Positive Zukunft mit Verity Corp.(VRTY)

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Neuester Beitrag: 22.12.21 19:47
Eröffnet am:05.04.13 15:56von: Achilles1Anzahl Beiträge:7.456
Neuester Beitrag:22.12.21 19:47von: wallanderLeser gesamt:733.176
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9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1walli

27.05.14 11:34
würde mich auch sehr darüber freuen , wenn unsere persönlichen sticheleien endlich mal ein ende nehmen würden, die mods hätten bestimmt auch nichts dagegen :)  

41 Postings, 4105 Tage olaf_1966es ist schon ein Wahrnsinn

27.05.14 11:49
was wir investierten hier aushalten müssen. Heute schon wieder 30% runter, wenn wir pech haben, geht es heute Nachmittag noch weiter runter oder auch einwenig hoch , mal sehen. Ich sehe aber schon wieder kommen, dass die Aktie bis Ende der Woche bei unter 0,20 Cent steht. Ich würde mich auch sehr freuen, wenn diese Aktie bis Ende des Jahres bei ca. einen Dollar stehen würde, kann ich einfach zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht erkennen. Seit dem Splitt geht es nur bergab und das ist leider die Tatsache. Ich bleibe hier trotzdem investiert, bleibt mir auch nichts andere übrig, Einstiegskurs bei 0,40 Cent. Hoffentlich passiert demnächst hier ein Wunder und nicht erst in 5 Jahren  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1walli

27.05.14 12:12
wenn vrty in paar jahren auch über 5$ stehen wird, werden die trommeln auch leiser ertönen auf beiden seiten, möglicherweise schon bei 1-2 $ weil dann alle bisherigen zweifel nicht mehr existieren werden ..  

2278 Postings, 5572 Tage FernandeZhmm...

27.05.14 14:09
aber man muss schon sagen. Wir Investierten in DE halten schon zusammen. Keiner gibt hier großartig ab... Die Volumina sind hier so mickrig. Ich seh' schon. Da sind wir alle stur. Bevor wir nicht vorne ne eins sehen geht der Handel hier garnicht erst los!  

591 Postings, 4254 Tage stier1981ne 2 wäre auch schön

27.05.14 14:24
oder höher :-)  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1vom 27.05.14

27.05.14 17:18
ist zwar ein sehr langer, dafür sehr interessanter artikel ( zukunftsweisen)
ost # of 28023  
GMO Crops: Boon To Humanity Or Reckless Science?

By Tom Mysiewicz

27 May, 2014

Recently, an NGO (non-governmental organization) in Russia—the National Association for Genetic Safety–began working closely with the Russian Duma to enact a set of laws criminalizing the introduction of harmful genetically-modified crops (GM or GMO crops) as well as withholding information on harmful effects of such crops. Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated he will sign such legislation, saying Russia can grow enough food for itself without genetic engineering it.

“If Americans like to eat such foods, they can eat them,” Putin is reported to have said. But with GMO companies in the U.S. massively campaigning to hide GMO content—do Americans really know what they are eating?

I believe Russia and, increasingly, countries elsewhere, are on the right track in this regard. And I base this belief on my first-hand observations from the inception of GMO crops—and the original promises made and assurances given for this technology—to the much different reality I see today.

As founder and editor of the weekly biotechnology newsletter–BioEngineering News–I covered GMOs and ag-biotech from 1980 through 1993 and was the first journalist allowed (under a secrecy agreement) to cover a Gordon Research Conference. This groundbreaking conference, on Plant Genetic Engineering, was at U.C. Davis in the early 1980s. I have also had hands-on research experience, including lab courses on plant tissue culture in which I cloned a variety of plants from jojoba to redwood.

The original promise of genetic engineering was that crops could be grown without fertilizer or pesticides, in salt water if fresh water was scarce, and that the nutritional content could be altered at will by the addition of genes for amino acids (the building blocks of protein) such as L-lysine and genes coding for vitamins, such as vitamin A. In this “brave new world” hunger and malnutrition would be eliminated by massively higher crop yields. And there would be no down side: We were assured that there would be no actual or consequential harmful effects from such alterations.

