Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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879 Postings, 6499 Tage loghoMauern sind dazu da...

20.10.10 16:48
sie einzureissen und zu überwinden...kennst du doch von der Deutschen Einheit...

und wenn die Leerverkäufer unter Druck stehen, wirst du sehen, wie schnell das geht...  

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekro150K a 1.20 AUD

20.10.10 18:26

.......können auch schnell weg sein,dazu reicht es m.M. nach das JSB Meeting zu terminieren ;-)))

17 Postings, 5274 Tage FloJSeltene Erden

20.10.10 20:07
Hier nochmal was aktuelles zum Thema seltene Erden und China:

Keine Exportbeschränkungen, aber Ausfuhr wird trotzdem behindert ;))  

140 Postings, 6505 Tage pezz88Das Orderbuch....

20.10.10 23:05
füllt sich!!!

@Nekro: Wie bekommt man eigentlich die Grafik so schön angezeigt?  

11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHALPG and mining projects

20.10.10 23:52
Somare's reputation sinks as PNG booms

PNG’S CAPITAL Port Moresby is growing bigger and wealthier in the wake of the country’s LPG and mining projects.

Construction work costing many millions of kina is going ahead at a frenetic pace to provide accommodation and office space in - or close to - the city’s central business district.

The new five-star Grand Papua Hotel dominates the skyline and is due to open next year. It will have 166 luxury units and is being built on the site of the old Papua Hotel, destroyed by fire in 1991.

Not far away, the Ela Beach Hotel, formerly the Davara Motel, is being expanded with 42 new units overlooking the waterfront.

The Grand Papua and the Ela Beach belong to a nationwide hotel chain owned by Steamships Trading Company.

At present, the leading hotels in Port Moresby charge K800 - 1,100 a night. A budget hotel such as the Weigh Inn, off the Poreporena Freeway, costs K320.

A huge new complex known as Harbour City is being built on reclaimed land across from the Hubert Murray Oval. It will comprise shops, offices, a supermarket and residential units.

According to a real estate agent, flats are being built “everywhere” in Port Moresby. “As soon as they go up, they attract rentals of up to K3,000 a week,” he said.

One long-term expatriate businessman said he was building two flats, and defended the high rentals being asked by owners. “Rentals have always been high in Port Moresby because the cost of building is great and there are other expenses.”

Another businessman spoke of a small unit overlooking Koki Market, that has had its rent increased twice this year from K600 to K1,200 and is now K1,500.

The influx of cashed-up foreigners also is good for car sales. Ela Motors reports that sales have gone up 28 percent so far this year.

A spokesman said sales were expected to increase by at least the same amount next year. “Eight years ago there was a big drop in sales and I thought we’d go out of business. But it’s different today,” he added.

The boom period, however, is not good for everyone. Many Papua New Guineans can no longer afford to live in what has become a very expensive city and have moved into settlement camps outside Port Moresby.

And that raises the big question, constantly asked: Whether the people of PNG as a whole will benefit from the unprecedented economic growth from the LNG and mining projects?

Only time will tell. But there is one area where the ordinary person is already benefiting and that’s due to the communication revolution.

Most of the population now has access to satellite telephones through either Telikom or the Irish-owned Digicel, which continues to mount an aggressive marketing program.

In fact, the company has virtually painted PNG the colour red with its nationwide advertising.

Telikom concentrates on the large urban areas while Digicel aims to soon service the whole country, including the large but sparsely populated Western Province.

During peak hours, a person can call anywhere in PNG for less that 50 toea a minute. Off-peak is cheaper. Digicel sells mobile phones for K29, and there are top up facilities in the smallest villages.

PNG’s Foreign Minister, Sam Abal, recently visited the US for talks with NASA – the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. On his return he said the use of mobile telephones in PNG had shown how communications could transform a society.

He added:” This can be further accelerated with our own satellite project”

Sam Abal, a former public servant and diplomat, comes from Enga Province and enjoys considerable support, especially in the highlands.

In a country where one is constantly told that it’s time for a change, Sam Abal is seen by many as a future leader – even as a replacement for Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare after the 2012 elections.

Nobody I met during three weeks in PNG had a good word for Somare or his government.

I found this hard to accept. I knew Michael Somare in the 1960s and 1970s, and I admired his leadership and his determined campaign for independence in 1975.

As a journalist we had regular contact, and I regarded him as a good friend.

Today, one hears many stories of corruption and nepotism involving the discredited Somare Government.

