Patriot Scientific der Highflyer 2006

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1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopFrage nach Teilausführungen

01.04.11 19:27
sind Teilausführungen in den uSA beim S-Broker unterbindbar ?  

259 Postings, 7884 Tage esistjazz@alf62: 4147

06.04.11 11:15
hallo und danke für die Antwort in 4147

XETRA ist bei der DAB nur bis 13:00 Uhr angegeben. ?!
Und bedeutet Ihr/Deine AUssage, dass via XeTRA ebenfalls keine Teilausführungen getätigt werden ?  

Ich möchte einfach nicht wieder den Fehler machen und mir 5 Aktien ins Depot buchen lassen, obowhl ich 10.000 geordert habe.

danke nochmal vorab und Grüße  

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopNews

12.04.11 07:29
Patriot Scientific Corporation Releases Third Fiscal Quarter Report

Press Release Source: Patriot Scientific Corporation On Monday April 11, 2011, 4:30 pm EDT
CARLSBAD, Calif., April 11, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTCBB:PTSC.ob - News) today reported the filing of its report on Form 10-Q for its third fiscal 2011 quarter ended February 28, 2011.

For the three month periods ended February 28, 2011 and 2010, the Company's revenues were $0.1 and $0.2 million, respectively.  The Company earned pre-tax income of $2.5 million during the February 2011 quarter, and incurred a pre-tax loss of $1.9 million for the same period of the prior fiscal year.  For the nine month periods ended February 28, 2011 and 2010, the Company's revenues were $0.3 million, with pre-tax losses totaling $2.9 and $9.3 million, respectively.  The Company's cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities at February 28, 2011 total $11.5 million.

Included in the Company's pre-tax results for the quarter ended February 28, 2011 is $2.3 million from its equity investment in Phoenix Digital Solutions, the joint venture owned by the Company and the privately-held TPL Group, as well as $1.0 million resulting from the settlement of an action filed by the Company in San Diego Superior Court in April 2010.

The Company's after-tax net loss of $5.6 million for the February 2011 quarter includes a provision for income taxes of $8.1 million as a result of recording a valuation allowance against the Company's deferred tax assets.  This write-down of the deferred tax assets via a valuation allowance was based on authoritative financial accounting guidance, and represents a non-cash charge to the statement of operations.  

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopaus Agora

12.04.11 07:31
According to the 10q - TPL has received or is due the following from PDS thus far this fiscal year from June 1, 2010, to Feb 28, 2011:

•$2,000,000 – for Licensing MMP Licensing Efforts
•$4,780,936 – for legal and third-party expert fees and other third-party costs and other expenses
•$750,000 – for special litigation support costs for MMP litigation and Re-Exams
•$402,000 – for TPL’s special work and effort regarding internal costs related to litigation support and patent re-examinations.
•$807,806 – TPL’s half of the net revenues from MMP licensing
•$8,740,742 – TOTALS - $971,194 per month
In that same time, they’ve secured license revenue of $8,850,000

From what I can surmise, $500K of that is money that was due them last fiscal year but was withheld, presumably due to their default on the loans from PTSC.

Additionally, of the second line, PRESUMABLY, ALL of that goes to NON-TPL entities/personnel, though I'd love to hear from anyone here who has the confidence to stand up and vouch for that! lol.

I know criticism of the BOD & Management aren't popular around here, so I would love to hear the positive spin on the negotiations our BOD/Managers are having with TPL, that shows we're really working Leckrone over to make the agreements more equitiable, when 98.8% of the revenue generated by the MMP will find it's way into TPL's pocket or to TPL directed legal help. I'm all ears.  

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopob wir mit ptsc

13.04.11 17:14
nochmal geld verdienen werden....halte ich langsam für nicht sehr wahrscheinlich.
vermutlich ist die coba eher auf 10 euro als ptsc auf 25  

16074 Postings, 8500 Tage NassieWichtige Termine

17.04.11 11:24
Friday, Apr 22 2011

9 AM

5:08-cv-00877-JF - Acer, Inc. et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion Hearing

5:08-cv-00882-JF - HTC Corporation et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion Hearing

5:08-cv-05398-JF - Barco NV v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al
Motion Hearing


5:08-cv-05398-JF - Barco NV v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al
Motion to Amend/Correct

Tuesday, May 10 2011

9 AM

5:08-cv-00877-JF - Acer, Inc. et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Markman Hearing; 1 day

5:08-cv-00882-JF - HTC Corporation et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Markman Hearing

5:08-cv-05398-JF - Barco NV v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al
Markman Hearing  

16074 Postings, 8500 Tage NassieKomisch

20.04.11 22:19
über 1 Mio Shares getradet heute. Kommt da etwas ? War bisher immer so.  

3024 Postings, 7642 Tage Mathouwenn dann wohl nix Gutes

20.04.11 22:21

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercop@ Mathou

21.04.11 07:47
schlechter, als alles was die Aktie bis jetzt gebracht hat, kanns wohl nicht mehr werden.....  

