Strike Oil vor dem möglichen Durchbruch

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20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentStrike Oil vor dem möglichen Durchbruch

31.05.07 15:59


Der bestehende Thread zu Strike Oil ist mehr oder minder eingeschlafen. Einzig und allein  von mir kommen hin und wieder Postings zu den Operations Updates und Infos die die Firma -wenn keine besonderen Vorkommnisse ein anderes Handeln erforderlich machen- jeden Mittwoch herausgibt. Strike Oil ist ein relativ junges Unternehmen mit interessanten Projekten. Es handelt sich um einen Produzenten der mit der Produktion die laufenden Kosten jedoch noch nicht decken kann. Hier nun ein kurzes Intro von der Homepage. In folgenden Postings will ich versuchen die Potentiale aufzuzeigen und hoffe auf tatkräftige Mithilfe.

Welcome to Strike Oil Limited, an Australian based oil and gas producer and explorer with operations in Australia and the USA. Strike Oil’s operations are focused on some of the most productive oil and gas basins in these countries.

The company has production in the Gulf Coast, Texas and is an active explorer in the Gulf Coast and the Rocky Mountains, Colorado. In Australia, Strike Oil is exploring in the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia and the Cooper-Eromanga Basin in Queensland and South Australia.

A wholly-owned subsidiary, Kingston Energy Pty Ltd, holds exploration licences covering the Kingston and Lochaber coal deposits in southeastern South Australia.

Strike Oil has approximately nine percent shareholding in Comet Ridge Limited. This provides the company with exposure to coal seam gas exploration and technology, as well as additional oil and gas exploration and appraisal in both Australia and USA. For more information:

Founded in 1997, Strike Oil has been trading on the Australian Stock Exchange since 2004. Strike Oil’s office is located in Perth, Western Australia.

To find out more about the company and our activities select one of the buttons at the top of the page or use the Production and Exploration tags below as shortcuts to our Operations section

Hier die Homepage:


20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentZunächst zu meinem eigenen Engagement

31.05.07 16:05
Ich habe in Deutschland 50.000 Aktien und in Ausstralien 100.000 von Strike Oil gekauft.
Somit ist die Position recht überschaubar. Dazu muß ich sagen liegt mein durchschnittlicher Einstandskur über der heutigen Notierung. In Deutschland ist der Handel mehr oder weniger nicht existent. Dieses war der Grund für den Kauf in Ausstralien.
Wie ich bereits im Eingangsposting erwähnt habe will ich mich hier im Folgenden mit den Potentialen dieses Unternehmens auseinandersetzen.
Eine Depotposition in dieser Größenordnung rechtfertigt einen solchen Aufwand sicher noch nicht.
Hierzu zwei Anmerkungen:
Punkt1:Mein Depot ist aufgrund meiner insgesamt -mittelefristig- skeptischen Haltung zur Bewwertung am Aktienmakrt zur Zeit sehr begrenzt.
Punkt2: Auch wenn Strike Oil bisher nicht meine Erwartungen erfüllt hat so sehe ich hier nach wie vor enormes Potential. Aus diesem Grund würde ich den Wert hier gerne -wie gesagt es sind alle eingeladen mit mir hier zu diskutieren- im Forum besprechen um mein Engagement entweder aufzugeben oder vernünftig auszubauen.



20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentExploratin-Gulf Coast, Texas

31.05.07 16:12
Exploration - Gulf Coast, Texas

Strike Oil participates in wells as a non-operator under an agreement with Cypress E&P Corporation.

This agreement provides Strike Oil with access to ongoing exploration and appraisal opportunities in the Gulf Coast, Texas in selected parts of Jackson, Wharton and Fort Bend counties immediately to the west of Houston. The onshore Texan Gulf Coast is estimated to contain about 30% of Texas’ gas reserves and about 6% of its remaining oil.

Strike Oil is focusing its participation on gas prospects because of the high prices. A number of prospects are being assembled for drilling commencing in early 2007.

Why Strike Oil is exploring in the Gulf Coast, Texas, USA.

  • prolific onshore oil and gas province, lowers exploration risk;
  • multi-objectives per well, enhances chance of discovery;
  • significant oil and gas infrastructure, provides ready access to markets;high gas price, increases revenue;
  • small discoveries (<5 Bcf) can be economic, lowers commercial success risk;
  • short period between discovery and production (<60 days), accelerates cash flow;
  • modern non-propriety 3D seismic data and well data available, reduces costs;
  • technical and management staff with first-hand experience, reduces learning curve;
  • long relationship with Operator (prior to Strike Oil), provides confidence in ability; 
  • opportunities to learn and transfer new technology, increases success elsewhere.


200 Bcf

RayburnTexas500+ Bcf25%Cypress
LassoTexas25-30 Bcf25%Cypress
MapleTexas25-30 Bcf25%Cypress
RodeoTexas200+ Bcf25%Cypress
HickoryTexas40-50 Bcf25%Cypress
Tahoe LTexas2-5 Bcf25%Cypress
Kangaroo CTexas2-4 Bcf25%Cypress

 Aktuell laufen die Arbeiten an dem Rayburn Feld. Das Feld das Potential Strike Oil zum großen Durchbruch zu verhelfen. Der Partizipationsanteil von Strike Oil liegt bei 25%. Eine Infrastruktur ist vorhanden, so kann im Erfolgsfall das Gas  zügig vermarktet werden. Gleichzeitig muß hier ein Wort der Warnung mitschwingen. Strike Oil hat mit dem gleichen Partner (Cypress) in der jüngsten Vergangenheit einen großen Flop in der Region gelandet (McGall 200Bcf). So etwas ist sicherlich nicht vertrauensbildend.




20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentExploration- Rocky Mountains, Colorado

31.05.07 16:17
Exploration - Rocky Mountains, Colorado
Strike Oil has a joint venture with Australian listed companies, Comet Ridge and AJ Lucas Group, to pursue conventional oil and gas opportunities as well as coal seam gas projects in an Area of Mutual Interest (AMI) incorporating the States of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Utah, USA.

Strike Oil has an interest in leases covering approximately 11,000 acres (44.5 km2) over parts of four historic oil fields located on the Tow Creek anticline in Routt County, northern Colorado.

