SDSS - Die Zukunft der ...
Also so allmählich verliere ich hier wirklich die Geduld.. Kaum Volumen, kaum Nachrichten und kaum Forumbeiträge.. Eine kurze Zeit werde ich hier noch ausharren, sollte keine Besserung zu sichten sein, war es das dann für mich hier..
Ein gesunder Baum wächst nunmal langsam, jetzt lass diesem Edelholz doch ein wenig Zeit, seine Wurzeln erst mal ganz still und tief in den Boden zu versenken, damit er dann, wenn die Zeit reif ist, einen stabilen Stamm und lecker Früchtchen ausreifen lassen kann. Es bringt gar nix, das junge Pflänzchen ständig aus der Erde zu zerren, um nachzusehen, ob schon Wurzeln dran sind.
Und mal ganz ehrlich, was bringt ein Hype? Einen kurzen, aufregenden Zock und danach ne Menge langer Gesichter. In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft, und wenn du keine Geduld aufbringen kannst, lass die Finger lieber aus dem Aktiengeschäft raus. Geld das man braucht sollte man aufs Sparkonto legen, und nicht in Aktien.
Und wenn dir hier zu wenig Infos rüberkommen, dann mecker nicht, sondern recherchiere selbst. Es liegt auch an dir, das was du da bemängelst, zu ändern.
Solltest du gehen, lass uns deine Shares einfach zu günstigen Preisen da, denn es gibt sicher einige geduldigere, die sich über ein hübsches Schnäppchen freuen.
So, jetzt aber genug rumgerüffelt, und damit an dieser Stelle meinen herzlichen Dank an all jene, die hier unermüdlich, fleißig und beständig nach neuesten Infos forschen. Ich denke, ich brauche keine Namen zu nennen, wer hier regelmäßig mitliest, weis, wer alles damit gemeint ist.
wieso liegt die Aktie für 0,178 € in Berlin im ASK und für 0,093 in Stuttgart im ASK ???
Der Kurs in USD hat sich aber nicht bewegt ...
mehr bitte .-)
le rocker
Schlau draus werden? Der Sinn des ganzen ist, das man verwirrt wird und panisch Aktien verkauft, welche dann wieder billiger aufgesammtelt werden, weil sie von ein paar unlimitiert ins Bid geworfen werden.
Beste Grüße
dann hast du auch etwas gerlernt!
das sagt alles!
Mitgl. seit, Sterne 24.08.10, 0
Postings 44 (100% Hot-Stocks)
Kann mir jemand genau erklären wie das System funktioniert?
Klingt eigentlich gut,würde nur gerne genau wissen wie es funktioniert .
Wenn du dich für SDSS erwärmst, solltest du dich informieren, genauso wie du es in den anderen threads machst. Wir helfen dir gerne.
In posting #112 steht alles wichtige drin. Auch über die Funktion, damit sollte sich besonders @okkisg auseinandersetzen.
Suspect Detection Systems' OPS Ranking of "3" Reiterated by
Sarasota, FL, September 8, announced that it has reiterated its OPS Ranking of "3" for Suspect Detection Systems, Inc. (OTC:SDSS). Suspect Detection Systems has had an OPS Ranking of "3" for two consecutive quarters.'s maintaining of the OPS RankingTM is based on Suspect Detection Systems' recently filed Cash Flow Statements for its quarter ended June 30, 2010. The company's computed OPS TM (Operational-cashflow Per Share) for the quarter was $-0.003 per share as compared to $-0.01 per share for the comparable year earlier quarter. OPS for the most recent 12 months ended June 30, 2010 was $0.003 per share as compared to $-0.01 per share for the 12 months ended June 30, 2009. OPS for Suspect Detection Systems' trailing twelve months reached a two year high.
The shares of Suspect Detection Systems were recently trading at $0.05.
“OPS Rankings” originated from the results of an in-depth 1990-2001, research study on Operational Cashflow that was done by The study included 3,885 public companies, whose shares traded at a minimum of $6.00 per share in 1999 and also filed their four quarterly reports for fiscal 1999. The findings revealed that each of the company’s “OPS” logically fell into one of eight distinctive risk categories. The categories were the genesis of’s numerical eight point, 1 through 8, OPS rankings.
The ranking of 3, which the company received means that Suspect Detection Systems based on its OPS over its most recent four quarters and its aggregated OPS over its latest twelve months is in the third lowest risk category. The results from the study indicated that 73.12% of all the companies in this risk category (an OPS Ranking of 3), which had shares that traded at $6.00 or above in 1999 had share prices, which traded at $6.00 or above during 2001.
