Pan American der Korrekturthread

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 02:04
Eröffnet am:25.11.10 13:45von: buranAnzahl Beiträge:144
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 02:04von: KatrinodhfaLeser gesamt:18.898
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246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranPan American der Korrekturthread

25.11.10 13:45
ich habe gestern eine erfolgreiche Kaufbestätigung bekommen
ein Bekannter hat mir diesen Tiel empfohlen
Heute bin ich stutzig geworden als ich in diessem Thread gelesen habe:
In diesem Tread handelt es sich nicht Pan America merkte ich dann.
Gruss Buran  

713 Postings, 5346 Tage black.jackpan american goldfields

25.11.10 18:06

Pan american goldfields (ehemals mexoro) ist ein sehr interessanter Explorer/Produzent der mit seinem Cieneguita goldprojekt bereits cashflow generiert. neben Cieneguita wo man bereits an einer erhöhung des outputs arbeitet, ist man im besitz von mehreren anderen projekten in mexico.   finde die strategie des unternehmens sehr interessant und denke das sie noch relativ unbekannt sind. dies könnte sich aber schnell ändern.  was mich etwas stört ist das listing an der otcbb.  bin auch seit gestern dabei. hoffe/denke das hier noch einiges zu holen ist (meine meinung)

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713 Postings, 5346 Tage black.jackpan american goldfields

30.11.10 17:27
Releases Nov 29, 2010

Pan American Goldfields Ltd Announces Cieneguita Gold-Silver Project Pre-Concentrate/Concentrate Shipments on Target
Producing gold, silver and lead in concentrates

BROOMFIELD, CO, Nov. 29 /PRNewswire/ - Further to its press release of November 9, 2010, Pan American Goldfields Ltd (OTCBB:"MXOM") (the "Company") is pleased to announce that the company's partner Minera Rio Tinto (MRT) continues to increase production and optimize operations at the Cieneguita project mill in Chihuahua, Mexico as projected previously. Pre-concentrate produced at the Cieneguita mill is shipped for further processing at MRT's mill at Choix, Mexico, where final concentrates are produced and shipped to the Trafigura warehouse in Manzanillo for sale under a contract with Trafigura.

Prior to the recent installation and commissioning of the ball mill and additional flotation cells, bulk sulfide pre-concentrate production included 380 tonnes in July, 462 tonnes in August, and 499 tonnes in September of 2010. In October, over 1,000 tonnes were produced, although only 702 tonnes were shipped due to the installation schedule associated with the filtration/drying equipment, which is now fully installed and operating. It is estimated that over 1,500 tonnes will be shipped in November, including the unshipped October production.

Following further treatment at Chiox, final lead and zinc concentrates are shipped for sale to Trafigura in Manzanillo, Mexico. Final concentrates produced and shipped to Trafigura during October and the first 10 days of November are summarized in the table below:

Date of Shipment Tonnes Gold grams /tonne Silver grams/tonne Lead Content %
Octobe 59.6 62 4,445 24
October 22 36.0 54 4,220 23
November 4 30.3 61 4,630 27
November 10 33.2 54 3,450 23

Another 100 tonnes is being readied for shipment as of the date of this press release.

"We are very pleased with progress to date as the initial production following the installation of the ball mill is as forecast" said Mario Ayub Chairman, Pan American Goldfields.

MRT, the company's partner, has advised the Company that it expects to continue increasing pre-concentrate production at Cieneguita along with improved metal recoveries as the ball mill grinding process is fine-tuned. The amount of ore material mined and processed at Cieneguita is currently about 500 tons per day and it is intended to increase this amount to 600 tons per day by year end. This amount of ore production would relate to the production of approximately 260 tons of concentrate per month with metal contents similar to current concentrate shipments.

About Cieneguita

The Cieneguita mill makes a bulk sulfide flotation concentrate that is sent to the MRT owned mill at Choix where it is then reground and separate lead and zinc concentrates produced. These concentrates are then shipped to the port at Manzanillo where they are sold under contract to the trading company Trafigura. Most of the gold and silver report to the lead concentrate. The anticipated increase in the production capacity at Cieneguita will not require any modifications to the plant at Choix. Pan American currently has a joint venture agreement with MRT under which MRT can earn 60% of the project by successfully initiating production on a small scale, followed by the funding of an additional $4 million toward the completion of a bankable feasibility study. With the completion of the construction start-up phase at Cieneguita, the focus will now be the acceleration of the feasibility study. This study will evaluate a full-scale operation which will target a production rate of about 5,000 tonnes of material processed per day along with saleable metal production directly from the Cieneguita site.

The technical information in this release has been prepared by Gary A. Parkison, CPG, a Director of the Company and a Qualified Person as defined by NI43-101.

