Nanotechnologie - Noch kann man einsteigen :-)

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Eröffnet am:08.05.03 00:31von: Dr.UdoBroem.Anzahl Beiträge:155
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 13:23von: NicoleyiwgaLeser gesamt:106.780
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42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeDie schönste Blase seit 2000

05.01.04 17:40
Als ich anfing mit TINY zu traden, wurden an der Nasdaq 8.000 bis max. 20.000 Shares am Tag gehandelt. Oft fand stundenlang überhaupt kein Handel statt.
Jetzt werden mal so nebenbei 2 Millionen neue Aktien platziert und der Kurs hat sich nichtsdestotrotz in ein paar Tagen fast verdoppelt...
Ein gutes Gefühl habe ich dabei nicht mehr.



42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeHeute ins Depot gewandert: TGAL

05.01.04 21:00
10:45AM New High Profile -- Tegal Corp (TGAL) 3.03 +0.26: Nanotechnology stocks are running today (TINY +18%, ALTI +14%, NGEN +8%). A small cap name that is not as well known as the others in the sector is Tegal Corp., which set a new 52-week high today. The co makes etching scanners which are used to make computer memory chips that use nanotechnology.
The technology Tegal supports may be an alternative to the memory found in most computer  devices... The co is small, but sales in SepQ grew 20% to $3.2 mln.and more importantly, the co is approaching profitability, reporting a non-GAAP loss of $(0.08) vs $(0.33) a year ago. Mkt cap $52 mln, 15.5 mln float, 808K avg daily volume.



5952 Postings, 8629 Tage grenke@ dr. so einen chart kenn ich auch

05.01.04 21:43

2 Postings, 7579 Tage GeizhalsInteressante Nanostudie mit erstem Nanotech-Index

06.01.04 02:23


Diese Studie kann beim Wirtschaftsmagazin GEWINN unter ( bestellt werden.  

36803 Postings, 8375 Tage first-henriJau, das war einer der ultimativen 2003er

06.01.04 02:26
Threads, leider bin ich etwas spät aufgesprungen...aber sie laufen, alle...auch USGA

Greetz  f-h


182 Postings, 8998 Tage 05141976300ZNANOPHASE - Hat jemand Informationen weshalb die

07.01.04 00:34
Aktie heute so gestiegen ist??  

69033 Postings, 7641 Tage BarCodeNano-Fieber ausgebrochen!?!?

09.01.04 18:28
Immo wird ja alles, was irgendwie Nano... heißt oder beansprucht ohne Grenze nach oben getrieben. Das ist langsam unheimlich, wie sich die die Leute die hacken nach jedem Wert ablaufen. Biophan, jmar, Tiny, Nanophase, Nanogene... heute alle wieder sowas von grün. Und keiner hat bisher ein Nanoprodukt am Markt. Da bin ich echt mal gespannt, wenn dann demnächst mal wieder die realen Daten veröffentlicht werden. Da werden einige Blasen platzen...
Ich werde jedenfalls mal ausnahmsweise mit stoploss arbeiten. Da ist jetzt soviel Gewinn aufgelaufen. Wie lange läuft das noch, was denkt ihr?

Gruß BarCode  

205 Postings, 7582 Tage charttechnikes geht weiter...

09.01.04 18:42
die vorteile überwiegen, gerade im gesundheitsbereich....wer möchte nicht länger leben!totgeweihte hoffen auf rettung, und genau das verspricht nano in zusammenarbeit mit biotech...das ist meine meinung...
andererseits gibt es auch stimmen, die vor einer zunehmenden roboterisierung warnen...  

182 Postings, 8998 Tage 05141976300ZNANOPHASE - steigt schon wieder extrem!!! Wer hat

09.01.04 19:35
nähere Informationen.???  

3947 Postings, 8640 Tage EskimatoGlückwunsch auch zu JMAR.

09.01.04 22:02
Gruss E.  

