Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Eröffnet am: | 29.09.07 14:50 | von: nekro | Anzahl Beiträge: | 25.569 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 21.02.25 22:53 | von: Fuchsbau24 | Leser gesamt: | 6.316.000 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 3.121 | |
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Mr Masono, who is also Minister of Mining, thanked the Panguna Mine-affected landowners particularly the Special Mining Lease Osikayang Landowner Association, ex-combatants, women, new-generation landowners and the people of Panguna for supporting ABG for Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) to redevelop the giant Panguna mine in Central Bougainville.
In doing so, Mr Masono disputed an article on Monday’s paper as biased and further stated that the meeting in Arawa on Thursday, June 1, was to communicate the majority decision reached by Panguna landowners and stakeholders of the Panguna mine.
He said as a government that believes in consultation, the ABG again gave every faction in Arawa, including women and hardliners, the opportunity to express their views, but the decision had been made by the people of Panguna who owned the land and supported the ABG.
The vice president led a high level delegation to the mine site on Wednesday May 31, 2017, to consult with the Panguna landowners and stakeholders whether they supported the ABG’s decision. The answer to reopening THE Panguna Mine with BCL as the preferred developer was a resounding ‘yes’, as Mr Masono said.
He said the positive response now paves the way for the ABG, landowners, BCL and of course, the National Government to work together to remove the impediments to reopening the mine. Most importantly it gives the people of Panguna and Bougainville hope for a better future moving forward.
Mr Masono said a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is being finalised and will be signed in Panguna on June 15 to coincide with ABG’s 13th Anniversary celebration.
After the signing, a smaller version of the planned ‘bel kol’ ceremony between landowners and BCL will be staged to enable BCL to have access to and from the mine site to conduct pre-feasibility, feasibility and other social and economic studies relating to the reopening of the mine.
“I am calling on BCL to immediately re-establish its presence in Bougainville on a full-time basis instead of continuing to operate by remote control from Port Moresby,” said Mr Masono.
.....“I am calling on BCL to immediately re-establish its presence in Bougainville on a full-time basis instead of continuing to operate by remote control from Port Moresby,” said Mr Masono. .......
...They said intellectual property ownership still remains with BCL and implementation process of reopening the mine will be speedily achieved by BCL which is one of the key operational elements.
und was hat es wohl damit auf sich "The preference is based on the majority equity shareholdings which have buy back options." ??? any ideas?
Bislang hat es keine Meldung auf Bloomberg oder Reuters geschafft.
Jene Meldung nächste Woche würde es schaffen
2 The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 76,430,809 19.06 % Waigani, PNG
3 EDA Minerals Limited 69,744,640 17.39 % Port Moresby, PNG
Diese Position sollen die die LO bekommen, zusammen mit Pos 1 (ABG) haben dann die Bougainvilleans (ABG+LO) 53.84%
siehe S. 42 Annual Report 2016, z.B.
Was wären denn die Reserven bei den derzeitigen Preisen wert - 30 Mrd?
Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) has welcomed reports of strong support among Panguna land owners and the wider community for BCL’s participation in a new Panguna mine project.
BCL Chairman Robert Burns said the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) had confirmed that ministerial forums held at Panguna and Arawa last week were well-attended and had demonstrated majority support.
“We are very encouraged by these developments which reflect the levels of support we have experienced on the ground during our own direct interactions with land owners and other stakeholders,” he said.....
vollständiger Artikel hier:
PM is always welcome to visit’
June 8, 2017
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill is very much welcomed in Bougainville, and no one will stop him from setting foot on the island, as he is very much the region’s leader.
Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro sent this message refuting reports that chiefs of Kieta sent out a warning that they did not want O’Neill in Central Bougainville.....................
ABG leaders in Buka were also apologetic to the Prime Minister over reports that he was not welcome on the island as they claimed the report was done solely by a group of disgruntled people.
It was also noted yesterday that a group of people led by a team that had put in a proposal for funding of a communication project, which was never approved, were angry over the latter. This had resulted in the call by Chief Frank Nigu on Mr O’Neill being welcome in Central Bougainville.
“They said PM is welcome to Bougainville anytime,” he said. Mr Miringtoro also warned all those that planned to disrupt the PM’s visit to Bougainville that they would be dealt with by law. He said a proper statement will be released today after all chiefs gather to address the issue.
However, chiefs in North Bougainville, including leaders of the ABG, said this was not the way to go about addressing this if they had issues outstanding.
They assured Mr O’Neill that he would not face any problems visiting North Bougainville and that he had all the rights to travel in and out of Bougainville as he was still very much Prime Minister of Bougainville and not only PNG
Der nächste wichtige Schritt wird die für den 15 oder 16 geplante Unterzeichnung des MoU zur Wiedereröffnung sein.
Danach wissen wir mehr
Sogar der Präsi der meekamui Miriori unterzeichnet
- to make available 5% free equity ownership interest to the landowners
- to make available an additional 5% as working equity ownership interest to the lo to purchase.
Wie ist das genau zu verstehen, die lo sollen immer 5% an BCL umsonst halten können, auch nach den erforderlichen Kapitalerhöhungen?
vielleicht zu EUR 1.-- abgeben muss :-)
Vermutlich werden neue Aktien ausgegeben, keine Ahnung ob die Bevollmächtigung durch die HV schon vorliegt, falls nicht gibt es halt eine außerordentliche HV.
An applicant must- a) make available 5% free equity ownership interes in the applicant on a free, sustained and non-dilutable, non-contributing equity basis for acquisition by Landowners under this section: and b) make available an additional 5% working equity ownership interest in the applicant for purchase by landowners under this section and c).....