About Pan American Goldfields/MexoroMinerals

Pan American Goldfields is a Chihuahua, Mexico based precious metal producer and exploration company. It is a specialist in exploration, mine development and production in Mexico's booming Sierra Madre Gold-Silver Belt. The company's most advanced project is its now producing Cieneguita Gold Mine where a feasibility study to significantly increase the mine's already growing production profile is underway.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Mario Ayub, Chairman

Corporate Headquarters

Mexoro Minerals Ltd.
Mountain View Center
12303 Airport Way
Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80021
Tel: +1 (303) 327-1587

713 Postings, 5346 Tage black.jackschlusskurs otc

08.01.11 01:04
0,242  $  + 21%  

713 Postings, 5346 Tage black.jackLöschung

09.01.11 23:37

Zeitpunkt: 02.04.11 11:29
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - falscher thread



713 Postings, 5346 Tage black.jackups

09.01.11 23:38
falscher thread  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranlass mal stehen black.jack

10.01.11 02:40
liest sich gut


246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buran8.204 $

31.01.11 18:12
mal wieder in's Grüne gepumpt(letzten news so ich informiert bin vom 18ten...*gruml*)  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranPan American macht jetzt die Düse,supi

08.03.11 07:53

99 Postings, 5006 Tage sommer81@buran

08.03.11 09:31

was meinst, steht da noch viel luft nach oben? was ist so deine prognose?


246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buransommer81

08.03.11 09:41
bis dato noch keine Analystenempfehlungen raus,will also nichts falsches schreiben  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage burandrüben auf WO schreiben welche was von

21.03.11 12:51
Börsenbriefen.Nun denn,lass krachen Amigos!  

2074 Postings, 6336 Tage Joschi307Pan American 0,15 € (-26,8 %)

02.04.11 00:06
BB sind mittlerweile Kontraindikator  

1547 Postings, 5307 Tage imagineHier wird an Au und Ag seit Dez.2010 verdient.

21.04.11 13:29
Wollte hier nochmals errinnern das diese Aktien Monat für Monat Cash Flow ca. 0,2 Mio. Dollar 2,2 Mio. Dollar per Anun generiert. Außerdem gab es eine sehr interessante Übernahme des Cerro Delta-Gold-Projekt in der Maricunga-Gold-Gürtel wo das Bohrprogramm in 4. Quartal 2011 beginnt. Dabei ist diese Aktie gerademal mit nicht ganz 12 Mio. Euro bewertet. Und im Boden schlummern Schätze und werden auch gerade abgefangen zu heben. In den nächsten 2 jahren dürfte sich der Cash Flow mehr als verdreifachen.

Ich habe heute nochmals nachgelegt weil ich von dieser Aktie überzeugt bin.

Where we are today
• Production 500 TPD
• Average grade 1.20 grams Au 110 grams Ag (Au eq. +3.0 grams)
• Average Recovery at Cieneguita +95%
• Last Shipped to Choix Mill rough concentrate 258 tons containing 238 oz Au Eq.
• Increase production to 600 tons per day
• Increase production to 750 tons per day
• Projected Exit Positive Cash flow $200,000 (Net to Pan American)
• Fast track feasibility to increase production (target 100,000 ounces per year with 40%
net to Pan American Goldfields) 3,000 tons per day operation for 2013

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranna dann mal hinne ;-)))

02.09.11 15:20
ehemaliger Kumpel hiess Hinne,der müscht hier auch mit,nur mit einer anderen ID,Kumpel bleibt Kumpel  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranwas macht meine/unserer Pan American

06.09.11 15:16
ja,sieht gut aus.Das Sommertief ist vorbei.Unsere Pan A. hat sich aus eigenen Kräften befreien können.Sicherlich haben etlich 1000e Zukäufe dabei geholfen.Danke an dieser Stelle.Etwas mehr beteiligung im thread wär doch was ;-) *freu*  
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246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buran(kurz nach Mitte Juni war meine Hose randvoll)

06.09.11 15:17
ehrlich wehrt am Längsten!  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buran*stutzstaun* boaaaaa was war denn im August los?

03.10.11 18:06
ein Schuss über 2 EUR.Katapult der Neuzeit.Da hat aber einer reingeschaufelt.Mein lieber komm mit.Manchmal kommt man aus dem Staunen nicht wieder heraus.Ich stell mir gerade vor ,ich hätte ne Fun-V-Order bei 1,90 platziert.Besser wie'n Sechser im LOTTO mit Zusatzzahl.Was würde passieren mit mir? Strapse anzuiehen und im Suff enden.Nein danke,ich möchte bodenständig bleiben ;-)  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranhier der reale Stand:

03.10.11 18:09
Letzter 29.09.11 Umsatz  Veränderung
0,205 $   0,205 $   0 $ 0,00%

Handelsplatz: Nasdaq OTC BB  Stand: 29.09.11  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranRechenbeispiel/kleiner Überschlag mit Blei

03.10.11 18:12
0,2>2 entspricht 1000%/0,01Dollar somit 10Dollar.Den Rest der Rechnung kann nach belieben ausgebaut werden. *dingdongdingdong*  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buran#18 erstaunlich,mein letztes Post zu Pan American

03.10.11 18:20
am 06.09.'11.Da hat keiner was bemerkt,also im Chart nicht ersichtlich.Glaube die Kieler Sprotten wussten selbst nicht,wie sie den grünen Volumen-Balken,verbunden mit dem Kurs-Überflieger,hätten so schnell einmeisseln können,ohne das die normal-üblichen Daten verloren und untergegangen wären.Erst Wochen später ersichtlich.Glaube für alle Investierten auch besser so,sonst wären wir vor den Rechnern kolabiert    ....meim lieber Scholli,sowas sieht man selten *boaaaaaa*  

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranBörse brutal aus allen Registern

03.10.11 18:26
man muss alles mal miterleben ;o) miterlebt haben dürfen  

11 Postings, 5457 Tage Falkerkeine Umsätze seit 29.09.

04.10.11 12:19

hallo, weis jemand warum seit 29.09. an der Nasdaq keine Umsätze sind?