42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeSniffing For Anthrax

09.01.04 22:29
BusinessWeek Online
           Sniffing For Anthrax
           Friday January 9, 3:52 pm ET

Little-known Cepheid (NasdaqNM:CPHD - News) has caught the eye not only of traders but also of long-term big investors. Its shares rocketed from 4 in August to 10.50 on Jan. 5. (The stock was featured in this column on Sept. 23, 2002, at 3.74.) "Despite the runup, the stock is way undervalued," says Elemer Piros of Rodman & Renshaw, who sees it at 17 in a year.

The U.S. Postal Service has signed up Cepheid to install
1,784 systems to detect anthrax at 284 mail-sorting facilities. The Postal Service will spend $75 million to $100 million annually for Cepheid's devices, which it  developed with Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC - News). They test the air every hour for harmful particles, notes Piros.
Installation will be finished by 2006, when Piros expects Cepheid to turn profitable. Its bio-defense business alone is worth at least 10 a  share, he figures.

Other Cepheid products, including clinical diagnostics for Group B Streptococcus and an antibiotic-resistance test, are worth about 7, he adds. Piros says Cepheid may also be working on a test for animal feed to halt the spread of mad cow disease, using the same technology the Postal Service approved for bio hazards. Cepheid didn't return calls. Al Kildani of C.E. Unterberg, Towbin, says $50 million to $75 million of the Postal Service's funding for bio-threat devices will go to Cepheid itself -- up from his previous estimate of $32 million to $35 million. The rest goes to Northrop. He rates Cepheid a buy for the short and long term.


Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

79561 Postings, 9110 Tage KickyNanophase...darum steigt sie

10.01.04 00:14
Nanophase Technologies haben heute die Marktreife und kommerzielle Verfügbarkeit eines Materials bekannt gegeben, das auf Basis seiner NanoArc-Technologie produziert wurde. Das mögliche Einsatzgebiet seien alle Anwendungen, in denen ultrafein polierte Oberflächen vorhanden sein müssten. Auch im Bereich Katalysatorentechnik sehe man Einsatzmöglichkeiten.


Die Aktie bricht heute um weitere 19,14% auf 12,51 $ aus. Anbei der aktualisierte Wochenchart.

Übergeordnete charttechnische Zielmarke bei 14,2 $.

2385 Postings, 8971 Tage BroncoNa, dann brummt halt mal wieder der Bär :

10.01.04 13:41
Ich möchte nur kurz und dezent darauf hinweisen, daß derzeit der gesamte Nano-Boom sowohl hier als auch auf der anderen Seite des großen Teiches sich größtenteils aus öffentlichen Geldern speist: Forschung, Zulieferer, öffentlich geförderte Anwendungsentwicklung in Unternehmen (die somit, gewollt oder nicht, bereits vorhandene Markt-Nachfrage suggerieren). Ein weiteres Problem sehe ich hier in der bereits vorhandenen überbordenden Fantasie von Anlegern, die von der Technologie Null Ahnung haben, aber den Vorteil, daß sich das Wort wenigstens so schön leicht buchstabieren läßt (daraus speist sich immer das Risiko, daß Betrüger und Blender als Kapitalnehmer an den Markt gelockt werden, ähnlich wie beim NM-Desaster bis 2000). Im übrigen handelt es sich nicht um eine greifbare Technologie, sondern um sehr viele völlig unterschiedliche Zweige, die nur eines gemeinsam haben, nämlich Atom- und Molekülverbände in Nanometer-Größe.

Es stecken also Chancen drin (vielfach noch sehr nebulös), Risiken (z.B. wird jetzt erst so nach und nach untersucht, wie sich bestimmte z.T. sehr persistente Nanopartikel in der Umwelt, in der Lunge  etc. verhalten) und vielfach eine ganz banale Alternative zu bestehenden Produkten und Verfahren, mit denen sie ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit unter Marktbedingungen erst beweisen müssen.

Dies ist weder eine Empfehlung noch ein Bash, sondern lediglich der Hinweis darauf, daß ihr es mit einem echten Risiko-Investment-Segment zu tun habt, bei dem man genau wissen sollte, wo man sich mit wieviel Kohle bewegt.  