These historic oil fields and the adjacent acreage were targeted because the reservoir characteristics of the Niobrara Formation, particularly the fracturing, lend themselves ideally to directional (sub horizontal) drilling. The shales of the Niobrara Formation are recognized as one of the most prolific source rocks throughout the Rocky Mountains. About 100 million barrels of oil have been produced from mainly vertical wells. Production from individual wells has averaged less than 100,000 barrels but the application of new technology is expected to increase production rates significantly.

In addition to the oil potential in the Niobrara Formation, strong oil and gas shows have also been seen in deeper conventional reservoirs on the structure. These reservoirs offer excellent upside potential.

In August 2006, Strike Oil elected under the terms of the AMI, to participate in the 4678 acre leasehold acquisition over of part of the historic Florence oil field in Fremont County, southern Colorado.

The Florence field is the second oldest oil field in USA with the discovery well being drilled in 1862. Since its discovery the field has produced approximately 15 million barrels of oil from fractured intervals within the Cretaceous Pierre Shale.

All of the production to date has been from mostly vertical wells largely without the benefit of seismic data. The Joint Venture intends to apply 3D seismic to identify fractured areas within both the Pierre Shale and the underlying Niobrara Formation and then to use directional or horizontal drilling to maximize the number of fractures encountered in the well bore.

Why Strike Oil is exploring in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA.

  • proven onshore oil and gas province, lowers exploration risk;
  • low cost appraisal opportunities, means lower risk and more wells;
  • opportunity to apply new technology, provides large upside;
  • small discoveries (<0.5 Million barrels) can be economic, increases revenue;
  • short period between discovery and production (<60 days), accelerates cash flow;
  • long relationship with Operator’s personnel, provides confidence in ability;
  • opportunity to learn and transfer new technology, increases success elsewhere.
    Tow CreekColorado1-2 MMbbl37.5%Comet Ridge
    Bear River Colorado0.5-1.0 MMbbl33.75%Comet Ridge
    Florence Colorado1-2 MMbbl26%Comet Ridge

    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentExploration - Carnarvon Basin, Australia

    31.05.07 16:19
    Exploration - Carnarvon Basin, Australia
    The Carnarvon Basin is currently Australia’s most prolific oil and gas producing Basin. In 2005, 64% of Australia’s oil and 78% of its condensate were produced from this basin. The basin also produced 33% of the country’s domestic sales gas.

    The basin contains approximately 50 producing fields and about 30 undeveloped fields. Another 30 discoveries are held under Retention Leases. The developed gas fields range in size from less than 0.5 Tcf to over 10 Tcf while developed oil fields may be as small as 5 million barrels for close-in developments and greater than 100 million barrels for stand-alone developments.

    Strike Oil’s focus in the Carnarvon Basin is on oil. The company has a large acreage position in the shallow water area of the basin. The associated permits have been selected because of their favourable location with respect to oil migration. The permits contain sub-economic hydrocarbon discoveries (Chamois oil field, Rivoli gas field,) as well as a number of high quality oil prospects.

    Why Strike Oil is exploring in the Carnarvon Basin.

    • Australia´s most prolific oil and gas producing basin, lowers exploration risk;
    • significant oil and gas infrastructure, facilitates rapid development;
    • offshore drilling and development costs are amongst the lowest in Australia;
    • high quality acreage available in water depths suitable for the use of jack-up; rigs (less than 80 metres) and proven development technology;
    • high quality historic seismic and well data available, lowers costs and risk;technical and management staff with many years of first-hand experience, shortens learning curve.

    TP/6(1)WA100%STRIKENorth Santo-Grond5-100 MMbbl
    North Kura Kura20 MMbbl
    Hood16 MMbbl
    TP/17WA90%STRIKEWork in Progress-
    TP/18WA50%TAPWork in Progress-
    TP/19WA90%STRIKESharp Peak80 MMbbl
    Courtenay50 MMbbl
    EP 110WA40%STRIKEWork in Progress-
    EP 325WA44.5%STRIKEWork in Progress-
    EP 341WA10%TAPWork in Progress 
    EP 342WA100%STRIKEWork in Progress 
    EP 403(2)WA10%TAP- 
    EP 420WA50%TAPWork in Progress 
    EP 421WA90%STRIKEWork in Progress 
    EP 424WA40%STRIKEBaniyas60 MMbbl
    WA-261-PWA16.2%APACHEHestia20 MMbbl
    WA-340-PWA40%STRIKESherlock15 MMbbl
    Gidley40 MMbbl
    (1) Apache Energy has a 40% “back-in” option to the permit.
    (2) Relinquishment pending


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentExploration - Cooper-Eromanga Basin, Australia

    31.05.07 16:21
    Exploration - Cooper-Eromanga Basin, Australia
    The Cooper-Eromanga Basin has experienced resurgence in exploration since large areas previously held under long-term tenure were divided and released. Numerous small oil discoveries have been made both within the Cooper Basin and notably on the flanks of the basin within the Eromanga Basin sequence.

    The basins contain over 50 oil fields and 150 gas fields. In 2005, the basin produced 66% of Australia’s onshore oil, 93% of the condensate and 75% of the sales gas.

    Strike Oil’s permits flank the southern and western margins of the Cooper Basin. The assembled portfolio contains both permits with low risk, close in drilling opportunities (Gidgee, Mulapula) and permits with higher risk but greater reward prospects.

    Why Strike Oil is exploring in the Cooper-Eromanga Basin.

    • Australia´s most prolific onshore oil and gas producing basin, lowers exploration risk;
    • significant oil and gas infrastructure, lowers development costs;
    • small discoveries (<1 million barrels) can be economic, increases cash flow;
    • quality acreage available after many years of exclusion, provides missed opportunities;
    • large amount of historic seismic and well data available, lowers cost and risk, and
    • technical and management staff with first-hand experience, shortens learning curve.

    PELA 71(1)SA75%STRIKEMulapula1-5 MMbbl
    PELA 96(1)SA66.67%STRIKEWork in Progress-
    ATP-549PQLD5-11.5%EWIWork in Progress-
    ATP-633PQLD5-15%BEACHGidgee1-2 MMbbl
    Phi5-10 MMbbl
    Phi South3-5 MMbbl



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentExploration - Otway Basin, Australia

    31.05.07 16:22
    Exploration - Otway Basin, Australia
    Strike Oil’s wholly-owned subsidiary Kingston Energy Pty Ltd has exploration licences covering the Kingston and Lochaber coal deposits in the southeastern South Australia.

