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29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimRegenerative Energiewirtschaft

09.05.08 05:22
Asia Morning View
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Q-Cells, Ormat Technologies, Hansen Transmissions Up - JA Solar, Motech, LDK Solar Down
RENIXX [08.05.2008 - 14:31]

RENIXX World mit kurzem Aufwärtssprung fester – Geoenergie-Konzern Ormat an der Spitze Münster - Der weltweite Aktienindex der Regenerativen Energiewirtschaft RENIXX (Renewable Energy Industrial Index) World notierte gestern um 0,92 Prozent (+13,95 Punkte) höher und beendete den Handelstag bei einem Kurs von 1537,88.

Mit einem verhaltenen Start am Vormittag stieg der RENIXX zunächst nur leicht an. Gegen 14:00 Uhr legte er allerdings sprunghaft über die Marke von 1550 Punkten zu, konnte dieses Niveau jedoch nicht lange halten. Im späteren Verlauf musste der Aktienindex seine Gewinne wieder abgeben und notierte schließlich unter der 1540 Punkte-Marke. Bei den Gewinnern zeigt sich kein einheitliches Branchenbild. An der Tagesspitze steht die Aktie von Ormat Technologies, deren Wert sich um 5,88 Prozent auf 34,75 Euro verteuerte. Der Geoenergie-Konzern hatte am Anfang der Woche positive Zahlen zum ersten Quartal 2008 veröffentlicht. Demnach verbesserten sich die Nettoerlöse gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum von -5,8 Mio. Dollar (-0,15 Dollar pro Aktie) auf 10,1 Mio. Dollar (0,24 Dollar pro Aktie). Deutliche Gewinne erzielten auch die Aktien des belgischen Getriebeherstellers Hansen Transmissions (+5,02 Prozent, 2,72 Euro) und des deutschen Solarkonzerns Q-Cells (+4,21 Prozent, 2,88 Euro), der nach den Verlusten des Vortages wieder aufholen konnte. Am Indexende stehen Vertreter aus der Biokraftstoff- und Solarbranche. Die meisten Verluste hatte der US-Bioethanol-Hersteller Pacific Ethanol zu verzeichnen, der mit -4,55 Prozent auf 2,10 Euro seinen Abwärtstrend seit Anfang des Jahres weiter fortsetzt. Zu Beginn der Woche wurde in den Medien bekannt, dass Bill Gates seine Anteile an Pacific Ethanol von 10,5 Mio. Aktien auf 9,5 Mio. Aktien reduziert habe. Die Solaraktien von JA Solar (-3,80 Prozent, 14,43 Euro), Motech Industries (-1,94 Prozent, 5,55 Euro), Meyer Burger (-1,53 Prozent, 188,03 Euro) und LDK Solar (-1,45 Prozent, 23,17 Euro) verbilligten sich am gestrigen Tag ebenfalls deutlich.

Der Umsatz in den 30 RENIXX-Aktien an den zugrundeliegenden Börsen-Handelsplätzen lag gestern bei 108,82 Mio. Euro (Vortag: 146,18 Mio. Euro).

Quelle: Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR),
Link: http://www.iwr.de/
Zum kostenlosen RENIXX-Newsletter: http://www.iwr.de/renixx/newsletter.php

29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimHat GOOGLE Interesse an ORMATs Geothermie ?

26.05.08 02:08
Is Google Interested in Ormat's Geothermal Technology?

by: Zack Miller posted on: May 22, 2008 | about stocks: GOOG / ORA    


As we wrote last week, numerous business and political bigwigs were in Israel for Shimon Peres’s conference celebrating Israel’s 60th birthday. While we sat in on various sessions and working groups, given our bent for Israeli technology, we really enjoyed a session dedicated to the future of the Internet attended by the pioneers of modern media, including Sergey Brin, Google’s (GOOG) founder, and Rupert Murdoch, News Corp (NWS) founder.

It now appears that Brin is getting closer to Israel as he eyes specific deals with leading technology players in fields that might surprise you. Google’s Brin was very busy in Israel touring the country with his parents and fitting in numerous meetings with Israeli entrepreneurs. It looks like the outcomes of the meetings are “heating up” as Google appears close to doing a deal with global leader in geothermal energy and Israel green energy icon, Ormat Technologies (ORA).

