Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
Since November 2008 the ESBC have an experienced correspondent on the island of Bougainville. From now he will give us in-depth information that has not yet published elsewhere. These exclusive articles only can be read here. They will appear here round about one week after our paying members received them by email.
These articles and the attached pictures can be quoted free under condition of mentioning the source "© ESBC - European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper". Please be so kind as to forward a copy to us.
Seit November 2008 haben die ESBC einen erfahrenen Korrespondenten vor Ort auf Bougainville. Ab sofort wird uns dieser exklusiv Hintergrundinformationen über die Entwickungen auf der Insel geben, die vorher noch nirgends publiziert wurden. Die Artikel werden hier etwa eine Woche, nachdem sie per Email an unsere zahlenden Mitglieder verschickt wurden, publiziert.
Diese Artikel dürfen kostfenfrei zitiert werden sofern die Quelle mit "© ESBC - European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper" gekennzeichnet werden. Gleiches gilt für die Fotos. Bitte, seien Sie so nett und übermitteln und ein Belegexemplar.
The articles:
Allein, ich kann mich des immer stärker werdenden Eindrucks nicht erwehren, dass wieder nur, wie ein Vorredner treffend formulierte, Lemminge gesucht werden.
Die Rechnungen, lieber logho, laufen genauso gut andersrum, oder?
Ich sehne mich nach gehaltvollen Antworten!
Mittelfristig glaub ich lieber erst mal an den Weihnachtsmann.
Wohl alle Investierten sind im Gegensatz zu dir über die permanent eintreffenden positiven Nachrichten aus B'ville sehr erfreut.Wieso eine noch nicht eingetroffene "Kursprognose" als falsch bezeichnen? Politische Entscheidungen dauern nun mal nicht nur manchmal etwas länger,dies gilt umso mehr wenn es sich um B'ville handelt.Es ist nicht umsonst "the land of the unexpected." ;-)))))))))))))))))))))
Unser momentaner Optimismus gründet neben der pers. Bekanntschaft auch auf die Diskussionen die im Moment in Buka über die nächste ABG Sitzung geführt werden.Den Artikelentwurf über das stattzufindende ABG Meeting haben die ESBC Mitglieder gelesen einige haben das wohl positiv interpretiert und sich noch eine zusätzliche (Trading?) Position gegönnt.Wenn das ABG die positiven Schritte beschliesst,könnte BOC im land des unexpeted auch in expected aber ungeglaubte Kursregionen aufsteigen.Ein BID/ASK von 129k über 0,50 gegenüber 46k bis 1,75 lassen nicht gerade auf Abgabedruck schliessen,lass nur mal mit positiven Ereignissen etwas Vol aufkommen ;-))))))))))))))))
köstlich fand ich auch deine Rechnung zur ESBC-Mitgliedschaft, ganz ehrlich,
Ich auch.....
die Jdee zu diesem Jahresbeitrag kam ja gerade von den Members um ein Quentchen Zusatzinfo/bzw. Vorsprung zu finanzieren,die paar Kröten sind es ihnen locker wert wie du siehst,das kommt ganz auf die Einstellung zum Invest und wohl auch auf die Positionsgrösse an.
Man kann ja auf den Weihnachtsmann hoffen, darauf verlassen sollte man sich jedoch nicht
.......und das trotz "Finanzkrise ;-))))))))))))))))))
This has been set up, working well and now you can access your relatives/friends etc.
This has definitely made communication much easier from there.
For more information Joe Kim and the team will be glad to assist.
Well done to the Bougainville team of Felix Rupokei, McKeever Pauru, John Sahoto and Tony Karai for the initiative and willingness to assist in this area.
Zumindest die Photos sind sehenswert
Meekamui Bank issues Trillion US funds certificates to Investors
3/24/2005 9:48:32 AM
'The Royal International Bank of Meekamui at Tonu in the Siwaii district of Bougainville Island issued Custodial Safe keeping receipts (CSKR) confirming the immediate availability of USD1,111,000,000,000 in investor's funds to Bougainville an'
HM King David Peii II highlights divine plans for Bougainvlle at issue of investor funds
3/26/2005 9:48:32 AM
'Founder and Director of U-Vistract, HM King David Peii II, has told a gathering at Tonu on the south of Bougainville island that God has big plans for the island and that no one can stop it from being implemented. HM King David Peii II said this'
Wer sich nen kleinen Joke mit Musingku erlauben will,kann ja unter einen Kontoeröffnungsantrag mit Angabe eines hohen $$$ Betrags schicken,mit der Frage ob man über seine Bank in BOC Shares investieren kann ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
ich gehöre zwar nicht zu den ESBC, habe aber auch eine Quelle in Port Moresby. Derzufolge werden am Donnerstag mehrere Mitglieder der Panguna District Administration in Port Moresby erwartet. Ich weiß aber nicht, mit wem sie dort zusammentreffen.
Dann müßte was??? passieren, damit der Kurs auch wieder steigen kann?
Welche Abkommen / Verträge / Vereinbarungen müßten durch Ihn unterzeichent werden?
Bei dem Szenario unterstellen wir mal, daß der Kurs in AU bis jetzt künstlich gedrückt wird.
Ab welchem Ereignis hätte der "Kursdrücker" keinen Grund mehr zum drücken?
Gentlemen - bitte Ihre Meinungen!
Gruß Tom
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Limited (BCL) is now serious about reopening its abandoned Panguna copper and gold mine in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ABG). [See report]
Leider scheint beim postcourier das upload schiefgegangen zu sein,unter dem Link steht der Artikel von gestern ;-(((
Posted at 01:17 on 02 December, 2008 UTC
An Australian academic with long links to the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says it’s impossible to say who might win the presidency in the two-week poll starting on Saturday.