    These licences provide the rights to evaluate the Kingston and Lochaber coal deposits including the coal seam gas and in-seam gasification potential of the coals.

    Why Kingston Energy is evaluating the Kingston and Lochaber Lignite Deposits, Otway Basin.

    • growing demand for energy in southeastern Australia, provides new markets; 
    • very large potential resource, provides potentially large cash flow;
    • new “environmentally clean” technologies available and developing, provides acceptable means of developing to commercialising resource;
    • close to gas pipeline and electricity grid infrastructure, lowers development costs.

    PermitStateKingston Energy *
    PEL 127SA100%Kingston Energy*Work in Progress-
    EL 3385SA100%Kingston Energy*Kingston-
    EL 3623 SA100%Kingston Energy*Lochaber-
    * Wholly-owned subsidiary of Strike Oil


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentStrike Oil ist an vielen

    31.05.07 16:27
    aussichtsreichen Projekten beteiligt. Das Risiko ist gut gestreut, die Chancen enorm. Der große Durchbruch läßt noch auf sich warten -wie auch der Aktienkurs verrät-. Das Problem besteht in dem zu geringen Cash Flow der die laufenden Kosten (noch) nicht deckt.

    So nun würde ich gerne Meinungen hören.



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentOperations Update

    06.06.07 09:04

    ABN 59 078 012 745


    Level 9, Wesfarmers House

    40 The Esplanade

    Perth Western Australia 6000

    Phone: 61 8 6464 0400

    Facsimile: 61 8 6464 0401


    6 June 2007

    Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

    Via Electronic Lodgement


    Strike Oil announces the following update on activities in the USA.

    Gulf Coast, Texas

    Rayburn Prospect, Duncan 1 well, Wharton County

    (Strike Oil, 22.8% working interest*. Operator, Cypress E&P Corporation)

    The Duncan 1 is being drilled to test the Rayburn Prospect in Wharton County,


    At the time of reporting (5 May 2007, Texas time) the well was drilling ahead in the

    8 1/2 inch hole at a depth of 10,405 feet (3,171 metres). Progress during the week

    was hindered by approximately 80 hours of mechanical downtime while

    investigation and repairs were made to the rig’s top drive hydraulics system.

    The shallower objectives are expected to be penetrated during the next week if the

    current rate of penetration is maintained.

    Proposed total depth is 16,500 feet (5,030 metres).

    The Rayburn Prospect has potential for 500 billion cubic feet gas in the Wilcox

    Formation, including the same horizons currently producing at the Mesquite


    * Strike Oil has negotiated a small reduction in its Working Interest in this well and

    the area covered by the Rayburn Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) from 25% to

    22.8%, subject to required approvals under the JOA. This arrangement provides

    reimbursement of past costs, including leasing, seismic and the current drilling to

    the extent of the reduced 2.2% interest. This minor reduction in interest helps

    cover higher than anticipated costs experienced during recent drilling.


    Florence Project, Fremont County

    (Strike Oil, 39% working interest. Operator, Comet Ridge USA Inc.)

    Strike Oil has been advised by Comet Ridge that acquisition of the Florence 3D

    seismic survey is continuing with approximately 32% of the survey acquired. The

    survey is expected to be completed by the end of June.

    The survey is located approximately 2 miles east of the Mountain Petroleum

    Corporation’s West Florence 1 well which this week was reported to have run and

    set production casing to test a number of show intervals.

    For more information on the Florence 3D seismic survey and the Florence oil field

    refer to the attached ASX release made by Comet Ridge (ASX Code: COI) on 5

    June 2007.

    Strike Oil will make weekly Operations reports each Wednesday, unless otherwise

    warranted, while operations are in progress.

    Yours faithfully


    Technical Director - Strike Oil Limited

    Further information:

    Strike Oil Limited

    Jim Durrant – Technical Director

    T: 08 6464 0400


    Comet Ridge Limited

    ABN 47 106 092 577




    600 17

    th Street, Suite 600-S

    The Company Announcements Officer

    Australian Stock Exchange Limited Exchange Centre

    20 Bridge Street

    SYDNEY NSW 2000

    By Electronic Lodgement



    Acquisition of 8 sq mile 3D survey 32% complete

    Competitor well completed for testing of shows encountered during drilling

    The directors of Comet Ridge Limited

    32% of the 8 square mile three dimensional (3D) seismic survey being acquired over the Florence

    project in Fremont County, Colorado has been completed.

    The survey will cover a significant part of the old Florence oil field and overlaps a smaller survey

    shot by the Company’s US partners in 2004. The seismic data is expected to provide a critical

    sub-surface view of fracture patterns that control oil production in the Pierre and Niobrara

    Formations and will facilitate mapping of virtually undrilled deeper conventional reservoirs.

    (ASX Code: COI) are pleased to advise that approximately


    The Florence oil field was the second oil field discovered in the United States of America

    with the discovery well drilled in 1862. The field is located approximately 87 miles (140

    km) south of Denver and 25 miles (40 km) west of Pueblo (Figure 1). The oil field has produced

    approximately 15 MMBO in its 144 year history. As is typical of many fractured reservoir oil fields,

    there are a modest number of excellent producers with per well recoveries ranging from 100,000

    barrels to in excess of 550,000 barrels of oil and a lot of lower recovery wells and dry holes where

    few or no fractures were penetrated.

    Over 15 million barrels of oil have been produced from the fractured shales in the Pierre

    Formation at depths of less than 3,000 feet. The slightly deeper fractured shales of the Niobrara

    Formation, the same objective the Company is pursuing at its Tow Creek/Bear River project in

    northwestern Colorado, have been very lightly tested but have proven productive. Further

    untested potential exists in deeper conventional targets such as the Muddy Formation. The

    Muddy is the primary objective of the West Florence 1 well that was recently drilled by US based

    Mountain Petroleum Corporation, some 2 miles west of Comet Ridge’s acreage (figure 2). Casing

    is reported to have been set at 6,417 feet (1956m) with testing planned for a number of show

    intervals. The well was located to test a potentially significant gas accumulation (quoted as 100

    to 200 BCF) in the Muddy J Sandstone. A further 15 million barrels of oil potential is quoted for

    the shallower Pierre, Niobrara and Codell Formation reservoirs, the main targets for Comet

    Ridge’s program.



