Nuclear Solutions +400 % in 4 Tagen! Freitag +130%

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3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7@smoky

01.10.04 16:16

du bist wohl realtimerer

wir nähern uns den kritischen 0,69 $


3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7NSOL hat bei 0,69$ den kopf

01.10.04 16:22
angeschlagen und ist nun wieder etwas abgetaucht 0,64$  

3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7absolut verrückt !!!

01.10.04 16:26
0,70 $

stell wieder den chart rein, sonst belast ich hier den server zu fest ;)


739 Postings, 7798 Tage smokyUSA +64%

01.10.04 16:42
nicht schlecht, obwohl einige Daytrader mitspielen.


739 Postings, 7798 Tage smoky+112% Frankfurt handelt wieder!

01.10.04 17:04
16.30 sind 2600 für   .52 Euro über die Theke gegangen


739 Postings, 7798 Tage smokyKorrektur: +119,41%

01.10.04 17:06
hatte mich verguckt


3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7in den letzten minuten gings ziemlich bergab

01.10.04 18:18
nun doch wieder 6% im plus. hab vorhin dies hier noch in einem board gefunden:

Es handelt sich nur um ein Gerücht dass Herda die keim- und strahlungsfreie Entsorgung der Gamma-Strahlen gefunden hat...  

3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7aus dem rb

01.10.04 18:27
"Patrick Herda always said I'd like to surprise my shareholders."

"makin; the buzz just bumped to $8 after news. Shoot, I don't know! Hope they're right."

"Anyone know how many shares were bought in the 70's? Seems like quite a few. Watch the return to that area as we progress, a re-trace back up is iminent IMHO. The pending news appears to be too great to not own this going into Monday morning. Once again....IMHO!"

"We will be back to the 70 range today, Don't panic."

Da wird sehr viel diskutiert. Ich aus meiner Sicht sage nur, dass endlich eine News kommen müsste, die den Kursanstieg rechtfertigt, oder die eine noch grössere Rallye veranlasst.  

3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7next resist @ 0.84 $

02.10.04 12:39

Composite Indicator

   Trend Spotter TMBuy
Short Term Indicators
   7 Day Average Directional IndicatorBuy
   10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo ChannelBuy
   20 Day Moving Average vs PriceBuy
   20 - 50 Day MACD OscillatorBuy
   20 Day Bollinger BandsBuy
Short Term Indicators Average:  100% - Buy
20-Day Average Volume - 469135
Medium Term Indicators
   40 Day Commodity Channel IndexBuy
   50 Day Moving Average vs PriceBuy
   20 - 100 Day MACD OscillatorBuy
   50 Day Parabolic Time/PriceBuy
Medium Term Indicators Average:  100% - Buy
50-Day Average Volume - 314120
Long Term Indicators
   60 Day Commodity Channel IndexBuy
   100 Day Moving Average vs PriceBuy
   50 - 100 Day MACD OscillatorBuy
Long Term Indicators Average:  100% - Buy
100-Day Average Volume - 227588
Overall Average:  100% - Buy
PriceSupportPivot PointResistance


und support bei 0.26 $


also gut 50% nach unten und gut 70% nach oben


5416 Postings, 8953 Tage Biomediwieder in Bewegung! + 31 %! o. T.

04.10.04 16:24

5416 Postings, 8953 Tage Biomedisind da Zocker am Werk oder? o. T.

04.10.04 16:40

3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7heute auf 97 cents !

05.10.04 19:58
next resist bei 99 cents. immer noch 100%buy-rating von !!!! mannomann das ding ist heiss.  

739 Postings, 7798 Tage smokyEs rockt ...

06.10.04 16:13
Kaum bist du mal einige Tage weg, rumpelts im Karton ...

Unglaublich, Lance, bei 0.97 US$ ,  uups das ist ja ziemlich deutlich über meiner Jahresend-Prognose von 0.70$

Sollten Nachrichten kommen, macht uns das Baby noch richtig Spaß.
Ich vermute mal, dass wir hierzulande dann die 1 Euro lässig überspringen.

Gestern am 5.10. sind 4 Mio gehandelt worden, auch das ist heftig.
Vor nicht langer Zeit lagen die Tagesumsätze zwischen 200 000 bis 300 000.

Dass ein Widerstand bei 1.1033 $ sieht macht ziemlich optimistisch.


