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Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 01:52von: Stefaniegqcj.Leser gesamt:8.284
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7765 Postings, 6846 Tage polo10$$$ PETRONEFT $$$

13.11.06 18:00
Könnte interessant werden, jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko, hier mal ein paar Daten :

PetroNeft Resources plc is an international oil and gas exploration and production company, established in 2005 for the purpose of acquiring and developing hydrocarbon acreage in Russia. The company’s shares were admitted to trading on the London AIM and Dublin IEX Markets in September 2006.

The Group’s core asset is a 100 per cent interest in an exploration and production licence (Licence 61), covering 4991 sq. kms in the Tomsk Region of Western Siberia, containing two proven oil fields, Lineynoye and Tungolskoye, and some 25 additional prospects and potential prospects, which have already been identified by seismic surveys.

Ryder Scott Company, the independent petroleum consultants, estimate the reserves in various categories on the licence as follows;

Lineynoye and Tungolskoye oil fields;

Proved and Probable (P1 +P2) 33.5 million barrels
Possible (P3) 37.1 million barrels
Total (P1+P2+P3) 70.6 million barrels

25 Prospects and Potential Prospects;

Possible (P3) 253 million barrels
Exploration Resource (P4) 100 million barrels
Total (P3+P4) 353 million barrels

The Group’s activities are focused on the development of this core area
through planned early production of its existing Proved and Probable
reserves and the determination of its full upside reserve potential on
established targets. Contracts for three wells are in place, commencing
in January 2007. A full production feasibility study is underway.

500 line kms of seismic are planned, commencing November 2006.

The Group’s senior management team has substantial experience and
knowledge of acquiring, exploring and developing hydrocarbon assets and
in particular of domestic Russian acquisition, exploration, development,
production and marketing requirements.


Monday, October 23, 2006

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PetroNeft Resources plc, owner and operator of Licence 61, Tomsk Oblast, Russian Federation reports its half year results for the six month period ended 30 June 2006. This is the first communication to shareholders as a publicly traded company.


• Completion of project to reprocess and reinterpret all previous 2D seismic (2,654 line kms) and well log (14 wells) data.

• Acquisition and interpretation of 515 line kms of new high resolution 2D seismic data.

• Revised Competent Persons’ Report by Ryder Scott establishes Proved and Probable (P1 + P2) reserves at 33.5 million bbls in two know oil fields, Lineynoye and Tungolskoye.

• Possible (P3) reserves estimated by Ryder Scott at 290 million bbls in 20 prospects.

• All drilling and seismic contracts in place for 2006/2007 winter season. Three wells will be drilled, one delineation well each on the existing oil fields and one exploration well on the high potential West Lineynoye Prospect.

• Successfully raised US$ 23.5 million by way of two private placings.

• Admission to AIM and IEX Markets completed on 27 September 2006.

Dennis Francis, Chief Executive Officer of PetroNeft Resources plc commented:

‘Operationally it has been a busy year with many significant accomplishments highlighted by the Company’s admission to the AIM and IEX Markets. We are delighted to have received such positive backing from the capital markets for our oversubscribed equity fundraising. These funds will be used to execute a three well operational programme designed to prove up our reserves base and take the first step towards production.

Tomsk Oblast is a world class petroleum province, with high quality local personnel and infrastructure in place on the ground. We firmly believe that our unique combination of experienced international management, top quality local operational staff and supportive shareholders provides us with a strong base for a successful future.’

Chairman’s Statement

It has been 18 months since the concept of PetroNeft Resources plc was developed and started to become a reality. Now the company is fully structured and funded for the 2006/2007 work programme, has a clearly defined path to production from its two proven oilfields, has an exploration schedule to expand the reserve base, and has been admitted to the London AIM Market and Irish IEX Market.

The basis for the success of any company are excellent projects, outstanding staff and the ability to efficiently finance and execute its activities to provide value for shareholders. These are now in place at PetroNeft and we can look forward to an exciting future as we develop the company’s assets.