246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranFehler im System

04.10.11 12:29

246516 Postings, 6994 Tage buranQuelle: OTS

07.11.11 13:11
Pan American Goldfields Ltd Appoints Miguel F. Di Nanno as President
09:05 18.10.10

Broomfield, Colorado (ots/PRNewswire) - Pan American Goldfields Ltd (the "Company") today announced the appointment of Miguel F. Di Nanno as president of the Company, replacing George S. Young. Mr. Di Nanno is a mining engineer and business executive with over 30 years of experience in mining exploration and development in Latin America, and will bring to the Company additional strength in the identification and acquisition of new projects for the Company's growth. His previous experience includes positions as Country Manager in Argentina for Phelps Dodge Corporation, Commercial Development Manager in Argentina for the Queensland Government and the Australian Industry Group, Chief Operating Officer in Argentina for the Grosso Group, and as Zone Manager for Canyon Resource Corporation. He has also been highly sought after and served in a consulting capacity for an impressive list of mining and mining service companies, including MIM Exploration, COMINCO, Brancote Holdings, Viceroy Resources, Cyprus Minerals, Mauricio Hochschild, Bema Gold, Northern Orion, and Lakefield Research Ltd.

The appointment of Mr. Di Nanno increases the Company's strategic ability to identify and acquire gold exploration and production projects in Latin America and further positions the Company for rapid growth in the current gold market. Mr. Di Nanno will work closely with the Company's Board of Directors to continue negotiations on producing projects previously identified in Argentina and will be instrumental in the identification of new projects.

"We are pleased to bring Miguel onto our team," said Mario Ayub, Chairman of the Company. "We have a strong presence in Latin America, and Miguel will be instrumental for the Company as we continue with our plans for growth through increasing our production at Cieneguita, exploration on our current properties, as well as acquisitions in other regions."

About Pan American Goldfields

Pan American Goldfields Ltd is a Chihuahua, Mexico based gold producer and exploration company. It is a specialist in exploration, mine development and production in Mexico's booming Sierra Nevada gold belt. The company's most advanced project is its now producing Cieneguita gold mine where a feasibility study to significantly increase the mine's already growing production profile is underway. Pan American also has exploration programs underway at Cieneguita South and Piedras Blancas, as well as at the Encino Gordo project.

The Company's interest in the Cieneguita gold mine is held in connection with a joint venture with Minera Rio Tinto, the operator of the project. The Cieneguita project hosts measured and indicated resources in excess of 1 million ounces gold equivalent, as described in the Company's recently-published 43-101, as follows:

Cieneguita Deposit In Situ Resource Within Optimized Pit Shell (at) 0.8 g/t AuEq Cut-Off

Au Ag Cu Pb Zn AuEq Classification Tonnes g/t g/t % % % g/t
Measured 3,128,000 0.71 61.8 0.03 0.24 0.29 1.86
Indicated 16,959,000 0.74 50.0 0.03 0.21 0.25 1.69
Meas. & Ind. 20,087,000 0.74 51.8 0.03 0.21 0.26 1.71
Inferred 453,000 0.99 34.2 0.02 0.13 0.17 1.63
Au Ag AuEq Classification Tonnes oz oz oz
Measured 3,128,000 71,400 6,215,000 186,600
Indicated 16,959,000 403,500 27,262,000 920,900
Meas. & Ind. 20,087,000 474,900 33,477,000 1,107,500
Inferred 453,000 14,400 498,000 23,800

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Mario Ayub, Chairman

Qualified Persons

In the recently completed Technical Report and the amendment thereto to be filed, the Qualified persons were Douglas R. Wood, Licensed Professional Geologist, Utah No. 5557261, Eugene J. Puritch, P.Eng. and Antoine Yassa, P.Geo. An NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate was carried out by Puritch and Yassa of P & E Mining Consultants Inc., using inverse distance grade estimation and a geologic model developed from data from the Company's drill programs.

Mario Ayub is a director of the Company and is a 'qualified person' for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He has verified the data (including sampling, analytical and test data) and prepared or supervised the preparation of the information contained in this news release.

For further information: Christopher R Anderson, Investor Relations, +1-604-628-7065, +44-(0)20-3-371-7844 - UK - London,

ots Originaltext: Pan American Goldfields Ltd Im Internet recherchierbar:

Contact: CONTACT: For further information: Christopher R Anderson,Investor Relations, +1-604-628-7065, +44-(0)20-3-371-7844 - UK - London,

Quelle: OTS  

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