Many Americans are not aware that the system of clinical trials and double-blind studies for new drugs means that it can cost $30- to $60-million to get a single new drug through FDA-mandated clinical trials. And, still, how many horror stories have we heard of dangerous drug side effects? Imagine if NO clinical trials were required for new drugs and only some rudimentary safety testing was necessary? Would you feel safe taking a new drug?

Well, that is the situation with GMO crops.

In the early 1980s—at about the time of the abovementioned Gordon Conference at U.C. Davis—the USDA and FDA (apparently at the behest of large agribusiness interests) determined that GMO crops were GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) meaning they were substantially equivalent to existing crops and were, therefore, “grandfathered in” and exempt from rigorous testing under existing food, drug and cosmetic laws.

Exempted from costly safety testing, a virtual “gold rush” of ag biotech companies and investors ensued to commercialize the first GMO crops.

Jump to the present. Many (if not most) GMO crops have cloned resistance genes for Monsanto’s Roundup® herbicide (Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine))—whose effects on weeds are similar to Agent Orange. Previously, this herbicide (an estrogen mimic active in mammals in the part-per-trillion range, some say) could not be used on many of these crops. Now it can be—and vastly more Roundup can be used on GMO crops that previously tolerated it– and some estimates of increased glyphosate usage are sobering:

“Herbicide-resistant crop technology has led to a 239 million kilogram (527 million pounds) increase in herbicide use in the United States between 1996 and 2011.” ( Impacts of genetically engineered crops on pesticide use in the U.S. — the first sixteen years. Charles M Benbrook, Centre for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University, Hulbert 421, PO Box 646242, Pullman, WA, 99164-6242, USA, Environmental Sciences Europe 2012, 24:24 doi:10.1186/2190-4715-24-24. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.enveurope.com/content/24/1/24 )

This means Americans are now ingesting much higher levels of the herbicide and have much higher blood-serum levels of glyphosate—this without adequate knowledge of the cumulative effects of such exposure. My belief is that some of the adverse human and animal effects attributed to GMOs may, in fact, be due to “glyphosate intoxication” indirectly resulting from genetic modification of crops to allow large amounts of this herbicide to be sprayed on fields. Also, most corn and soy is GMO now and this is fed to a variety of meat animals destined for human consumption.

While little has been done to reduce the need for fertilizers or to incorporate salt-tolerance genes into crops, a certain percentage of GMO crops incorporate genes for production of BT toxin, a natural insecticide derived from the pest-killing microbe BT or Bacillus thuringiensis. The gene coding for BT-toxin is “spliced” to various delivery vehicles or vectors designed to get them into the plant cells.

The problem here is that, whereas the BT microbe is sprayed onto crops and can be washed off by the consumer, the gene coding for the BT toxin is cloned into a food plant the consumer eats. Just because the toxin is “natural” (like the deadly ricin) does not mean it is not a poison—as evidenced by the fact that it kills bugs.

Have comprehensive clinical trials been done on the effects of BT toxin? I think not and anecdotal evidence is surfacing of a number of potential ill health effects. In addition, there is also increasing evidence that some of the vehicles (vectors) used to introduce genes into plant cells may also be infecting mammalian cells exposed to them. If these genes were to be expressed in the tissues of consumers ingesting such foods, the levels of BT could rise substantially. Once again, there is no adequate research into the long-term effects.

Then there is the issue of incorporating genes coding for different amino acids to “improve protein quality” in food crops. For instance, it was theorized that a “meatato” could be produced that would have an amino-acid compliment making it nutritionally equivalent to meat. And various genes have been incorporated to raise levels of specific amino acids, as previously mentioned, such as L-lysine.

There is a slight problem with such efforts. Some of the amino acids and proteins produced may not have the proper shape even if they have the same chemical formula. In the body, enzymes are necessary to metabolize proteins and amino acids. Some have likened the process to a lock and key. If the “lock” (protein/amino acid) is the wrong shape the “key” (enzyme) will not fit. And metabolism will be disrupted. This could account for some of the ill effects associated with GMOs.

In the early days of genetic engineering nobody worried about such considerations. But they are important. For instance, a microbial-GMO produced L-tryptophan amino-acid supplement by Japan’s Showa Denko—possibly a mixture containing isomers having the wrong “shape”—is believed to have resulted in 30+deaths and over 1000 injuries. According to Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST) in a report originally issued 6 Jan. 2007 and updated 9 June 2013:

The commonly held “filtration hypothesis” – that the accident was caused by insufficient purification of the product – has been definitely disproven.