Somare himself is referred to as Michael Mugabe, and - instead of Grand Chief – he’s called the Grand Thief.

It’s all very sad.

It is time for a change.  

11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHA@FloJ

21.10.10 08:21
Die seltene Erden Debatte sollte BOC beantworten können.
Grundsätzliche Informationen sind hier :

Grundsätzlich gilt : In Bruch und Störungssystemen können sie vorkommen, besonders wenn Vulkane verschachtelt sind ( Junge auf Älteren ) müssen die Vulkangebäude umfassend untersucht werden. BOC hat hier ja die Exploration in Aussicht gestellt.
Aber das alles ist Schnee von Morgen. Jetzt muß PNG erst einmal bereit sein, den Menschen in Bougainville ein menschenwürdiges Leben mit Schulen, Hospitälern, Arbeitsplätzen,... zu ermöglichen und die Minenrechte übertragen, um nicht in Hunger und Krankheit zu versinken...  

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroRio Tinto baut australische Mine aus

21.10.10 11:23
Die Trauer über die geplatzte Zusammenarbeit der Rohstoffgiganten Rio Tinto und BHP Billiton währte nur kurz. Gestern gab Rio Tinto bekannt, dass der Konzern 3,1 Mrd. Dollar in den Ausbau seiner Eisenerzmine im australischen Pilbara investiert.,_p=1174,_t=ft_archive

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroESBC press release 20101020

21.10.10 11:58

Bougainville Needs a Perfect Power Team!

An Interview with the President of the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper.

The Panguna mine shall re-open within the next years say nearly all stakeholders concerned. Are you satisfied about that?

Axel G. Sturm:
Not yet. I will be satisfied if Panguna will be on production again and earn money for all stakeholders – especially for those who live in Bougainville and who are still in need.

Are you not interested in maximum gains for the BCL shareholders?

Axel G. Sturm:
All investors who buy shares of a company are interested in earning money. One can earn money by soaring share prices and with dividends. But the investment in the Bougainville Copper Project is a bit different compared to other companies. Panguna is really an outstanding win/win project for all: for the shareholders (dividends), for the ABG and PNG government (taxes), for the Panguna landowners (royalties) and last but not least for all the people of Bougainville, because they will find well-paid jobs and they will benefit from better infrastructure as there are better roads, high-standard healthcare, good communications, schools etc. . I am convinced that in five years from now Bougainville will become a flourishing hotspot in the Pacific. Already the preparations of the mine re-opening will bring an enormous amount of money to the island that will be invested in housing, roads, harbours, hospitals, schools and more. Local businesses will revive and the daily life will become much easier and more pleasant on Bougainville. That’s for sure! Please let me add this: A good education always pays – for the individual and for the community where the child is brought up. As President of the ESBC and to establish my credentials I recently made a personal contribution of K10,000 to the Bougainville Copper Foundation for education. But what we as shareholders can do for a small number of Bougainvilleans is little compared with what the mining company can do for all Bougainvilleans. Money from the mine can make sure no Bougainvillean is deprived of education for want of money. I would like the BCA to be signed sooner rather than later so today's kids start getting the benefit of education.

The Joint Supervisory Board (JSB) meeting has been postponed several times. The main issue of this JSB should have been the preparation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review which we have been hearing about for some five years. Are you disappointed about that?

Axel G. Sturm:
Yes, of course because it was absolutely not helpful for Bougainville’s image in the world. Perhaps those who are responsible for that mess are not aware that the world’s eyes are focussed on Bougainville. But, I am particularly sad because with every day that is lost the people of Bougainville have to wait longer for a change to better times. I think all the people should have the benefit of this already announced positive change as soon as possible. Bougainville today is still in agony: the local news have constant reports of people who die too early because of absence of health care, who drink too much home-brew, who smoke Marihuana and so on; I consider this as a symptom of lack of hope for the future. I also feel very sad when I see photographs of people walking without shoes on unsealed roads. All Bougainville and PNG leaders, the Panguna landowners and the BCL management should be aware of this and do their very best to speed up the re-opening of Panguna. The positive change is in their hands. I am really fed up of reading about food shortage, insufficient health-care, mother and infant mortality and lack of security. That’s a tragedy for a region that lives on a giant treasure of copper, gold and silver.

How do you judge the role and the performance of the actual leaders?