Operations - Licence 61, Tomsk Oblast, Russian Federation

PetroNeft Resources plc, through its wholly owned Russian subsidiary Stimul-T, holds 100% interest in an exploration and production licence (“Licence 61”) in the Tomsk Oblast in Western Siberia. Licence 61 covers an area of 4,991 sq. kms., equivalent in size to approximately 24 UK North Sea blocks. Licence 61 contains two proven oil fields, Lineynoye and Tungolskoye, that were discovered by a State Exploration Enterprise in the early 1970s. The Company views Licence 61 as a “Core Area”, with oil production potential for a long period of time from both proven oil fields and other identified exploration prospects.

Since acquiring Licence 61 the Company has reprocessed and reinterpreted 2,650 line kms of previous 2D seismic data using modern technology. In addition the well logs from 14 previous wells drilled on Licence 61 have been digitised and reinterpreted. The Company also acquired a further 515 line kms of 2D seismic data in the winter season 2005/2006. All of this new, reprocessed and reinterpreted data was used by Ryder Scott Company Petroleum Consultants as the basis for their reserve evaluation of Licence 61.

Bringing all of the previous data on Licence 61 together into a cohesive and comprehensive package, followed by, the acquisition and integration of new seismic data, has defined a clear programme of work into the future. This programme is designed to achieve both early production and the expansion of recoverable reserves through exploration.

The work programme for the winter season of 2006/2007 has already commenced. A new 500 line km 2D seismic survey is underway. The mobilisation of two drilling rigs began in February. Construction is underway to allow the drilling of a delineation well on the Lineynoye Oil Field beginning in January 2007. A second well, on the Tungolskoye Oil Field, will commence in February, and a third well, on the high potential West Lineynoye Prospect, estimated to contain 67 million bbls of oil, will begin in May/June 2007. A full Production Feasibility Study has also commenced and will be completed in July 2007, when a decision to sanction the development project will be made.

In addition to its activities to commercialise the existing discoveries on Licence 61, the drilling of the West Lineynoye Prospect also gives the Company a relatively low risk opportunity to triple its proved and probable reserve base from 33.5 million barrels to approximately 100 million barrels of oil. The amount of leverage that this one well, drilled on the first of more than twenty seismically identified structures with significant hydrocarbon potential on Licence 61, could have on the Company’s reserve base is rare for the industry. It further illustrates how eventful, and hopefully successful, the year ahead will be for PetroNeft.

While the Company’s focus remains on the development of Licence 61, we continue to review other assets and projects that could enhance the Company’s reserve base and operations.

Admission to AIM & IEX markets

As a private company prior to the recent placing and admission to trading on the AIM and IEX markets, PetroNeft raised a total of US$8 million. An additional US$15.5 million was raised at admission, which has put the company on a sound financial footing and provided funding for the next year of operations. It has transformed the Company into one that has a strong institutional shareholder base and sets the framework on which the future financing of the Company will be organised.


The first 18 months of our company’s life has been an exciting time and the next 12 months promises to be equally exciting. By July of 2007 it is hoped that the company will be able to take the decision to begin field and infrastructure development, leading to production in 2008. Taking an exploration asset like ours to start of production is not an easy task and requires considerable expertise, hard work and team effort to do well. The company is fortunate to have assembled an experienced management team that has successfully been though this process many times both inside and outside of Russia.

I would like to thank shareholders for their support of the company to date and look forward to reporting on our progress over the coming months and years.


12.09.2006 13:49
PetroNeft Resources seeks London listing

LONDON (AFX) - PetroNeft Resources PLC, (Nachrichten) the Irish oil and gas group, said it plans to float on London's Alternative Investment Market later this month.

The shares of the group, which is exploring a Western Siberian oilfield believed to be holding 33.5 mln barrels in proved and probable reserves, will also be listed on Irish Stock Exchange's IEX market in Dublin.

