Sirius XM Radio NEWS
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Sirius XM Available on iPhone: The Wait Is Over
by: Brandon Matthews April 02, 2009 | about stocks: AAPL / SIRI
Brandon Matthews
Allow me to again challenge the pessimistic views of the contingent that has formed, aligning itself against Sirius XM (SIRI) regarding free web based applications. Sirius XM will always win out due to its content and subscription business model. The Internet offers very little in the way of real competition and there is nothing on the horizon that remotely changes that.
No matter how hard you look, you will not find the NFL, NHL, NBA, PGA, MLB, NASCAR, Premier League Soccer or the National Lacrosse League on Slacker. No where on Pandora will a user find CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, Fox News, Bloomberg, the BBC or proprietary channels such as P.O.T.U.S. (Politics Of The United States) and emergency traffic and weather. No free Internet streaming method will afford the user access to Howard Stern, Oprah Winfrey, Chris “Mad Dog” Russo, Martha Stewart nor the array of stars on Sirius XM’s comedy channels.
The preceding factors are the reasons that Sirius XM subscribers and investors are excited about Sirius XM’s soon to be released iPhone and iPod applications (AAPL). For iPhone users, the wait has ended.
News broke late Tuesday night that there is now an application that allows Sirius XM to stream through the iPhone. Honestly, at first I thought it could be an April Fools joke, however iPhone users across the internet yesterday were reporting that it is in fact working. Credit was given to Todd of Nicemac for providing the information.
A couple days ago I surmised that Sirius might be working with Nicemac on such applications. The news broke Tuesday night and yesterday morning, Sirius XM began running ads that target iPhone users. While listening to CNBC on Sirius, Sirius ran a commercial for LogMeIn, an iPhone application that allows the user to log into their home or office computer.
Disclosure: Author holds a long position in SIRI, no position in AAPL…
genieße sie mit etwas vorsicht, wer schreibt schon pr news in großbuchstaben und mit einem derartigen abschluss
fakt bleibt, sie wollen sie scheinbar unbedingt über 1 usd halten
und die vorgezogenen zahlen sind sicher taktisch gut bedacht
bin zwar noch sideline, aber vorzeichen auch technisch scheinen sehr grün zu sein
da bin ich mal sehr neugierig, was uns die mit den zahlen servieren
sollte man nicht ausser acht lassen
für mich meinte ich schon mal ich habe respekt vor den zahlen, es ist sehr viel eingepreist
Monday, 01 March 2010 10:05
Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei has confirmed that Worldspace, which Liberty is in the process of acquiring from bankruptcy, will go global.
Mr Maffei told analysts that Worldspace has L-band spectrum access worldwide [not quite true] and that Liberty was looking to develop the now somewhat lapsed Worldspace assets.
His comments must be read in close conjunction with those of Sirius-XM, in which Liberty holds a 40% stake. Last week Sirius-XM said: “We have entered into a letter of intent with a Mexican company, ACIR DARS Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V., to pursue a license to offer satellite radio in Mexico. ACIR DARS Mexico has filed an application for a license to offer satellite radio with the Mexican government. The letter of intent contemplates us receiving a royalty from ACIR DARS Mexico as well as an option to acquire an equity interest in such Mexican business.”
The ‘not quite true’ statement concerns the UK, where Qualcomm has the L-Band terrestrial frequency rights.
An SEC ‘annual report’ filing made Feb 25 by Sirius-XM also talks of Sirius-XM’s long-held relationship with Worldspace, in particular a Technology Licensing Agreement dated January 1 1998 (and amended six months later). A key – but telling – phrase says bluntly: “Other regions. We are in discussions with various parties regarding possible joint ventures in other countries.”
It is also worth remembering how all-embracing Sirius-XM is in North America, and how these vehicle brands are just as well known outside its current operating region. “We have agreements with every major automaker — Acura/Honda, Aston Martin, Audi, Automobili Lamborghini, Bentley, BMW, Chrysler, Dodge, Ferrari, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti/Nissan, Jaguar, Jeep, Kia, Land Rover, Lincoln, Lexus, Toyota, Scion, Subaru, Maybach, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mercury, MINI, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, Volvo and Volkswagen — to offer either SIRIUS or XM satellite radios as factory or dealer-installed equipment in their vehicles. As of December 31, 2009, satellite radios were available as a factory or dealer-installed option in substantially all vehicle models sold in the United States,” says the SEC filing made by Sirius-XM.
As far as Worldspace itself is concerned there will be a hearing this coming Friday in a Delaware courtroom regarding the closing stages of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
© Rapid TV News 2010
hier ist noch lange nicht schluss.............und wo ist mein letztes Posting ?
Ansonsten wird Sirius einen Reverse Split vollziehen was nicht unbedingt von Nachteil ist... (allerdings umgangen werden möchte)
Meine Theorie ist folgende...
Am Dienstag nächste Woche 09.3. werden die 4 Quartalszahlen von 2009 veröffentlicht!
Vermutlich wird die Aktie bis Ende der Woche und Anfang nächster Woche hochgepokert, weil alle darauf spekulieren, dass die Aussage von Sirius über die Neukundengewinnung und den positiven CashFlow bestätigt wird.