Axel G. Sturm:
All leaders concerned were elected in a fair and democratic way. I think it was great evidence of the mature democratic mind of the Bougainvilleans when they voted for an very experienced statesman like John Momis as president. I also appreciate very much the role of Fidelis Semoso. He does a lot for the people of Bougainville. Unfortunately the National Government charged him to represent PNG in the JSB meetings. That was not really a brilliant idea. Mr. Semoso is Bougainvillean. In so far he easily could become a subject of wilful allegations from PNG regarding his work. I would prefer to see the Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr. Arthur Somare, as PNG representative in the JSB meetings. He comes from East Sepik Province and is absolutely not supposed to face allegations of selfish partiality one day. As Minister for Public Enterprises he is in charge of the Bougainville Copper Project as well because PNG holds nearly 20 percent of the BCL shares. Furthermore:  His admirable feat in the PNG Liquid Gas Project proved that he is the best one to handle such a big deal. President Momis and Minister Somare could be a very successful dream team to bring the things forward. Bougainville needs such an efficient power team now! Both should jointly head the JSB meetings in the future and push the re-opening of Panguna forward. By the way: A couple of days ago I wrote to Mr. Momis and to Mr. Somare to make this proposal to them.

Do you believe that this can happen?

Axel G. Sturm:
I believe that this would be the best and most efficient way to bring things forward in Bougainville. All political leaders of ABG and PNG were elected in a correct way. But unfortunately there are still some individuals or even small groups that are more interested in their own advantage than in public welfare. These persons have difficulty in accepting the outcome of all elections and decisions of the majority elected. Perhaps some people still have to learn this. Mr. Momis has an overwhelming and recent mandate from Bougainvilleans. The JSB needs to be split into two JSB: A special JSB dealing only with an extraordinary responsibility of BCA Review and the JSB dealing with all matters other than BCA Review. This way the BCA Review will get the focus it deserves.

What’s your vision on the future of Bougainville Copper?

Axel G. Sturm:
Well, let me put it like this: I hope that all major stakeholders will become totally aware of their social and public responsibility and that they will meet minimum once a month and take fast and wise decisions. They have to face the challenge now. I strongly hope that the re-opening of the Panguna mine will be agreed as soon as possible and that the exploration moratorium will be lifted very soon as well. I also hope that the leaders will do their very best to provide easy access for the people on the ground to buy Bougainville Copper shares. BCL shares represent a once in a lifetime wealth creation opportunity for all Bougainvilleans and PNG Nationals that could see the shares go up from AUD1 now to above AUD30 in four years. Furthermore: If every Bougainvillean owns a small part of the BCL leases the company can become a really big family. Also citizens from homeland PNG should invest in BCL shares and become members of Bougainville-Copper-Family as well. That would be the best reconciliations after all these years of unrest.

220 Postings, 5554 Tage peter_ski@nekro Pressrelaease 20101020

21.10.10 12:30
wurde wo veröffentlicht?

Es wäre sicherlich schön, wenn auch dies bekannt wäre. Dieszbezüglich habe ich auch direkt nachgefragt.  

917 Postings, 6509 Tage Carlchen03Press release von Axel

21.10.10 12:42
findest du direkt auf Axels HP -Newsroom-  

448 Postings, 6504 Tage bockaufbocInterview

21.10.10 14:12
Kann mir jemand nen Tip geben wer die Fragen stellt???

Oder ist es ein Selbstgespräch(interview)

ESBC-Leader stellt Fragen--Axel G. Sturm antwortet??  

11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHA@nekro

21.10.10 14:42
gehört Karatu oder Karato auch zu den BOC Explorationsgebieten ?
Falls ja : Hat dein Geologe eine Einschätzung zu dem Gebiet gegeben ?  

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekro@Alpha

21.10.10 15:08
Alle Explorationsgebiete findest du im


Mein Geologe hat nur die vom Geo Institut Hannover erhobenen Daten zu Atamo ausgewertet.

In deren Archiven befindet sich noch sehr viel unausgewertetes Material zu Bougainville.

Wenn du Lust hast können wir dort gerne einen Termin machen u. rumstöbern ;-))

11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHA@nekro

21.10.10 15:58
Zu Karatu geht - nach erster Sichtung - aus den FOB Daten hervor, dass keine Exploration stattgefunden hat. Das deckt sich auch mit den Aussagen des Pacific RIM Congress und dem PNG Minenministerium.

Das Angebot "rumstöbern" lass ich mir 'mal durch den Kopf gehen, obwohl mich Daten, die schon irgendwo bekannt sind (z.B. beim BOC Management), weniger interessieren.  