3947 Postings, 8640 Tage EskimatoEin nicht genannter Nanoplay ist MFIC an der OTC.

11.01.04 11:49
Will ich der Vollständigkeit halber noch einfügen. Aber Herr Bronco, Doc B. und andere haben sich schon vor Jahren mit der Nanotechnologie auseinandergesetzt. Wenn dann so ein Glücksfall und die Rallye da ist, heisst es zugreifen, schliesslich hat man Jahre in die Ecke geschielt.
George B. hat Mitte Dezember 2003 3,6 Milliarden locker gemacht für die Nanos, das war halt das Signal.

Gruss E."

New Equipment for Production of Nanoparticles, Microfluidizer Processor Line, and Recent Enhancements Featured in Interview with MFIC CEO, Irwin Gruverman  

NEWTON, Mass., Dec 1, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- At the request of, Irwin Gruverman, CEO and Chairman of MFIC Corporation
("MFIC" or the "Company") was interviewed by Walter Banks on the subject of
MFIC's line of Microfluidizer(R) materials processing equipment, recent
enhancements to this line, the introduction of a value priced high throughput
production model, and its new, patented, Multiple Stream Mixer Reactor device
for creation of nanoparticles and nanomaterials ("MMR").

MFIC provides leading edge high performance mixing and formulation equipment
available to the biotech, pharmaceuticals, coatings, paint, chemical and food

The full interview can be found at the Company's website: and
serves to familiarize investors with MFIC, furnishing them insight into the
Company's background, performance, prospects and products while also providing
an update to the October, 2002 interview with the same publisher. The in-depth
interviews conducted by CEOCFOinterviews are geared toward sophisticated
investors who require unbiased, unscripted first-hand perspective to assist them
in making informed investment decisions.

Mr. Gruverman discussed MFIC's Microfluidizer high performance materials
processing equipment, operating at the highest available pressures for high
shear processing of fluids. The uniform, submicron structures created allow
preparation of commercial products having unmatched uniformity, stability and
reliability. Examples include injectable emulsions, ink-jet inks, finish paints,
and soft drinks. In addition, Microfluidizer processors are the standard means
of cell disruption for recovery of proteins produced by biotechnology processes
and are widely used in genomics applications. He also discussed and elaborated
upon the recently introduced MMR for continuous chemical reaction in an
ultraturbulent environment, and emphasized the ability of MMR to efficiently
create production quantities of nanoparticles. This ability will enable the
large-scale applications of these valuable materials. MMR's impact on MFIC's
growth and profitability could be large.

Mr. Gruverman discussed the recent introduction of product enhancements and
features including:

   --  M700 Microfluidizer Containment System, which is utilized for

       the processing of highly toxic cancer drugs and other

       hazardous materials. The first such recently installed system

       is now producing pharmaceutical product.

   --  M700 Microfluidizer Split System (separating the power source

       from the mixing/processing apparatus) accommodates demands of

       limited space within clean rooms and for noise abatement

       within pharmaceutical production facilities. In conjunction

       with this system, a Level II Steam Sterility Option was

       introduced for fitting to systems used for production of

       injectable and other pharmaceuticals. This option enables

       compliance with stringent regulatory production requirements.

       We have recently delivered such a system to a pharmaceutical


   --  Ultra Clean in Place (UCIP) option, which improves the ability

       to clean in place (CIP) Microfluidizer systems between product

       batch runs or before storage. This capability differentiates

       our Microfluidizer materials processor systems from all other

       competitive products. Several pilot and production systems

       incorporating this option have already been delivered.

Mr. Gruverman also discussed the price and competitive advantages of the M710,
MFIC's newest high throughput production system. This system is designed to
materially enhance our competitive position in terms of pricing and performance
in all industries and applications that we serve. In addition to biotechnology
and pharmaceutical production, this product targets markets such as foods,
chemicals and personal care products, by offering pricing that is more
competitive with traditional homogenizers, along with MFIC's superior fluid
processing technology. The M710 systems will improve our margins and delivery
times significantly. More than twelve sales quotations for these systems have
already been made to existing and prospective customers.

