Rohstoffjuniors: Langfristig vor Renaissance

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4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Belastungsfaktoren für Minenkonzerne wachsen

13.07.12 14:17

It's a tough time to be running a mining company

Politicians, environmentalists, labour activists, dissident shareholders - all can create major problems for today's mining executive, particularly in a time of falling commodity prices..


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# PGMs - Aktuelles TGR-Interview, NT-Produzenten

13.07.12 14:27

Short supply, high demand for platinum group metals

The Gold Report | July 11, 2012

Labor problems and low prices have platinum mines closing up shop in South Africa, and the potential for acquisitions is ripening. Senior Mining Analyst and Managing Director at Stifel Nicolaus in Toronto, George Topping believes that companies with shallow deposits and near-term production will be prime targets. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Topping and Associate Analyst Michael Scoon discuss how supply shortages are shaping the landscape for platinum group metals and some bulk commodities..



4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# 277, GAAP Erläuterung

13.07.12 14:31

"..TGR: George, you're on the record as saying that large gold companies need to materially boost their dividends in order to compete with gold exchange traded funds (ETFs), which are funneling away billions of investment dollars. How high do dividends need to be to staunch the bleeding?

GT: I'd aim for a 5% dividend yield to attract fund flows back into the sector.

TGR: Big mining companies like Vale SA (VALE:NYSE) and BHP Billiton plc (BHP:NYSE; BHPLF:OTCPK) have dividends that are much higher than the gold companies. Why haven't gold companies taken that approach?

GT: The gold companies have been trying to grow gold production at any price. We call it "GAAP," growth at any price. Circumstances have changed. Growth is now unaffordable due to inflation. Capital costs have doubled in the last four years. It's time for the gold mining companies to wake up, stop building these new $6 billion mining projects and pay more dividends to shareholders.."


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Fortuna Silver Research Report by Scotia

13.07.12 18:33

Neuer Research Report von Scotia Capital Inc. online, Link: 


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Uran Markt, China, USA& Co. halten an AtomE fest

13.07.12 18:35

This could be the start of a new uranium bull market

Matt Badiali, Growth Stock Wire | Jul 13, 2012 11:00AM 

Countries like Great Britain, China, Japan, and the U.S. are showing renewed interest in constructing nuclear power plants ..


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Neues von Jim Rogers

13.07.12 19:13

Jim Rogers' views on oil, gas, nuclear energy, gold, geopolitics - and children

 Well known investor, adventurer and author Jim Rogers expounds his views on key commodities including gold, and on the global political situation in an interview with


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Silber -12-mth-Charts - Suche nach einem Boden

13.07.12 19:16

4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Eisenerzsektor nach Ausverkauf wieder lukrativ

13.07.12 19:34

Andrew Forrest erhöht im großen Stil seine Positionen bei Fortescue! 

Eisenerz-Aktien: Milliardär sieht Unterbewertung

von Jens Lüders - Mittwoch 11.07.2012

New York ( - Australiens reichster Mann, der Milliardär Andrew Forrest, sieht derzeit gute Kaufgelegenheiten im Eisenerz-Sektor. Informationen von Bloomberg zufolge ist der Australier jüngst bei seinem eigenen Eisenerz-Produzenten Fortescue Metals Group auf der Kaufseite aktiv geworden. Insgesamt hat er eigene Aktien im Gegenwert von 137 Millionen US-Dollar aufgekauft..




4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Aktuelles TGR-Interview

13.07.12 19:42

Mining Equity Bargains Abound, But Buy With Care: Ivan Lo


Source: Zig Lambo of The Gold Report  (7/13/12)

It may look as if almost any mining stock you see these days is a bargain just waiting to be plucked. While most stocks have seen major drops from their highs and some are showing significant price turns, others have more downside left and a few just won't make it to the next market peak. Ivan Lo, publisher of The Equedia Weekly Letter, takes both a macro view of market and economic conditions and then carefully studies the specifics of each stock he decides to follow or acquire. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Lo talks about the critical factors that can separate a mega-winner from a rollback candidate and talks about some of his favorite names.. 


