Meinungen zu Falkland Oil and Gas ???
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Bohrergebnisse könnten morgen oder Anfang nächster Woche veröffentlicht werden.
Wenn´s ein Treffer wird, dann fliegt die Kuh!!!
RNS Number : 3509O
Falkland Oil and Gas Limited
28 June 2010
28 June 2010
Falkland Oil and Gas Limited
("FOGL" or "the Company")
Share price movement
FOGL, the oil and gas exploration company focused on its extensive licence areas to the South and East of the Falkland
Islands, notes the recent share price movement and can confirm it knows of no reason for the price rise.
FOGL announced on 1 June 2010 that the Toroa F61/5-1 exploration well had spudded on Monday 31May. The Toroa prospect is
located in Licence PL15, in which FOGL has a 49% interest.
The well is being drilled to an estimated target depth of 2,700 metres. Drilling operations were expected to take
approximately 35 days. Some delays have been experienced due to bad weather at the beginning of drilling operations,
however, FOGL expects to announce the preliminary results of the Toroa F61/5-1 well in the week commencing 5 July 2010.
einfach nur wegen Rockhopper mithochgezogen,auf immerhin 350 Mio.-€
Fazit: Die spinnen total die Briten !
Hierbei wird nur das aktuelle Projekt Toroa bewertet von den anderen mal abgesehen.
Mit der Meldung das man das Depp Water Rig bekommt, wird weiteres Potenzail in der Aktie erschlossen.
Aber wie nekro schon sagte, wir sind erst am Anfang, aber wie man an den heutigen Umsätzen sehen kann,
scheinen viele Leute mit Cash nur auf eine Meldung zu warten.
aber schaut euch mal Encore Oil plc (200 Mio.-€) an: Jackpott in der Nordsee .....
Share price takes off for BHP's partner in Falklands well
June 30, 2010
THE Australian market has been left to wonder if BHP Billiton has made a big oil discovery off the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic after the share price of its junior partner in an exploration well took off.
Shares in Falkland Oil and Gas surged 12 per cent in London, valuing BHP's 49 per cent partner in the Toroa 1 exploration well at more than $590 million and prompting a ''please explain'' from regulators.
Falkland Oil said it knew of no reason for the price surge but noted that it expected to announce preliminary results from the well in the week starting on July 5. BHP's Melbourne office said it had nothing to add to the Falkland Oil statement.
It is common for the share price of junior companies involved in a high-impact well like Toroa to surge ahead of the announcement of preliminary results. More often than not, it reflects a punt by investors on the results being positive rather than trading based on some inside knowledge.
BHP is the operator of the $48 million exploration well, the first to be drilled in the East Falklands Basin off the Falklands, or Islas Malvinas, as Argentina prefers to call the self-governing British territory.
Success at Toroa is bound to agitate Argentina. It has claimed sovereignty over the Falklands since 1833 and pushed the point in 1982 with an invasion, and a humiliating defeat in the two-month Falklands War.
Britain has other ideas. Its Prime Minister, David Cameron, said during the G20 summit at the weekend that Britain would never back down over the Falklands.
The London newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported that Mr Cameron had stressed in Toronto that Britain's claim to ''the sovereignty of the Falklands has not changed and will not change''.
BHP/Falkland Oil's well is the third in a series being drilled by it and other operators. The second well was an oil discovery, prompting Argentina to threaten retaliation - in Argentina - against the companies involved.
Toroa has the potential - and that is all it is - to be a big discovery (a mean reserve potential of 1.7 billion barrels unrisked).
The Ocean Guardian rig is drilling towards the planned depth of the well, 2700 metres below sea level. The rig was upgraded to be able to drill in up to 600 metres of water. And before it began the Falklands campaign, its blowout preventer system was upgraded, as was its anchoring system.
Falklands Oil & Gas jumped 12.7 per cent to 243½p on expectations of results early next week from its Toroa test well, write Bryce Elder and Matt Kennard. Westhouse analysts set a 347p price target on Falklands Oil shares ahead of the update.
