Myriad - geht´s wieder aufwärts?

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451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Neues aus der MYGN-Pipeline!

12.01.05 19:20

Myriad Genetics (ticker: MYGN, exchange: NASDAQ) News Release - 12-Jan-2005

Myriad Genetics Initiates Phase 3 Clinical Trial of Flurizan(TM) in Alzheimer's Disease

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq: MYGN), announced today that it has initiated enrollment in a Phase 3 human clinical trial of its lead therapeutic candidate, Flurizan(TM) (MPC-7869), in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

The Phase 3 trial is designed to determine Flurizan's ability to alter the course of cognitive decline and behavioral change in patients with Alzheimer's disease. The trial will be conducted in approximately 750 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, at approximately 100 centers in the United States. The Phase 3 study is a double blind, placebo-controlled trial, with randomization of patients at enrollment into one of three arms. Patients will be given 400mg or 800mg of Flurizan twice daily or placebo twice daily for the duration of the 12-month study period. The co-lead investigators for this trial are Robert C. Green, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor of Neurogenetics, Boston University School of Medicine, and Lon Schneider, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and Gerontology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California.

"There is a critical need for drugs that modify the underlying disease mechanism and progression of Alzheimer's disease," said Dr. Schneider. "MPC- 7869 has the potential to do this with its effect on reducing amyloid beta levels. We hope to confirm this in a large, well-controlled clinical trial."

The primary efficacy endpoints for the trial will be the change in cognitive function, as measured by the ADAS-cog test, and the change in activities of daily living.

"Flurizan is an exciting drug candidate due to its potential to change the rate of decline in Alzheimer's disease patients," said Adrian Hobden, Ph.D., President of Myriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. "We are pleased to take the opportunity to accelerate Flurizan's development timeline by initiating this Phase 3 trial."

Flurizan is currently being studied in a Phase 2 clinical study in approximately 210 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. All patients have now been on drug for more than 9 months. The trial's Data Safety Monitoring Board has reviewed safety data from the trial each calendar quarterly and has determined that the trial should proceed without change. This Phase 2 trial is expected to conclude its clinical study period in March of 2005.

Flurizan is a Selective Amyloid Beta 42 Lowering Agent

Flurizan has been shown to modulate gamma-secretase and selectively lower levels of Amyloid beta 42, a toxic peptide that is believed to be a chief culprit in the cause of Alzheimer's disease. In transgenic mouse studies, Flurizan has demonstrated the ability to reduce brain amyloid levels and prevent memory loss. Flurizan was selected during preclinical testing to avoid cyclooxygenase inhibition and its related side effects.

About Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, and is characterized by the loss of mental function. According to the Alzheimer's Association, the disease affects 4.5 million individuals in the United States alone, and over 25 million people worldwide. Twenty-five percent of the population over age 75 is affected, and this proportion increases to half of those over 85 years. Common symptoms include a gradual loss of memory, problems with reasoning or judgment, disorientation, difficulty in learning, loss of language skills, and decline in the ability to perform routine tasks. The areas of the brain that control memory and thinking skills are affected first, but as the disease progresses cells die in other regions of the brain. Eventually, the person with Alzheimer's disease will need comprehensive nursing care. If the individual has no other serious illness, the loss of brain function itself will eventually cause death. There is a very large unmet need for treatments that slow cognitive decline or prevent Alzheimer's disease. The most commonly prescribed drugs to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. These drugs provide a temporary increase in cognitive ability to patients but the course of the underlying disease is left unchanged and cognitive decline soon continues. The United States market for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors is estimated at $1.5 billion per year.

Dann kann´s ja langsam losgehen, heute erst mal mit hohem Volumen nach Norden!


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin1970 % Plus ...

19.01.05 10:20

... hat MYGN nun seit meinem ersten Posting in diesem Thread hingelegt. Und offensichtlich ist der inzwischen ordentlich etablierte Aufwärtstrend nicht zu stoppen. Gestern ging es in New York unter hohem Volumen (30 Mio.$)durch die 25er Marke. M. E. ist es aber immer noch nicht zu spät einzusteigen. Mein KuZi bis Ende 2005: 60,- Euronen.

Heute gute Kaufgelegenheit, meint AmericanBulls:

Daily Commentary


Were you eager to go long? Well, without doubt, it was the right time to do so. The BUY signal was finally confirmed, and most probably you have called your broker and placed your long orders with no hesitation. Don't worry if you have missed this buying opportunity. The market may now give you a second chance. You may still find good prices for buying in the next session.
Na denn, up an away!


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19News aus der MYD-Pipeline...