According to Haaretz:

   Senior Google executives met with their counterparts from Ormat at two alternative energy conferences, including a presentation on geothermal energy. Larry Page, the other co-founder of Google, even visited an Ormat geothermal plant in Desert Peak, Nevada.

This same article says that the goal of the program, as explained by Page, is:

   to produce one gigawatt of renewable energy capacity that is cheaper than coal. We are optimistic this can be done in years, not decades.

CNET covered the story and added that:

   Executives at Google have been clear that so-called enhanced geothermal is on the list of technologies they see as cost effective, compared with fossil fuel energy. The idea behind enhanced, or engineered, geothermal systems is to inject water underground to enhance the permeability of rock, allowing for the release and capture of more heat. Ormat is working on an enhanced geothermal project organized by the U.S. Department of Energy, which says that these advanced techniques can dramatically increase geothermal potential–by 40 times.
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29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimORMATS Ergebnisse fürs 2. Quartal 08

12.07.08 02:41
10.07.2008 15:00
Ormat Technologies, Inc. to Host Conference Call Announcing Second Quarter 2008 Earnings Results

RENO, Nev., July 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ormat Technologies, (News) Inc. plans to announce its second quarter 2008 earnings results in a press release that will be issued on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 after the market close. The Company has scheduled a conference call to discuss the results at 10:00 A.M. EDT on Wednesday, August 6, 2008.

(Logo: approximately twenty minutes before the conference call is scheduled to begin. You will need to register, and may need to download and install the required audio software. The webcast will be archived for 30 days following the call.

About Ormat Technologies

Ormat Technologies, Inc. is the only vertically-integrated company primarily engaged in the geothermal and recovered energy power business. The company designs, develops, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy-based power plants around the world. Additionally, the company designs, manufactures and sells geothermal and recovered energy power units and other power-generating equipment, and provides related services. The company has more than four decades of experience in the development of environmentally-sound power, primarily in geothermal and recovered-energy generation. Ormat products and systems are covered by more than 75 patents.

Ormat currently operates the following geothermal and recovered energy-based power plants: in the United States - Brady, Heber, Mammoth, Ormesa, Puna, Steamboat and OREG 1; in Guatemala - Zunil and Amatitlan; in Kenya - Olkaria; and in Nicaragua - Momotombo.

29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimORMAT News

20.08.08 10:45

U.S. Geothermal, Inc:

A Solid Geothermal Pure Play  by:

Tom Konrad posted on: August 18, 2008 | about stocks:

HTM / ORA              US Geothermal, Inc. (HTM)  is one of only two pure-play geothermal power companies traded on US exchanges.

The other is Ormat (ORA), a vertically integrated company widely considered to be the industry leader.  As baseload, extremely reliable power, Geothermal fits easily into utilities existing grids, making it a popular source of green power, especially with utilities uncomfortable with the intermittent and difficult to predict nature of wind and solar.    Unlike wind and solar, the potential resource for geothermal power is quite small relative to electricity demand.

At least until Enhanced Geothermal Systems [EGS] technology is commercialized, geothermal will remain a boutique form of electricity generation, producing less than 1% of our electricity supply.  In many ways, the prospects are like those for new hydropower development in the US: New large resources are unlikely to be developed, but there is a lot of potential for small projects.  Until last year, the relatively small potential for geothermal led the technology to be mostly ignored by investors.

Now geothermal is getting more of the attention it deserves as a rapidly growing (if still tiny) source of clean power.  The Portfolio Approach  I bought US Geothermal last year as part of a small portfolio of Geothermal exploration companies.  Others I bought around the same time were Sierra Geothermal [SRAGF.pk], Raser Technologies (RZ), and Western GeoPower Corp [WGPWF.PK], which I added to previous holdings of Nevada Geothermal [NGLPF.OB] and Ormat.

The group as a whole has performed well, although I have small losses in Sierra Geothermal and Western Geopower.    In general, I have not evaluated these companies in depth.  Understanding a geothermal exploration company is a lot like understanding other mining exploration companies.  To gain insight into their likely success or failure, one would have to delve into the underlying geology of their leases, something I lack the skills to do.

