KRE -- Navigator's Seltene Erden Ableger

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614 Postings, 5272 Tage FunkyHatKRE -- Navigator's Seltene Erden Ableger

25.05.11 14:32

Die Kimberley Rare Earths Ltd. ist nun endlich gelistet. KRE ist der Spin-Off des Seltene Erden Projekts von Navigator Resources.

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KRE Referenzkurs an der ASX

Viel Glück allen Investierten, ich freue mich auf die kommenden News zu KRE.

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1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernEbenfalls vom 10/11

10.11.11 05:35

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 14/11

14.11.11 05:24
Kimberley Rare Earths eyes upgrade to 11Mt at 1.1% TREO within months at Cummins Range
Monday, November 14, 2011 by Angela Kean
Chief executive Tim Dobson told Proactive Investors today Kimberley Rare Earths now has an idea of the specific gravity of the Cummins Range deposit, which bodes well for the resource to be upgraded to the higher confidence Indicated category.

Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) is advancing closer to a resource upgrade and is awaiting drill assays from a recently completed reverse circulation drilling program at its Cummins Range rare earths project in Western Australia.

A total of 4,230 metres of drilling was completed in 77 holes aimed at boosting both the size and classification of the existing JORC Inferred Resource of 11 million tonnes at 1.1% total rare earths oxides (TREO) (0.5% cut-off).

A boost to the project is the fact that the resource oxide blend at Cummins Range is very similar to Lynas Corporations' (ASX: LYS) Mt Weld, believed to be the richest known deposit of rare earths in the world.

Each of the five high priority aeromagnetic targets defined previously within the Cummins Range pipe were subjected to scout drill tests.

Drill sites were selected by combining the gravity and geochemical data to prioritise the more prospective zones within the five aeromagnetic targets.

Chief executive officer Tim Dobson told Proactive Investors today Kimberley Rare Earths has also confirmed a proper specific gravity estimate of the Cummins Range deposit which was not undertaken previously.

"Resource estimators are usually reluctant to put things into an Indicated category without a proper measurement of the specific gravity, or the SG, of the deposit," he said.

"So we’ve done downhole gamma gamma logging now and we have an idea of the SG."

Difficult drilling conditions including binding clays, voids and water flow in several holes curtailed a component of the planned drilling resulting in a reduced program over the central resource area.

Such ground conditions are characteristic of the most strongly mineralised zones of the Cummins Range rare earth resource.

All reverse circulation drill samples have now been received by the laboratory and initial analytical results are expected shortly, with final completion of all analyses due by late November or early December.

Field activities at Cummins Range are currently being wound up for 2011 due to the onset of the northern wet season including regular thunderstorms and scrub fires.

Dobson said Kimberley Rare Earths expects to probably resume work at Cummins Range in about March or April 2012, when the wet season ends and access is restored to the project.

“When we go back in we’ll be taking a diamond drill rig in to collect metallurgical samples, as well as more reverse circulation drilling,” he said.  

In other news, Kimberley Rare Earths is due to complete legal due diligence on the Malilongue rare earths project in Mozambique in mid-December.

In late September, the company announced it had entered into an agreement with Great Western Mining to secure an option over the project.

Boosting Kimberley Rare Earth Expertise

Kimberley Rare Earths has appointed Michael Chan as General Manager – Project Development  for Cummins Range.

The appointment is a coup for Kimberley Rare Earths as rare earths metallurgical expertise is known to be almost non&#x2010;existent outside of China.

Chan, who will take the reins in mid-December 2011, has direct experience on the Mt Weld rare earths project being developed by Lynas Corporation.
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Kimberley Rare Earths Augen 11Mt Upgrade auf 1,1% TREO innerhalb weniger Monate bei Cummins Reichweite
Montag 14. November, 2011 von Angela Kean
Geschäftsführer Tim Dobson sagte Proactive Investors heute Kimberley Rare Earths nun eine Vorstellung von der besonderen Schwere der Cummins Reichweite Kaution, die ein gutes Omen für die Ressource, die ein höheres Vertrauen aufgerüstet werden angezeigte Kategorie.

Kimberley Rare Earths ( ASX: KRE ) näher an eine Ressource Upgrade voran und wartet Bohrergebnisse aus einer vor kurzem abgeschlossenen Reverse-Circulation-Bohrprogramm auf dem Cummins Bereich Seltene Erden-Projekt in Westaustralien. Insgesamt 4.230 Meter an Bohrungen in 77 abgeschlossen Löcher auf die Steigerung sowohl der Größe und Klassifizierung der vorhandenen JORC Inferred Resource von 11 Mio. Tonnen mit 1,1% insgesamt seltenen Erden Oxide (TREO) (0,5% cut-off) ab. Ein Schub für das Projekt ist die Tatsache, dass die Ressource-Oxid Mischung bei Cummins Reichweite ist sehr ähnlich zu Lynas Corporations "(ASX: LYS) Mt Weld, geglaubt, um die reichsten bekannten Lagerstätte von Seltenen Erden in der Welt sein. Jeder der fünf hohe Priorität aeromagnetischen Ziele zuvor innerhalb der Cummins Bereich Rohr definiert wurden, unterzogen Scout bohren Tests. Bohrstellen wurden durch die Kombination der Schwere und der geochemischen Daten, die mehr potenzielle Zonen innerhalb der fünf aeromagnetischen Ziele priorisieren ausgewählt.

Geschäftsführer Tim Dobson sagte Proactive Investors heute Kimberley Rare Earths hat auch eine richtige spezifische Gewicht Schätzung der Cummins Bereich Lagerstätte, die nicht durchgeführt wurde bisher bestätigt.