The 4,991-square-kilometre area, covered by licence 61, is in the Tomsk region, one of the most oil prolific basins in Russia.

Funds raised from the share sale will finance the development of the field.

PetroNeft registered in Ireland in 2005 with the aim of transferring the business of PetroNeft LLC, a Texas-based company controlled by Dennis Francis and David Sanders, both principals of the PLC.

Francis is the company's chief executive, while Sanders is the vice-president and general legal counsel.

David Golder, the chairman, was formerly senior vice president of Marathon Oil Co.

Tom Hickey, the chief finance officer of Tullow Oil PLC, is one of the group's non-executive directors.



7765 Postings, 6846 Tage polo10NA?

24.11.06 20:02
Niemand dabei, das Ding geht durch die Decke, fast 4.000.000 Stück in London umgesetzt !  

15890 Postings, 8563 Tage Calibra21Glückwunsch Polo! o. T.

24.11.06 20:04

7765 Postings, 6846 Tage polo10Wahnsinn !

27.11.06 13:02
Explodiert in London weiter, + 20 % bei 2.000.000 Stück, in Berlin kauft niemand!

Aufwachen !  

547 Postings, 5762 Tage MintMal auf die WL.

22.06.09 14:41
PetroNeft Resources Verdopplungschance (Hot Stocks Europe)

Endingen (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Europe" halten die PetroNeft Resources-Aktie (ISIN IE00B0Q82B24/ WKN A0LA4N) für ein interessantes Investment.
Die Gesellschaft verfüge über nachgewiesene und wahrscheinliche Reserven von 70 Mio. Fass Öl im Kondraschewskoje-Projekt in Westsibirien. Rechne man die möglichen Reserven hinzu, würden sich die Reserven auf 530 Mio. Fass belaufen.

Aktuell werde PetroNeft Resources mit lediglich 40 Mio. USD an der Börse bewertet. Damit seien die Reserven des Unternehmens nach Meinung der Experten noch nicht einmal ansatzweise fair bewertet.

Die Analysten von Canaccord Adams hätten in ihrer aktuellen Studie zu dem Titel das Kursziel von 24 auf 27 GBp heraufgesetzt. Dabei hätten sie lediglich einen Ölpreis von 50 USD je Barrel zu Grunde gelegt. Sollte der Ölpreis in 2010 aber durchschnittlich bei 95 USD je Fass liegen, wie Goldman Sachs prognostiziere, müsste das Kursziel um mindestens das Doppelte nach oben angepasst werden.

1435 Postings, 5395 Tage njimkoKGV2 für 2011 erwartet

29.04.10 23:47
Siehe news

377 Postings, 6014 Tage verlorenist hier noch jemand?

06.12.10 16:25

377 Postings, 6014 Tage verlorenNEWS

13.01.11 11:33

580 Postings, 3866 Tage gschwaetzNeustart bei Petroneft

05.09.14 15:14
neue Präsentation vom 29. Aug. 2014:

Nach dem Farm-In von Oil India ist Petroneft schuldenfrei. Zusätzlich treibt Oil India die Arbeiten auf Lizenz 61 mit 45 MM$ voran, ohne dass PTR was beisteuern muss.

aktuell ~2000 bpd
es wird gerade das erste horizontale Loch gebohrt!
Danach 3-5 development wells

"Future developments on L61 are incremental in nature with robust economics"
heißt für mich, man verspricht sich schwarze Zahlen.

beeindruckende Reserven:
"Net 2P reserves of 72 mmbo and 3P/P4 reserves of > 300 mmbo"

Dass PTR massig Reserven hat, war bekannt, nur haben sie es in der Vergangenheit nicht hinbekommen, profitabel zu produzieren. Mit dem Anschub von Oil India könnte es klappen, zumindest haben sie einen klaren Fahrplan, siehe Präsi. Insbesondere bin ich auf das Ergebnis der Horizontalbohrung gespannt.  