Statistical research on the other OPS Rankings is available at and is also available at Additional information on StockDiagnostics, its OPS Rankings and on OPS, including three minute web tutorials, “What is OPS?” and “What are OPS Ratings?”, are available at
About -- covers approximately 10,000 publicly traded companies and 216 industries. It provides current and archived OPS Rankings and its proprietary OPS 4 Quarter, 20 Quarter and 5 Year charts on each company and each industry four times per year. Statistical research on the other OPS Rankings is available at and is also available at also provides 20 Quarter and 5 Year extended data table “Free Cash Pro” charts which track EBITDA, Free Cash Flow and Cash Flow From Operations (CFFO). These charts are primarily used by analysts and professional investors. has access to a proprietary data refinery that automates the process of collecting, sorting and organizing large amounts of securities pricing and financial data into comparative financial ratios. These ratios are used to identify Financial Statement anomalies and securities pricing variances to monitor changes in the performance of public companies. Go to for a description of's patent-pending technical applications, such as OPS, OPS Rankings, The EPS Syndrome and more. Three minute videos on OPS and OPS rankings are available at
Copyright 2010
Twelve Months Free Cash Flow Turns Positive for Suspect Detection Systems
New York, NY, September 8, 2010-Free-Cash-News reports that Free Cash Flow for Suspect Detection Systems, Inc. (OTC:SDSS) for its twelve months ended June 30, 2010 was a positive $180,365, compared with a negative Free Cash Flow of $(706,824) for the comparable year earlier twelve months. Free Cash Flow for the most recent twelve months also reached a two year high.
For Suspect Detection Systems' quarter ended June 30, 2010 Free Cash Flow was $(245,926), compared with $(342,573), a 28% improvement over the comparable year earlier quarter. According to Free-Cash-News Suspect Detection Systems has generated two consecutive quarters of negative Free Cash Flow.
The shares of Suspect Detection Systems were recently trading at $0.05.
Free-Cash-News utilizes the following definition or calculation for its published Free Cash Flow news and reports:
Free cash flow is defined as cash flow from operations or operating cash flow plus or minus capital expenditures. "Capital Expenditures" is a line item, which can be found in the Cash Flow From Investments section of a company's Cash Flow Statement which is filed quarterly in the 10Q and 10K reports that are required to be filed by publicly traded companies with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission.
Free-Cash-News publishes quarterly updates on Free Cash Flow for approximately 8,200 publicly traded U.S. companies. It also monitors and publishes news and special reports on 216 industry groups. More information on Free-Cash-News is available at
Copyright 2010
Grüße Mc
Foreign Private Issuers: “U.S.” Corporations With Exotic Pedigrees
By Jack Bunker (Dubai)
The U.S. is even more of a global capital market than many realize. Not only do foreign companies list on U.S. exchanges but scratch beneath the surface and even ostensibly American companies may be surprisingly exotic. For some of these issuers, their American veneer comes at some cost, reflecting that it is often a matter of necessity, and not subterfuge. The phenomenon of foreign-owned/American incorporated companies has quietly mushroomed and may be headed for its own cottage industry. While the pattern is by no means exclusive to Israel, this article will focus on companies with Israeli or Chinese pedigrees; in a couple of interesting cases, they’re both.
Israeli companies incorporating in the U.S. today may not recognize themselves tomorrow. For every business that begins as a “Pawnbroker’s Exchange”, another ends up as a wastewater treatment concern. Software companies somehow evolve into suppliers of body armor. Some companies see the writing on the wall; they fully expect to merge or be acquired and they disclose as much in their filings. Many of these companies appear to leap through a back door into a complex world without appreciating the exacting costs and burdens of public listing.
But who are these companies and what do they do? Chances are they incorporated in Nevada or Delaware in late 2006 or 2007. They may be in the pharmaceutical industry, clean tech, or some kind of defense or law enforcement supply. It’s likely a developmental stage company not yet profitable. It may have already been acquired by a Chinese outfit. More often than not, the business line will have departed—radically—from its initial path.
As an aside, accessing the U.S. public markets via a domestic shell company is possibly a costly move for a company that may otherwise qualified as a foreign private issuer. The current and periodic reporting requirements for US companies are extensive and expensive, just think of 8-Ks or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Companies incorporated outside of the U.S. that meet the definition of a “foreign private issuer” under Rule 3b-4 of Securities Exchange Act of 1934 are required to file only forms 6-K and 20-F. There is even the Rule 12g3-2(b) exemption that allows qualified foreign private issuers to have equity securities traded on U.S. over-the-counter market on a limited basis and avoid the Exchange Act's periodic reporting requirements and provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. On the other hand, a company that accesses U.S. capital markets through a U.S. incorporated shell exposes itself to the Exchange Act’s current, periodic, and proxy reporting requirements – which is a potential expensive proposition.
Few companies anywhere can boast of a provenance as unique as Suspect Detection Systems (SDS). Incorporated in Delaware in 2006 as PCMT Corp., the company initially “focused on the business of offering computer hardware and software products to religious consumers, with an emphasis on ultra-orthodox Jewish communities in Israel.”1 A year later, the company acquired SDS, which today “specializes in the development and application of proprietary technologies for law enforcement and border control, including counter terrorism efforts, immigration control and drug enforcement.”
Zumindest sind in AMI Land mal wieder Aktien über den Tisch gegangen ...
War ja selten in letzter Zeit...
Irgendwann rappelt es hier gewaltig, die Frage ist nur WANN
Geld 0,038 §