    5 JUNE 2007

    The advent of 3D seismic, directional drilling techniques and modern petrophysical logging

    technologies provides companies like Comet Ridge with a set of tools to apply to the redevelopment

    of these prolific mature oil fields. Evidence that such opportunities exist is provided

    by a vertical well – The Royal Gorge #1 well - drilled on a lease immediately adjacent to Comet

    Ridge’s position at Florence (Figure 2). The well (located using the small 3D seismic survey

    mentioned above) is consistently producing 100 barrels of oil per day from the Pierre Shale after

    producing 72,000 barrels over the past two years.

    Comet Ridge expects to be in the position to commence drilling on the Florence project later this


    Yours sincerely,


    Managing Director

    Comet Ridge Limited

    Figure 1 – Location of Florence Project

    Figure 2. Location Map showing Comet Ridge leasehold position over the Florence oil field, the

    planned 3D seismic survey, location of the Federal lease acquired in the May 10 BLM lease sale and

    the location of the Mountain Petroleum West Florence-1 well.

    Denver, Colorado 80202

    Phone: +1 (303) 226 1300

    Fax: +1 (303) 226 1301


    Level 9, Wesfarmers House

    40 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000

    Phone: 61 8 6464 0499

    Fax: 61 8 6464 0498


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentOptions

    08.06.07 08:08


    8 June 2007

    Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

    Via Electronic Lodgement


    We wish to advise the Company has today allotted 1,000,000 unlisted Special Package options pursuant to the Strike Oil Limited Employee Share Incentive Option Plan. The options expire on 1 June 2010 are exercisable at $0.40 and vest in two tranches – 50% one year from issue and 50% two years from issue.

    These options are issued to employees as part of their remuneration package and Directors and associates will not participate.

    We attach an Appendix 3B in respect of the above.

    Yours faithfully


    Technical Director

    Strike Oil Limited

    Jim Durrant – Technical Director

    T: 08 6464 0400


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement

    Rule 2.7, 3.10.3, 3.10.4, 3.10.5

    Appendix 3B

    New issue announcement,

    application for quotation of additional securities

    and agreement

    Information or documents not available now must be given to ASX as soon as available. Information and documents given to ASX become ASX’s property and may be made public.

    Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 5. Amended 1/7/98, 1/9/99, 1/7/2000, 30/9/2001, 11/3/2002, 1/1/2003.


    Name of entity

    Strike Oil Limited


    59 078 012 745

    We (the entity) give ASX the following information.

    You must complete the relevant sections (attach sheets if there is not enough space).




    Class of +securities issued or to be issued

    Unlisted Options


    Number of

    +securities issued or to be issued (if known) or maximum number which may be issued



    Principal terms of the

    +securities (eg, if options, exercise price and expiry date; if partly paid +securities, the amount outstanding and due dates for payment; if +convertible securities, the conversion price and dates for conversion)

    Exercisable at $0.40 and expiring 1 June 2010.

    Vest in two tranches:-

    50% on 1 June 2008

    50% on 1 June 2009

    Appendix 3B New issue announcement



    Do the

    1. If the additional securities do not rank equally, please state:
    2. • the date from which they do
    3. • the extent to which they participate for the next dividend, (in the case of a trust, distribution) or interest payment
    +securities rank equally in all respects from the date of allotment with an existing +class of quoted +securities?

    the extent to which they do not rank equally, other than in relation to the next dividend, distribution or interest payment


    Issue price or consideration


    Purpose of the issue

    (If issued as consideration for the acquisition of assets, clearly identify those assets)


    Dates of entering

    +securities into uncertificated holdings or despatch of certificates



    Number and

    +class of all +securities quoted on ASX (including the securities in clause 2 if applicable)







    Number and

    +class of all +securities not quoted on ASX (including the securities in clause 2 if applicable)















    3 cents }

    8 cents }

    23 cents}Expire 2/08/2007

    33 cents}

    38 cents}

    30 cents - Expire 24/08/2007

    20 cents - Expire 9/06/2008

    16 cents - Expire 23/6/09

    20 cents - Expire 15/11/2008

    35 cents - Expire 31/12/08

    40 cents - Expire 10/3/09

    40 cents - Expire 8/11/09

    40 cents - Expire 1/6/10


    Dividend policy (in the case of a trust, distribution policy) on the increased capital (interests)



    Dividends not yet paid

    Part 2 - Bonus issue or pro rata issue





    Is security holder approval required?


    Is the issue renounceable or non-renounceable?


    Ratio in which the

    +securities will be offered



    Class of +securities to which the offer relates



    Record date to determine entitlements


    Will holdings on different registers (or subregisters) be aggregated for calculating entitlements?


    Policy for deciding entitlements in relation to fractions


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement



    Names of countries in which the entity has

    +security holders who will not be sent new issue documents

    Note: Security holders must be told how their entitlements are to be dealt with.

    Cross reference: rule 7.7.


    Closing date for receipt of acceptances or renunciations


    Names of any underwriters


    Amount of any underwriting fee or commission


    Names of any brokers to the issue


    Fee or commission payable to the broker to the issue


    Amount of any handling fee payable to brokers who lodge acceptances or renunciations on behalf of

    +security holders


    If the issue is contingent on

    +security holders’ approval, the date of the meeting


    Date entitlement and acceptance form and prospectus or Product Disclosure Statement will be sent to persons entitled


    If the entity has issued options, and the terms entitle option holders to participate on exercise, the date on which notices will be sent to option holders


    Date rights trading will begin (if applicable)


    Date rights trading will end (if applicable)


    How do

    +security holders sell their entitlements in full through a broker?


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement



    How do

    +security holders sell part of their entitlements through a broker and accept for the balance?


    How do

    +security holders dispose of their entitlements (except by sale through a broker)?