3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7@smoky

06.10.04 16:19
der support (54 cents) liegt mir noch ein bisschen weit weg, um zu sagen: ich steig ein !  

739 Postings, 7798 Tage smoky@lance

06.10.04 16:33
was sagst du zu CSPH Corus Pharma
schon rechercheriert/schon was gehört?
Handel in D - und wann?

danke für die Infos


3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7@smoky

06.10.04 16:56
schaue mir heute die CSPH mal etwas genauer an.

bis später  

3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7@smoky

06.10.04 17:02
ich konnte nirgends corus unter dem symbol CSPH finden ? was ist da ?


3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7NSOL verliert 25% o. T.

06.10.04 17:43

739 Postings, 7798 Tage smokyCSPH - Gates hat die Finger drin

06.10.04 17:52
corus pharma ist eine kleine Biotech-Firma aus Seattle. Interessant: B.Gates "Cascade Investment " investierte am 21.2.2003 in 3.55 Mio Aktien für 0.97$, hält  also etwa 9%. Vor dem geplanten IPO (Ende August bei der SEC angemeldet) sind viele starke Firmen für rund 60 Mio $ eingestiegen. Zwei aussichtsreiche Medikamente gegen Lungen-Probleme  sind  in der Pipeline.


Am besten selber lesen ......

Ausschnitt aus timesonline,,5-1240042,00.html

August 31, 2004
Gates stake in drug group

Bill Gates, the Microsoft billionaire, has emerged as a 9 per cent shareholder in Corus Pharma, a Seattle drug development firm that is planning a $100 million (£56 million) float. Although the IPO market has been slow, Corus could succeed in going public in the next few months, partly on the reputation of Mr Gates.

Mehr Infos

Seattle-Based Corus Pharma Files for $100 Million Initial Public Offering of Common Shares
August 27, 2004 - 16:39:21

NEW YORK (AP) - Corus Pharma Inc. is planning an initial public offering of up to $100 million in common shares, according to a statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission Friday.

The Seattle-based biopharmaceutical firm is developing treatments for respiratory disease, including an inhaled antibiotic for cystic fibrosis patients, and an inhaled form of lidocaine to treat severe cases of asthma.

Corus said it plans to use the proceeds from its IPO for continued development of these two drugs, as well as for development of other agents. The company said it may use some of the proceeds for acquisitions, though it does not have any planned.

Corus posted a loss of $25.1 million in 2003, and has not yet generated revenue. It applied to trade on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol "CSPH."

UND NOCH EIN ARTIKEL, hier gehts um die investierten Companies

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

$60 million round for Corus Pharma
More needed to bring 2 drugs to market


Corus Pharma has raised $60 million in venture financing that the Seattle biotechnology company will use to develop drugs for the treatment of cystic fibrosis and asthma.

It is the largest venture capital round in the state this year and one of the top five investments in a biopharmaceutical company in the country in the past 12 months.

The amount was also more than the 3-year-old company expected when it hit the financing trail in December. Corus Pharma originally planned to raise $40 million to $50 million, but investor interest drove the dollar amount higher, Chief Financial Officer Guy Seaton said. The company received offers from four separate venture groups and expects to bring in an additional $4 million to $5 million in the next 30 days, Seaton said. It also may pursue an initial public offering, though no formal plans are in the works.

"The market conditions from a pharmaceutical and biotechnology standpoint have improved dramatically in the past 16 months," Seaton said. "So people are in a much better disposition."

The round was led by Bear Stears Health Innoventures with Hambrecht & Quist Capital Management, AIG Sun America Ventures, MPM BioEquities, the Carnegie Group and former Immunex executive and Corus chairman Kirby Cramer also participating. More than 10 existing investors also provided money, including Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates and JP Morgan Partners. Total financing in the company now stands at $120 million.

Although the round is one of the largest in the country, it will not be enough to bring the company's two experimental drugs to market. Those drugs, which reformulate existing medications into treatments for asthma and cystic fibrosis, are currently in Phase 2 clinical trials.

In order for Corus Pharma to commercialize its cystic fibrosis drug, Seaton said the company will have to raise $40 million to $60 million more. He said the company could do that through an IPO, additional private financing or a partnership with a larger pharmaceutical company.