D.H. ab Freitag wird der Dollar (1,02 $) erreicht sein und bis Dienstag anhalten. Dann werden die Quartalzahlen veröffentlicht und siehe da, die Aussage wird bestätigt.
D.H. die Aktie wird wieder einen neuen Höchsstand erreichen.
Sollte der Fall eintreffen das die Aussage falsch war, wird die Aktie an diesem Tag endlos fallen. Dann muss man sich ernsthaft überlegen ob man diese Aktie weiterhin behalten möchte. Das Bedeutet nämlich, dass die Falschaussage vom CEO nicht dementiert wurde... Und jeder der eine AG analysiert, weiss wie wichtig ein ehrlicher und verlässlicher CEO in einem Unternehmen ist... Ich sag nur früherer Addidas Chef der dann als Geschäftsführer zu eco Flora wechselte... Dann kann man gleich einem Spielsüchtigen sein erspartes geben...!!!
Sirius XM Will Likely Not Have to Execute Reverse Split by: Satwaves February 08, 2010 It appears that Sirius XM Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) CEO Mel Karmazin has pulled off another deal of the decade, and Sirius XM will not be required to execute its shareholder approved reverse split. Satwaves has learned that the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 29, 2010 has approved a Nasdaq motion to extend compliance periods for listed companies that fall below its minimum bid standard, up to 360 days beyond the initial 180 day notice. The newly adopted regulation now provides a maximum 18 month period for select companies to regain compliance. On August 17, 2009, The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 19b-4 thereunder, a proposed rule change to modify the length of certain compliance periods in Nasdaq’s continued listing requirements and to modify the time available for a company to provide a plan to regain compliance with certain listing requirements. The proposed rule change was published for comment in the Federal Register on September 8, 2009. The Commission received three comment letters on the proposal. On December 28, 2009 the Exchange filed a response to the comment letter. This order approves the proposed rule change. The new rules completely overhaul the compliance listing standards and review, giving broad discretion to the Nasdaq in approving a company’s plan to regain compliance. A company could only receive an extension up to this 18-month maximum length if: After reviewing the company’s compliance plan, Nasdaq staff granted the company the maximum 180-day period to regain compliance; the company failed to comply within the time allowed by staff and appealed to a Hearings Panel; and the Nasdaq Listing Council determined to call the matter for review, stay the company’s delisting, and, after reviewing the company’s compliance plan, provide the company with the maximum 360-day period from the date of the Staff Delisting Determination to regain compliance. Sirius XM Radio CEO Mel Karmazin had stated that he was working closely with the Nasdaq and SEC to argue for a market cap exemption, and the new rules are certainly favorable to companies like Sirius XM Radio, which remains one of the Nasdaq’s most valuable properties. Although certain formalities must now be performed, the new rules will likely extend Sirius XM’s listing under the Nasdaq global markets until at least March of 2011. It is even more likely, that given the extra time the new rules allow, that the share price of Sirius XM Radio common stock will remove any delisting threat long before the potentially extended deadline. CIAO
es müssen nur die bullischen kräfte genügen und die sache ist gegessen
In the end, there may or may not be a reverse split in Sirius XM’s future. There is still a ten day window prior to March 15, 2010 for Sirius XM to make another run at regaining compliance. Perhaps an updated subscriber number, insider purchase or Howard Stern contract update will be forthcoming. Neither a reverse split nor delisting letter changes the fundamentals of the company. With the company on firm financial footing, any dips should be viewed as buying opportunities.
erwäge nachkauf
Börse: Nasdaq in USD / Kursstand: 0,8705 $
Rückblick: Die Sirius XM Radio Aktie erreichte nach einer steilen Kursrally ein Mehrjahreshoch bei 1,18 $ Mitte Februar und setzte anschließend deutlich bis den Unterstützungsbereich bei 0,78 - 0,82 $ zurück.
Ein zweiter Rücksetzer in diesen Unterstützungsbereich hinein wird gekauft, die Aktie stabilisiert sich jetzt oberhalb von 0,82 $. Das kurzfristige Chartbild ist neutral zu werten.
Charttechnischer Ausblick: Die Stabilisierung sollte erfolgreich verlaufen und jetzt eine neue Aufwärtswelle starten. Prinzipiell würde die Aktie jetzt spekulative Longchancen bieten, ein Stop Loss kann nahe bei 0,76 $ gesetzt werden. Geht es jetzt wieder nachhaltig über 1,00 $, wäre ein Anstieg auf neue Hochs bei 1,26 - 1,30 und darüber ca. 1,50 $ möglich.
Kippt die Aktie allerdings nachhaltig unter 0,76 $ zurück, ist Vorsicht geboten. Weitere Rücksetzer bis 0,69 - 0,71 $ könnten dann folgen. Unterhalb von 0,69 $ entsteht ein größeres Verkaufsignal.
Kursverlauf vom 14.04.2009 bis 31.03.2010 (log. Kerzendarstellung / 1 Kerze = 1 Tag)
vorbörslich fallender Kurs............