Frontline LTD steigt und steigt
Geht nun kontiunierlich nach oben.Letzte Woch eine kleine Korrektur, aber nun zieht Frontline wieder an.
Einer der Manager hat sich kürzlich ja sehr optimistisch gezeigt und gesagt, dass das heurige Jahr stärker ist als das Letzte.
Denke dass wir vor der nächsten Dividende im September die 35 Euro sehen....bei gleich bleibendem Dollarkurs.Wenn der Dollar wieder mal Stärke zeigt, ist noch mehr drinnen.
ich halte ja auch 40euro in 2006 für realistisch. und eine Jahresdividende von 8-9 euro....
Frontline to buy 2 Suezmax ships from China\'s Jiangsu Rongsheng
OSLO (AFX) - Frontline Ltd (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) said it will buy two new Suezmax ships from China\'s Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industries Group for delivery in November 2008 and February 2009.
Frontline said it has also secured two options, each for a further two ships.
The company, which did not give a price for the deal, said the order stemmed from a desire to renew the fleet and because it had been presented with an investment opportunity that offered flexibility.
Nun muss man das Öl wohl verschiffen.Was die Frachtraten von Frontline in die Höhe treiben dürfte :-)
Ende August wird die nächste Dividende bekantgegeben.....schaun wir mal
Momentan halte ich den Einstieg für etwas riskant da sie schon sehr stark gestiegen ist, werde es aber nach einem Rücksetzer den ich jedoch momentan nicht für wahrscheinlich halte wieder andenken. Steht auf alle Fälle derzeit auf meiner Watchlist.
Also....wennn eine Gelegenheit kommt, steig ein.....wobei ich für mich hoffe, dass wir die 30 so schnell nicht mehr unterschreiten.
So knapp unter 10% wären da:
MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Capital mit 8,2%
Enel mit 7,9%
GM mit 7,9%
Endesssa mit 7,7%
Electrolux mit 7,2%
am interessantesten dabei finde ich MPC die könnten demnächst zur Dividende auch eine starke Rendite bringen.
Hab ich zwar noch nicht bin aber am überlegen. Die Zahlen heute waren nicht schlecht (finde ich) Ergebnisanstieg trotz schlechterem Umsatz.
Die Branche ist jedoch noch im Umbruch. Weg von Steuersparmodellen, hin zu Renditefonds. Wie sich da die Kunden verhalten ist fraglich.
Ist aber auch eine Chance, weil deswegen die Kurse unter dei Räder gekommen sind.
Tja, mal übers Wochenende überlegen...
FRO - Development Heavy Lift Activity
08:45 15.01.07
In line with the strategy decided by the Board, Frontline Ltd.
("Frontline" or the "Company") is currently in the process of
establishing a separate entity to develop the Company's heavy lift
activity. Such a company will include up to six single hull Suezmax
vessels. Five of these vessels are on long term leases from Ship
Finance International Limited, and a deal is subject to reaching a
mutually acceptable solution with Ship Finance International Limited
for a purchase of these vessels. One vessel is currently being
converted to a heavy lift vessel at Cosco shipyard in China and will
be completed in April 2007. One further firm contract has been signed
for a second vessel to be delivered in August 2007, and optional
conversion contracts are in place with the yard for up to four more
The new company which will be named Sealift Ltd. ("Sealift"), has
recruited former Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of Dockwise
Transportation N.V. Bert Bekker to be the CEO of the Sealift
management organisation. Frontline is currently investigating the
possibility to bring in outside investors in Sealift. It is the
intention that Frontline will remain with minimum 33 % of the equity.
Frontline expects a final clarification around the possible spin off
of Sealift and the financial consequences of the transaction to be
communicated to the market within this week.
January 14, 2007
The Board of Directors
Frontline Ltd.
Hamilton, Bermuda
Questions should be directed to:
Tor Olav Trøim, Director, Frontline Ltd: + 44 773 497 6575
Bjørn Sjaastad: Chief Executive Officer, Frontline Management AS
+47 23 11 40 99/+47 906 901 30
08:55 18.01.07
With reference to our press release dated January 14, 2007, Frontline
Ltd. ("Frontline" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that
Sealift Ltd. ("Sealift") has successfully completed a private
placement and raised $180 million in equity. Frontline has invested
$60 million in the company and will thereby end up as a 33 %
shareholder. The subscription was heavily oversubscribed. The equity
offering was managed by Pareto Securities ASA, Carnegie ASA and
Fearnley Fonds ASA.
Sealift has agreed with Frontline to acquire four heavy lift vessels
where Frontline has the total responsibility for the conversion from
suezmax vessels to heavy lift vessels. The price for each heavy lift
vessel is $100 million after completed conversion. The first vessel,
Front Sunda, is already undergoing conversion to a heavy lift vessel
and estimated delivery of all the four units will be in the period
April 2007 through January 2008. Three of the vessels will be
chartered back to Frontline on bareboat rate of $15.000 per day per
vessel for a period until the conversion takes place.
