Öl-Projekt 88 Energy Project in der heißen Phase
Hier plaudert Bill Armstrong aus dem Nähkästchen, kann man sich gern mal angucken!
Die Updates bestätigen, dass die Bohrgenehmigung für Winx1 (wie geplant) erteilt wurde und die Ice Road Preparierung gestartet ist.
Bohrstart Mitte Februar :-)
Es wird spannend...!!
Ann: Operations Update - Permit to Drill Approved
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ASX News
Post #: 37148181
Release Date: 17/01/19 19:03
Summary: Operations Update - Permit to Drill Approved
Price Sensitive: Yes
The announcement content will be available in 6 minutes at 19:23
Paar Meilen nördlich haben Andere eine erfolgversprechende Bohrung abgeschlossen. DW führt das am Ende der Meldung an.
Viele 88 Eisen im Feuer, hoffentlich regnet es nicht ;-)
· Permit to Drill Approved for Winx-1 exploration well
· Ice road construction progressing well
o Rig mobilisation planned for early February
· Spud remains on schedule for mid-late February 2019
Western Leases - Winx-1 Exploration Well
The Permit to Drill for the Winx-1 exploration well was approved by the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) on the 16th January (AK time). This is the final major permit required for commencement of drilling.
Construction of the ~11 mile ice road to the Winx-1 exploration well location is proceeding as planned. Once complete, the ice pad will be constructed, and the rig will be mobilised for drilling. Rig mobilisation is expected to commence in early February.
A map of the Winx-1 Well Location and Regional Nanushuk/Torok Discovery Wells, and an image of the Ice Road Construction for Winx-1, can be viewed at the link below
Winx-1 is located ~4 miles east of the Horseshoe-1/1A well that significantly extended the highly successful Nanushuk play fairway to the south. Winx-1 will target gross best estimate prospective resource of 400 million barrels of oil (144 million barrels net to 88E) across multiple stacked objectives, including the Nanushuk Formation, which is the primary target of the well.
Commenting on the operations update, Dave Wall, Managing Director of 88 Energy, stated: "The approval of the Permit to Drill marks the end of the permitting process for the drilling of Winx. Everything remains on track for a mid-late February spud.
Our thanks go to the regulatory bodies in Alaska for their assistance in getting the well permitted in a timely fashion, particularly given the tight timeframe with the deal only closing in late July 2018. The 88E operations team in Alaska has done an excellent job and has been ably supported by Great Bear staff.
It is also worth noting that the first exploration/appraisal well of the season, Pikka-B, has been reported as encountering high porosity, hydrocarbon bearing sand in the Nanushuk Formation, on trend and 15 miles to the north of Winx."
Morgen wissen wir mehr :-)
Und mit der Kursentwicklung an der (für mich wichtigeren) LSE im Januar können wir zufrieden sein. Kurs steigt!
Ansonsten bin ich auch vollkommen zufrieden.
Schönes Wochenende allen!
Und zum Farm out der konventionellen Icewine-Resource kann quasi jeden Tag eine Meldung kommen!
88 Energy Limited
Operations Update Ice Road Construction Nears Completion
88 Energy Limited ("88 Energy" or the Company", ASX:88E, AIM 88E) is pleased to advise the following in relation to its oil and gas operations on the North Slope of Alaska.
Ice road construction ~85% complete
o Ice pad build to commence shortly
Third party rig inspection completed
Rig mobilisation to commence in ~7 days
Spud scheduled for mid-late February 2019
Western Leases Winx-1 Exploration Well
Construction of the ~11 mile ice road to the Winx-1 exploration well location is now nearing completion, with pioneering progress at >90%, base layer construction at 87% and final top layer (finished) progress at 77%. Ice pad construction will commence immediately upon completion of the ice road, ahead of rig mobilisation in early February.
The Nordic Rig#3 recently underwent a 6-day, third party inspection to ensure that rig machinery and equipment are functioning properly and are in accordance with requirements. Only minor issues were found, which will be rectified over the days leading up to mobilisation. The rig was reported to be in generally excellent condition and passed all major tests, including the ready to drill test.
Quelle: http://clients3.weblink.com.au/pdf/88E/02068802.pdf
Report on Activities for the Quarter ended 31 December 2018
The Directors of 88 Energy Limited (88 Energy or the Company, ASX & AIM:88E) provide the following report for the quarter ended 31 December 2018.
Quarter Highlights Project Icewine
The conventional prospective resource at Project Icewine was further upgraded to 2,896 MMBO mean gross prospective resource (2,211 MMBO net to 88E);
Icewine 3D seismic inversion substantially complete for the Schrader- Canning clinothem and the deeper Nanushuk-Torok clinothem with discrete geobodies now mapped in the Schrader (topset play) and Torok (slope/ basin floor fan play) formations;
Updated rock trending models underpinning the 3D seismic inversion products highlight better than expected reservoir quality potential within the Torok Formation;
The farm-out campaign continued in the quarter, with multiple high-calibre parties active in the dataroom;
The deadline for bids was extended by 88E due to demand with deal targeted in Q1 2019;
HRZ shale evaluation process is ongoing post the suspension of the Icewine #2 well.
Western Blocks
All major permits (excluding Permit to Drill) granted during the quarter for the drilling of the Winx-1 exploration well;
Permit to Drill submitted to the AOGCC for review - approval anticipated January 2019;
Ice road construction commenced during the quarter; and
Spud of Winx-1 exploration well targeting multiple objectives on schedule for February 2019.
Yukon Acreage
Seismic processing of the Yukon 3D progressed during the quarter;
Yukon leases maiden resource announced a Net Mean Prospective Oil Resource 90 MMBO;
o Cascade lead upgraded to prospect status Brookian Turbidite Fan Play; o FurtherprospectivitymappedwithintheStainesTongueTopsetPlay.
Subsequent to year end Regenerate Alaska Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of 88 Energy, was announced highest bidder on an additional ~1,920 gross acres in the State of Alaska December 2018 Licensing Round, with formal award expected in mid-2019.
88 Energy Ltd announced on 3rd October 2018 a 1 for 7 non-renounceable rights issue / open offer to raise up to $14.33m / £7.96m;
On 29th October 2018 the Company announced that total applications for New Shares as part of the Rights Issue raised a total of $3.6 million, and subsequently the Company announced on 12th November the placement of Shortfall Shares raising approximately $10 million gross.
Insgesamt 15 Seiten. Hab nur die erste Seite mit den Highlights reingestellt der Rest ist hier lesbar: https://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20190125/pdf/4422sw9qhhgxtr.pdf