Seite 83 von 89 Neuester Beitrag: 24.04.21 23:38 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 25.07.14 22:14 | von: bally | Anzahl Beiträge: | 3.206 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 24.04.21 23:38 | von: Angelikaewf. | Leser gesamt: | 588.273 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 146 | |
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Der Kurs ist aber jenseits von gut und böse.
Ich harre aus, bis zum Ende oder wer weiß vielleicht gibt es ja doch noch Hoffnung.
Das muss man ihm zugute halten, er hat zumindestens gewarnt.
Ich habe auch gekauft auf Grund von A.M.
Heute schaue ich ihn mir nicht mehr an, das hat aber nichts mit slyce zu tun.
Jeder ist verantwortlich für sein Tun, das kann man keinem anderen im die Schuhe schieben.
Hi *****, my apologies you haven't gotten a response to your message to Roy. As you may have summised, in our work to reduce Slyce's burn, we unfortunately had to part ways with Roy.
Answers to your questions below ...
Agreed! The stock price does not at all reflect the massive traction we have seen in commercializng our Universal Scanner and B2B software as a service business. We now power more than 20 major US retailers, including Home Depot, Best Buy, JCPenney, and Urban Outfitters. I agree that the current stock price and valuation is not at all representative about Slyce's technology investment or customer traction.
We did publish a press release on sedar following the AGM:®ion=C
There is news about Slyce published in trade publications and mainstream media on a regular basis. Approximately 3 articles per week. We have curbed the number of official press releases, so as to only issue when there is a material event. We found that issuing releases for very small revenue deals was a) not required and overly costly to manage, and b) adversely affecting the stock price.
From a business development standpoint, Slyce is executing extremely well. We are currently working on our 4 largest deals to date -- all larger than any retailer, and at least one larger than all retailers combined. Our technology has proven to have product-market fit -- evidenced by the fact that nearly every retailer that has launched with Slyce in a secondary menu has since moved Slyce to their app's main search bar. You see this with JCPenney, Home Depot, Best Buy, Urban Outfitters. Some examples ...
The fundamental problem Slyce faces on the public market is that the company currently has a "going concern" problem -- i.e. we have less than 1 year of runway. That said, we are working hard to secure funding to lift this black cloud and restore investor's confidence that we have a healthy balance sheet and enough runway to achieve profitability in 2017.
We are actively closing additional rounds of debt from private investors and the Canadian govt. We are also securing grants form the Canadian govt. Many early investors are investing in our latest rounds. I wish the funding would come in all at once, but the reality is that we have needed to close in smaller, staggered increments.
We also have had several new US investors join of late, and several more looking to have an ownership stake in the company. US investors see a company with a massive R&D investment that is now bearing great fruit, and incredibly undervalued.
It is difficult raising capital in this climate, but Slyce has such a commanding lead in the image recognition space, and such powerful technology, that I am confident the funding will continue to close.
Und das nach bald einem Jahr nach Beginn der fehlgeschlagenen Kapitalerhöhung vom ersten Dezember 2015.
Wenn Slyce 2017 den Break Even schafft wird eine Finanzierung wohl etwas einfacher werden.
Fortschritte in der Integration bei einzelnen Kunden sieht man derweilen:
Urban Outfitters baut die Integration aus.
Home Depot listet die Visual Search nicht mehr als "BETA Funktion".
Allerdings wurde der Visual Search Button bei entfernt.
Außerdem sind einige Firmenlogos auf verschwunden: GAP, Banana Republic, Old Navy.
Im Kanadischen Forum wurde außerdem berichtet dass das hochgelobte Feature SCOUT aus der SnipSnap App entfernt wurde.
Mag nix heißen jedoch sollte man dass in der Situation genau beobachten und Schlüsse ziehen.
Da Roy Roman offenbar nicht mehr als Kontaktperson zur Verfügung steht ist die Frage wo man sich nun bei Investor-Fragen hinwenden kann.
Diese wollten nur nicht auf der Seite gelistet werden.
