Dyesol LTD, es geht weiter !

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5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Bitte voten - wenn man will

26.03.14 10:01
Steff23: Bitte weiterhin fest voten!

25.03.14 10:06
Wir würden gerne wissen wer hier investiert ist und wieviele hier mitlesen. Danke.


399 Postings, 4048 Tage mausraus2013auch interessant - mal abgesehen von DSC

26.03.14 10:42
Energiewende der Palästinenser
Blockade löst Solarboom in Gaza aus


so schnell kanns gehen  :))  

5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Heliatek - OPV 7,2% Wirkungsgrad

26.03.14 10:58

...Germany's Heliatek GmbH has this week announced a new world record in transparent organic solar cell efficiency, achieving 7.2% efficiency on solar cells with a 40% light transparency.


Heliatek breaks efficiency record for 40% transparent organic cells

25 March 2014 Research & Development, Markets & Trends, Global PV markets
By: Ian Clover



5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Trina Solar - mono-Si wafers 24.4% Wirkungsgrad

26.03.14 11:07
Müßte bald zu schlagen sein! Ich warte auf den nächsten Effizienzrekord, der Nahe 20% liegt. Bereits jetzt (15%) sind die Produktionskosten von ssDSSC Zellen weitaus billiger!

Trina Solar’s collaborative IBC solar cell to be commercialised

     Trina Solar said that the Fraunhofer CalLab in Germany independently tested the lab-based solar cell, confirming it could deliver a conversion efficiency of 24.4%.
   Trina Solar said that the Fraunhofer CalLab in Germany independently tested the lab-based solar cell, confirming it could deliver a conversion efficiency of 24.4%. Image: Trina Solar

Having worked with the Australian National University (ANU), the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) and PV Lighthouse, a three year plus (June, 2010) R&D program with Trina Solar to develop an n-type mono Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) solar cell is set to be commercialised.

Trina Solar said that the Fraunhofer CalLab in Germany independently tested the lab-based solar cell, confirming it could deliver a conversion efficiency of 24.4%.

However, Trina Solar said that a commercial version of the IBC solar cell as well as an IBC PV module using (125mm x 125mm) mono-Si wafers/cells in a 72-cell format module (238W) had been independently tested by the National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Solar Photovoltaic Products Quality of China with cell conversion efficiencies above 22%. Though lab-based cells, Trina Solar said that a full commercial product offering would happen soon, without being specific.  

4140 Postings, 5151 Tage chinaskydas Voten hat schon einen tiefern Sinn,....

26.03.14 11:26

oder was meint Ihr/User/Mitleser,...

woher solche direkten und realtiv aktuellen Informationen kommen und vorallem

wie sie erlangt werden......

da steck relativ viel Manpower und Wille zur Unterstützung aller Investierten drin....

zur Erinnerung:


bitte doch darum Steff weiter in seinem Tun zu unterstützen und zu voten...


leider kann ich Dir Steff nicht soviele Sterne vergeben wie du verdienst (IMHO)


5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Korrektur von #7527

26.03.14 12:13
  • Das stimmt nicht:

Die Zusammenarbeit läuft noch bis Ende April 2014".

  • Es wurde am 31.01.2013 eine Forschungkooperation vereinbart:


By Kizzi Nkwocha - 31 January 2013, 15:19
   In News, Thin Film

Dyesol and Singapore’s NTU sign energy research agreement

  • Das beste dabei:

The two-year Research Collaboration Agreement includes a sharing of resources to create scalable and commercially feasible solid state Dye Solar Cell technology (DSC) technology, a low-cost renewable energy technology that operates efficiently in variable and low-light conditions.

Under the agreement, NTU and Dyesol will share intellectual property and Dyesol will have the opportunity to take out commercialisation rights for the new IP granted under this agreement.

Dyesol CEO Gordon Thompson described the collaboration as “highly beneficial” for both parties as it leveraged their complementary skill sets.