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopda ist eine sehr schöne

21.04.11 08:34
Stellungnahme auf Angora.....
Ich kopiere die mal hier rein.

Leider ist es wahr und normalerweise sollte ein Unternehmen alles für seine Aktionäre tun, Informationen liefern, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit nachhaltig für seine Shareholders Steigerungen zu erzielen.
Leider ist das Vertrauen in die Aktie und vor allem in das Unternehmen unter 0 gesunken.
Das zeigt leider auch der Aktienpreis.
Ob wir überhaupt nochmal damit Geld verdienen ist auch sehr fraghaft.
Hier die Copy aus Angora :

After the last run up I didn't believe we would be going back to $.08. However here we are knocking on that ugly door again.

Many of you, including myself are searching for answers from the company. I am afraid we will not be getting any. Cliff Flowers is a puppet being over compensated for the little work he does. Think about it, what is there for him to do other than oversee an audited financial report before submitting it.

He has not given us any guidance as to the direction of the company nor has he ever laid out a future plan or course that PTCS should be on. WE get absolutely nothing because I fear there is nothing of a positive nature to give.

We are running out of money, we are in bed with a crook, we are in litigation over our heads on way too many fronts, ie., Lekrone, Crossflo, HTC, Barco, Acer etc, etc, etc, and let's not forget we are still dealing with re exams and possible future re exams. Oh, and let us also not forget, we hired phony Baroni who did absolutely nothing! At what cost???

Can you blame old Cliff and the board for not buying shares. They unlike us know the sad truth and reality of the state of the company while we are living on hope and wishful thinking. They not only have no skin in the game, they are all being well compensated for their efforts!

My prediction is that when we are about to run out of cash a deal will be struck that will dilute us into oblivion. I hope I'm wrong.

Lastly, and I hate to admit it, Mark has tried to warn us.  

12120 Postings, 5441 Tage sleepless13Ich glaub nicht,dass ein Handel mit 0,13 % aller

21.04.11 10:49
PTSC Aktien durch ängstliche Taschengeldzocker irgend eine Bedeutung haben.  

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopdas problem ist doch

21.04.11 11:10
wäre diese aktie interessant und begehrt, würde eine hohe nachfrage uund entsprechend steigende kurse da sein.
keiner verkauft, da alle verluste haben....
aber es ist auch keine nachfrage da, da die risiken höher als ein ggfs. zu erwartener gewinn....
das ist das problem....
kein vertrauen und keine perspektiven....somit keine nachfrage und keine steigende kurse....
somit derzeit kein gutes investment  

874 Postings, 8302 Tage ccraidersleep

21.04.11 13:10
hmmmm, passt ja vielleicht die interpretation dieser info, verbunden mit dem geplanten schütteln von weakhands...?
settlements im anrollen? hmmmm, oder exit vor dem final sell-off ?

....Re: Pacer Information:
"***Deadlines terminated. [189] Administrative Motion to File Under Seal filed by Barco NV. (dlmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/19/2011)

I find this term very interesting "Deadlines terminated". Now what does this mean? What say you? All IMO

Have a great day,


12120 Postings, 5441 Tage sleepless13lol

21.04.11 22:23
Letzter Vortag Umsatz  Veränderung
0,06 €   0,07 €   0 € -14,29%  

3024 Postings, 7642 Tage Mathousorry, war nur wegen des Tageschart gemeint

22.04.11 00:06
1 Million getraded und am Ende schön fies nach unten.
Haut mich nicht, aber ich glaub das findet noch nen tieferen Boden.
Frag mich wann denn mal eine reele Einschätzung der Assets stattfindet. Im Moment eher weisser Rauch und dafür zu hohe Kosten, intern und extern.

Frohe Ostern  

874 Postings, 8302 Tage ccraiderkalender von richter fogel

22.04.11 16:35


das hatten wir bis zur info "deadlines terminated"

Friday, Apr 22 2011

9 AM

5:08-cv-00877-JF - Acer, Inc. et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion Hearing

5:08-cv-00882-JF - HTC Corporation et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion Hearing

5:08-cv-05398-JF - Barco NV v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al
Motion Hearing


5:08-cv-05398-JF - Barco NV v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al
Motion to Amend/Correct


das haben wir seit dem pacer "deadlines terminated"


 5:08-cv-00877-JF - Acer, Inc. et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion to Amend/Correct
 5:08-cv-00882-JF - HTC Corporation et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion to Amend/Correct
 5:08-cv-05398-JF - Barco NV v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al
Motion to Amend/Correct

es wird sehr spannend.....