Two abnormal substances “IMT” and “EBT”, closely similar to tryptophan, were found in the product.

The only tenable scientific explanation for their appearance is a disturbance of tryptophan metabolism caused by the introduction of four foreign genes all designed to influence synthesis of tryptophan.

It is of minor importance whether these two substances were the specific cause of the deaths, or not. The important thing is that genetic engineering evidently generated at least two unexpected poisonous substances very difficult to detect. In any case, it is established beyond reasonable doubt that some product from disturbed metabolism due to genetic engineering was the ultimate cause of the deadly disease.

The PSRAST website is useful as well as it contains a comprehensive listing of anecdotal side effects of human and animal consumption of GMO foods: http://www.psrast.org/

Biospheric Threat?

We now know it’s possible for genetic-engineering vectors in plants to infect mammalian cells. And, since recombinant genes are expressed in pollen, it is certainly possible for GMO crops to infect the same crops and even unrelated plants and weeds.

On an immediate level, the contamination by GMO pollen of non-GM fields can lead to economic ruin if the farmers are competing for non-GMO markets. And GMO agribusiness companies frequently and successfully sue these victims of contamination for patent infringement!

Since GMO crops containing herbicide-resistance genes are so common, it is also well within the realm of possibility that resistance may eventually spread to weeds–ultimately disrupting agriculture and leading to food shortages.

By their nature, GMO plants will also reduce diversity in targeted crops, leaving them susceptible to unforeseen natural diseases and blights—much like the use of a single potato cultivar was a cause of the infamous “Irish potato famine.”

Finally, to prevent seed saving by poor farmers and ensure high profits—ag-biotech companies have developed so-called “suicide genes” that allow only one crop to be grown from purchased seeds. Imagine the global catastrophe that could ensue if such genes were to jump to non-GMO fields, were to infect other food crops and even infect wild plants?

We could be quickly facing a national or international crisis of monumental proportions.

Along these lines, in closing, I’d like to share my opinion that GMO crops are a form of “weaponized agriculture”. Making foreign countries dependent on externally-supplied GMO seeds leaves them open to the worst sort of extortion and could lead to wars and global instability. Further, having established production and distribution facilities for GMO seed could allow rapid targeting of the agricultural sector of an “enemy” country. Simply having this capacity could create a climate of suspicion and lead to retaliatory measures that could substantially reduce the human population.

Tom Mysiewicz is a biotechnologist.  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1vom 27.05.14

27.05.14 18:42
Verity Corp Files 10-Q for Second Quarter, 2014
Gross Profit Margin Increased From 32% to 56%; Recent 8-K Reports Significant Long Term Debt Reduction

SIOUX FALLS, SD--(Marketwired - May 27, 2014) - Verity Corp (OTCQB: VRTY) (BERLIN: A2Q) (http://www.veritycorp.com), a vertically integrated sustainable agriculture company incorporating natural production technologies and non-GMO standards for the efficient production of healthy food, filed its 10-Q for the second quarter ended March 31, 2014.

Consolidated revenues were $366,598 and $690,897 for the three and six months ended March 31, 2014, as compared to $586,665 and $682,786 for the three and six months ended March 31, 2013. Revenues for the second quarter were down 37.5% during the quarter ended March 31, 2014 as compared to the quarter ended March 31, 2013 and were up 1% as compared to the six months ended March 31, 2013. The Company's gross profit margin increased from 32% of revenues to 56% of revenues during the quarter ended March 31, 2014 and increased from 40% to 54% for the six months ended March 31, 2014. The increase in gross margin is directly related to a concentration of higher margin items being sold during the year and lower margin items being eliminated in 2014.

Operating Expenses decreased $381,286 or 52% during the three months ended March 31, 2014 as compared to the three months ended March 31, 2013 and $172,775 or 16% for the six months ended March 31, 2014 as compared to the six months ended March 31, 2013. Verity was able to reduce consultant and management fees during the six months ended March 31, 2014.

Loss from operations for the three months ended March 31, 2014 was $143,916 as compared to $541,292 for the three months ended March 31, 2013 and was $532,964 for the 6 months ended March 31, 2014 as compared to $804,681 for the six months ended March 31, 2013. Verity is concentrating on increasing revenues at a profitable margin to cover operating expenses in the future.

