Thomas Cook (A0MR3W) - Rebound nach Kurssturz?
10:36:01 0,23 383000 ! = 88000,-€
10:35:17 0,225 20000
10:34:12 0,224 3000
10:33:48 0,223 75238
10:33:34 0,224 4500
10:33:06 0,225 42000
10:32:39 0,228 4500
10:32:25 0,229 340000
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Mittlerweile 20,26
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Zitat aus obigem Artikel
"What matters now are the banks, in whose hands Thomas Cook’s immediate future lies. This is a bit like being in intensive care with only patients from the recovery ward to look after you, but let’s look on the bright side.
It would not be in the banks’ interests to bring down the group. They would be writing off money that they have every chance of getting back, when what is required is hardly the stuff of Italian government debt."