12120 Postings, 5441 Tage sleepless13Am Karfreitag?

22.04.11 17:52

874 Postings, 8302 Tage ccraiderja....das ist der komplette inhalt für den 22.4.

22.04.11 18:39
Calendar for: Judge Jeremy Fogel
Courtroom No. 3 - 5th Floor
Courtroom Deputy: Diana Munz

Last Updated: Apr 22 2011  9:04AM
View Scheduling Notes
Friday, Apr 22 2011
Motion Hearing
 5:07-cv-05795-JF - Everflow Technology Corporation v. Millenium Electronics, Inc.
Motion Hearing
 5:09-cv-02809-JF - Luxford et al v. Resurgent Capital Services, LP et al
Case Management Conference
Motion Hearing
 5:10-cv-05969-JF - Luciw v. Bank of America, N.A. et al
Case Management Conference
Motion Hearing
 5:08-cv-00877-JF - Acer, Inc. et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion to Amend/Correct
 5:08-cv-00882-JF - HTC Corporation et al v. Technology Properties Limited et al
Motion to Amend/Correct
 5:08-cv-05398-JF - Barco NV v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al
Motion to Amend/Correct
 5:10-cv-02699-JF - Nelson v. Midland Funding, LLC et al
Case Mgmt Conference Further
 5:11-cv-00152-JF - NCO Financial Systems, Inc. v. Mason
Case Management Conference
 5:11-cv-00250-JF - Brusco Tug & Barge, Inc. v. Heihn
Case Management Conference
 5:11-cv-00296-JF - Divine v. Lockheed Martin Corporation
Case Management Conference
Monday, Apr 25 2011

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopMein Kalender sagt Euch allen

24.04.11 10:36

1427 Postings, 6938 Tage killercopder Chart der Aktie

28.04.11 20:45
spiegelt den tatsächlichen wert dieses Unternehmens wieder.....
LEIDER aber wahr.....
Das wird nix mehr.....

211 Postings, 5128 Tage invest-2011Wieso ....

28.04.11 20:49

Versteh ich nicht.  

6233 Postings, 5259 Tage Italymasterna dann

28.04.11 20:54
sollt ich wohl sofort einsteigen leute  

211 Postings, 5128 Tage invest-2011Jooooo,

28.04.11 23:21
... dann mach mal !
Aber heul hinterher nicht deinem Geld her !!!  

16074 Postings, 8500 Tage NassieNews

02.05.11 15:21
Patriot Data Solutions Group to Assist in Integrated Emergency Response System for State of Maryland
Last update: 5/2/2011 8:45:00 AM
Company chosen by primary contractor InterAct Public Safety Systems for its Crossflo DataExchange® (CDX) Enterprise Edition system that features NIEM-conforming integration -
SAN DIEGO, May 2, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Patriot Scientific Corporation (PTSC) today reported that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Patriot Data Solutions Group (PDSG), was selected by InterAct Public Safety Systems to help implement an integrated emergency response voice and data system for the State of Maryland.
The company was chosen by the primary contractor for its Crossflo DataExchange® (CDX) Enterprise Edition system, in part because of its National Information Exchange Model-conforming integration features.
"We're proud to be participating in this initiative," said Brian Mooney, Senior VP of Operations at PDSG. "InterAct Public Safety Systems is renowned for its public safety incident response and management software. We're looking forward to helping agencies in the State of Maryland share vital data with ease, effectiveness and efficiency."
The initiative comes as a result of Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley's declaration that all emergency response agencies across the state will be connected for all voice and data information. Doing so will enable a coordinated response to all emergencies; allowing Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services and 911-call centers to share real-time information.
CDX provides integrated data sharing, enhanced data interoperability and data integration that is built on open-source industry standards and architected according to SOA principles, making the system future-proof. Reusable artifacts also support additional partners and information exchanges. More information on the CDX platform is available at .
About Patriot Scientific Corporation
Headquartered in Carlsbad, California, Patriot Scientific Corporation ("PTSC") is the co-owner of the Moore Microprocessor Patent(TM) Portfolio licensing partnership with The TPL Group. For more information on Patriot Scientific Corporation, visit: .
About Patriot Data Solutions Group
Patriot Data Solutions Group, Inc. ("PDSG") provides products and solutions that enable mission-critical applications to significantly accelerate the time to value and reduce total cost of ownership for their data-sharing initiatives. The company's flagship product, the Crossflo DataExchange® solution, helps link systems together and facilitates secure data sharing for any information exchange initiative in the public safety and criminal justice markets. The solution has been designed to work directly with a number of national data sharing standards, including NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) and the Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM). PDSG has been working with some of the nation's earliest and most innovative data exchange projects including one of the most advanced statewide data-sharing initiatives to be deployed in the United States. PDSG is the data-sharing group of Patriot Scientific Corporation, which is headquartered in Carlsbad, California (PTSC). For more information on Patriot Data Solutions Group, visit .  

211 Postings, 5128 Tage invest-2011Diese News ...

02.05.11 17:29
... bewertet der Markt aktuell mit
MINUS 3,4% !!!

gäääääähn ...  

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