!4 candidates are contesting the position left vacant by last June’s death of Joseph Kabui.
The Australian National University’s, Dr Anthony Regan, who is in Bougainville’s main town, Buka, says to an extent, the high number of candidates is a reflection that there is no clear leading candidate.
He says this is in contrast to the previous poll which was largely a contest between two high profile politicians, Mr Kabui and John Momis.
And Dr Regan says the new preferential voting system will also be a factor.
“The people are thinking well it is a bit unpredictable how these preferences will be distributed. If I can do deals or I can get enough second and third preferences I have a real chance here. So the absence of these strong candidates of the first election has thrown things wide open.”
Dr Anthony Regan
The review will encompass but will not be restricted to;
MINING financial arrangement;
LANDOWNER reconciliation.
Paralell dazu soll der 20% PNG Anteil an BCL ans ABG übertragen werden.
PRIME Minister Sir Michael Somare has invited delegates attending the 10th PNG Chamber of Mining and Petroleum Investment conference to come to Papua New Guinea to see first-hand the enormous opportunities in the country.
His invitation was extended by Deputy Prime Minister Dr Puka Temu, who presented Sir Michael’s keynote address. Sir Michael could not make it to the conference.
A record 800 delegates from around the world including investors, bankers, mining and petroleum companies, financial advisers and brokers, industry suppliers, PNG Government ministers and landowners attended the conference, which started yesterday at the Sydney Hilton and will end tomorrow.
Sir Michael raised concern that the Sydney conference over the past 10 years had not yielded much benefit compared to the time, energy and resources spent.
In reading the Prime Minister’s speech, Dr Temu said: “Despite a world financial crisis, it was very comforting to note the high level of interest and confidence in PNG and we look forward to your presentations and insight into the best way forward.”
He said PNG was an attractive investment area where investors could get value for money. Themed, “Securing a better future for PNG”, Dr Temu outlined the Government’s current and future plans and strategies to make PNG investment-friendly. “We have created the right macro-economic environment and our laws and institutions have weathered the test of times amid global concerns of economic security,” Dr Temu said. On the political overview, Dr Temu said the institutions and form of democracy in PNG were well established at the national level.
Political instability over the past 27 years had been an impediment to development and nation building. “I am proud to say that political stability has been achieved as evidenced for the first time since independence for a Government to be given the mandate to govern PNG for two consecutive terms,” Dr Temu said.
He attributed this to political maturity, including deliberate political initiatives such as the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates Act and introduction of the Limited Preferential Voting (LPV) system.
“The Government is committed, dedicated, disciplined and focused to create a favourable environment for investment and the private sector,” Dr Temu said.
Saying non-renewable resources had been exploited for many decades with no real benefits, he said the challenge now was to manage the benefits from resource projects.
Dr Temu stressed the need to mitigate impacts on the environment using smarter solutions based on sound and competent scientific knowledge.
THE owner of a A$2.5 million private airline company in Sydney, Australia, flew to Buka, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, in a Convair CV580 aircraft yesterday to discuss with the Bougainville executive council possible routes between the region, Honiara and Sydney.
Reports said Solomon Sea Plane Limited owner Capt Bob Keys and his crew met with the Bougainville government ministers in the plane for an hour to put together a proposal on the planned routes.
The proposal would go before the Bougainville council and, if approved, would then be submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for further consideration.
“The connections would make it easy for Bougainvilleans to travel to Australia via Honiara,” Capt Keys said.
He said once approval was given, he would send his sea plane and two aircrafts to start operation.
ABG acting vice-president Mathias Salas said the council decision would dictate to them how to treat the proposal.
Mr Salas said he was confident that the operation of the airline would boost tourism in Bougainville and would be more convenient for all serviced along the routes.
Wir haben Erik schon angemailt damit er uns den Artikel schickt ;-)))
10000 0,535
67300 0,53
14800 0,525
3000 0,52
2000 0,515
200000 0,51
4600 0,50
0,88 4590
0,89 2000
1,60 5000
1,75 25000
Ob es sich dabei um einen Serverfehler beim up-load handelt oder um einen "Wink von Oben" um die Verhandlungen nicht vorschnell publik werden zu lassen u. die Wahlen zu beeinflussen?????????
Erste Direktverbindung AU Kieta-Buka geplant
AN Australian-based airline has partnered with a local company to provide a new air service between Solomon Islands and Bougainville.
Convair entered the deal with local company Coral Sea Express Limited recently.
Owners of Convair captain Bob Keys said the new service is now subject to approval from the Papua New Guinea Government.
“The autonomous Government of Bougainville has given its support,” Captain Keys said.
"It is now up to the PNG government to grant us the approval. But we are ready to start," he said.
A high level delegation from the Autonomous government including vice president, speaker and senior government officials joined the trial flight to Honiara on Monday.
After spending a night here the delegation left yesterday back to Bougainville.
Mr Keys said if the route is approved the Convair 580 aircraft will service the routes from Rabual, Buka, and Kieta in Bougainville and Munda and Honiara in Solomon Islands.
“It would return the same route,” he said.
Local promoter Michael Maina of Coral Sea Express said this was an idea proposed sometimes ago and the Autonomous Bougainville Government was pleased with the idea.
He said Coral Sea has a licence to operate the service with Convair.
Convair has a long history providing passenger and cargo freighting in Australia.
Convair 580 aircraft can carry 44 passengers in comfort with a good loading capacity of 7 tons in cargos.