Premier Oil plc - Explorer & Producer
Premier Oil boss buys hundreds of shares in company
FT: Premier Oil in talks to merge ops with other North Sea explorers
Mar 7 2016, 14:39 ET | About: Premier Oil plc (PMOIF) | By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor
Premier Oil (OTC:PMOIF) rose more than 15% in London trading today after Tony Durrant told the Financial Times this weekend it is in talks to merge operations with some rival North Sea oil producers to cut costs.
FT says the move would be "the most significant co-operation ever seen" among the hyper-competitive North Sea explorers, and the fact that such measures are even contemplated is a sign of the difficult conditions in the North Sea, where high costs leave companies particularly exposed to lower oil prices.
"We are talking about shared rigs, shared logistics, shared back offices. We are at an early stage... but this could be quite radical for our industry," Durrant told FT.
Hat möglicherweise mit dem Solan Projekt zu tun, das demnächst in die Produktion geht und mehrmals wegen sehr schweren Wetters in der Nordsee verschoben wurde.
>>>Premier Oil, an international oil and gas exploration and production company, has informed that the start-up of its Solan development project in the UK North Sea has been delayed due to harsh weather in the North Sea.
The British independent oil company has 100% working interest in the Solan oil field. The company has received approval of its Field Development Plan (FDP) for the Solan field from the Department of Energy and Climate Change in April 2012.
In November 2015, Premier expected to see the first oil from the Solan oil field, discovered by Hess in 1991, by the end of the year. However, according to Premier, the West of Shetlands area experienced an unprecedented number of different storm fronts during November and early December resulting in poor bridge connectivity between the flotel Superior and the Solan platform and a number of lost days. The company then revised the schedule to reflect this change saying the first oil was expected in January 2016.
In its latest progress report on Wednesday, Premier said that as a result of poor recent connectivity with the flotel, it now expects the first oil from Solan in February.<<<
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Die Portfolio-Strategie
Wenn du Premier Oil also zu interessant findest, um sie zu ignorieren, vom Risiko aber abgeschreckt bist, dann könnte ein Mini-Portfolio (als Teil eines breiter aufgestellten Portfolios) aus 50 % Premier und 50 % Shell genau das richtige für dich sein.
Beispiel: 2000 Britische Pfund, die gleichermaßen in Shell und Premier investiert werden, werfen pro Jahr 3,8 % ab – dank der heftigen Dividende von 7,6 %, die Shell ausschüttet. Und gleichzeitig kannst du von Premiers heftigen Wertzuwachschancen profitieren, wenn sich der Ölpreis erst einmal erholt. Sollte der Aktienwert des Unternehmens auf das Level von vor einem Jahr zurückkehren (1,50 Pfund), dann würde sich der Wert deines Portfolios auf 4000 Pfund verdoppeln. Würden Shells Aktien ebenfalls zu ihrem Vorjahreswert zurückkehren, wäre dein Portfolio sogar 4600 Pfund wert – und das ohne die Dividende.
31 Mar 2016
Premier is pleased to announce that Iain Macdonald will join the Company's Board as an independent Non-Executive Director and member of the Audit & Risk Committee with effect from 1 May 2016. Iain Macdonald will stand for election by shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting to be held on 11 May 2016.
Iain spent 30 years at BP in a variety of engineering, licensing, business management and finance roles culminating in 3 years as Deputy Group CFO for BP plc. On leaving BP, in 2010, Iain joined North Sea Oil and Gas independent, Fairfield Energy plc as CFO where he served until 2014. He was a Non-Executive Director of TNK-BP Ltd from 2009 to 2011 and became a Non-Executive director of Skills For Health Ltd in 2013, a role that he continues to hold today. Iain is currently a Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee at SUEK PLC. He is also a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.