11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHAInteressant

21.10.10 16:29
ist die Bougainville Karte möglicherweise für Interessierte, da aus ihr hervorgeht, dass neben Gold, Silber, Kupfer auch Zink, Tellur, Arsen + Quecksilber entdeckt wurde - und zwar als NATÜRLICHE Vorkommen. Weitere Daten kann ich aus der Karte nicht entziffern - vielleicht hat hier jemand Anders bessere Augen...  

555 Postings, 6505 Tage BOCandorraSemoso supports Momis...

21.10.10 16:37

382 Postings, 6505 Tage centwatchSemoso supports Momis...

21.10.10 17:00
....fantastische news!!!!

Dann macht jetzt Nägel mit Köpfen und beschließt die Neuverhandlung des BCA!!!

Wer postet auf HC?  

11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHASehr gute Entwicklung

21.10.10 17:10
By Aloysius Laukai

Regional Member for Bougainville and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, FIDELIS SEMOSO has called on the people of Bougainville to support the ABG government of President JOHN MOMIS.

He told a gathering in Tinputz at the weekend that Bougainville will continue to struggle as it does not have the necessary finance to carry out its work.

MR. SEMOSO said that Bougainville can move forward once the PAPNGUNA MINE is re-opened.

He said that he had sighted a letter written by the ABG President JOHN MOMIS for the National Government to speed up the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review.

The Regional member said that he fully supported the move by the ABG President to fast -tract the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review.

He said that whilst the ABG was working on this impact project the National Government members must continue to support the ABG by assisting the people.

MR. SEMOSO said that since 2007 the National Government has approved more that SEVENTEEN MILLION KINA to the Open members and these funds should be used to develop the rural areas.


11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHASchriftliche Einladung

21.10.10 17:26
zum nächsten JSB? :

Zitat aus 5218
"...He said that he had sighted a letter written by the ABG President JOHN MOMIS for the National Government to speed up the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review..."

Jetzt wird man sehen, ob PNG zum Vertrag mit Bougainville steht oder nicht. Zumindest gibt es jetzt Klarheit. Schaun wir 'mal, wie PNG reagiert.  

378 Postings, 5274 Tage BöckleinDeutschen Firmen gehen Hightech-Metalle aus

21.10.10 18:36

879 Postings, 6499 Tage loghoDer Bericht in Kurzform....

21.10.10 19:28
interessant ist vor allem die Federführung des BGR, der Gesellschadft, die in den 80er Jahren die ausführlichen Bodenuntersuchungen auf Bougainville vorgenommen hat. Von dort hat Nekro ja seine gesamten Informationen. Die BGR war damals im Rahmen eines vom Bund bezahlten Entwicklungshilfeprogramms unterweges....
leider waren damals die Seltenen Erden noch kein wichtiges Thema.....

'Spiegel': Ersten deutschen Firmen gehen seltene Erden aus
19:10 21.10.10

HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) ­ Der gedrosselte chinesische Export von Hochtechnologie-Metallen hat laut einem Bericht verstärkt Auswirkungen in Deutschland. Erste Unternehmen erhielten keine Hochtechnologie-Metalle mehr geliefert, berichtete "Spiegel Online" am Donnerstag. Ursache der Verknappung ist demnach, dass China seine Exporte an Seltenen Erden eingeschränkt hat - das Land produziert 97 Prozent der weltweiten Menge.

"Wir stehen am Beginn einer Versorgungskrise", zitierte "Spiegel Online" den Geologen Harald Elsner von der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe BGR. Es drohten brisante Engpässe, sagte der BGR-Geologe Peter Buchholz.

Laut dem Bericht stellen Geologen zwar neue Metall-Reservoire außerhalb Chinas in Aussicht. Besonders in Grönland und Kanada lägen der BGR zufolge riesige Mengen an Seltenen Erden im Gestein. Die Produktion in Grönland könne jedoch frühestens in fünf Jahren beginnen. Zuvor könnten lediglich kleinere Bergwerke in den USA und in Australien aktiviert werden. Bis mindestens Ende 2011 werde Deutschland bei den Seltenen Erden aber "zu fast 100 Prozent" auf China angewiesen sein, wurde Buchholz zitiert.