Sealift will also acquire two further suezmax sister vessels from
Frontline including option contracts with a yard to convert these to
heavy lift vessels. The price for each vessel being $38 million.
Conversion cost for these vessels is expected to be in the region $40
to $45 million.
Sealift's total investment before conversion of vessel five and six
will be $476 million, adjusted for working capital. The company will
be financed through a combination of the $180 million raised in
equity, a $110 million bond facility, bank loan and a short term
seller credit from Frontline which will be repaid when the vessels
have been delivered converted from the yard.
In order to complete this transaction Frontline and Ship Finance
International Limited ("Ship Finance") has agreed to terminate the
long term lease arrangement between the parties for five of the
vessels involved in this deal. Frontline will buy out the outstanding
lease commitments for these five Suezmax vessels for $183.7 million
and will in addition receive $62.4 million from Ship Finance as a
compensation for the termination of the charters. The termination
payment is based on the profit-sharing agreement between the two
The net profit and liquidity effects for Frontline of the transaction
and the long term earnings effect can not be estimated at this stage.
This will depend upon the cost and timing of the conversions, the
results from the bareboat charters and most importantly the value
development of Frontline's investment in Sealift.
It is expected that the completion of the transaction and the
participation in Sealift will contribute materially positive to
Frontline's earnings and liquidity short term as well as strengthen
the Company's balance sheet and dividend capacity long term.
Chief Executive Officer of Frontline Management AS, Mr. Bjørn
Sjaastad says in a comment: We are very pleased with this transaction
and the response Sealift got in the market. We have through the
transaction proven the point that there is significant value
enhancement in finding alternative use of single hull tonnage.
Frontline will as a major shareholder in Sealift use its influence to
seek further consolidation in the heavy lift market. Frontline's core
strategy will however remain to be a pure crude oil transportation
company. In view of this strategy, Frontline's mission in Sealift is
to help establish a good high quality and profitable company and then
most likely dividend the investment directly out to the Frontline
The heavy lift market looks promising with an interesting growth
ratio and an aging fleet. We are excited to be a part of a new
leading player.
January 17, 2007
The Board of Directors
Frontline Ltd.
Hamilton, Bermuda
Questions should be directed to:
Bjørn Sjaastad: Chief Executive Officer, Frontline Management AS
+47 23 11 40 99/+47 906 901 30
Inger M. Klemp: Chief Financial Officer, Frontline management AS
+47 23 11 40 76/+47 957 567 27
09:00 01.02.07
In line with the strategy decided by the Board, Frontline Ltd.
("Frontline" or the "Company") is currently in the process of
establishing a separate entity to develop the Company's floating
production activity. Frontline is in discussion regarding the sale of
all its floating production activities including the FPSO "Front
Puffin" currently under conversion at Keppel Shipyard in Singapore
and its floating production management organization to Sea Production
Ltd. ("Sea Production" - a company under incorporation). The
conversion of "Front Puffin" is expected to be completed in the
second quarter of 2007.
Sea Production will be established as a separate entity to develop
floating production (FPSO) and storage (FSO) projects. The company's
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman will be, Mr. Oscar
Spieler, the previous Chief Executive Officer of Frontline Management
AS. Sea Production endeavors to become a leading FPSO contractor by
utilizing its fleet of suitable vessels, through its existing
experienced management organization and through partnerships with
strategic subcontractors.
Sea Production will include the FPSO "Front Puffin". In addition, the
Company is in negotiation with Greenwich Holdings to purchase two
Double side Aframax tankers suitable for FPSO conversion and the FPSO
"Crystal Ocean" from Seadrill Limited. The final terms for these
transfers are still under discussion.
Frontline is in the process of bringing external investors into Sea
Production, and to finance the company on a stand alone basis. It is
the intention that Keppel Shipyard which has been a partner in the
Puffin project also will be a substantial shareholder in Sea
Production. Keppel Shipyard and Frontline intend together to
subscribe to minimum 33% of the new equity. Frontline expects a final
clarification around the financing of Sea Production and the final
terms of the sales will be communicated to the market within the next
January 31, 2007
The Board of Directors
Frontline Ltd.
Hamilton, Bermuda
Questions should be directed to:
Bjørn Sjaastad: Chief Executive Officer, Frontline Management AS
+47 23 11 40 99
Oscar Spieler: Chief Executive Officer, Sea Production Management AS
+47 23 11 46 11
Bin schon jahrelang dabei und grinse jeweils 4x im Jahr. Alle Kursschwankungen sind mir dabei sowas von egal. Das ist das Schöne bei FRO.
Hier die Homepage, falls Interesse:
langfristig ist diese investition sicher ihr geld wert, aber kurzfristig könnten viele anleger, die die dividenden gewohnt sind, ihre anteile schmeissen...was schlecht für den kurs wäre....aber gut für mich, um wieder billig an aktien zu kommen.
take care