The well did not encounter any reservoired hydrocarbons and will now be plugged and abandoned.
Further detailed evaluation of all data and information gained from this well will now be carried out. An update will be provided once this work has been completed.
Tim Bushell, Chief Executive of FOGL, commented:
"Whilst the results of the Toroa well are disappointing, it has to be remembered that this is the first well in a previously undrilled frontier basin. We believe that these results have helped to reduce some of the key risks of the plays in the deepwater areas of our licences. In that respect the well is certainly encouraging for further exploration and we look forward to continuing our exploration programme once a suitable deepwater rig has been secured."
Es ist eine totale Panikreaktion an der Börse in London erfolgt. Bitte beachten es werden noch 13 andere Bohrungen erfolgen.
Des weiteren war von Anfang an davon auszugehen, dass die Chancen schlecht sind. Auch das Rig war nicht für diese Tiefe ausgerichtet.
jetztsollte man erstmal die weitere bohrergebnisse abwarten..kurs ist dieses jahr ja schon gut gelaufen...
sieht so aus als ob auf den falkland inselns nicht viel zu holen ist...
"BHP Billiton has been disappointed by the failure of its first exploration well off the Falkland Islands to find oil or gas. Its partner, Falkland Oil & Gas, said that the $US50 million Toroa 1 well will be plugged. Falkland CEO Tim Bushell said that there will be further exploration in the area."
Meanwhile, FOGL said it is hopeful that the Toroa prospect, in which it has a 49% interest, has around 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and will conduct further assessments.
from the motley fool
Falklands Oil & Gas had about $90m in cash before work began on the Toroa well (which was expected to cost around $20m). The company recently said it should have sufficient funds for a further two well
Die Veröffentlichung von BHP ist da doch etwas klarer, es wird nachgebohrt. Vielleicht hat man sich auch einfach nur ein Bild gemacht und bewußt in Kauf genommen, dass man nicht gleich auf Öl stößt. Immerhin war dieses rig da und auf jeden Fall billiger als ein Deepwater Rig. (Spekulation von meiner Seite)
Habe gerade in einem Bericht über die Aktivitäten am Golf von Mexiko gelesen, dass derzeit dort 4-5 Deepwater Rigs sind.
Ich hoffe, dass Fogl + BHP sich darum kümmern, da bis 11/2010 dort nicht gebohrt werden darf.
Wer sich etwas mehr mit diesen Thema auseinandersetzen möchte
- BP schafft es hoffentlich das Bohrloch abzudichten
- BHP hat ein Deepwaterrig
- Ergebnisse von den Bohrproben sickern durch.
- die Aktie ist zu stark abgestraft worden.
Ich vermute alle 4 Gründe könnten eine Rolle spielen.
In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich auf diesen Artikel verweisen, der gestern veröffentlicht wurde. index /petroleum/display/7950918981/articles/oil-gas-journal/exploration-development-2/2010/07/falklands-springhill.html
Eine andere Überlegung meinerseits kommt zum Ergebnis, dass gewisse Erkenntnisse bewußt zurückgehalten werden um Großinvestoren nochmals Gelegenheit zu geben günstigst nachzukaufen.
Falklands Springhill prospect abandoned
By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, July 13 -- BHP Billiton Petroleum and Falkland Oil & Gas Ltd. encountered no reservoired hydrocarbons and will plug Toroa F61/5-1, first exploratory well in the East Falkland basin in the South Atlantic.
Projected to 2,700 m on the PL15 license, the well reached a total depth of 2,476 m in about 600 m of water and was logged. It was to have evaluated the Cretaceous Springhill sandstone play that produces hydrocarbons far west in the Magallanes basin of Argentina and Chile.
FOGL drilled the well 100 miles south of Stanley at the site of a seismic amplitude anomaly and a positive controlled source electromagnetic response. It had also encountered oil shows in the site survey core over the prospect. The company will fully evaluate the well data.
The company has also identified the Lutra, Endeavour, Thulla, Inflexible, and other prospects in deeper water east of the islands.
Oil & Gas Journal
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