Mr. Gruverman also extensively discussed MFIC's patented Multiple Stream
Mixer-Reactor (MMR) system which functions as a continuous chemical reactor.
MFIC believes that MMR technology enables a new unit operation in chemical
engineering practice. The device allows chemical reactions to occur under
ultraturbulent mixing conditions, with no premixing. Such operations are also
known as Collision Reaction Processing. These systems can be configured for
continuous production of nanoparticles. MFIC is proceeding with projects
involving other companies seeking to optimize or enable drug delivery, catalysts
and coatings products, as well as an internal program on nanopolymer creation
for drug delivery and other applications. MFIC expects to deliver the first MMR
laboratory development systems (in the $200,000-$250,000 sales price range) in
2004, with production systems (in the $750,000 - $1,000,000 plus sales price
range) in late 2004 or 2005. The Company believes that it is a leader in the
technology of systems for continuous production of uniform, reproducible,
microparticles, nanoparticles and nanodroplets.

Marketing and sales are centralized and a strong core team leads an extensive
network of agents and distributors in North America, Europe and Asia. About 75%
of Microfluidizer system sales are to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.
Most sales are to Fortune 500 companies.

Management believes that this release contains forward-looking statements that
are subject to certain risks and uncertainties including statements relating to
the Company's plan to maintain and/or increase operating profitability. Such
statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to a
number of factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results achieved by
the Company to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking
statements. The Company cautions investors that there can be no assurance that
the actual results or business conditions will not differ materially from those
projected or suggested in such forward-looking statements as a result of various
factors, including but not limited to, the following risks and uncertainties:
(i) whether the performance advantages of the Company's Microfluidizer(R)
materials processing equipment will be realized commercially or that a
commercial market for the equipment will continue to develop, (ii) whether the
Company will have access to sufficient working capital through continued and
improving cash flow from sales and ongoing borrowing availability, the latter
being subject to the Company's ability to comply with the covenants and terms of
the Company's loan agreement with its senior lender, (iii) whether the Company's
expectation that the benefits of nanotechnology will, in part, be realized by
the ability of the MMR to produce innovative materials in large quantities, and
(iv) whether the Company's is able to increase the number of prototype MMR
placements and then manufacture and introduce commercial production MMR


MFIC Corporation, through its Microfluidics Division, provides patented and
proprietary, high performance Microfluidizer(R) materials processing equipment
to the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, cosmetic/personal care, and food
processing industries. Through its divisions, the Company provides leading
equipment, and innovative technology and solutions to the chemicals, paints,
pigments and coatings industries for milling, deagglomeration and dissolving.
The combined resources and capabilities of the Company's equipment lines are
used to provide comprehensive solutions for materials processing.

SOURCE: MFIC Corporation


79561 Postings, 9110 Tage Kickyhochinteressant scheint mir auch Zyvex zu sein

11.01.04 20:35
jedoch leider nicht gelistet...vermarkten Forschungsergebnisse in dem Nanotechnologiebereich
Zyvex Dried Film(TM) (ZDF) Carbon Nanotube Solutions, Zyvex Microgrippers, Zyvex NanoSharp(TM) Probes, and Zyvex MEMulator(TM) Software. See details at .
Zyvex's materials and process engineering technology leverages the revolutionary discovery of carbon-based nanostructures with high-volume, composite material production techniques. Zyvex Dried Film (ZDF) removes the "processing bottleneck" for carbon nanotubes -- enabling a wealth of new applications. Zyvex's patent-pending technology disperses and suspends carbon nanotubes in common solvents with unsurpassed concentration and dispersion. ZDF dissolves in common organic solvents and easily mixes with a variety of other materials, creating high-performance composites.


3947 Postings, 8640 Tage EskimatoJMAR rauscht davon, aber auch Nanonews von CBMX.

12.01.04 16:44
Gruss E."