This is why I prefer to take a portfolio approach to the sector, which has so far been effective at protecting me from company specific risks.  US Geothermal  That said, I agreed I would look into HTM in more detail, and since the company's annual meeting is coming up, the annual report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 was conveniently sitting in my inbox.  I find reading the annual report from cover to cover an excellent place to start when researching a company.  Here are my impressions:

1. The company has a handful of leases, at many stages of development, from Gerlach and Granite Creek, exploration prospects, to Raft River, which began producing power this year, but which it is continuing to expand.  In between are Neal Hot Springs, where it has what sounds like very promising test results from its first well, and San Emidio, a recently acquired older geothermal plant which the company has plans to upgrade and greatly expand (it recently received drilling permits to start the expansion.)

2. The company seems to be following its stated strategy of acquiring only leases where there is strong evidence of good geothermal prospects.  Although all natural resource exploration is risky, this should help to ameliorate the risks of exploration and development.

3. The company will need a substantial amount of cash to follow its chosen strategy.  This will probably come in the form of additional private placements, and joint ventures to develop specific projects.  The need to do additional private placements (where large blocks of stock are sold at a discount to the market price) will likely keep downward pressure on the stock price, which makes it likely that the share price will not see the quick tripling it had last year.

4. The interest among utilities in geothermal power is remarkably strong, so much so that they felt comfortable starting over from scratch on the Power Purchase Agreement [PPA] for the second stage of its Raft River project.  Management exudes confidence in its ability to negotiate favorable PPAs for future generation.

This is a marked contrast to other renewable electricity producers.  From my personal experience talking to wind, solar and hydro developers, they typically feel mistreated by utilities which often have the upper hand in negotiations for PPAs.  Overall, HTM seems as solid a company as could be expected from an early stage resource development company.  If you do want to venture beyond Ormat to buy a few geothermal exploration companies, HTM should be on your short list.

While it may not have the price growth potential of companies which do not yet have US listings, it is also relatively less risky due to the relatively high quality of the projects the company is pursuing.  DISCLOSURE: Tom Konrad and/or his clients have long positions in


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4195 Postings, 7672 Tage MannemerWirklich interessant...

08.10.08 19:15
links und rechts kracht es heute wieder, aber Ormat legt zu. Zumindest ein Teil der marktbedingten Verluste der letzten Tage werden somit ausgeglichen. Ormat stellte heute auch seine Finanzierung für die nächsten Jahre sicher. Ich setze die Mitteilung noch rein. Nach der US-Wahl dürfte dieser Geothermiewert m.E.zu den Gewinnern gehören.  

4195 Postings, 7672 Tage MannemerKreditlinie über 100 Mio gesichert

08.10.08 19:19

FinanzNachrichten.de, 08.10.2008

Ormat Technologies Closes $100 Million Line of Credit
RENO, Nev., Oct. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ormat Technologies, Inc. today announced that it has established a three-year $100 million line of credit through a commercial bank. In total, Ormat's approved unused corporate lines of credits with various commercial banks are $260 million.

(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20040422/LATH066LOGO)

"Given the turbulence in the credit and stock markets we are pleased to secure additional financing. Our focus is on running our business with a long-term outlook and it was with this motivation that we decided to secure additional credit lines," said Dita Bronicki, Chief Executive Officer of Ormat

"Renewable energy is a vital part of the fight against global warming and will continue to grow even in turbulent economic times. We continue to be technically and financially well positioned to take advantage of this growth opportunity. It is worth noting that the extension of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) last week to the end of 2010 was finally passed together with the plan to support the financing industry."

As of June 30, 2008, Ormat had access to $137.8 million in cash and cash equivalents in addition to $160 million in lines of credit.

About Ormat Technologies

Ormat Technologies, Inc. is a vertically integrated company primarily engaged in the geothermal and recovered energy power business. The Company designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy-based power plants. Additionally, the Company designs, manufactures and sells geothermal and recovered energy power units and other power generating equipment, and provides related services. Ormat products and systems total more than 1,000 MW and are covered by more than 75 patents. Ormat currently owns and operates 410 MW of geothermal and recovered energy-based power plants in the United States -- Brady, Heber, Mammoth, Ormesa, Puna, Steamboat and OREG 1; in Guatemala -- Zunil and Amatitlan; in Kenya -- Olkaria; and in Nicaragua -- Momotombo.