01.03.05 19:14
Myriad Genetics (ticker: MYGN, exchange: NASDAQ) News Release - 1-Mar-2005

Myriad Initiates Phase 1 Trial of MPC-6827 in Metastatic Brain Cancer

- Preclinical Data to be Presented at AACR Conference -

SALT LAKE CITY, March 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq: MYGN), announced today that it will begin a second Phase I clinical trial with its investigative cancer drug, MPC-6827, under an FDA-approved Investigational New Drug application. This new human clinical study will evaluate the potential of MPC-6827 to treat metastatic brain cancer by achieving therapeutic concentrations in the brain that are sufficient to treat tumors without significant systemic exposure or toxicity. The Phase 1 clinical study will be performed at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

In preclinical studies, MPC-6827 was demonstrated to reach approximately 1500% greater concentration in the brain than in the blood. This high brain concentration was achieved at a safe therapeutic dose for the treatment of peripheral tumors in mice. Importantly however, we believe that a much lower dose in humans should result in brain concentrations of MPC-6827 sufficient for anti-tumor activity yet without peripheral toxicity. The highest brain penetration percentage of drugs that are currently used in treating brain cancer is that of temozolomide, which reaches a peak brain concentration level that is just 29% of the blood plasma concentration. We believe that the strong and selective brain penetration of MPC-6827 suggests a special opportunity to study anti-tumor activity in patients with primary brain tumors and brain metastases that are resistant to current standard of care therapy.

"Treating brain tumors has proven to be one of the great challenges in cancer therapy," said Lauren E. Abrey, M.D., a board certified Neurologist and Clinical Neuro-Oncologist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, and principal investigator on the Phase 1 study. "MPC-6827 has shown the potential to address this need due to its ability, in preclinical models, to cross the blood/brain barrier and achieve therapeutic levels."

The distribution of Myriad's cancer drug candidate into the brain was evaluated in mice by treating them with a single intravenous dose of MPC-6827. The time to maximum drug concentration of MPC-6827 was just three minutes in both blood plasma and brain tissue, indicating that MPC-6827 distributed rapidly into the CNS. Brain concentration of the drug candidate was approximately 15 times higher than the plasma concentration. At the maximum tolerated dose, the average concentrations in plasma and brain, over a 24-hour period, were approximately 118 nM and 1650 nM, respectively. The brain concentration of MPC-6827 was 825 times greater than the concentration required to activate caspase and induce the cancer cell killing apoptosis process in cancer cells in vitro. Importantly, MPC-6827 was cleared from the brain at a similar rate as from the blood. This preclinical data will be part of presentations made by Myriad on MPC-6827 during the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, from April 16-20, 2005, in Anaheim, CA.

"We look forward to exploring the potential of MPC-6827 in the treatment of patients with brain tumors," said Adrian Hobden, Ph.D., President of Myriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. "Myriad continues to advance its clinical development pipeline with investigational drug candidates that address areas of significant unmet medical need."

About Metastatic Brain Cancer

Despite steady progress in the treatment of primary tumors at their site of origin (whether breast, colon, lung or other), cancer cells often spread to other areas of the body, a process known as metastasis. Such metastasis often results in multiple brain tumors, posing a serious challenge for oncologists. This is especially true of lung cancer, because approximately 50% of small cell lung cancer cases result in tumors in the brain, and 33% of non-small cell lung cancer cases lead to multiple tumors. In 20% of breast cancer cases, there is metastasis to multiple sites in the brain. In melanoma, the spread of cancer often results in a single brain tumor, as does metastasis from the colon and kidney. Half of melanomas metastasize to the brain and 5% of both colon and renal tumors spread to the brain.

There are approximately 180,000 new cases of metastasis to the brain in the United States each year, and this number has risen steadily as the treatment of primary tumors has improved. Patients with metastatic brain tumors have very limited options for treatment. Survival after a brain tumor diagnosis is decidedly short, ranging from five to 55 weeks, depending on the tumor status and treatment option. The standard of care for these patients is primarily surgery and whole brain radiation. Most anticancer drugs are unable to cross the blood/brain barrier in sufficient concentration to achieve clinical benefit to the patient. There is currently no approved chemotherapy for metastatic brain cancer.


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Nächste Woche gehts nach oben.

17.06.05 17:50
Der Chart schreit danach, die Fakten tun´s langsam auch.

Myriad Genetics "outperform"

Die Analysten von Piper Jaffray bewerten das Wertpapier von Myriad Genetics (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) mit "outperform". Nächste Woche, Montag um 14.30 Uhr Ostküstenzeit, werde Dr. Gordon Wilcock die kompletten Ergebnisse der Phase II-Studie von Flurizan für die Behandlung von Alzheimer auf der Internationalen Konferenz der "Alzheimer Association" in Washington vorstellen. Die Präsentation werde Daten beinhalten, die bei der ersten Vorstellung der Studienergebnisse im Mai noch nicht bekannt gegeben worden seien. Myriad Genetics werde nach der Vorstellung am Dienstag, den 21. Juni, eine Konferenz zu den Daten abhalten. Während der Phase II-Studie seien 207 willkürlich ausgewählte Alzheimerpatienten über 12 Monate mit dem Medikament behandelt worden. Flurizan habe bei höchster Dosierung von 800 Milligramm einige statistisch relevante Verbesserungen erzielen können. Diese würden sich jedoch nicht auf alle Bereiche erstrecken. Derweil habe Myriad Genetics bei der US-amerikanischen Gesundheitsbehörde FDA bereits das Protokoll zu der derzeit laufenden Phase III-Studie eingereicht. Für eine Zulassung werde wohl noch eine weitere Studie benötigt. Daher stufen die Wertpapierspezialisten von Piper Jaffray die Aktie von Myriad Genetics mit "outperform" ein.