580 Postings, 3866 Tage gschwaetzPolitische Lage

05.09.14 15:54
Da Petroneft (irische Firma) in Rußland operiert, mag man sich Gedanken darüber machen, ob ein Investment in Rußland in der gegenwärtigen politischen Lage mit gegenseitigen Sanktionen zwischen EU/USA und Rußland sinnvoll ist. Sicherlich bereitet dies Unsicherheit. Die Sanktionen sind bis jetzt aber nicht besonders ernst zu nehmen. Rußland will kein europäisches Obst mehr essen und im Gegenzug werden einigen Putin-Getreuen die Konten gesperrt. Wie ernst man es mit den Sanktionen wirklich meint, sieht man daran, dass die Bundesregierung gerade da, als man in Deutschland Sanktionen gegen Rußland beschloss, die Erlaubnis erteilt hat, dass eine der größten deutschen Ölfirmen, nämlich RWE-Dea, an einen kremeltreuen russischen Oligarchen verkauft werden darf. Wollte man die deutsche Abhängigkeit vom russischen Öl und Gas reduzieren, hätte man das wohl nicht gemacht. Außerdem verfügt RWE-Dea über Gasspeicher in Deutschland. Umgekehrt denke ich nicht, dass Rußland uns den Gashahn zudreht oder in Rußland operierenden ausländischen Firmen an den Kragen geht. Rußland lebt von seinen Rohstoffen. Mal sehen, wie sich das noch entwickelt. Mit dem neuen Partner Oil India zumindest dürfte Petroneft gut dastehen, es sei denn Putin will sich auch mit Indien anlegen.  

580 Postings, 3866 Tage gschwaetzLangzeitchart

05.09.14 16:07
Angehängte Grafik:
ptr.jpg (verkleinert auf 53%) vergrößern

580 Postings, 3866 Tage gschwaetzgute Zusammenfassung

05.09.14 17:13

580 Postings, 3866 Tage gschwaetzdie Großen decken sich ein

15.09.14 14:46
beeindruckend, was da seit einigen Wochen in London gehandelt wird. Immer wieder gehen Blöcke von einigen 100,000 oder 1 Million Stücke über den Tresen. Sieht ganz danach aus, als ob sich da ein Großinvestor eindeckt. Dazu paßt die Meldung vom 08.09.2014, dass es eine neue Holding gibt:

Überhaupt sind in PTR einige namhafte Institutionen drin. Hier die Liste der Top 10 Holdings, sie halten zusammen 50 % an PTR:

707,245,906 Aktien, davon entfallen auf

      Name                              § %
Natlata Partners Limited 14,6
General Invest Overseas S.A. 6,4
Credit Suisse Group AG 5,4
Henderson Global Investors 4,7
Iviron Fund 4,0
Ceres Environmental Consult.Ltd  3,4
Dennis Francis (Insider) 3,4
Ali Sobraliev 3,3
J&E Davy 2,8
Pictet & Cie 2,0

580 Postings, 3866 Tage gschwaetzkrass, was da an der LSE wieder läuft

19.09.14 10:31
aktuell heute 10 trades mit durchschnittlichem Volumen von 680,000 Stücken pro trade, was einem Wert von 42,840 GBP pro trade entspricht. Auch gestern war ein trade über 5 Millionen Stücke dabei. Könnte bald wieder ne Meldung über ne neue oder vergrößerte Holding kommen. Offenbar wollen sich einige positionieren, bevor das Ergebnis der ersten Horizontalbohrung bekannt wird (vermutlich Ende Oktober oder so).  

13 Postings, 5080 Tage dino850rkeine gute idee da jetzt mal was zu bewegen?

17.12.14 15:42
klar ist die situation mehr als angespannt. aber seht ihr da keinerlei potential auf lange sicht?

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