    Despatch date




    Type of securities


    tick one)


    Securities described in Part 1




    All other securities



    Entities that have ticked box 34(a)

    Additional securities forming a new class of securities



    Tick to indicate you are providing the information or documents




    If the

    1 - 1,000

    1,001 - 5,000

    5,001 - 10,000

    10,001 - 100,000

    +securities are +equity securities, a distribution schedule of the additional +securities setting out the number of holders in the categories


    If the +securities are +equity securities, the names of the 20 largest holders of the additional +securities, and the number and percentage of additional +securities held by those holders+securities


    100,001 and over

    A copy of any trust deed for the additional

    Appendix 3B New issue announcement

    Entities that have ticked box 34(b)



    Number of securities for which

    +quotation is sought


    Class of

    +securities for which quotation is sought


    Do the

    1. If the additional securities do not rank equally, please state:
    2. • the date from which they do
    3. • the extent to which they participate for the next dividend, (in the case of a trust, distribution) or interest payment
    +securities rank equally in all respects from the date of allotment with an existing +class of quoted +securities?

    the extent to which they do not rank equally, other than in relation to the next dividend, distribution or interest payment


    Reason for request for quotation now

    Example: In the case of restricted securities, end of restriction period

    (if issued upon conversion of another security, clearly identify that other security)



    Number and

    +class of all +securities quoted on ASX (including the securities in clause 38)


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement


    2 We warrant the following to ASX.

    • The issue of the

    • There is no reason why those

    • An offer of the +securities for sale within 12 months after their issue will not require disclosure under section 707(3) or section 1012C(6) of the Corporations Act.

    +Quotation of our additional +securities is in ASX’s absolute discretion. ASX may quote the +securities on any conditions it decides.+securities to be quoted complies with the law and is not for an illegal purpose.+securities should not be granted +quotation.

    Note: An entity may need to obtain appropriate warranties from subscribers for the securities in order to be able to give this warranty

    • Section 724 or section 1016E of the Corporations Act does not apply to any applications received by us in relation to any

    • We warrant that if confirmation is required under section 1017F of the Corporations Act in relation to the

    • If we are a trust, we warrant that no person has the right to return the

    +securities to be quoted and that no-one has any right to return any +securities to be quoted under sections 737, 738 or 1016F of the Corporations Act at the time that we request that the +securities be quoted.+securities to be quoted, it has been provided at the time that we request that the +securities be quoted.+securities to be quoted under section 1019B of the Corporations Act at the time that we request that the +securities be quoted.+quotation of the +securities begins. We acknowledge that ASX is relying on the information and documents. We warrant that they are (will be) true and complete.


    Quotation agreement


    3 We will indemnify ASX to the fullest extent permitted by law in respect of any claim, action or expense arising from or connected with any breach of the warranties in this agreement.

    4 We give ASX the information and documents required by this form. If any information or document not available now, will give it to ASX before

    Sign here:………….…..…......................................... Date:. 8 June 2007

    (Company secretary)

    Print name: .............Gillian Swaby............................................


    Example: restricted securities at the end of the escrowed period, partly paid securities that become fully paid, employee incentive share securities when restriction ends, securities issued on expiry or conversion of convertible securities

    Part 3 - Quotation of securities

    You need only complete this section if you are applying for quotation of securities



    Pursuant to Strike Oil Limited Employee Share Incentive Option Plan

    1 June 2007


    Fully Paid Shares


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement

    Part 1 - All issues

    Further information:


    ABN 59 078 012 745 STRIKE OIL LIMITED Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth Western Australia 6000 Phone: 61 8 6464 0400 Facsimile: 61 8 6464 0401 Email:


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperations update

    13.06.07 08:36

    ABN 59 078 012 745 STRIKE OIL LIMITED Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth Western Australia 6000 Phone: 61 8 6464 0400 Facsimile: 61 8 6464 0401 Email:

    13 June 2007

    Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

    Via Electronic Lodgement


    Strike Oil announces the following update on activities in the USA.

    Gulf Coast, Texas

    Rayburn Prospect, Duncan 1 well, Wharton County

    (Strike Oil: 22.8% working interest. Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)

    The Duncan 1 well is being drilled to test the Rayburn Prospect in Wharton County, Texas.

    At the time of reporting (12 June 2007, Texas time) the well has reached casing point at 12,650 feet (3,856 metres) and preparing to run wireline logs over the open hole section, prior to setting casing and drilling ahead into the deeper Wilcox targets.

    High gas readings were recorded whilst drilling the shallower Wilcox objectives. The significance of the shows will be further evaluated by the wireline logging, and if warranted, by flow testing after the well has reached total depth.

    Proposed total depth is 16,500 feet (5,030 metres).

    The Rayburn Prospect has potential for 500 billion cubic feet gas in the Wilcox Formation, including the same horizons currently producing at the Mesquite Prospect.


    Florence Project, Fremont County

    (Strike Oil: 39% working interest. Operator: Comet Ridge USA Inc.)

    Strike Oil has been advised by Comet Ridge that acquisition of the Florence 3D seismic survey is continuing with approximately 45% of the survey acquired. The survey is expected to be completed by the end of June.


    Strike Oil will make weekly Operations reports each Wednesday, unless otherwise warranted, while operations are in progress.

    Yours faithfully


    Technical Director - Strike Oil Limited

    Further information:

    Strike Oil Limited

    Jim Durrant – Technical Director

    T: 08 6464 0400



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentHaben wir hier den Durchbruch für Strike Oil?

    13.06.07 09:08

    The Duncan 1 well is being drilled to test the Rayburn Prospect in Wharton County, Texas.

    At the time of reporting (12 June 2007, Texas time) the well has reached casing point at 12,650 feet (3,856 metres) and preparing to run wireline logs over the open hole section, prior to setting casing and drilling ahead into the deeper Wilcox targets.


    High gas readings were recorded whilst drilling the shallower Wilcox objectives. The significance of the shows will be further evaluated by the wireline logging, and if warranted, by flow testing after the well has reached total depth.


    Proposed total depth is 16,500 feet (5,030 metres).


    The Rayburn Prospect has potential for 500 billion cubic feet gas in the Wilcox Formation, including the same horizons currently producing at the Mesquite Prospect.

    Es ist noch zu früh diese Frage zu beantworten. Bei der letzten Bohrung in der gleichen Formation mit dem gleichen Partner (Cypress) waren wir ebenfalls sehr nahe am Erfolg. Schlußendlich ist dann kein Gas in einer förderungswürdigen Menge gefunden worden.

    Börse lebt von Fantasie und Hoffnung, von Träumen und Eventualitäten so will ich einmal den Blick in dieses Reich schweifen lassen.

    Mögliche Menge an Gas 500 billion cubic feet

    Strike Oil hat einen Anteil von 22,8%, entsprechend 114 billion cubic feet

    Die Infrastruktur zu Förderung und schnellen Vermarktung ist vorhanden

    Die Kosten der Förderung sind relativ gering

    Die Marktkapitalisierung von Strike Oil liegt bei 311.824.221 Aktien X0,23 AUD/Aktie =71,72 Mio. AUD.