487 Postings, 7374 Tage harrys39Myriad Genetics: Trendwechsel

03.10.05 15:14
03.10.2005 14:03
Myriad Genetics: Trendwechsel
Der bisherige mittelfristige Trend von Myriad Genetics (Nachrichten) wird nach oben durchbrochen werden. Myriad Genetics wird am 31. Oktober bei 18,40 Euro notieren.

Quelle HappyYuppie

Kann sich eigentlich nicht mal jemand in dieses total beknackte Computerprogramm einhacken und auf Dauer zum Absturz bringen?
Da wird von einem Durchbruch nach oben geredet und ein Kursziel genannt das niedriger liegt als der aktuell Kurs.

Bisher war bei allen Aktien die ich auf der Liste habe die HappyYuppie Prognose ein Kontraindikator, es ist nicht mal in 1 Fall das eingetreten was angekündigt war. Damit meine ich nicht den Kurs, sondern nicht mal die Richtung hoch oder runter hatten sie mal zufällig getroffen.


487 Postings, 7374 Tage harrys39Alzheimermedikament 2006 zur Zulassung?

10.10.05 21:15
10.10.2005  16:45:23  (JAINDL & MAUTZ)
Myriad Genetics Einstiegsmöglichkeit

Die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz sehen bei der Aktie von Myriad Genetics (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) derzeit eine gute Einstiegsmöglichkeit. Der Biotechnologiekonzern Myriad Genetics beschäftige sich insbesondere mit schwer heilbaren Krankheiten. So befinde sich zur Zeit eines der wenigen weltweiten Medikamente gegen Alzheimer in der dritten Phase der Testreihe und könnte bereits 2006 seitens der FDA (Food and Drug Administration) zur Zulassung kommen. Fundamental gesehen, stehe der Konzern auf ganz guten Beinen. So habe man so gut wie keine langfristigen Schulden und verfüge über eine sehr hohe Eigenkapitalquote. Auch die Tatsache, dass die Verluste in den letzten Quartalen bei sehr stark steigenden Umsätzen immer weiter hätten abgebaut werden können, sprächen für ein gutes Managementteam. Auf Gewinne müsse man hier jedoch noch gute zwei bis drei Jahre warten. Kürzlich habe sowohl der erste als auch der zweite Widerstand nach oben durchbrochen werden können, welche nun zu guten Unterstützungen geworden seien. Ein Retesting dieser Marken sei sehr wahrscheinlich, doch dürfte nach den Kaufsignalen der Kurs doch eher in Richtung des Jahreshöchststandes bei 26 USD gehen. Der Ausbruch sei bei einem sehr hohen Volumina erfolgt und habe auch somit eine große Bedeutung. Die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz sehen bei der Aktie von Myriad Genetics derzeit eine gute Einstiegsmöglichkeit.


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Vielleicht kommt auch mal folgende Meldung:

12.12.05 11:25

(dpa --- Salt Lake Citiy) Myriad Genesics Inc. erhält Auftrag zur Genanalyse aller Amerikaner sowie zur Verwaltung der resultiernden Daten. Auftraggeber ist das amerikanische Ministerium für Heimatschutz, das auf diese Weise die innere Sicherheit verbessern möchte. Geplant ist, die genetischen Daten der US-bürger in deren Ausweisdokumente zu integrieren. Getestet und registriert werden in Zukunft auch Einreisende aus nicht-amerikanischen Ländern. Myriad sei wegen ihrer Expertise im Bereich genetischer Testverfahren sowie der Verwaltung großer Gendatenbanken als Kooperationspartner ausgewählt worden, so ein Sprecher des weissen Hauses.

Mt visionärem Gruß


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Geht doch!

09.02.06 21:26
Myriad Genetics verringert Verlust im zweiten Quartal  

13:16 07.02.06  

Die amerikanische Myriad Genetics Inc. (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) konnte den Verlust im zweiten Quartal aufgrund der verbesserten operativen Entwicklung im Bereich Vorsorgemedizin verringern.

Wie der Konzern am Dienstag erklärte, lag der Verlust im Berichtszeitraum bei 8 Mio. Dollar bzw. 22 Cents je Aktie, nach 10 Mio. Dollar bzw. 33 Cents je Aktie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Der Konzernumsatz verbesserte sich im Vorjahresvergleich von 19,6 Mio. Dollar auf 27,3 Mio. Dollar. Analysten hatten zuvor einen Verlust von 32 Cents je Aktie sowie einen Umsatz von 26,7 Mio. Dollar erwartet.

Für das laufende Quartal gehen Marktbeobachter von einem Verlust in Höhe von 30 Cents je Aktie sowie einem Umsatz von 27,6 Mio. Dollar aus.

Die Aktie von Myriad Genetics notierte zuletzt bei 21,08 Dollar.



487 Postings, 7374 Tage harrys39warum dieser Einbruch?

22.03.06 23:21
Godmode Trader bringt

"Heute bricht die Aktie auf Grund einer Meldung deutlich ein und fällt unter 26,00 $ zurück."