Thompson said: “NTU will provide the innovation inspiration, and Dyesol will provide the development perspiration by scaling-up and testing for durability the small-scale technology that NTU will develop.”

He added: “It is a lot of work to go from a test cell to something that is industrially scalable, in terms of performance, durability, and cost, and that is where we spend more time in Australia. By working together to create scalable and commercially feasible solid state DSC we will open up a huge range of applications where we are currently limited with the materials we have.”


5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Chart

26.03.14 14:06
Bald sollte es für unsere Rrader auch ein Einstiegssignal geben mit Kurspotential bis vorerst 0,25 €, dann bei Abwärtstrendbruch bis 0,3€ und bei guten Nachrichten bis 0,4 €.


3325 Postings, 4987 Tage aktivdepot...lese ich hier richtig.....

26.03.14 14:36

"Dyesol and Tata Steel Conclude Advanced DSC Partnership 6"  

399 Postings, 4048 Tage mausraus2013aus WO - danke an investor259 dort

26.03.14 14:39

Tasnee and Cristal Global have announced their joint project in the kingdom will cost $550m, Saudi Gazette has reported  

5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Da bahnt sich was an

26.03.14 14:50

...From a construction perspective also Tata and Dyesol are confident that the "solar steel" will be accepted by engineers and construction firms and can be incorporated in the British based steel firm's non-active roofing steel production. Tata Steel has also conducted research into the construction market and believes that, given the energy savings delivered by the DSC technology, it will be widely used. "Tata has done those calculations based on electricity pricing across their target market. They've been out to their customers and ascertained that something like 20 percent of their output can be converted to solar steel," said Tulloch. Given that Tata produces 200,000 million square meters of steel per year, Tulloch admitted to pv magazine, "we're talking about big numbers!" The "solar steel" announcement came on the back of Dyesol's winning of a prestigious research grant from the Japanese Government to establish a research facility there. Tulloch explained to pv magazine, "it allows us to have better access to and to work with some excellent Japanese researchers and research groups who are developing the advanced versions of the Dyesolar cell."...

Read more at: http://www.printedelectronicsworld.com/...16,3615,3609,3606,3608,3602

Von damals aus der Zusammenarbeit:

Comprehensive Analysis on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSC) Technology

By AZoM.com Staff Writers

Similarly, Dyesol’s move to reinforce its solid-state material IP portfolio and commercialization efforts can be solidified through the company’s recent partnership with Nanyang Technological Institute. Dyesol’s acquisition of an equity stake in Printed Power Pte Ltd, a NTU spinoff, will help the company to penetrate the new market for fully printed Combined Energy Generation and Storage (CEGS) solutions.

If everything takes place as expected, Dyesol might to be able to introduce a DSC-based low indoor light sensor network to the market within the next two years. According to NanoMarkets, Dyesol needs to convince investors of the value proposition of solid-state DSCs and must have the ability to achieve mass scale deployment of commercial solutions to achieve commercial success.

Tata Steel (Europe) in partnership with Dyesol developed the world’s largest DSC panel for steel-based BIPV applications in 2011. However, large-scale production has not yet taken place. Currently, the Colors division of Tata Steel (Europe) is focusing on DSC research to evaluate the performance and commercial potential of DSCs. Successful technology development and production planning to commercialize DSC-enabled steel roofing and building facades is likely to happen.

Nevertheless, considering Tata’s cautious approach in the DSC commercialization space, NanoMarkets doubts the realization of the large-scale production of DSC-based BIPV solutions in the immediate future. Fujikura’s (Japan) have taken initiatives to commercialize low-light solutions. The company began shipping DSC module samples in April 2013. Currently, it delivers DSC-based panels in small volumes for evaluation. NanoMarkets expects that Fujikura has the potential to become a key DSC player in the low-power consumer applications segment.