On May 16, 2014, Verity terminated two contracts for deed that related to land and buildings in South Dakota and Georgia. The terminations removed $2,900,000 in long term debt along with the transfer of land and buildings back to Duane Spader. $232,000 of accrued interest was also eliminated with the termination of the contracts for deed. Total liabilities have been reduced by approximately $3,132,000

Richard Kamolvathin, President and CEO of Verity Corp, said, "We had three corporate goals to reach in the immediate term. Our management team identified that we needed to dramatically improve our balance sheet, introduce more proprietary products and build a foundation to scale our business. We have met all three goals. Long term debt has been reduced significantly. Our new proprietary products are generating new business. And our ability to ramp up revenues has been improved."

Kamolvathin noted, "We are particularly pleased to see that our shift to more proprietary products has resulted in a significant increase in gross profit margins."

"Verity has the technology and expertise to provide farmers with a comprehensive program to move to non-GMO food production. The market opportunity is there and we are well positioned to capitalize on consumers' and farmers' interest in healthy food," Kalmolvathin concluded.

Investor Database for Future Press Releases and Industry Updates

Interested investors and shareholders are invited to be added to the corporate e-mail database for corporate press releases and periodic industry updates by sending an e-mail with "VRTY" in the subject line to investorrelations@veritycorp.com

About Verity Corp (http://www.veritycorp.com/)

Verity Corp is an agricultural business company offering farmers a broad mix of products and services that focus on soil and crop health through the use of earth friendly crop inputs including proprietary biological media, the use of non-GMO seeds, and the use of revitalized water in all aspects of farming including livestock production. Verity's goal is to assist farmers in reducing their dependency of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, through the efficient application of Verity's solutions. Verity's proprietary agricultural techniques synthesize historically proven methodologies with advancements in technology.

Safe Harbor: Statements contained in this news release, other than those identifying historical facts, constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Safe Harbor provisions as contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements relating to the Company's future expectations, including but not limited to revenues and earnings, technology efficacy, strategies and plans, are subject to safe harbors protection. Actual Company results and performance may be materially different from any future results, performance, strategies, plans, or achievements that may be expressed or implied by any such forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.


Verity Corp Investor Relations

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1alle 3 gesetzten ziele erreicht..

27.05.14 18:47
Richard Kamolvathin, President and CEO of Verity Corp, said, "We had three corporate goals to reach in the immediate term. Our management team identified that we needed to dramatically improve our balance sheet, introduce more proprietary products and build a foundation to scale our business. We have met all three goals. Long term debt has been reduced significantly. Our new proprietary products are generating new business. And our ability to ramp up revenues has been improved."

Kamolvathin noted, "We are particularly pleased to see that our shift to more proprietary products has resulted in a significant increase in gross profit margins."  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1sieht alles sehr positiv aus..

27.05.14 19:15
Kamolvathin noted, "We are particularly pleased to see that our shift to more proprietary products has resulted in a significant increase in gross profit margins."

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1übersetzung

27.05.14 19:16
Kamolvathin bemerkte: "Wir freuen uns besonders, dass unsere Hinwendung zu proprietären Produkten hat zu einem deutlichen Anstieg der Bruttogewinnmargen geführt."  

1297 Postings, 4428 Tage RoStockRT 0,35

27.05.14 19:16
Es gibt anscheinend doch Leute, die den Files 10-Q for Second Quarter, 2014 richtig deuten können.  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1usa 0,35$ :)

27.05.14 19:18

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1mal sehen

27.05.14 19:26
wie grün dass es heute und die woche noch werden kann..0,40$-0,50$ wäre schonmal die erste hürde..  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1hi snowi

27.05.14 19:31
ist dein akku geladen ? wie siehts denn aus mit L2? lol  

41 Postings, 4105 Tage olaf_1966warum steigt die Aktie nicht

27.05.14 21:09
nach diesen gutenZahlen meiner Meinung nach, kann mir das jemand von Euch erklären, einfach nicht zu fassen, manchmal habe ich das Gefühl, die wollen einfach nicht die Aktie steigen lassen, sehr sehr eigenartig das ganze  

2278 Postings, 5572 Tage FernandeZviel zu wenig Interesse...

27.05.14 21:17
kaum Umsatz. Sollten wir mal auf 2-3 Mio. Aktien Umsatz kommen... dann... ja dann können wir auf den Mega Anstieg hoffen. Immerhin sind wir ja schon gestiegen 75-130% in den letzten Tagen... Ist ja auch etwas. Das darf man nicht vergessen. Aber ich will es nicht schön reden. Wir sind ja vorher so stark gefallen... war ja klar, dass es mal wieder hoch gehen musste...  

