News von UCSY!
wer bei 7cent rein ist hat schon wieder nen fetten gewinn...
auf knapp 0,03 eingependelt, da ich auch nen richtig großen order für 0,02 bekommen habe ... das heißt bei jetzt 85.000 stück bin ich wunderbar drin ... sehr wunderbar sogar !! für mich ist die aktie ne langfristige anlage, weil das patent einzigartig ist auf der welt und momentan ist auch keine konkurrenz in sicht .. in 2-3 jahren wird universal communication ne ganz große nummer werden .. wie gesagt zwischenzeitlich wird der markt wieder einiges korrigieren und die gewinne werden schmelzen, aber mein langristiges ziel für die nächsten 2-3 jahre bleibt auf jeden fall bei 0,40-0,50€ .. das thema wasseraufbereitung wird in den nächsten jahren weiter zunehmen, auch wenn der kursanstieg in den letzten tagen leider von der schrecklichen tragödie in südasien und den damit verbundenen lieferungen von wasseraufbereitungsanlagen ins kriesengebiet profitiert. der bedarf an trinkwasser in der gesamten welt wird langfristig ein immer wichtigeres thema und gerade schon deshalb ist man mit der aktie gut postiert in den nächsten jahren !!
- Market Wire
MIAMI, FL, Jan. 05, 2005 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- (UCSY) Universal Communication Systems, Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation, company president Michael J Zwebner announced today that the company is launching a worldwide appeal for funding to assist the company to manufacture and immediately donate and deliver an unlimited amount of AirWater machines to areas affected by the recent Tsunami.
Mr. Zwebner stated: "As a company, there is only so much we can do ourselves. We are now appealing to the public at large to recognize the special ability of our organization to manufacture and deliver the very best product available, our unique AirWater Machines, and help us to deliver clean pure and drinkable water to the millions of homeless survivors in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia. We have taken upon ourselves to ship the first 20 AirWater Machines to Sri Lanka, but this is a small drop in the ocean to the needs of the millions of survivors that all need drinking water daily. We hope that people will respond positively to our international request."
Mr. Zwebner continued: "The situation in the Far East affected areas is very critical. Unless clean drinkable water is made available immediately, many survivors of the recent disaster will get ill from lack of water or from drinking contaminated water. Many people have not had clean drinking water for days, and the problem is getting worse by the minute. We are now in high level discussions with many aid organizations as well as government officials of the affected countries. We intend to do all possible to respond further by manufacturing AirWater Machines around the clock and getting them delivered to the affected areas. But, we need help. So we are therefore asking anyone and everyone to come forward and donate and or sponsor AirWater Machines for this emergency. In addition, due to the lack of energy supplies in the affected areas and time being of the essence, we will also be needing funds to purchase oil-fired Generators to power our machines. We welcome all help in this regard too. Our intentions at this time are to make available drinkable water to as many people as possible."
bin heute zu 0,059 rein mal schaun...
lg istvan4
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Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Launches Worldwide Appeal for Funds for Emergency Request for AirWater Machines for Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia for Deployment Into Disaster Areas
Market Wire (Wed 3:00am)
Airwater Corporation Is Asking the General Public to Help Fund Airwater Machines for Deployment Into the Disaster Areas Affected by the Recent Tsunami
MIAMI, FL--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 5, 2005 -- (OTC BB:UCSY.OB - News) Universal Communication Systems, Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation, company president Michael J Zwebner announced today that the company is launching a worldwide appeal for funding to assist the company to manufacture and immediately donate and deliver an unlimited amount of AirWater machines to areas affected by the recent Tsunami.
Mr. Zwebner stated: "As a company, there is only so much we can do ourselves. We are now appealing to the public at large to recognize the special ability of our organization to manufacture and deliver the very best product available, our unique AirWater Machines, and help us to deliver clean pure and drinkable water to the millions of homeless survivors in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia. We have taken upon ourselves to ship the first 20 AirWater Machines to Sri Lanka, but this is a small drop in the ocean to the needs of the millions of survivors that all need drinking water daily. We hope that people will respond positively to our international request."
Mr. Zwebner continued: "The situation in the Far East affected areas is very critical. Unless clean drinkable water is made available immediately, many survivors of the recent disaster will get ill from lack of water or from drinking contaminated water. Many people have not had clean drinking water for days, and the problem is getting worse by the minute. We are now in high level discussions with many aid organizations as well as government officials of the affected countries. We intend to do all possible to respond further by manufacturing AirWater Machines around the clock and getting them delivered to the affected areas. But, we need help. So we are therefore asking anyone and everyone to come forward and donate and or sponsor AirWater Machines for this emergency. In addition, due to the lack of energy supplies in the affected areas and time being of the essence, we will also be needing funds to purchase oil-fired Generators to power our machines. We welcome all help in this regard too. Our intentions at this time are to make available drinkable water to as many people as possible."
Source: Universal Communication Systems, Inc.
ich sehe auch das Potenzial und die dringende Notwendigkeit in diesen besagten Länder! Blos mit welchen Geld wollen diese Länder und ihre Firmen diese Geräte nur kaufen! Die Spendengelder sind zwar da, blos ob sie dafür eingesetzt werden dürfen kann ich von hier aus leider nicht beurteilen. Es wird zwar dort unten so getan als wenn alle Organistationen alles fest im Griff haben und die Wasseraufbereitung auch kein Problem dastellen würde. Auf der anderen Seite sehe ich Bilder wo Armeehubschrauber bereits abgefülltes Wasser einfliegen müssen! Ich würde auch sagen in Südostasien gibt es ein sehr großes Problem das auch in den nächsten Tagen nicht so einfach in den Griff zu bekommen ist! Blos ob UCSY davon profitiren wird kann man leider noch nicht sagen!