374 Postings, 4077 Tage mausraushat sich schon öfters was angebahnt

26.03.14 14:54
und war am ende ein griff ins klo  

6222 Postings, 5955 Tage flippLustig, wie hier immer

26.03.14 15:22
wieder die Leichen gepusht werden ... . Naja, irgendwann ist die Aktie wieder in einer Börsenbrief- und Schmuddelaktion, dann gibt es wieder ein paar Gewinner und viele Verlierer.

399 Postings, 4048 Tage mausraus2013Hallo flipp - willkommen an board

26.03.14 15:25
was treibt dich denn zu dyesol?

warst ja noch nie hier, oder?  

399 Postings, 4048 Tage mausraus2013trag dich doch am besten auch in die liste ein

26.03.14 15:30

5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Fond investiert in Dyesol

26.03.14 16:29

Danke Investor259:

Ethical Investment Advisers launches fossil-fuel free SMA
Rachel Alembakis

March 26, 2014

Posted in: Environment, Fund Management, Top News


The Ethical Investment Advisers Mid-Cap SMA is currently invested in: Acrux Limited, Life Healthcare Group, Australian Education Trust, Meridian Energy, Breville Group Ltd, NIB Holdings Limited, Carnegie Wave Energy, Oakton Limited, Clover Corporation, 1300 Smiles, Chorus Ltd, QBE Insurance Group, Dexus Property Group, Reckon Limited, Dyesol Limited, Sims Metal Management , Greencross Limited, Sirtex Medical Limited, Generation Healthcare, SMS Management & Technology,  GWA Group, Sonic Healthcare, Infigen Energy, Tox Free Solutions, Ingenia Communities, Transpacific Industries Group, Invocare Limited, TPG Telecom Limited, and Kathmandu Holdings.


3325 Postings, 4987 Tage aktivdepot@Steff: ist ja super; dank an Investor aus WO....

26.03.14 16:59

3325 Postings, 4987 Tage aktivdepot...viele Interessante Puzzels die hier rumliegen..

26.03.14 17:06

...müssen nur zusammengesteckt werden und dann kann es schnell boom machen....
...hoffentlich hat Caldwell bald eine neue PR-Kraft und wir bekommen wieder ordentliche PR-Arbeit von Dyesol geliefert.....  

585 Postings, 3999 Tage walkover@flipp. Allzu oberflächlich dein Kommentar.

26.03.14 18:06
Das sagt eigentlich alles.  

585 Postings, 3999 Tage walkover@steff23. chart.

26.03.14 18:10
Echt, ich weiß nicht, ob es bei diesem Wert taugt, schon an Charttechnik zu glauben.
Hier zählen nach den Finanznews doch eigentlich nur die Techniknews.
Und für den Zeitfaktor kann sich dabei keiner wirklich verbürgen.

5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23@walkover

26.03.14 18:27
Du hast natülich recht. Trotzdem könnte es sein, dass hier Volumen aufkommt vor allem in Australien. Ich denke, dass Dyesol viele auf den Schirm haben und bei steigendem Momentum/Umsatz hier mal schnell reinhüpfen...

Dyesol kennt mittlerweile fast jeder - auch wenn viele diese Aktie bisweilen meiden. Teilweise auch verständlicherweise meiden.  

5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Stellenausschreibungen

27.03.14 08:19
Wie es aussieht wurden alle Stellen besetzt. Es ist keine Stelle mehr ausgeschrieben bei Dyesol. Zumindest habe ich keine gefunden.  

5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Dyesol im neuen Sigma Aldrich Katalog

27.03.14 08:45

Auf Seite 16:


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5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Bericht

27.03.14 08:47

Why AGL Energy’s blocked power station acquisition is a blessing in disguise
By Sean O'Neill - March 27, 2014


5127 Postings, 7675 Tage Steff23Umfrage

27.03.14 08:50

399 Postings, 4048 Tage mausraus2013xetra orderbuch nach oben offen

27.03.14 09:49
kein verkaufsdruck!  

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