Was aber diese Meldung beinhaltet konnte ich bis jetzt noch nirgends finden.  

451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19hihihi

02.05.06 19:51

451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Jetzt wird sie wachgeküsst!

19.10.06 22:47

Zacks Equity Research highlights Myriad Genetics (Nasdaq:MYGN) the Bull of the Day

Our Bull of the Day recommendation is for Myriad Genetics (Nasdaq: MYGN), a biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the development of diagnostic and therapeutic products. The company employs a variety of proprietary proteomic technologies to identify genes, their relative proteins, and their pathways. Research in these areas has helped the company in developing drugs that prevent various diseases. From a research and development standpoint, we are optimistic about the future potential of Myriad. The growth of predictive medicine, several candidates in Alzheimer's disease and cancer lead us to be bullish on the stock. We maintain our Buy rating on Myriad, and our target price is $31.


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Jetzt kann es ganz schnell gehen ...

15.11.06 14:59

... und wir stehen bei 40 $.
Umsätze haben in letzter Zeit
deutlich angezogen, sogar die
Analos trauen sich wieder ran.
Nach kaum bemerktem Aufwärtstrend
seit 2003 ist jetzt der Weg nach
oben wieder offen, sollten die
30 $ fallen. Dann kann es recht
schnell aufwärts gehen, Myriad
war in dieser Hinsicht immer für
eine Ralley gut, wenn harte
Widerstände gefallen sind.

Immer noch (scheints einsam long :-)


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Die 30 $ sind gestern schon gerissen worden ...

17.11.06 11:00

... und das hat gute Gründe. Das Diagnostikgeschäft ist weiter stark am Wachsen, während die Pharma-Pipeline noch kaum Berücksichtigung findet. Die Idee, Medikamente künftig personalisiert einzusetzen, also vor der Verordnung erst einmal den Patienten auf seine genetische Disposition abzutesten, ist m. E. nicht nur zukunftsweisend, sondern eröffnet Myriad einen künftigen Milliardenmarkt, der von den meisten Marktteilnehmern offenbar noch gar nicht erkannt wird.

Die Sache hat eine bestechende Logik: Jeder Mensch reagiert anders auf bestimmte Stoffe, das betrifft auch Medikamente. So vertragen viele z. B. Aspirin hervorragend, während andere daraufhin schwere, u. U. sogar lebensbedrohliche allergische Reaktionen entwickeln.

Derartige Ideosynkrasien spielen bei allen pharmakologischen Anwendungen eine Rolle und stehen im direkten Zusammenhang mit der Wirksamkeit eines Medikaments bei einer Einzelperson. Dieser therapeutische Ansatz wird m. E. derzeit noch verkannt. Hier wird bisher weitgehend dem Prinzip "Trial & Error" gefolgt, d. h. der Patient wird so lange (suboptimal bzw. falsch) behandelt, bis das passende Medikament gefunden wird - oder auch nicht.

Je besser der Zusammenhang zwischen genetischer Ausstattung und dem Wirkungspfad eines Medikamts aber verstanden wird, desto gezielter - und damit wirkungsvoller - können Medikamente verordnet werden. Myriad mit seiner Führungsrolle in der GenDiagnostik könnte hier langfristig ein echter BigPlayer werden :-)

Still long, seit Januar 2004



5801 Postings, 6722 Tage hkpb@sertralin19

31.12.06 11:03
Nochmals Dank für die Empfehlungen. Zunächst werde ich am 020107 bei Medarex (1500)und MYRIAD (450) einsteigen. Die anderen Positionen bleiben unter Beobachtung.
Nun ist wohl Geduld gefragt. 2007 wird m.M. nach ein Biotech-Jahr. In diesem Sinne
alles Gute.



451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Wer sagts denn ...

08.02.07 09:23

... jetzt kommen auch die Analos wieder,
nachdem mein Liebling schon mehr als
verdoppelt hat:

08:18 07.02.07  


San Francisco ( AG) - Die Analysten von JMP Securities bewerten die Aktie von Myriad Genetics (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "strong buy". Das Kursziel erhöhe man von 33 auf 43 USD. (07.02.2007/ac/a/u)

08:10 08.02.07  


Albany ( AG) - Die Analysten von First Albany stufen die Aktie von Myriad Genetics (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) unverändert mit "buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde von 37 auf 41 USD angehoben. (08.02.2007/ac/a/u)

08:26 08.02.07  


Zürich ( AG) - Die Analysten der UBS stufen die Aktie von Myriad Genetics (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) unverändert mit "buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde von 38 auf 44 USD angehoben. (08.02.2007/ac/a/u)

Wenn jetzt noch positive News zu FLURIZAN
kommen, geht endgültig die Post ab!




451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Flurizan kommt voran ...