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Gold Standard Ventures, Nevada

13.07.12 20:12



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4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Südafrika's Goldproduktion im freien Fall

14.07.12 12:37

‘Peak Gold' – South Africa Output Collapse Continues

Jul 13  |  By Mark O'Byrne

After initial falls in Asia, gold traded sideways and then gradually ticked higher later in the Asian session and has seen further gains in European trading. Gold is currently set to finish the week marginally lower in dollar and sterling terms..



4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Entwicklung der Weltgoldproduktion (1974-2011)

14.07.12 12:39

4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Focus Graphite: Neue Bilder von Lac Knife online

14.07.12 12:54

4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Commodities & Res. Stocks: Wochenrückblick

14.07.12 16:42

Weekly Round-Up: China Monetary Easing Hopes Bolster Commodities 

Friday July 13, 2012, 11:30am PDT 

China's lackluster economic performance is raising hopes that Beijing will intervene to spur steady growth. That in turn would boost global growth, which is leading to a rise in commodities prices in the near term. Longer-term risks persist nonetheless not least concerns about Europe's outlook..


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Wochenrückblick: Ereignisse an der TSX-V

14.07.12 16:55

Barkerville pulls playbook from 1990's VSE: Stockhouse TickerTrax

7/13/2012 5:35:25 PM | Danny Deadlock, TickerTrax


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Nächste Übername im Goldsektor

14.07.12 17:33

Dieses Mal schlägt keiner der großen Produzenten der Branche zu, sondern einer der reichsten Unternehmer Nordafrikas. La Mancha Resources wird von dem Milliardär Naguib Sawiris (Unternehmer aus der Telefonbranche) aus Ägypten übernommen. Die Übernahme des Goldproduzenten durch einen milliardenschweren Unternehmer ist ein positives Zeichen für den Goldsektor. Sawiris will sein Vermögen diversifizieren und sieht in der Goldbranche langfristig solides Potential. 

La Mancha betreibt 4 Goldminen, 2 in Australien und 2 in Afrika (Sudan, Elfenbeinküste). Der größte Shareholder von La Mancha, Compagnie Française de Mines et Métaux (“CFMM”) - eine Tochter von AREVA Mines - erhielt eine Anfrage von Weather Investments II ( Naguib Sawiris) - und stimmte der vorgeschlagenen Übernahme zu. Damit war der Weg für ein Übernahmeangebot frei, das auch für Management & Board befriedigend war. 

La Mancha gehörte zu den besten Performern der Goldbranche nach der schweren Krise in 2008. Der Aktienkurs stieg von wenigen CAD-Cents auf in der Spitze über 4 CAD (+8.000%!). Aufgrund der Underperformance von Goldproduzenten, zu denen auch La Manche während der letzten 12 Monate gehörte, wird der Produzent trotz 50%tigem Aufschlag des Übernahmeangebots unter dem 52-Wochenhoch übernommen. Der Aktienkurs verlor mehr wie 25% in den letzten 3 Monaten und notierte vor der Übernahme nahe den Jahrestiefständen. 

Damit setzt sich die Übernahmewelle im Goldsektor fort. Aufgrund der depressiven Bewertungen und der anhaltenden Underperformance von den meisten Goldaktien werden viele Unternehmen zu (langfristig gesehen) Dumping-Preisen übernommen. Im Fall von La Mancha ist die Bewertung nach dem Übernahmeangebot im Hinblick auf die Sektorkrise ganz angemessen, jedoch waren/sind langfristigen Potentiale des Unternehmens als selbständiger Produzent sehr gut gewesen.


July 13, 2012  - 

La Mancha Resources Inc. (TSX: LMA, hereinafter “La Mancha” or the “Company”) announced today that it has entered into an agreement (the “Support Agreement”) with Weather Investments II S.à.r.l. (“Weather II”), pursuant to which Weather II has agreed, subject to the terms of the Support Agreement, to offer to purchase all outstanding common shares of La Mancha by way of a take-over bid at a price of $3.50 per share in cash (the “Offer”).  Weather II is one of the many successful businesses managed by Mr. Naguib Sawiris. The wider Sawiris Family of Egypt have substantial indirect interests in existing operations in the telecoms, construction and fertilizers, cement, real estate and hotel development industries..