CombiMatrix and Cyrano Sciences Collaborate on the Development of Nanotechnology Based Chemical Sensors  

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Jan 12, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Acacia Research
Corporation (Nasdaq: CBMX) (Nasdaq: ACTG) announced today that its CombiMatrix
Group and Cyrano Sciences will collaborate on the development of chemical
sensors which merge CombiMatrix's microarray technology with Cyrano's electronic
nose technology.

CombiMatrix's arrays incorporate thousands of independently addressable
micro-electrodes on a semiconductor chip. This array technology has been used
for applications in genetic analysis, RNAi drug discovery, biodefense
applications, and nanomaterials discovery. This collaboration seeks to expand
the applicability of this technology for sensing chemical agents in air and

Cyrano Sciences has successfully demonstrated the capability of their array
based nanocomposite sensor technology, more commonly known as an electronic
nose, to detect very low levels of chemicals. "This collaboration merges two
independent nanotechnologies that will have broad impact in chemical detection,"
said Dr. Steven Sunshine, President and CEO of Cyrano Sciences.

"We continue to develop broad applications of our microarray technology," said
Dr. Amit Kumar, President and Chief Executive Officer of CombiMatrix.
"Partnering with Cyrano Sciences offers an opportunity to develop a product for
a new market."

About Cyrano Sciences, Inc.  

42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeIntel - willkommen an Bord!

14.01.04 14:50
7:30AM Intel taking a look at Nanotechnology -- WSJ (INTC) 33.59: The Wall Street Journal reports INTC is exploring a new tack with a high-profile start-up business called Nanosys. The companies have agreed to collaborate to study the possibility of using Nanosys's technology in Intel chips. Intel and Nanosys declined to give details about their collaboration.

An Nanosys ist TINY als Risikokapitalgeber beteiligt.

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeStock of the Weak: FEIC

15.01.04 18:20
Stock Of The Week
 Picks And Axes for Nanotech Gold
 John Dobosz, 01.15.04, 10:59 AM ET

 NEW YORK - Josh Wolfe, editor of the Forbes/Wolfe
 Nanotech Report, strongly recommends buying FEI, the
 Hillsboro, Ore.-based supplier of charged particle-beam
 systems used in electron microscopes. At $24.56 a share,
 FEI trades at the higher end of its 52-week range of $13.55
 and $28.75. The company's current market capitalization is
 $817 million and it has $252 million in cash; it burned
 through $25 million last year. FEIC is highly leveraged, with a
 debt/equity ratio of .91.

 Although FEI (nasdaq: FEIC - news -
 people ) operates in the semiconductor
 and data storage markets, Wolfe likes it
 for its growing business as a "picks and
 axes" player in nanotechnology's
 metaphorical "gold rush." FEI's electron
 optics business manufactures and
 markets scanning electron microscopes
 and transmission electron microscopes, used by a growing
 number of firms, foundations, and academic institutions
 doing nanotechnology research. Last month, President Bush
 signed the 21st Century Nanotech Research and
 Development Act, which commits $3.7 billion to fund
 nanotech research over the next four years.

 Several nanotechnology stocks have doubled since
 December, including Nanogen (nasdaq: NGEN - news -
 people ), Nanophase Technologies (nasdaq: NANX -
 news - people ), and nanotech investment firm Harris &
 Harris (nasdaq: TINY - news - people ). Altair
 Nanotechnologies (nasdaq: ALTI - news - people ) is up
 60% in the four weeks since announcing a restructuring to
 focus their business on nanotechnology development.

 Last July 28, the Oberweis Report recommended
 eResearch Technology (ERES) at $17.35 a share in an
 email to Stock of the Week subscribers. ERES is up
 95% since then. Don't be left behind! Click here to have
 Stock of the Week emailed to you on Monday morning.
 It's FREE.