If all goes as planned, he said the cystic fibrosis drug -- an inhaled antibiotic that combats lung infections -- would be approved by mid-2006. With help from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics Development Network, the company is currently enrolling 136 patients in a study. That study should be completed by the end of next month with data available in July or August.

Corus Pharma's success in the venture capital community can be tied to three factors. It boasts an experienced management team, a solid lineup of drug candidates and employs a drug development strategy that some believe is less risky than many biotechnology companies.

By reformulating existing medications, Corus Pharma's drug candidates have a better chance of success, investors say. For example, the company's inhaled asthma treatment is based on lidocaine -- an anesthetic typically used in dental procedures. The cystic fibrosis drug traces its history to aztreonam, an injected antibiotic originally developed by Bristol-Myers Squibb.

"Our core strength and competency reside in our ability to identify existing compounds that are probable to have efficacy in the inhalation route of administration," Seaton said.

That is an attractive characteristic for investors.

"It is a great strategy and a much safer strategy than starting with some novel compound and having to plow $800 million into it," said investor Samuel Wertheimer, a principal with OrbiMed Advisors in New York. "As an investor, particularly in this market condition, this is a much better place for your money."

The company has other early-stage drugs under development, though Seaton declined to say what diseases they may target. Corus Pharma scrapped plans for a sleep apnea and snoring drug about two years ago because the company could not design an easy method for home administration. It is currently waiting to receive patents on that compound so the intellectual property can be sold.

Corus Pharma was founded in January 2001 by A. Bruce Montgomery, the former vice president of research and development at Seattle-based PathoGenesis. Before joining PathoGenesis, Montgomery helped Genentech Inc. develop the cystic fibrosis treatment Pulmozyme. He has the reputation as an innovator and a savvy businessman.

"Bruce has a long history as a drug finder, and that is a rare commodity in the biotech industry," Wertheimer said. "He has a real nose for where the opportunities are."

Several of the company's top executives are recruits from PathoGenesis, which was sold to Chiron for about $700 million in August 2000.

The company employs 80 people with plans to add up to 25 more this year.


3186 Postings, 7663 Tage lancerevo7hört sich sehr interessant an

06.10.04 18:35
corus wird doch erst an die börse gehen, die sind doch noch nicht handelbar ?  

739 Postings, 7798 Tage smoky0,505$ - böser Absturz

06.10.04 18:49
so - 38%, fängt sich offenbar wieder.

Corus Pharma, wird IPO steht noch aus. Vielleicht in einigen Wochen, mal dranbleiben.


2966 Postings, 8497 Tage TamerBhier wird es klappen bin drin

07.10.04 09:28
0,46 das geht doch , hier wird noch einiges passieren.


15 Postings, 8797 Tage reichancalciumFINGERWEG

07.10.04 14:44

739 Postings, 7798 Tage smokyHab noch meine Finger drin ...

08.10.04 05:41
.... und fühle mich wohl dabei. Am 12. Oktober wird de CEO von NSOL auf einer Konferenz sprechen (Anwendung der Atomwaffen Entdeckungstechnologie, interessant für Antiterrormaßnahmen der Homeland Security)
Die damit generierte Öffentlichkeit könnte den Kurs wieder beflügeln. Wenn man bedenkt, dass der Anteilspreis  lange  um die 0.2 $ pendelte und dann superschnell bis auf .97 schoss, ist die gefundene Plattform 0.5 doch eine gute Ausgangsbasis für Anstiege auf 0.7 $. Für mich ist das ein optimistischer Ausblick. Ich bleibe drin.


739 Postings, 7798 Tage smokyvon 0.65$ auf über 2$?

09.10.04 17:28
Die Amis jubeln schon! Grund 1: Das Volumen ist wieder auf knapp eine Mio angestiegen. Nach einem Abtauchen auf unter 0.50 $ (Einsammeln der Aktien durch die großen Tiere, jetzt verdient es sich richtig bei einem neuen Anstieg) flog der Kurs wieder auf .655. Damit sind wir im Vergleich zum Vortag auf 18,1% plus.  Grund 2: Dann kommt am 12. eine FOX-Fernsehshow über NSOL Technologie und - Grund 3 - in der Folgewoche (16./18.10) eine Konferenz mit NSOL-Beteiligung. Das könnte den Kurs deutlich in die Höhe treiben.

Von wegen Finger weg ......


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