeting both gold and VMS type targets. An airborne survey will test high priority unexplored areas to the north and west of the May-Watson area.

To view the Wishbone/East Hackett map, please click on the following link:

Back River

The Company's goal at Back River is to increase the resource by approximately 750,000 ounces of close to surface high grade gold prior to embarking upon development studies. The best opportunity to accomplish this is at the Goose Lake project area where a new discovery was made in 2009.

The 2010 work program at Back River has three objectives. The primary objective is to complete sufficient drilling to enable calculation of a mineral resource along the newly discovered Echo zone at Goose Lake. The second objective is to complete aggressive exploration programs on the Goose project area to define new mineralization at selected targets including the area between the Echo Zone and the Goose deposit, as well as the Jackaroo, Umwelt Lake, Camp zones. These targets all have the potential to significantly increase the mineral resources of the Goose Lake property.

The third goal at Back River is to continue to advance the conceptual studies of a Goose open pit. Based on initial positive results, plans for 2010 will focus on collecting sufficient data to prepare a proper open pit resource estimate and will require additional sampling of historical drilling, the drilling of key holes in the hinge and footwall portions of the pit and geological modeling. If the resource estimate is positive Sabina could proceed to a scoping level study toward the end of the year.

Additional exploration will also be carried out at Del Lake claims block, located 10 km southwest of the Goose camp. This area has had no exploration completed on it since 1985. Follow-up diamond drilling of selected geological and geophysical targets is planned to take place during the summer months.

A total of 20,000 meters have been planned for drilling at Back River with a budget of $10 million.

To view the Goose Lake maps, please click on the following link:

Camps at Hackett River and Goose Lake will be provisioned with additional consumables to enable aggressive follow-up drilling on positive results. Five new diamond drills will be mobilized to the belt to bring the total to seven drills, with three drills to Hackett, three drills to Back River and a reserve drill to be positioned based on results. In addition, to capitalize on the synergies these projects offer during the exploration phase, a 100km long winter road is currently being constructed to connect the Goose Lake camp with the Hackett River camp through George Lake. An airstrip is also being constructed near D'Arcy Lake to facilitate Hercules aircraft and expedite mobilization.

Quality Assurance

Mr. John Wakeford, PGeo, and Sr. Vice President corporate Development of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp is a Qualified Person under the terms of NI43-101 and has reviewed the technical content of this press release and approved its dissemination.

Mineral resources for Goose Lake and George Lake were generated by RSG Global Consulting Pty Ltd (Coffey Mining) in September 2007.

The mineral resource estimate for Hackett River was prepared as part of the Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) update by Gordon Zurowski, P.Eng., Principal Mine Engineer of PEG Mining Consultants Inc, and can be found on SEDAR at Gordon Zurowski is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument (NI) 43-101. CIM Definition Standards (2005) have been used in defining the mineral resource categories.

Project Management of the PEA study was conducted by Eric Harkonen, P.Eng. and Principal Project Manager/Mine Engineer of PEG Mining Consultants Inc. He is a qualified person as defined by NI43-101.

All technical reports have been filed on

Forward Looking Statements

Statements relating to future operations at the Hackett River Project, the Back River Project and the Wishbone Greenstone belt and the expected results of this work are forward-looking statements within the meaning of securities legislation of certain Provinces in Canada. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", 'projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Information inferred from the interpretation of drilling results may also be deemed to be forward looking statements, as it constitutes a prediction of what might be found to be present when and if a project is actually developed. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metal prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company's properties; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in the work program; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from Sabina's operations and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in Sabina's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2008.

Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Sabina's management on the date the statements are made. Sabina undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements should management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, change.

This news release has been authorized by the undersigned on behalf of Sabina Gold & Silver Corp.  

1346 Postings, 6543 Tage uli68dann

25.02.10 15:41
werden wir diese jahr hoffentlich noch ein paar ergebnisse sehen  

1346 Postings, 6543 Tage uli68BMO Capital Markets

27.02.10 17:09

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