07.03.07 13:17

... und was sich reimt, ist bekanntlich gut:

Myriad Presents Additional Flurizan™ Phase 2 Study Data Demonstrating Benefit in Alzheimer's Patients
42% of Patients on Flurizan™ Had Improved or Not Declined After 24 Months

SALT LAKE CITY, UT, March 05, 2007—Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN) ( announced today that it presented additional results of its completed Phase 2 follow-on study of Flurizan™ in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease at the annual meeting of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), held March 1-4, 2007 in New Orleans. The data indicate that Flurizan may be capable, not only of slowing the decline of Alzheimer's disease, but of halting the disease in its tracks. In this study, many patients with Alzheimer's disease got no worse over two full years, and in some cases, patients treated with Flurizan appear to have improved.

At 24 months, study participants in the Phase 2 trial with mild Alzheimer's disease taking 800 mg twice daily Flurizan experienced a 67% improvement in their level of cognitive decline compared with placebo, as measured by the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) score. This difference was highly significant statistically (p=0.001). Additionally, based upon the MMSE score, three times the percentage of patients on Flurizan demonstrated improvement in cognition or zero decline, compared to patients on placebo: Forty-two percent of patients on 800 mg twice daily Flurizan experienced improvement or zero decline, compared with 14% of patients taking placebo. MMSE is the primary test used by most clinicians to help diagnose, assess and monitor progression of patients with Alzheimer's disease. It was also the principal criterion for selecting patients to enroll in the Phase 2 study, and is a secondary endpoint in the two ongoing Phase 3 trials of Flurizan.

Overall, 42% of patients on Flurizan showed improvement or no decline in one or more of the three primary endpoints of cognition, global function and activities of daily living, compared to 10% of patients on placebo. On the test that measures cognition, ADAS-cog, 25% of study participants taking 800 mg BID of Flurizan showed cognitive improvement or experienced zero decline in cognition after 24 months, compared with none on placebo. With the CDR-sb test, a measure of overall function in Alzheimer's patients, 29% of study participants on Flurizan experienced an improved or zero decline score, compared with none of those on placebo.

Robert C. Green, M.D., MPH, Co-Director, Alzheimer's Disease Clinical & Research Program, Professor of Neurology, Genetics and Epidemiology at the Boston University School of Medicine, and a lead investigator on the Phase 3 trial of Flurizan, commented, "This analysis of patient response to Flurizan in the Phase 2 trial suggests that the drug may, in many patients, actually halt disease progression over a 24-month time frame. Since Flurizan appears to slow the biological progression of the disease, this is an exciting and novel finding, and if replicated in the ongoing Phase 3 trials will be extraordinarily important."

To recap the efficacy results of the Phase 2 study at month 24 presented earlier, mild patients taking 800 mg of Flurizan twice daily had an effect size of 72%, with a statistically significant value of p=0.0005, as measured by their global function on the CDR-sb test. In activities of daily living, the patients showed a statistically significant 67% effect size (p=0.015). Cognition improvement showed an effect size of 52% at 24 months on the ADAS-cog scale. These data suggest that there is a substantial benefit from Flurizan.

The additional data presented at the AAGP meeting and announced today add detail to these effect sizes by demonstrating that, not only did the population as a whole respond to the treatment, but a meaningful portion of the patients who responded to the treatment did so by experiencing either zero decline after two years or a reversal of their decline to actual improvement, something that is very rare in Alzheimer's disease. Comparisons to placebo at 24 months refer to the placebo group as originally randomized.

The vast majority of patients in this Phase 2 study, approximately 94% at the time of enrollment, were receiving stable doses of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, which are FDA-approved drugs for symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Thus, the benefits of Flurizan observed in these patients were over and above the current standard of care.

"The 24 month Phase 2 responder analysis provides further evidence of efficacy against mild Alzheimer's disease that is consistent with our understanding of Flurizan's mechanism of action as a SALA," said Adrian Hobden, Ph.D., President of Myriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. "The results support our belief that Flurizan is modifying the course of the underlying disease process."

About Flurizan
Myriad has two Phase 3 trials of Flurizan ongoing in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. In each study, participants are taking 800 mg of Flurizan or placebo twice daily, and the last participant enrolled will have taken the study drug for 18 months. Flurizan is the first in a new class of drug candidates known as Selective Amyloid beta-42 Lowering Agents (SALAs). Flurizan lowered levels of Abeta42 in cellular assays and animal models. Abeta42 is the primary constituent of senile plaque that accumulates in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease. It is thought to be the key initiator of Alzheimer's disease, since Abeta42 has the greatest tendency to aggregate, cause neuronal damage and initiate amyloid deposits in the brain. Most genetic mutations that cause early-onset Alzheimer's disease appear to do so by increasing production of Abeta42. Myriad believes that Flurizan is the most advanced drug candidate that modifies the production of Abeta42 to be evaluated in a clinical trial for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

About Myriad
Myriad Genetics, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and marketing of novel healthcare products. The Company develops and markets molecular diagnostic products, and is developing and intends to market therapeutic products. Myriad's news and other information are available on the Company's Web site at Flurizan is a trademark of Myriad Genetics, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

mfg sertralin19  

451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Neue Technologie zur Tumordiagnose

18.04.07 15:32

Myriad Genetics Presents Tumor Origin Technology at AACR
Determining Tumor Origin May Be Useful in Cancer Treatment Decisions
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, Apr 18, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN) ( announced today that it presented studies for a new technology that might be used to determine the original location of a metastatic tumor, on Monday, April 16, 2007 at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in Los Angeles, California. This work could also prove helpful in determining whether any two tumors are related, and was carried out in collaboration with researchers from Magee-Womens Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Tumor origin can play an important role in choosing among treatment options for cancer patients. A difficult problem in treating some gynecological malignancies is determining the primary site of tumor origin. This is particularly apparent when cancer simultaneously involves both the ovary and endometrium. Myriad has developed a technology based on DNA copy number analysis, which may be used to accurately distinguish between the different possible originating or primary tumors.

