Brent Crude Rohöl ICE Rolling
Aber Asien könnte sich dieses Jahr positiv entwickeln.
Analysen der DBS Bank
China Petroleum & Chem. (Sinopec)
Die Stärke der Aufwärtsbewegung ist relativ schwach
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09.01.23 13:58 #75554 Energieunternehmen in China
"Oil continues to play a major role in the global energy system over the first half of the outlook in Accelerated and Net Zero, with the world consuming between 70-80 Mb/d in 2035. The decline accelerates in the second half of the outlook, with oil demand reaching around 40 Mb/d in Accelerated and 20 Mb/d in Net Zero in 2050.
Oil consumption in New Momentum is stronger, remaining close to 100 Mb/d through much of this decade, after which it declines gradually to around 75 Mb/d by 2050.
Oil demand in emerging economies is broadly flat or gently rising over much of the first half of the outlook across the three scenarios, but this is offset by the accelerating declines in oil use in the developed world. These contrasting trends are reflected in a gradual shift in the centre of gravity of global oil markets, with emerging economies’ share of global oil demand increasing from 55% in 2021 to around 70% in 2050 in all three scenarios."