65 Postings, 6259 Tage cuxxist hier noch jemand aktiv?

05.02.09 10:37
kenne die fa nicht weiter,bin "noch" nicht investiert, aber die performance sieht nicht schlecht aus..
welche erfahrungen habt ihr?

29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimFür mich ein langfristiges Invest, cuxx ...

11.07.09 09:19
Ormat Technologies initiated with "neutral"
07/10/09 - Global Hunter Securities

NEW YORK, July 10 (newratings.com) - Analysts at Global Hunter Securities initiate coverage of Ormat Technologies Inc (ORA) with a "neutral" rating. The target price is set to $45.

In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that the company is well positioned to report strong growth in the forthcoming years, in the wake of its dominant position in the geothermal segment. Ormat Technologies’ expansion into recovered energy generation is also expected to boost its performance going forward, the analysts add. The company’s near term growth prospects may be restricted by the poor credit markets, Global Hunter Securities says.
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ormat_bild_01.jpg (verkleinert auf 87%) vergrößern

29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimORMAT präsentierte Q - 2 Zahlen !

07.08.09 16:43

06.08.2009 01:28

Ormat Technologies, Inc. Reports Second Quarter 2009 Results / Q2 net income increased 32.3% to $16.0 million; Q2 revenues increased 24.9% to $100.2 million;

RENO, Nev., Aug. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ormat Technologies, Inc. today announced record financial results for the second quarter of 2009.

Total revenues for the second quarter were $100.2 million, compared to $80.2 million for the second quarter of 2008, an increase of 24.9%, which consisted of a 115.1% increase in revenues from the Product Segment, and a decline of 2.0% in revenue in the Electricity Segment.

For the quarter, the Company reported net income of $16.0 million, or $0.35 per share (basic and diluted), compared to net income of $12.1 million, or $0.28 per share (basic and diluted), for the second quarter of 2008. The increase in net income is primarily attributable to our Product Segment and some foreign currency translation gains.

Commenting on the quarter's results, Dita Bronicki, Chief Executive Officer of Ormat, stated: "We are pleased with the growth of our business and the record revenues of $100.2 million in this quarter. Total generation for the quarter was strong, up 14% from the 2008 quarter. We produced 811,000 megawatt hours and 1,701,000 megawatt hours for the quarter and first six months, respectively, up from 712,000 megawatt hours and 1,444,000 megawatt hours, respectively, last year. Notwithstanding the strong growth in generation, total revenues in the Electricity Segment declined slightly due to the expected reduction in Puna revenues resulting from lower oil prices and the ongoing construction at Puna. Our Product Segment delivered another solid quarter which more than offset the reduction in the Electricity Segment."

"During the quarter, we continued to make selective investments in land acquisition, which is fundamental to building a sustainable growth company with profitable results. Our strategy is to continue to invest in high potential land. Our growth initiatives continue moving forward, with new exploration occurring at several sites within the United States." Ms. Bronicki continued.

Electricity revenues for the three-month period ended June 30, 2009 were $60.6 million compared to $61.8 million in the year ago period, a decrease of 2.0%. The decrease in electricity revenues is primarily attributable to lower energy rates at Puna, due to lower oil prices and to the expiration of the "adder", an additional energy rate paid to us under the Heber 2 power purchase agreement.

Revenues from the Product Segment totaled $39.7 million for the quarter, compared to $18.4 million in 2008.

Adjusted EBITDA for the second quarter of 2009 was $32.3 million, compared to $29.2 million in the same quarter last year. Adjusted EBITDA includes operating income and depreciation and amortization totaling $1.2 million and $1.3 million for the quarters ended June 30, 2009 and 2008, respectively, related to the Company's unconsolidated investment interest of 50% in the Mammoth Project in California. The reconciliation of GAAP net income to Adjusted EBITDA is set forth below in this release. Cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2009 increased to $46.0 million from $34.4 million as of December 31, 2008.

On August 5, 2009, Ormat's Board of Directors approved the payment of a quarterly cash dividend of $0.06 per share pursuant to the Company's dividend policy, which targets an annual payout ratio of at least 20% of the Company's net income, subject to Board approval. The dividend will be paid on August 27, 2009 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on August 18, 2009. The Company expects to pay a dividend of $0.06 per share in the next quarter as well.