"Gap is still a customer (as are other gap brands like Old Navy, Banana Republic). They just asked us to remove them from marketing collateral. "
Weitere Infos:
- Date for coming earning report
Probably sept 28.
- Health business
We have strong interest from telemedicine partners, but currently don't yet have enough resources to dedicate to BD on the healthcare side. That said, we are continuing to lay the groundwork for this expansion vertical.
- Usage of consumer apps (Pounce, Craves, Snip Snap)
SnipSnap is now over 6 million users, and more importantly is now at over 80 retailer customers, and growing. Gearing up to launch version 4.0 in October. Very major update.
Craves user number is still low, but updated app -- v2.0 -- has been featured in several publications and broadcast shows, new user growth is solid, and usage is high, with 3x retention. Also getting a lot of attention from celebrities, given new celebrity-centric user experience. Aiming to have some partnerships with celebs and brands nailed down by end of year.
Pounce has not seen a major update in over a year. But we will likely ship one towards the end of 2016.
Yes, you can come to me. If you know Cam Chell, he also handles many Investor Relations inquiries.
Am besten auch nächste Woche beim Call, den es sicher wieder geben wird.
- Business/Customers (20 nach Q2, 16 Verträge zu verhandeln)
- Financing (Was? Wann? Wie?)
- Verticals (Warum keine Finanzierung des BD durch Kunden?)
etc...alles was einem so einfällt. Entweder direkt im Chat oder per Mail vorab.
Er hat mir mitten in der Nacht geantwortet und gesagt das das weg muss.
Fast direkt nach Arbeitsbeginn in Kanada wurde es durch Ted Mann ersetzt.
by the way, is it correct that the mail address from roy is still standing on your website at the bottom?"
Ted am 18. September 9:25 ( in Toronto 3:25 in der Nacht)
"No, you're right, we need to remove him"
Number: 1-888-289-4573
Code: 9683834
The conference call is open to any investor or stakeholder, including shareholders, broker-dealers and other securities professionals. The call will be recorded and available for review at Slyce will be hosting and moderating a Q&A period on the call. Participants can submit questions for the call in advance by emailing with the words "Investor Question for Conference Call" in the subject line. Slyce management will endeavour to address as many questions as possible in the hour allocated to the call.
Mehr Kunden, weniger Umsatz.
(Auch wenn ein Teil davon "umklassifiziert" worden ist) kommen wir dennoch auf einen niedrigeren Umsatz als im Quartal zuvor.
Kann also nur heißen:
- der ein oder andere kunde ist nicht mehr dabei
- verkaufen günstiger
- weniger Suchanfragen
Oder hab ich was verpasst?
Für die ersten neun Monate zum Juli 31,2016 erhöhte sich der Umsatz auf 1.573.060 $ von $ 934.277 für den gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres, was einer Steigerung von 68 Prozent entspricht.
Steht so im Bericht!
der Verlust ist etwas schmäler geworden.
Das erklärt dennoch nicht warum der Umsatz von Q2 zu Q3 geringer geworden ist.
Bei gleichbleibenden Lizenzausgaben und gleicher Anzahl von Kunden sollte der Umsatz doch zumindest in etwa gleich geblieben sein. Aber es sind ja einige neue Kunden sogar dazugestoßen (American Eagle, Nordstrom, Express..).
Selbst der normalisierte Umsatz wäre mit $510 K deutlich unter den $763 K von Q2.
For the nine-month period ended July 31, 2016, revenue increased to $1,573,060 from $934,277 for the same period last year, an increase of 68 per cent. This increase was driven by onboarding new customers during the period and additional fees derived from existing customers utilizing more of Slyce's products. For the three months ended July 31, 2016, total revenue was lower by $125,039. This was due to a one-time revenue recognition in the previous quarter of $150,000 as well as a reclassification of approximately $200,000 between revenue and expenses in the current quarter. Without the reclassification, normalized revenue for the quarter would have been $510,929. Other revenues of $14,554 for the quarter and $184,305 for the nine months ended July 31, 2016, primarily comprised a scientific research and experimental development tax incentive (SRED) rebate of $140,373, a refund related to leasehold improvements of $38,249 and interest income