    Wie gesagt, zunächst ist dies alles nur Tagträumerei. Wie sich der Aktienkurs im Falle eines Erfolges nach oben katapultiert kann sich jeder selber ausmalen.




    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentGutes Handelsvolumen an der

    15.06.07 09:31
    Heimatbörse. Es kann einfach nur im Zusammenhang mit den anziehenden Energiepreisen stehen. Möglich wäre aber auch ein kleiner Hoffnungsaufschlag auf einen Bohrerfolg in den kommenden Wochen.
    Wie ich in Posting 12 dargelget habe wär ein Bohrerfolg der Durchbruch für Strike Oil.
    Ich kaufe -obwohl berechtigte Hoffnungen auf einen Erfolg bestehen- zunächst nicht mehr nach. Ich habe die ersten Positionen in Deutschland geordert. Ein Nachkauf erfolgte dann -aufgrund des geringen Handelsvolumens in D- an der Heimatbörse.
    Nun warte ich zunächst die kommenden Mittwoch mit dem wöchentlichen "Operations Update" ab bevor ich mich bezüglich einer Positionsveränderung entscheide.



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperatins update

    18.06.07 07:12

    ABN 59 078 012 745 STRIKE OIL LIMITED Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth Western Australia 6000 Phone: 61 8 6464 0400 Facsimile: 61 8 6464 0401 Email:

    18 June 2007

    Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

    Via Electronic Lodgement



    Strike Oil is pleased to announce the following update on US drilling activity.

    Gulf Coast, Texas

    Rayburn Prospect, Duncan 1 well, Wharton County

    (Strike Oil: 22.8% working interest. Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)

    The Duncan 1 well is being drilled to test the Rayburn Prospect in Wharton County, Texas.

    At the time of reporting (17 June 2007, Texas time) the well has reached casing point at 12,650 feet (3,856 metres), has completed running wireline logs over the open hole section and is currently setting casing in preparation to drill ahead into the deeper Wilcox targets.

    Wireline logging over the shallower Wilcox interval, which exhibited the high gas readings (reported on 13 June), has indicated the presence of gas pay. The commercial significance of this potential pay zone will be further evaluated by flow testing after the well has reached total depth at around 16,500 feet (5,030 metres).

    The results of the drilling so far are consistent with our expectations and are encouraging for the deeper targets where the largest gas potential resides.

    The Rayburn Prospect, including all prospective pay zones, has upside potential for up to 500 billion cubic feet gas in the Wilcox Formation, including the same horizons currently producing at the Mesquite Prospect.


    Strike Oil will resume weekly Operations reports each Wednesday, unless otherwise warranted, while operations are in progress.

    Yours faithfully


    Technical Director - Strike Oil Limited

    Further information:

    Strike Oil Limited

    Jim Durrant – Technical Director

    T: 08 6464 0400



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentAktienkurs heute an der ASX

    18.06.07 07:42

    Endlich kommt wieder ein wenig Leben auf. Der Kurs legt bei guten Handelsvolumen ordentlich zu. In Posting 12 habe ich meine Sicht der Chancen und Risiken für Strike Oil dargelegt. Der Wert eignet sich nur als spekulative Beimischung im Depot.


    Code Last$ +/-BidOfferOpenHighLowVolumeOptionsWarrantsChartStatusAnnouncements
    STX *0.2600.0200.2550.2600.2450.2650.2452,921,373OptionsWarrants Recent


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentzu Duncan1 aus Posting 12

    18.06.07 15:50

    Mögliche Menge an Gas 500 billion cubic feet

    Strike Oil hat einen Anteil von 22,8%, entsprechend 114 billion cubic feet

    Die Infrastruktur zu Förderung und schnellen Vermarktung ist vorhanden


    Die Kosten der Förderung sind relativ gering


    Die Marktkapitalisierung von Strike Oil liegt bei 311.824.221 Aktien X0,23 AUD/Aktie =71,72 Mio. AUD.

    Bei der möglichen Chance auf enorme Kursgewinne möchte ich nochmals auf die bestehenden Risiken hinweisen. Ein Erfolg der Bohrungen wäre der Durchbruch für Strike Oil. Aktienkurse von 1 bis 1,50AUD wären sehr schnell realisierbar. Zu beginn der Bohrungen wurden die Chancen auf einen positiven Ausgang von Strike Oil mit 30% angegeben. Nach dem erfolgreichen Beginn dürften die Chancen nunmehr bei 50% liegen. Ein Misserfolg würde die Aktien von Strike Oil zunächt wieder stark unter Druck bringen. Die Finanzierung ist zunächst zwar gesichert, weitere Kapitalerhöhungen sollten dann jedoch schnell erfolgen um die weiteren -in den ersten Postings- beschriebenen Projekte zu finanzieren. Der derzeitige Chash Flow reicht nicht zur Finanzierung.

    Somit sollte sich jeder der sich mit Strike Oil auseinandersetzt des Risikos bewußt sein. Ich würde mich freuen wenn sich einige USER einmal mit dem Unternehmen beschäftigen würden.

    Immerhin stehen die Chancen auf einen überdurchschnittlichen Gewinn gut.

    Ich wünsche viel Vergnügen bei der Lektüre des Strike Oil Thread.



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentDas Vertrauen der Anleger in einen

    19.06.07 06:50
    echten Erfolg scheint nicht besonders groß zu sein. Ohne neue Nachrichten geht es wieder Richtung Süden. Morgen kommt das wöchentliche Operations Update. Somit heißt es weiter Abwarten.


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentweekly operations update

    20.06.07 07:11

    ABN 59 078 012 745 STRIKE OIL LIMITED Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth Western Australia 6000 Phone: 61 8 6464 0400 Facsimile: 61 8 6464 0401 Email:

    20 June 2007

    Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

    Via Electronic Lodgement


    Strike Oil announces the following update on activities in the USA.

    Gulf Coast, Texas

    Rayburn Prospect, Duncan 1 well, Wharton County

    (Strike Oil: 22.8% working interest. Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)

    The Duncan 1 well is being drilled to test the Rayburn Prospect in Wharton County, Texas.

    At the time of reporting (19 June 2007, Texas time) the 7 5/8 inch casing liner had been set between 8,119-12,650 feet (2,475-3,856 metres) and preparations were being made to test the integrity of the casing before commencing the drilling of the 6 1/2 inch hole through the deeper and potentially larger Wilcox objectives.