4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# 292, 5-Jahreschart La Mancha Resources

14.07.12 17:36

4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# CAN Graphit Peer Group: Wochenperformance

14.07.12 17:47

4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Lesenswertes TGR-Interview

14.07.12 18:11

u.a. über die Baisse im Miningsektor und weshalb ein Großteil der Aktien nicht grundlos underperformen..

Mining Equity Bargains Abound, But Buy with Care: Ivan Lo

It may look as if almost any mining stock you see these days is a bargain just waiting to be plucked. While most stocks have seen major drops from their highs and some are showing significant price turns, others have more downside left and a few just won't make it to the next market peak. Ivan Lo, publisher of The Equedia Weekly Letter, takes both a macro view of market and economic conditions and then carefully studies the specifics of each stock he decides to follow or acquire. In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Lo talks about the critical factors that can separate a mega-winner from a rollback candidate and talks about some of his favorite names.  (7/13/12) ..


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# 294, Allg. Statement Graphitsektor: Graphitarten

14.07.12 18:23

Die  feinen Unterschiede bzgl. den verschiedenen Graphitarten sollten stets beachtet werden. Die Eigenschaften, Verwendugsmöglichkeiten und vor allem die Zukunfsperspektiven variieren stark. Dazu ein passender Kommentar von SH im aktuellen TCR-Interview:

..SR: Just like REEs, it is important to understand the different types of graphite. We are bullish on large-flake graphite. This is because the key demand drivers (lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, nuclear reactors) currently use small-flake and synthetic graphite, which is more abundant but much more expensive to use because of the processing they must undergo to enable them to be used in these applications. Therefore, we believe large-flake graphite will be in more demand due to their highly superior economics..


Graphit - Preiskategorien der verschiedenen Graphitarten

Graphit - Verwendungsmöglichkeiten der verschiedenen Graphitprodukte


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diemEcuador plant Minengesetze positiver zu gestalten

14.07.12 18:37

Vorerst gute News für alle involvierten Rohstoffunternehmen in Ecuador, nachdem die Regierung während der letzten Jahre den Unternehmen oft Steine in den Weg gelegt hatte, die Unsicherheit und das Länderrisiko stark gestiegen sind. Mit Vorsicht & Skepsis sollte man auch weiter die Entwicklungen verfolgen, handelt es sich hier nämlich lediglich um Pläne. Der generelle Einfluss des Regimes bleibt gefährlich hoch..

Ecuador to 'make it easier' for mining companies

Cecilia Jamasmie | July 13, 2012

Mining companies exploring and operating in Ecuador had some good news yesterday as President Rafael Correa said on state-owned radio station, Radio Publica, he might need to make it easier for miners from now on.. 


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# China, Eisenerz: Gute News f. ausländische Miner

15.07.12 11:06

China wants to buy iron ore from a wider pool of sellers

Michael Allan McCrae | July 14, 2012 

China plans to diversify iron ore imports and increase the ratio from independent miners to 50%, according to comments made Wang Xiaoqi, vice-chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association..


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Explorer vs. Producers - Gold/Silver Sector

15.07.12 11:14

Explorer - die höchste Stufe des Risikokapitals - werden in unsicheren und hoch volatilen Zeiten nachvollziehbar noch stärker liquidiert, als Produzenten, die Umsätze + Cash-Flow generieren und anstreben, Gewinne zu erwirtschaften.

Junior gold and silver miners outperforming explorers

14 Jul 2012 | By Kip Keen

It's a case of perhaps not so bad in a bad junior market. A slew of junior gold and silver producers, among others, have been trading sideways in recent months while explorers have continued to fall..


4186 Postings, 4527 Tage carpe_diem# Wie schlägt sich Gold in einer Deflation?

15.07.12 11:18

Ein Blick in die Vergangenheit könnte helfen..

Gold's role in a deflationary environment

History suggests that to sell gold ahead of an extended period of deflation would be counter to the likely price outlook, as well raising investment risk profile rather than reducing it..


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