The Next Generation
Seite 1 von 1 Neuester Beitrag: 06.02.23 17:27 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 16.10.07 19:41 | von: Wahreillusion | Anzahl Beiträge: | 12 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 06.02.23 17:27 | von: neymar | Leser gesamt: | 18.892 |
Forum: | Börse | Leser heute: | 5 | |
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"Die Uran Exploration ist das eine, die Urananreicherung das zweite was benötigt wird um das Endprodukt Uran zu erhalten. Und da kommt Silex Systems ins Spiel. Es gibt zwei verschiedene Anreicherungsverfahren : Die Gasdiffusion und das Gaszentrifugenverfahren. Beide wurden bereits vor ca. 60 Jahren !! entwickelt und sind total veraltet. „ The Next Generation“ ist die Urananreicherung mit Lasertechnik !!
Auf Grund des jahrelang rückläufigen Uranpreises wurde bei den meisten Unternehmen in diesem Bereich kaum geforscht. Bis im Jahr 2000 einen Australischen Unternehmen namens Silex Systems der Durchbruch gelangt. Sie fanden eine Methode, wie man Uran mit Hilfe von Lasern anreichern kann !!!. Die Effizienz bei der Anreicherung mit Laser soll um den Faktor 18 verbessert werden !!
Aufgrund des Missbrauchs der Technologie zum Bau von Atombomben hat das
US-Energieministerium entschieden, daß die genaue
Funktionsweise dieser revolutionären Anreicherungstechnologie Geheim
gehalten werden muss. Sie wurde mit „RD“ für „ Restricted Data “ eingestuft. Ist ein wenig außergewöhnlich bringt allerdings dem Unternehmen natürlich einen
enormen Wettbewerbsvorteil, kein anderes Unternehmen kriegt was „Spitz“
Der Hammer aber ist dass, der US-Gigant General Electric WKN: 851144, mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 419.100 Mio. US-Dollar eines der liquidesten Unternehmen der Welt, hat von der Sache „Spitz bekommen“
und sich im Mai 2006 heimlich die Exklusivrechte für die Vollendung
des Entwicklungsprozesses und die kommerzielle Vermarktung der Technologie
gesichert !
Silex Sys. hat sich natürlich nicht sämtliche Rechte aus der Hand nehmen
lassen und vereinbarte mit General Elec. dass sie die
Weiterentwicklung finanzieren und Silex an sämtlichen künftigen Gewinnen beteiligen
die mit dieser Technologie erzielt werden."
Das lässt auf hohe Gewinne hoffen.
Es ist keine Kaufempfehlung oder ähnlichen, dient lediglich als Information !!
Aktie z.Zeit + 25 %!
U.S. NRC's Atomic Safety Licensing Board Recommends Licensing
Global Laser Enrichment Facility Using SILEX Technology
September, 2012
Silex Systems Limited (ASX: SLX) (“Silex”) is pleased to announce the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission’s (“NRC”) Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (“ASLB”) has issued its
Initial Decision in regard to Global Laser Enrichment’s (“GLE’s”) application to construct and
operate a commercial laser uranium enrichment plant in Wilmington, North Carolina, using
SILEX technology. In its Initial Decision, the ASLB recommended the issuance of the license
that was requested by GLE. The NRC is due to formally announce the License issuance
decision publicly in the next few weeks.
Silex CEO Dr Michael Goldsworthy said, “The ASLB's Initial Decision regarding GLE’s licence
is an important milestone for the industry. This is a great day for Australian technology, and
we are very proud of our achievements.”
GLE President and CEO Chris Monetta said, “We are extremely pleased that the Board
recommended approval of our application for constructing and operating the GLE laser
uranium enrichment plant. It is the result of hard work over many years by the team at GLE
and Silex, and represents a significant milestone in the path towards licensing the facility,”
said Mr Monetta.
The ASLB’s Notice of Initial Decision is attached to this announcement.
Further Information
Further information on the Company’s activities can be found on the Sil
PUBLISHED: 17 Jul 2012 00:05:24 | UPDATED: 17 Jul 2012 03:58:48
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Brendon Lau
Related Quotes
Volume 1187763
Value 5313907.0
5 Year
1 Day
as at 16:11 Australia/Sydney 20 SEP 2012
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Company Profile
Research, development and commercialisation of the laser isotope separation technology known as SILEX.
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment (453010)
ASIC 003372067
ASX Announcements
10:08:28 AM
US NRC's Atomic Safety Licensing Board Recommendation
Investor Presentation - September 2012
Global Laser Enrichment - NRC License Update
FY12 Results and Operational Update - Presentation
View All Announcements »
See Also
Silex Systems will be ranked among other Australian technology greats such as Cochlear if its uranium-enrichment system is finally commercialised.
The company’s ability to change the face of an industry is what sets it apart from other technology stocks in the sector.
Investors will know in the next month or two if the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission will approve the construction of the world’s first commercial facility using its laser technology in Wilmington, North Carolina.
The other big question after the commercialisation is whether Silex will remain an independent entity given the tendency for good Australian innovation to be taken out by larger foreign rivals. And it isn’t only the large-scale global application of its technology that will appeal to corporate predators.
“They’ve got something unique that I have never ever seen before,” said the investment director of DMP Asset Management, Julian Mitchell.
“Effectively their royalty is in perpetuity when everyone else’s stops when their patent wears off.”
Silex’s laser is the most efficient way to enrich uranium, which is used to fuel nuclear power plants, and there is nothing else like it in the market.
But valuing Silex is not an easy task and has historically been viewed with a fair amount of scepticism given the speculative nature of the investment.
The wide-ranging valuation on Silex by brokers isn’t helping confidence either as analysts have to factor in multiple assumptions to get a fair value estimate on the stock. A small change in one assumption, such as the adoption rate, will have a relatively big impact on the net present value of the stock.
But current broker price targets are irrelevant. If Silex’s technology reaches the market, the stock will be worth way in excess of analysts’ estimates. This is because target prices are calculated using probabilities, while the outcome for Silex is binomial.
Investors are giving Silex the benefit of the doubt for now with the stock surging more than 30 per cent in July to a near 15-month high of $4.35. This makes Silex the best performer in the IT sector for the period and getting the NRC’s blessing is likely put the spotlight back on how much Silex stands to make from its enrichment technology alone.
Management said annual royalties from its exclusive world-wide partner, Global Laser Enrichment, would range between 7 per cent and 12 per cent of GLE’s revenue. GLE is a joint venture between nuclear power giants GE, Hitachi and Cameco and the royalty rate is tied to how cheaply the technology can be deployed.
The uranium market is estimated to be worth about $US7 billion a year, and some analysts believe it will expand threefold by 2030 and that half of the world’s uranium will be processed using Silex’s technology.
No matter how you calculate the numbers, Silex’s yearly royalty stream is well placed exceed the company’s current market capitalisation.
But even if the Wilmington plant gets the green light from all stakeholders, there are a few things that could threaten the momentum of the stock – such as construction delays.
However, as long as people believe Silex’s laser system will become the industry standard for enriching uranium, corporate appeal is likely to put a floor on its share price.