    The commercial significance of the previously reported (18 June 2007) potential pay zone which is now behind casing, will be evaluated by flow testing after the well has reached total depth at around 16,500 feet (5,030 metres).

    The Rayburn Prospect has potential for 500 billion cubic feet gas in the Wilcox Formation, including the same horizons currently producing at the Mesquite Prospect.


    Florence Project, Fremont County

    (Strike Oil: 39% working interest. Operator: Comet Ridge USA Inc.)

    Strike Oil has been advised by Comet Ridge that acquisition of the Florence 3D seismic survey is continuing with approximately 60% of the survey acquired. The survey is expected to be completed by the end of June.


    Strike Oil will make weekly Operations reports each Wednesday, unless otherwise warranted, while operations are in progress.

    Yours faithfully,


    Managing Director - Strike Oil Limited

    Further information:

    Strike Oil Limited

    Simon Ashton – Managing Director

    T: 08 6464 0400



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentDie Ausgangslage für einen Bohrerfolg ist

    20.06.07 15:07
    denkbar gut. Der Markt honoriert dieses Chance bisher in keinster Weise. In früheren Postings habe ich bereits auf die -gebrannte Kind- Psyche der Anleger hinsichtlich der verpassten Chance (McGall) in der gleichen Formation mit dem gleichen Partner hingewiesen.
    Nach meiner Ansicht ist das Chance Risikoverhältnis außerordentlich gut, somit werde ich meine bestehende Postion an der Heimatbörse ein wenig ausbauen.



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentDas Interesse an Strike Oil steigt an der ASX

    22.06.07 09:39
    wieder an, das Handelsvolumen ist ordentlich -wohl in Erwartung der Narichten am kommenden Mittwoch- mein letzter Zukauf war somit zunächst positiv.

    Warten wir ab


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentMitarbeiteroptionen

    22.06.07 11:55


    22 June 2007

    Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

    Via Electronic Lodgement


    We wish to advise the Company has today allotted 50,000 unlisted Incentive Package options pursuant to the Strike Oil Limited Employee Share Incentive Option Plan. The options expire on 22 June 2010 are exercisable at $0.40 and vest in two tranches – 50% one year from issue and 50% two years from issue.

    These options are issued to employees as part of their remuneration package and Directors and associates will not participate.

    We attach an Appendix 3B in respect of the above.

    Yours faithfully


    Managing Director

    Strike Oil Limited

    Simon Ashton - Managing Director

    T: 08 6464 0400


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement

    Rule 2.7, 3.10.3, 3.10.4, 3.10.5

    Appendix 3B

    New issue announcement,

    application for quotation of additional securities

    and agreement

    Information or documents not available now must be given to ASX as soon as available. Information and documents given to ASX become ASX’s property and may be made public.

    Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 5. Amended 1/7/98, 1/9/99, 1/7/2000, 30/9/2001, 11/3/2002, 1/1/2003.


    Name of entity

    Strike Oil Limited


    59 078 012 745

    We (the entity) give ASX the following information.

    You must complete the relevant sections (attach sheets if there is not enough space).




    Class of +securities issued or to be issued

    Unlisted Options


    Number of

    +securities issued or to be issued (if known) or maximum number which may be issued



    Principal terms of the

    +securities (eg, if options, exercise price and expiry date; if partly paid +securities, the amount outstanding and due dates for payment; if +convertible securities, the conversion price and dates for conversion)

    Exercisable at $0.40 and expiring 22 June 2010.

    Vest in two tranches:-

    50% on 22 June 2008

    50% on 22 June 2009

    Appendix 3B New issue announcement



    Do the

    1. If the additional securities do not rank equally, please state:
    2. • the date from which they do
    3. • the extent to which they participate for the next dividend, (in the case of a trust, distribution) or interest payment
    +securities rank equally in all respects from the date of allotment with an existing +class of quoted +securities?

    the extent to which they do not rank equally, other than in relation to the next dividend, distribution or interest payment


    Issue price or consideration


    Purpose of the issue

    (If issued as consideration for the acquisition of assets, clearly identify those assets)


    Dates of entering

    +securities into uncertificated holdings or despatch of certificates



    Number and

    +class of all +securities quoted on ASX (including the securities in clause 2 if applicable)







    Number and

    +class of all +securities not quoted on ASX (including the securities in clause 2 if applicable)
















    3 cents }

    8 cents }

    23 cents}Expire 2/08/2007

    33 cents}

    38 cents}

    30 cents - Expire 24/08/2007

    20 cents - Expire 9/06/2008

    16 cents - Expire 23/6/09

    20 cents - Expire 15/11/2008

    35 cents - Expire 31/12/08

    40 cents - Expire 10/3/09

    40 cents - Expire 8/11/09

    40 cents - Expire 1/6/10

    40 cents - Expire 22/6/10


    Dividend policy (in the case of a trust, distribution policy) on the increased capital (interests)



    Dividends not yet paid

    Part 2 - Bonus issue or pro rata issue





    Is security holder approval required?


    Is the issue renounceable or non-renounceable?


    Ratio in which the

    +securities will be offered



    Class of +securities to which the offer relates



    Record date to determine entitlements


    Will holdings on different registers (or subregisters) be aggregated for calculating entitlements?


    Policy for deciding entitlements in relation to fractions


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement



    Names of countries in which the entity has

    +security holders who will not be sent new issue documents

    Note: Security holders must be told how their entitlements are to be dealt with.

    Cross reference: rule 7.7.


    Closing date for receipt of acceptances or renunciations


    Names of any underwriters


    Amount of any underwriting fee or commission


    Names of any brokers to the issue


    Fee or commission payable to the broker to the issue


    Amount of any handling fee payable to brokers who lodge acceptances or renunciations on behalf of

    +security holders


    If the issue is contingent on

    +security holders’ approval, the date of the meeting


    Date entitlement and acceptance form and prospectus or Product Disclosure Statement will be sent to persons entitled


    If the entity has issued options, and the terms entitle option holders to participate on exercise, the date on which notices will be sent to option holders


    Date rights trading will begin (if applicable)


    Date rights trading will end (if applicable)


    How do

    +security holders sell their entitlements in full through a broker?


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement



    How do

    +security holders sell part of their entitlements through a broker and accept for the balance?


    How do

    +security holders dispose of their entitlements (except by sale through a broker)?