The preliminary data from Myriad's study came from patient specimens with diagnoses of simultaneous ovarian and endometrial cancers. Three separate specimens were collected and analyzed for DNA copy number from each patient, one from the ovarian tumor, one from the endometrial tumor and one from normal unaffected tissue.

In many cases, pathologists may be unable to distinguish between related tumors and separate primary tumors due to the uncertain nature of the pathology results. The copy number analysis either confirmed conclusions from pathological examination, or provided new information that could be used to give a more positive determination of tumor source. Copy number analysis can show that both tumors share a change that is not present in the unaffected specimen. If one of the tumors has many more additional changes than the other, it may be considered the secondary, or metastatic tumor. In our preliminary data set, copy number conclusions were subsequently confirmed by re-sequencing the PTEN tumor suppressor gene for mutations.

"We are excited about the potential of our copy number analysis technology to differentiate cancers of different types," said Jerry Lanchbury, Ph.D., Executive Vice President of Research for Myriad Genetics, Inc. "We anticipate further development of the technology for possible commercial introduction in the future."




1355463 Postings, 7471 Tage moyaMYRIAD GENETICS mittelfristige Rallyebewegung

12.05.07 07:46

Als einer der HighFlyer der Biotech Branche zeigt sich in diesem Jahr die Aktie von MYRIAD GENETICS, welche ihr Aufwrtspotenzial noch nicht ausgeschpft hat...


Myriad Genetics - Krzel: MYGN - ISIN: US62855J1043

Brse: Nasdaq in USD / Kursstand: 37,20 $

Kursverlauf vom 05.05.2006 bis 11.05.2007 (log. Kerzenchartdarstellung / 1 Kerze = 1 Tag)

Kurz-Kommentierung: Die MYRIAD GENETICS Aktie befindet sich in einer mittelfristigen Rallyebewegung. Bei 39,98 $ markierte sie vergangene Woche ein neues Mehrjahreshoch und setzt aktuell an das alte Ausbruchslevel bei 36,81 - 37,43 $ (=Kaufzone) zurck. Wie in der letzten Analyse beschrieben sollte sie hier und jetzt wieder nach oben drehen und die Kursrallye weiter fortsetzen. Ein Anstieg per Tages- und Wochenschluss ber 39,98 $ generiert weiteres Aufwrtspotenzial bis 44,40 - 46,00 $. Ein kurzfristiges Verkaufsignal wird erst bei einem Rückfall unter 35,85 $ generiert, Abgaben bis 31,20 - 31,98 $ werden dann wahrscheinlich.

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Gruß Moya


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Zum Potenzial einer Alzheimerarznei:

15.05.07 17:05
$4 Trillion in Cost Savings to U.S. From New Disease-Modifying Alzheimer's Treatments
Study Supported by Educational Grant From Myriad

SALT LAKE CITY, UT, May 15, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN) reported today that a new study has estimated the potential savings to the United States healthcare system, from a disease-modifying Alzheimer's drug, at up to $4.0 trillion. These savings would be for new cases arising between 2010, when the first such drug is estimated by the authors to be available, and 2050, when the number of Alzheimer's disease sufferers could reach its peak.
The study authors note that Alzheimer's disease threatens to become a pandemic and could potentially bankrupt the United States Healthcare system, without new diseases-modifying drugs. The U.S. disease prevalence is expected to grow from the estimated 5.1 million people living with the disease today, to more than 7.7 million by 2030, and 16 million by 2050, which is more than the current total population of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston combined.

"These estimates give us the first true glimpse of the potential impact a drug like Myriad's Flurizan could have on the rapidly accelerating costs of treating Alzheimer's disease in this country," said Adrian Hobden, Ph.D., President of Myriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. "This study calculates the dollar value of a year of life saved from Alzheimer's disease and provides a realistic measure against which payors might make coverage decisions for new therapeutics. The potential savings to the system of delaying the disease for just one year is tremendous."

The study, entitled "Alzheimer's Disease and Cost-Effective Analyses: Ensuring Good Value for Money?" was performed by John Vernon, Ph.D., Department of Finance, University of Connecticut, and National Bureau of Economic Research and colleagues at the University of Connecticut, as well Robert Goldberg, Ph.D., from The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest. The study was sponsored in part by ACT_AD, a coalition of 49 national organizations representing patients, caregivers, providers, consumers, older Americans, researchers and employers seeking to accelerate development of potential cures and treatments for Alzheimer's disease. The coalition is supported in part through educational grants from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Elan Corporation and Myriad Genetics, Inc.