Commenting on the outlook for 2009, Ms. Bronicki said, "Following our second quarter earnings results, we are increasing our guidance for 2009. We expect our total revenues to increase to between $382 million and $400 million. With the delay in the commercial operation of North Brawley, we expect our 2009 Electricity Segment revenues to be between $252 million and $260 million. We also expect additional revenues of approximately $9 million from our share of electricity revenues generated by Mammoth that is accounted for under the equity method. With regard to our Product Segment, we are increasing our guidance for 2009 revenues and expect them to now be between $130 million and $140 million."

Ms. Bronicki concluded, "This has been another good quarter for Ormat. During the quarter and subsequently, we were able to raise additional project financing and corporate loans of over $80 million to fund our growth. In addition, the recently announced regulations for the ITC cash grant and the expected regulations for the U.S. Department of Energy loan guaranty reflect a further increase in governmental support for the renewable energy industry, and Ormat is well positioned to take advantage of it."

Six-Month Results  

For the six-month period ended June 30, 2009, total revenues were $200.1 million, an increase of 33.8% from $149.6 million in the same period last year. Net income for the period was $30.5 million, an increase of 38.1% from $22.1 million in the same period last year. Earnings per share (diluted) for the first half of 2009 was $0.67, compared to $0.52 in the first half of 2008.

Electricity Segment revenues for the six-month period ended June 30, 2009 were $123.2 million, compared to $121.3 million in the same period a year ago. Product Segment revenues for the first half of 2009 were $76.9 million, compared to $28.3 million in the same period in 2008.

Adjusted EBITDA for the six-month period was $68.2 million, compared to $56.7 million in the same period a year ago. Adjusted EBITDA includes consolidated EBITDA and the Company's share in the operating income and depreciation and amortization totaling $2.7 million and $2.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2009 and 2008, respectively, related to the Company's unconsolidated investment interest of 50% in the Mammoth project in California. The reconciliation of GAAP net income to Adjusted EBITDA is set forth below in this release.



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29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimAlternative Energy Forum

29.05.10 09:14

Ormat Technologies, Inc. to Present at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Alternative Energy Forum  RENO, Nev.,

Ormat Technologies, Inc. today announced that it will be participating in the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Alternative Energy Forum on June 3, 2010 in New York.

Dita Bronicki, Chief Executive Officer will provide an overview of the business and financial highlights at 1:45 p.m.

The event will be available via live, listen only webcast. To access the live event, visit the Company's website at http://www.ormat.com/ and click on 'Event Calendar' under the Investor Relations heading. The presentation will be archived for up to 90 days following the conference.


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29411 Postings, 6586 Tage 14051948KibbuzimORMAT Zahlen für 2010 nachgereicht

27.02.11 13:02

Der Kursverlauf paßt zur schlechten Performance vieler Grüner Aktien,

Nachkäufe beim jetzigen Kursniveau sind überlegenswert, ORMAR gehört aber auch zu meinen Lieblinsaktien,die man eigentlich nicht haben soll,also keine Kaufempfehlung.

Zahlen sind ordentlich.



Dividenden gingen 2010 folgendermaßen aufs Konto :

12.03.2010  0,087 €

14.05.2010  0,04  €

13.08.2010  0,039 €

15.11.2010  0,037 €


Gesamt :     0,203 €

5431 Postings, 5549 Tage Tony Wonderful .Jetzt sind wir ja auch noch in demselben Wert

27.02.12 09:46

Aber nur 300 Stück. Man kann solchen Firmen nicht trauen! Trotzdem sehr interessant. ;)


LG Tony  

5431 Postings, 5549 Tage Tony Wonderful .Hab doch noch 200 nachgelegt!

27.02.12 15:29
Schon ne feine Sache die Geothermie.

Auch ein schöner Wikieintrag über Ormat.

Geothermie ist absolute Zukunft und das Unternehmen die Nummer 1!

Permanente Kohle durch Stromverkauf.

Bewertung auf EK.

20 % Wachstum im Jahr.

Wenn sie viel investieren machen sie halt mal weniger Gewinn. Egal. Hier ist ständiges Wachsen und permanenter Verkauf angesagt. Und Energie ist ein Zukunftsmarkt und existenziell wichtig.

Perfektes Invest.

Bin begeistert.  

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