Plug Power - Brennstoffzellen
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Neuester Beitrag: | 05.03.25 20:16 | von: newson | Leser gesamt: | 8.287.355 |
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Ein Aufwärtspotential von 35 %. Wenn ich die Finanzhaie richtig einschätze, werden Heute erst einmal tüchtig Stopp-Loss abgefischt von Wankelmütigen, & anschliessend besteht eine reelle Chance, dass wir gut im Plus abschliessen.
4.59 Up 0.1001(2.23%) 1:07PM EDT - Nasdaq Real Time Price
nachhaltig ?
Zudem könnten sie von Brennstoffzellen- Autos profitieren, weil sie Wasserstoffgas Pumpen herstellen. Plug Power ist einer der erfahrensten Hersteller in der Infrastruktur die Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge benötigen.
Der Staat Kalifornien will weitere $200.000.000 ausgeben für den Aufbau der Wasserstofftankstellen und hier werden mmm ganz sicher auch die Plug Power Pumpen zum Einsatz kommen.
Ihr Kleinmütigen, seid doch nicht so ängstlich
Plug Power steht kurz vor dem Aufstieg "To The Big Leagues"
Plug Power's recent ReliOn acquisition and $116M net raise put it in a prime position to achieve its stated expansion and product efficiency goals.
Wal-Mart provides the potential for up to $ 650M in Plug revenue.
Die Aktie ist im übrigen sehr volatil, sie kann in 2015 im Bereich von
US $ 2.50 bis 15.50 $ zu liegen kommen
PLUG: The Sound Of Silence
We have been laser focused on PLUG Power in recent weeks and that will continue though we do plan to release some other stocks that we are following at some point in the week. One thing that we plan to do periodically is write about stocks that may seem marginal from a surface view but where we feel the company is in the process of developing something big or nearing milestones such as governmental approvals which may change its prospects and underlying value overnight. These are not likely to be companies we’ll be in whole hog, but they may be companies to which we apply fractional funds that we are entirely prepared to lose. We are not a proponent of anyone investing in obvious scams in an effort to turn a quick buck because those often don’t end well. We don’t particularly favor daily newsletters either because by the time the average Joe buys in it’s usually too late and the folks that got in real early, as in when the promotional contract was signed, are often on their way out. We do however like the tiny, overlooked, companies who are in the midst of something that may have significant implications in a big or up and coming market sector. We won’t be afraid to discuss those companies here whether they trade for .05 or $5. PLUG itself traded for .12 not all that long ago. Now on to today’s commentary.
The Psychology of News Announcements…plays an outsized role for companies like PLUG that are growing in ways that are a dramatic departure from just a short while ago. Such companies often have clear followings, trade massive volume and are top of mind in the press (which as we have seen may be a double edged sword-any publicity is NOT always good publicity).
Since the announcement of their $116M net raise PLUG has been very quiet. From the standpoint of those who are long the stock this may be incredibly frustrating. But one must run through a certain mental commentary in order to arrive at something that makes sense. For each person that commentary might be a bit different but here are some thoughts that we have had and some which have been conveyed to me by others. They go something like this:
Plug announces its intention to do an offering of some 22M shares through Barclay’s, FBR, Cowen and Morgan Stanley and the stock promptly sells off and continues to sell off in the absence of no real news from the company identifying specific use of the funds or announcing a ‘major’ new GenKey deal. Some have speculated that the “major” deal was with Volkswagon but that announcement was but a second’s long footnote in the latest investor call. Let’s get back to the logic of why one raises $116M in a manner and at a time where the result completely decimates the stock. Who would knowingly do this and then not respond in any way as short sellers fill the news vacuum? Unless the average investor truly believes PLUG is staffed with morons (as those same short sellers would have us believe) then there has to be a reasonable answer. But PLUG isn’t giving us that answer and while that is disconcerting to some I believe that is exactly why long investors should have confidence in the company. Only a reactive company with nothing happening (again what short sellers would have us all believe) would feel the need to respond with semi-bogus “positive” announcements to try to stem its bleeding. They would tell us about attending another conference or getting a great score on a service survey (not unimportant of course but pretty feeble if one has just had a knife stuck in their back). People want to know where the beef is and we think PLUG understands that. Our confidence (in addition to what we firmly believe the company is actually doing) stems from the company’s confidence in its own agenda and that it feels no need to say anything until what it says is of real import.
The announcement Friday of the company’s order from Central Grocer’s in Illinois, the same folks who agreed to display Plug’s GenKey system at the WERC conference about a week ago, should come as little surprise. This is just one of what could (and we think will) be dozens of similar follow on orders for PLUG. As we said in a post on our old site at the time, no one invites people to publicly display their product at their distribution sites if they don’t like it. Here is something we do know about management and timing of releases. It is far better to report a smaller deal in isolation than after a much larger deal because the company is likely to get more credit for it. So on a Friday which would otherwise be another day of taking it in the shorts from the shorts, the company gives us a small dose of what lies ahead. We like to speculate, otherwise we would not be in the stock market, but we try to do so without our heads in the clouds. What we see ahead is a series of announcements, not exhaustive by any means and in no particular order:
- Upgrades from Analysts (could come at any time)
- News of a much larger GenKey order or orders
- News of an additional order for FedEx Ranges extenders
- News of a new Range extender client
- News of one or more acquisitions
- News of plant expansion either in the U.S. or overseas
- News of entry into a not previously targeted market or a market that PLUG had abandoned years ago for which it now has renewed capacity
For those with just a tiny bit of patience I don’t think it will be too long before that patience is rewarded. That does not mean that PLUG won’t continue to trade in a range, perhaps even a volatile one at times, but it does mean that the ability to smirk and demean based upon shallow and backward looking analysis will become far more difficult.
As always, these are our thoughts only and are not a recommendation for our readers to do anything. If you are considering an investment in any equity, please first check with a trusted financial adviser.