41 Postings, 4105 Tage olaf_1966kann doch nicht war sein

28.05.14 07:18
sorry vorab schon einmal für meine negative Stimmung hier. Gestern sind endlich die Zahlen gekommen, wie schon mehrmals mit geteilt, Zahlen sind meiner Meinung gut aber überhaupt keine Reaktion von drüben, gerademal 1 Cent plus Wie soll denn hier die Aktie steigen wenn kaum Umsätze vorhanden sind. Andere Pennystockaktien die solche Zahlen rausbringen würden, hätten wir mit Sicherheit eine Steigerung von 300-500% nur nicht Verity. Das schlimme hier bei dieser Aktie, wenn mal 30-40% hoch geht, dann fällt sie am nächsten Tag mit 50% runter wie schon oft gesehen, dass ist doch nicht normal oder?  

591 Postings, 4254 Tage stier1981vielleicht kommt der

28.05.14 07:29
Run ja heute erst wer weiß  

41 Postings, 4105 Tage olaf_1966wie schon gesagt

28.05.14 09:07
dann kommt ev. heute der Run aber morgen oder spätestens übermorgen fällt die Aktie wieder. Was mich hier auch so nervt, dass die Differenz zwischen kaufen und verkaufen ca. 0,10 cent aus macht, finde ich bei diesen Werten extrem viel  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1gestern wurden gerade mal knapp 60.000

28.05.14 09:25
gehandelt, dass vrty nicht über nacht 300% macht sollte schon jedem klar sein, step by step und dafür nachhaltig nach oben ist mir eh lieber..eile mit weile  

1246 Postings, 6523 Tage Albert61Hallo olaf_1981

28.05.14 09:30
Nicht verzagen ,die 0,10 cent sind doch nur in Berlin!In USA ist es doch nicht so grass.Ich wage mal eine Äußerung.Wir gehen auf eine Investorenkonferenz mit einem Marktwert von sagen wir mal 10Mille und somit ist unser Potential schon fast für die nächste Zeit erschöpft.Um neue und höhere Ziele zu erreichen,müßten wir erstmal wieder kräftig investieren.Da wir die erste Investitionsphase gerade erledigt haben,wollen oder können wir erstmal Gewinne realisieren.So ,wo würde ein Investor eventuell Einsteigen?Um mit seinen Invest zu gewinnen ?Oder  erstmal lange ,so wie wir , warten zu müssen?Da wir aber keine 10Mill Marktwert haben,sie erst erreichen wollen, ist es um so attraktiver da einzusteigen wenn die Bedingungen stimmen? Gruß Albert61  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1interessantes und informatives posting

28.05.14 09:39
Revenues and profitability is the key to any company's long term prospects. I am willing to be patient because it looks like the are moving beyond the curious balance sheet they had before from the last CEO.

I really have never seen a microcap like this where the management reduced the shares outstanding by 900,000 shares and then follow up by taking debt off the books from the former CEO (Spader).

And not putting out any more shares in a year. Still only 9.2 million shares outstanding and 5 million in the float.

But revenues that validates their business model should be starting to show up in this current quarter. Hope they are selling alot of those high margin products!

591 Postings, 4254 Tage stier1981aber der Reiz in Deutschland für die Aktie

28.05.14 10:24
könnte man meinen liegt bei Null.  

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1das kommt schon noch..

28.05.14 10:42
lass vrty bei den amis auf 0,40-0,50 ansteigen, dann wirds auch wieder für unsere konsevativen trader in deutschland interessant, was jetzt aber nicht negativ zu werten ist, ganz im gegenteil,man sollte sich seiner sache schon sicher sein! und dann wenn möglich auch etwas länger als nur eine woche investiert zu bleiben :)

9308 Postings, 4467 Tage Achilles1bid/ask bei den amis

28.05.14 13:59
Bid     Ask
0.335 / 0.38  

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