Alzheimer's Disease Facts

--  5.1 million Americans currently have Alzheimer's disease
--  As a result of the aging U.S. population, the number of newly
   diagnosed cases of Alzheimer's disease is projected to double to 959,000
   cases per year between 2010 and 2050
--  By 2050, the number of Americans living with Alzheimer's disease is
   expected to more than triple to 16 million, without new therapies
--  Medicare costs alone for Alzheimer's disease will reach $160 billion
   by 2010
--  Families who hire in-home caregivers face annual costs of up to



451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Personalisierte Medizin wird langsam Relität...

26.07.07 14:05

Myriad Genetics Launches New Molecular Diagnostic Test

TheraGuide 5-FU May Help Patients Avoid Severe Toxic Reactions to Chemotherapy
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, Jul 26, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN) ( announced today that it has introduced a new product, TheraGuide 5-FU(TM), to help predict which cancer patients are likely to suffer serious toxic reactions to the drug 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) or the oral form of the drug, capecitabine. More than 500,000 Americans with breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer or head and neck cancer are treated with 5-FU each year. Approximately 30% of those patients experience severe toxicity.
TheraGuide 5-FU is a comprehensive analysis of the genetic variations in two genes, DPYD and TYMS, which increase a patient's risk for toxicity to 5-FU chemotherapy. With the TheraGuide 5-FU test results, oncologists and their patients can take steps to reduce the risk of avoidable toxicity, including using alternative therapies, reducing the size of the dose and increasing patient monitoring for side effects. TheraGuide 5-FU provides the critical guidance oncologists need to personalize chemotherapy for their cancer patients who are being considered for chemotherapy regimens.

"TheraGuide 5-FU is a new personalized medicine test that has the potential to save many cancer patients from serious toxic reactions to the medicine that is supposed to help them," said Greg Critchfield, M.D., President of Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc. "TheraGuide 5-FU points the way to the future promise of personalized medicine, where tests can guide the therapeutic choice for improved patient care, while limiting the side effects of otherwise efficacious drugs."

Approximately one third of all patients given 5-FU will experience dose-limiting toxicity that can be severe to life-threatening. The majority of these toxic reactions are due to genetic variations in the DPYD and TYMS genes. The DPYD gene makes the enzyme that is primarily responsible for metabolizing or breaking down 5-FU and clearing it from the body quickly. If the DPYD enzyme activity is compromised, 5-FU will be cleared more slowly from the system resulting in a longer period of exposure to 5-FU and a subsequent increased risk for toxicity. An estimated 9 million individuals in the U.S. have low DPYD enzyme activity due to mutations in the DPYD gene.

Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) is an essential enzyme for DNA synthesis. The chemotherapy drug, 5-FU, binds to the TYMS enzyme, inhibiting its function. When the TYMS enzyme is inhibited, DNA synthesis does not go forward and the cell dies. Since cancer cells multiply rapidly, requiring a high level of DNA synthesis, they are much more sensitive to thymidine depletion than normal cells. The human TYMS gene has genetic variations that cause differential production of the TYMS enzyme. If a variation causes underproduction of TYMS, only a portion of the 5-FU dose is used to bind to, and inhibit, the TYMS enzyme, and the rest remains unbound in the body resulting in increased toxicity. Variations causing overproduction of TYMS enzyme lead to excess TYMS and insufficient 5-FU to completely inhibit the enzyme and a resulting loss of efficacy with the 5-FU chemotherapeutic.

Toxicity reactions due to reduced enzyme activity may include hand-foot syndrome, fever, mucositis, stomatitis and severe diarrhea. Nausea, vomiting, rectal bleeding and skin changes may also occur. Neurologic abnormalities include cerebellar ataxia (uncoordinated muscle movement) and changes in cognitive ability. Elimination of 5-FU from the treatment regimen is usually sufficient to prevent additional unexpected toxicities.

TheraGuide 5-FU is Myriad's fifth molecular diagnostic product. The Company is now accepting samples for testing with TheraGuide 5-FU. The test cost is $1,100 and includes a comprehensive DNA sequence analysis of the DPYD gene and the important variations in the TYMS gene. The result is returned to the requesting physician within seven days of receipt at Myriad.

Beste Grüße


451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Läuft und läuft und läuft ...

27.08.07 22:52
JMP Securities - Myriad Genetics neues Kursziel  

08:09 23.08.07  


San Francisco ( AG) - Die Analysten von JMP Securities stufen die Aktie von Myriad Genetics (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) unverändert mit "strong buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde von 47 auf 50 USD angehoben. (23.08.2007/ac/a/u)

Ich warte bloß noch auf den Tag der Flurizan-Zulassung ... dann gehts durch die Decke :-)

Weiter so!



451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Und weiter geht es ...