    Despatch date




    Type of securities


    tick one)


    Securities described in Part 1




    All other securities



    Entities that have ticked box 34(a)

    Additional securities forming a new class of securities



    Tick to indicate you are providing the information or documents




    If the

    1 - 1,000

    1,001 - 5,000

    5,001 - 10,000

    10,001 - 100,000

    +securities are +equity securities, a distribution schedule of the additional +securities setting out the number of holders in the categories


    If the +securities are +equity securities, the names of the 20 largest holders of the additional +securities, and the number and percentage of additional +securities held by those holders+securities


    100,001 and over

    A copy of any trust deed for the additional

    Appendix 3B New issue announcement

    Entities that have ticked box 34(b)



    Number of securities for which

    +quotation is sought


    Class of

    +securities for which quotation is sought


    Do the

    1. If the additional securities do not rank equally, please state:
    2. • the date from which they do
    3. • the extent to which they participate for the next dividend, (in the case of a trust, distribution) or interest payment
    +securities rank equally in all respects from the date of allotment with an existing +class of quoted +securities?

    the extent to which they do not rank equally, other than in relation to the next dividend, distribution or interest payment


    Reason for request for quotation now

    Example: In the case of restricted securities, end of restriction period

    (if issued upon conversion of another security, clearly identify that other security)



    Number and

    +class of all +securities quoted on ASX (including the securities in clause 38)


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement


    2 We warrant the following to ASX.

    • The issue of the

    • There is no reason why those

    • An offer of the +securities for sale within 12 months after their issue will not require disclosure under section 707(3) or section 1012C(6) of the Corporations Act.

    +Quotation of our additional +securities is in ASX’s absolute discretion. ASX may quote the +securities on any conditions it decides.+securities to be quoted complies with the law and is not for an illegal purpose.+securities should not be granted +quotation.

    Note: An entity may need to obtain appropriate warranties from subscribers for the securities in order to be able to give this warranty

    • Section 724 or section 1016E of the Corporations Act does not apply to any applications received by us in relation to any

    • We warrant that if confirmation is required under section 1017F of the Corporations Act in relation to the

    • If we are a trust, we warrant that no person has the right to return the

    +securities to be quoted and that no-one has any right to return any +securities to be quoted under sections 737, 738 or 1016F of the Corporations Act at the time that we request that the +securities be quoted.+securities to be quoted, it has been provided at the time that we request that the +securities be quoted.+securities to be quoted under section 1019B of the Corporations Act at the time that we request that the +securities be quoted.+quotation of the +securities begins. We acknowledge that ASX is relying on the information and documents. We warrant that they are (will be) true and complete.


    Quotation agreement


    3 We will indemnify ASX to the fullest extent permitted by law in respect of any claim, action or expense arising from or connected with any breach of the warranties in this agreement.

    4 We give ASX the information and documents required by this form. If any information or document not available now, will give it to ASX before

    Sign here:………….…..…......................................... Date:. 22 June 2007

    (Company secretary)

    Print name: .............Gillian Swaby............................................


    Example: restricted securities at the end of the escrowed period, partly paid securities that become fully paid, employee incentive share securities when restriction ends, securities issued on expiry or conversion of convertible securities

    Part 3 - Quotation of securities

    You need only complete this section if you are applying for quotation of securities



    Pursuant to Strike Oil Limited Employee Share Incentive Option Plan

    22 June 2007


    Fully Paid Shares


    Appendix 3B New issue announcement

    Part 1 - All issues

    Further information:


    ABN 59 078 012 745 STRIKE OIL LIMITED Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth Western Australia 6000 Phone: 61 8 6464 0400 Facsimile: 61 8 6464 0401 Email:


    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentHier läuft die Produktion bereits

    24.06.07 13:33
    Production - Gulf Coast, Texas
    The Mesquite project in Jackson County, Texas produces from 4 wells which were completed in the Wilcox Formation between January and July 2006. Strike Oil has a 26.25% working interest in the project. Its Net Revenue Interest is approximately 20%.

    During 2006, Strike Oil acquired, as part of its exploration leasing programme, approximately 10% working interest in the West Bernard Unit in Wharton County, Texas. The 4 wells in the unit produce from the Cook Mountain, Frio and Miocene formations at low rates.



    20752 Postings, 7539 Tage permanentoperations update

    27.06.07 07:48

    ABN 59 078 012 745 STRIKE OIL LIMITED Level 9, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth Western Australia 6000 Phone: 61 8 6464 0400 Facsimile: 61 8 6464 0401 Email:

    27 June 2007

    Australian Stock Exchange Ltd

    Via Electronic Lodgement


    Strike Oil announces the following update on activities in the USA.

    Gulf Coast, Texas

    Rayburn Prospect, Duncan 1 well, Wharton County

    (Strike Oil: 22.8% working interest. Operator: Cypress E&P Corporation)

    The Duncan 1 well is being drilled to test the Rayburn Prospect in Wharton County, Texas.

    At the time of reporting (20 June 2007, Texas time) the well was at a depth of 13,213 feet (4,027 metres) where fishing operations have successfully recovered a parted drill string. Current activity is running back into the 6 1/2 inch hole to recommence drilling through the deep Wilcox objectives.

    Proposed total depth is 16,500 feet (5,030 metres).

    The Rayburn Prospect has potential for 500 billion cubic feet gas in the Wilcox Formation, including the same horizons currently producing at the Mesquite Prospect.


    Florence Project, Fremont County

    (Strike Oil: 39% working interest. Operator: Comet Ridge USA Inc.)

    Strike Oil has been advised by Comet Ridge that acquisition of the Florence 3D seismic survey is continuing with approximately 75% of the survey acquired.


    Strike Oil will make weekly Operations reports each Wednesday, unless otherwise warranted, while operations are in progress.

    Yours faithfully,


    Managing Director - Strike Oil Limited

    Further information:

    Strike Oil Limited

    Simon Ashton – Managing Director

    T: 08 6464 0400



    5531 Postings, 8826 Tage DerYetiis ja ganz spannend, der

    29.06.07 10:38
    wert...leider in ffm (noch) so gut wie keine umsätze...  

    103 Postings, 6955 Tage eifel77Das ändert sich aber rasend schnell....

    29.06.07 11:17
    wenn interessante Updates gemeldet werden. Siehe Verlauf 2006.  

    Seite: <
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