 Wolfe likes FEIC stock partly because it has lagged the
 performance of its peers in both the nanotech tool and
 semiconductor capital equipment markets over the past
 several months. Wolfe notes that the fourth quarter is
 traditionally a seasonally strong one for sales of equipment
 to research outfits. In addition, several of FEIC's
 semiconductor peers have guided expectations for
 fourth-quarter sales higher with positive pre-announcements.
 Wolfe is optimistic that the market will value FEIC
 significantly higher over the next several months, and he is
 confident in the company's future as a supplier to the growing
 ranks of nanotechnology researchers.

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeHoffentlich nicht weak :-)

15.01.04 18:21
week natürlich...

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeNanotech Plays:

16.01.04 14:35
7:14AM Nanotech Plays: VECO, FEIC, PCOP : CNBC interviews co-founder/managing director of Lux Capital, a fund that invests in private nanotech companies. Peter Hebert, whose fund returned 260% last year, highlights the following names as attractively valued plays on the growth of the nanotechnology field that have failed to be discovered by many investors b/c they don't have "nanotech" in their names: semiconductor equipment makers VECO and FEIC are highlighted as nanotechnology instrumentation plays, as the companies sell the equipment necessary to develop nanotechnolgy products; also PCOP is seen as an attractive play on the space due to its software modeling tools.


Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeBericht aus dem WSJ:

20.01.04 15:03
6:34AM Nanotech firms turn Tiny fundamentals into big gains -- WSJ : The Wall Street Journals column Heard on the Street highlights nanotechnology sector.
Nanotechnology favorites such as Nanogen Inc. (NGEN), Nanophase Technologies Corp. (NANX) and Veeco Instruments Inc. (VECO) all have doubled, tripled or more during the past year, even though they have no earnings and, for the most part, minimal revenue, according to the WSJ. "We believe nanotechnology could be the next great growth innovation," says John Roy, a Merrill Lynch analyst, who says nanotechnology companies will begin generating revenue and even profit during the next few years. "Like the Internet, nanotech risks being overhyped, but also like the Internet, where there's smoke there's fire." Among the nanotech stocks getting attention right now is Harris & Harris Group (TINY), a New York-based venture-capital fund that counts nanotech companies among its holdings. If anything, the company's ticker symbol -- TINY -- is enough to make short sellers froth. To mitigate the risk, some analysts recommend bigger, more established names such as Veeco and FEI Co. (FEIC), which sell the tools that enable others to use nanotechnology.

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

456 Postings, 7621 Tage BillyT.@ Dr.Broemme, kann man immernoch einsteigen?

21.01.04 10:40
Hallo Dr.,

kann man immernoch einsteigen?
Was würdeste da empfehlen?

Vielen Dank.


2935 Postings, 7573 Tage Meiko@Billy

21.01.04 10:43
Bin zwar nicht Dr. Broemme, würde dir aber Psivida empfehlen, ist eine ähnliche Aktie wie Biophan und ist gegensatz zu fast allen anderen Nanotech-Aktien total unterbewertet!  

456 Postings, 7621 Tage BillyT.Danke,

21.01.04 10:50
kommen eh alle einen Monat auf die watch.
Weitere Wortmeldungen sind natürlich Willkommen.


42940 Postings, 8572 Tage Dr.UdoBroemmeAls ich würde jedenfalls die Quartalszahlen

21.01.04 11:11
abwarten. Wenn erstaunt festgestellt wird, dass die alle rote Zahlen schreiben, gibts die Aktien meistens nochmal günstiger.
Allerdings wird das voraussichtlich genauso schnell wieder verdrängt und bei der ersten positiven Meldung kommt die nächste Kaufwelle :-)
Unterbewertet, überbewertet spielt hier eh keine große Rolle, da fundamental eigentlich nichts mehr zu den Kursen zu empfehlen ist. Aber wie das mit den Phantasien der Börsianer und den Blasen so ist - kein Grund, dass es nicht weiter geht mit dem Nanohype.
TINY ist übrigens gestern von einem Analysten auf "market perform" herabgestuft worden - was auch immer das heißen mag.

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense

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