Seltene Erden werden für zahlreiche Elektroprodukte benötigt, etwa für Handys, Motoren, Katalysatoren und Windkraftanlagen. Am Mittwoch hatte die Bundesregierung der Industrie Hilfe bei der Sicherung ihrer Rohstoffinteressen zugesagt: So sollen künftig unter anderem Finanzierungen und Direktinvestitionen durch staatliche Garantien abgesichert werden. Das sieht die neue Rohstoffstrategie von Wirtschaftsminister Rainer Brüderle (FDP) vor, den das Kabinett billigte./mda/DP/he  

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroBougainville needs own human resources

22.10.10 03:32


BOUGAINVILLE needs to prepare itself, especially groom its home-grown human resource to work in the mine if the Panguna copper mine re-opens.
European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC), several developing partners and the civil society organisations have raised concerns that Bougainville cannot just sit back and watch outsiders groom themselves for the re-opening of the Bougainville copper mine or any other mining activities in the region.
Developing partners working in the region have also raised the same issue of ABG preparing its human capacity instead of recruiting from outside the expertise like the case when the BCL was in operation, more than 80 per cent employees of the Panguna mine were from all over PNG and abroad.
“ABG cannot pretend that all is well, we all have a duty and role to play in Bougainville, we are here to help and all we need is a concerted effort from everyone. We need to start talking about training human expertise, we need to train our own men and women to prepare them for the re-opening of not necessarily the Bougainville copper mine only, but any mine that will open or any major impact projects in the region,” developing partners raised. That goes to say, we need to set up our own training colleges here, we need to set up more institutions here in Bougainville, we got to move fast.”
ESBC president Axel G. Sturm this week urged both the National Government and ABG to consider the Joint Supervisory Body meeting to be split into two parts - a special JSB dealing only with an extraordinary responsibility of Bougainville Copper Agreement Review and the JSB dealing with all matters other than BCA Review.
“This way the BCA Review will get the focus it deserves,” Mr Sturm said.
Bougainville needs a perfect power team. All political leaders of ABG and PNG were elected in a correct way. But unfortunately there are still some individuals or even small groups who are interested in their own welfare than in public welfare. These persons have difficulty in accepting the outcome of elections and decisions of the majority.”

555 Postings, 6505 Tage BOCandorraBougainville needs own human resources

22.10.10 03:34

15645 Postings, 6509 Tage nekroComputerprogramm in AU im Einsatz ;-))))))

22.10.10 04:22

1 48 12:59:55 pm 119 50 $60  
2 47 12:55:36 pm 119 50 $60  
3 46 12:51:21 pm 119 100 $119  
4 45 12:47:01 pm 119 50 $60  
5 44 12:40:35 pm 119 100 $119  
6 43 12:37:54 pm 119 150 $178  
7 42 12:32:05 pm 119 150 $178  
8 41 12:26:02 pm 119 100 $119  
9 40 12:19:57 pm 119 150 $178  
10 39 12:16:35 pm 119 100 $119  

11671 Postings, 6509 Tage 1ALPHARebuild college in Arawa

22.10.10 06:28
Tinputz und Arawa wollen beide die Technische Schule beherbergen.

Post-Courier / Island Post :

Rebuild college in Arawa

THE decision to rebuild the Arawa Technical College in Tinputz in North Bougainville by Autonomous Bougainville Government has not gone down well with all.
Former minister for finance, treasury and planning in the ABG Mathias Salas said in a statement yesterday that the decision to relocate the college was conveyed to the people of Central Bougainville by the chief executive officer of the ABG division of education Bruno Babato in Arawa last week.
In 2008, the National Government made a commitment of K48 million to fund the re-construction of the Arawa Technical College. This commitment as announced by the Assistant Secretary for Technical Services Jay Banda during a visit to Arawa.
Immediately, after the visit, the Kieta district administration established a task force to oversee the formulation of the memorandum of understanding and to address other related issues.
Since this visit, the ABG administration has had over two years to facilitate the reconstruction of the former college. In 2008 the ABG appropriated a total of K100,000 to carry out scoping work on the former college site.
Mr Salas has said that the people of Arawa do not have any problems in regard to this land as it is part of the land leased by Bougainville Copper Ltd and the company still pays lease rentals to the National Government.
Moreover, the Arawa Technical College is a registered and an existing college, whose initial establishment is covered under the provision of Mining (Bougainville Copper Agreement) Act 1967, section 10 (a).
Mr Salas said relocating the college was an administrative function that rests with the ABG administration.
He warned the ABG administration to refrain from blaming the people of Arawa to cover up for its incompetence.
He claimed that the whole saga smells fishy as there seems to be a hint of political manipulation in the decision to relocate the college to Tinputz.  

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