07.10.07 10:12

Das KZ von 50 $ ist schon überschritten, das Volumen wird imer mächtiger. Langsam wird man auf das enorme Potenziel einer Alzheimer-Therapie aufmerksam. Selbst wenn Flurizan "nur" bei milden Ausprägungen hilfreich ist und die Krankheit "nur" aufzuhalten vermag, ist der Nutzen dramatisch, stellt man die Kosteneinsparung für Behandlung und Unterbringung von Patienten in Rechnung. Ich gehe davon aus, dass der derzeit steile Auf-Trend anhalten wird bis in die Regionen der alten Highs.

Mich wundert nur, dass sich hier - wie schon seit 2004, dem Threadbeginn - kaum einer für das Papier zu interessieren scheint, obwohl MYGN seitdem um 250 % gestiegen ist.

HKPB, bist Du eigentlich zu Jahresbeginn eingestiegen?



451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Geduld wird belohnt :-)

17.10.07 11:49
JMP Securities - Myriad Genetics "strong buy"  

07:52 16.10.07  


San Francisco ( AG) - Die Analysten von JMP Securities stufen die Aktie von Myriad Genetics (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) unverändert mit "strong buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde von 50 auf 75 USD angehoben. (16.10.2007/ac/a/u)



451 Postings, 7541 Tage sertralin19Alles im Lot, da stimmt die Bilanz!

14.02.08 09:09
Myriad Genetics kann Verlust deutlich reduzieren

13:09 05.02.08  

Salt Lake City ( AG) - Die amerikanische Myriad Genetics Inc. (ISIN US62855J1043/ WKN 897518) konnte den Verlust im zweiten Quartal dank höherer Umsatzerlöse im Diagnostik-Segment deutlich reduzieren.

Wie aus einer am Dienstag veröffentlichten Pressemitteilung hervorgeht, verbesserten sich die Umsatzerlöse im Vorjahresvergleich von 37,1 Mio. Dollar auf 56,7 Mio. Dollar. Dabei war im Segment Molekulardiagnostik ein Anstieg der Umsatzerlöse um 55 Prozent zu verzeichnen. Beim Nettoergebnis wurde ein Verlust von 5,1 Mio. Dollar bzw. 11 Cents je Aktie ausgewiesen, nachdem im Vorjahreszeitraum einen Verlust von 8,8 Mio. Dollar bzw. 22 Cents angefallen war. Neben der verbesserten Umsatzentwicklung trugen auch höhere Margen zu der Ergebnisverbesserung bei, teilte der Konzern weiter mit. Analysten hatten zuvor einen Verlust von 18 Cents je Aktie sowie einen Umsatz von 52,1 Mio. Dollar erwartet.

Für das laufende Quartal gehen Marktbeobachter von einem Verlust von 15 Cents sowie einem Umsatz von 55,2 Mio. Dollar aus.

Die Aktie von Myriad Genetics notierte zuletzt bei 42,75 Dollar. (05.02.2008/ac/n/a)



64 Postings, 6077 Tage junimond1983Entscheidung naht ...

11.06.08 20:12
Bericht aus DER AKTIONÄR vom 11.06.2008

Entscheidung naht

Testresultate dürfen den Myriad-Kurs heftig ausschlagen lassen. In welcher Richtung, ist offen.

Experten mögen am US-Biotech Unternehmen Myriad Genetics vor allem die Zwei-Säulen-Strategie. Zum einen verkauft die Firma aus Salt Lake City Diagnostika wie etwa genetische Tests. Zum anderen entwickelt sie mit dem eingenommenen Geld Medikamente wie zum Beispiel das experimentelle Alzheimer-Mittel Flurizan. Dies wiederum hat Myriad bei Spekulanten sehr beliebt gemacht.

Die haben den Aktienkurs des Unternehmens aus dem Mormonen-Staat Utah in den letzten Monaten von 35 auf fast 50 Dollar getrieben. Treibstoff der Spekulation: die Ergebnisse aus einer klinischen Studie der Phase III, die Myriad an fast 1.700 Patienten mit leichter Form von Alzheimer in den USA durchgeführt hat. Die Resultate dieser Tests werden derzeit noch ausgewertet. Sie sollen aber noch im Laufe des Monats Juni veröffentlicht werden.

Auch wenn aktuell noch eine weitere weltweite Flurizan-Studi läuft, sind die Ergebnisse aus den US-Tests von entscheidender Bedeutung. Denn der erhoffte Kassenschlager mit Umsätzen jenseits der Ein-Milliarden-Dollar-Marke kann Flurizan nur dann werden, wenn Myriad die Zulassung für die USA, den nach wie vor wichtigsten Pharmamarkt der Welt bekommt.

Der Kursverlauf der letzten Monate zeigt, dass die Anleger auf gute Daten hoffen. Aich das Gros der Analysten ist optimistisch gestimmt. Die halten für den Fall positiver Daten sogar einen Kurs von 70 Dollar je Myriad-Aktie für durchaus realistisch.

50 Prozent Potenzial
Mutige Anleger spekulieren mit einer kleinen Position auf positive Daten. Das Kurspotenzial beträgt 50 Prozent. Aber Vorsicht: Negative Daten hätten einen Kurssturz in ähnlicher Dimension zur Folge.

Chance: 4
Risiko: 4
Akt. Kurs: 30,70 €
Stopp: 24,50 €
Ziel: 45,00 €  

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