"Resource Schätzer sind in der Regel nur ungern Dinge in der angezeigten Kategorie bringen, ohne eine ordnungsgemäße Messung des spezifischen Gewichts, oder die SG, der Lagerstätte", sagte er.

"So haben wir getan Bohrloch Gamma Gamma Logging jetzt und wir haben eine Vorstellung von der SG."

Schwierige Bohrbedingungen einschließlich verbindlicher Ton, Hohlräume und Wasser fließen in mehrere Löcher beschnitten Bestandteil der geplanten Bohrungen was zu einem reduzierten Programm über die zentrale Ressource Fläche. Solche Bodenverhältnisse sind charakteristisch für die am stärksten mineralisierte Zonen der Cummins Bereich der Seltenen Erden Ressourcen . Alle RC-Bohrproben wurden jetzt durch das Labor eingegangen und erste Analyseergebnisse werden in Kürze, der endgültige Abschluss aller Analysen aufgrund von Ende November oder Anfang Dezember erwartet. Feldaktivitäten bei Cummins Bereich sind derzeit in Liquidation für das Jahr 2011 aufgrund der Beginn der Regenzeit im Norden einschließlich der regelmäßigen Gewitter und Gestrüpp Feuer.

Dobson sagte Kimberley Rare Earths erwartet wahrscheinlich wieder Arbeit bei Cummins Range in etwa im März oder April 2012, wenn die Regenzeit endet und Zugriff auf das Projekt wiederhergestellt ist. "Als wir wieder in gehen wir nehmen ein Diamantbohrgerät in zu sammeln metallurgischen Proben, sowie weitere Reverse-Circulation-Bohrungen ", sagte er.  In other news, Kimberley Rare Earths aufgrund rechtlicher Due Diligence auf der Malilongue Seltenen Erden Projekt in Mosambik Mitte Dezember abgeschlossen ist. Ende September, teilte das Unternehmen es hatte eine Vereinbarung mit Great Western Mining eine Option über das Projekt zu sichern eingegeben.

Boosting Kimberley Rare Earth Expertise

Kimberley Rare Earths hat Michael Chan als General Manager -. Projektentwicklung für Cummins Reichweite Die Ernennung ist ein Coup für Kimberley Rare Earths als seltene Erden metallurgische Know-how bekannt, fast nicht existent außerhalb Chinas ist. Chan, wer die Zügel in Mitte Dezember 2011 statt, hat direkte Erfahrung auf dem Mt. Weld Seltene Erden Projekt von Lynas Corporation entwickelt wurde.

Quelle  proactiveinvestor  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 15/11

15.11.11 08:57
Melbourne Mining Club Presentation - Corrected Slide 28Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:13:00 +1000       1 hour, 39 minutes ago

A year of action Australia's newest copper gold producer November 2011 Jim Wall Executive Chairman DISCLAIMER Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared and issued by Kimberley Metals Limited (“the Company”). It contains general information about the Company’s activities current as at the date of the presentation. The information is provided in summary form and does not purport to be complete.

This presentation is not to be distributed (nor taken to have been distributed) to any persons in any jurisdictions to whom an offer or solicitation to buy shares in the Company would be unlawful. Any recipient of the presentation should observe any such restrictions on the distribution of this presentation and warrants to the Company that the receipt of the presentation is not unlawful. The presentation does not constitute, and should not be considered as, an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities in the Company or as an inducement to make an offer or invitation with respect to those securities.

This presentation contains forecasts which are based on various assumptions. While the Company has endeavoured to ensure that that these assumptions are reasonable, the Company can not factor in future events which are not foreseeable. Therefore, it is possible that the forecasts may not be achieved.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, no responsibility or liability is accepted by the Company or any or its officers, employees, agents or consultants or any other person as to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the information in this presentation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, no responsibility for any errors or omissions from this presentation whether arising out of negligence or otherwise is accepted. An investment in the shares of the Company is to be considered highly speculative.

Confidentiality The contents of this presentation are confidential. This presentation is being provided to you on the basis that you do not reproduce, communicate or disclose it to, or discuss it with, any other person without the prior permission of the Company. Competent Persons Statement The information in the Presentation that relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources has been compiled by Mr Stuart Mathews, MSc (Hons), who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is a full-time employee of the Company.
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Melbourne Mining Club-Präsentation - Korrigierte Folie 28 Tue, 15 November 2011 16.13.00 1000 1 Stunde, 39 Minuten

Ein Jahr der neuesten Kupfer Aktion Australiens Goldproduzenten November 2011 Jim Wand Executive Chairman DISCLAIMER Disclaimer Diese Präsentation wurde erstellt und von Kimberley Metals Limited (das "Unternehmen") ausgestellt. Es enthält allgemeine Informationen über die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens aktuell wie zum Zeitpunkt der Präsentation. Die Informationen in zusammengefasster Form zur Verfügung gestellt und erheben keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Diese Präsentation ist nicht zu verteilen (noch ergriffen werden, um verteilt worden sind), um alle Personen in Gerichtsbarkeiten, denen ein Angebot oder eine Aufforderung zum Kauf von Aktien der Gesellschaft erwerben werden würde rechtswidrig. Jeder Empfänger der Präsentation sollte diese zu beachten über die Verteilung dieser Präsentation und garantiert dem Unternehmen, dass der Erhalt der Präsentation nicht rechtswidrig ist. Die Präsentation stellt kein und sollte nicht als ein Angebot oder eine Einladung zur Zeichnung oder zum Kauf von Wertpapieren der Gesellschaft oder als Anreiz für ein Angebot oder eine Einladung in Bezug auf diese Wertpapiere zu berücksichtigen. Diese Präsentation enthält Prognosen, die sich auf auf verschiedenen Annahmen. Während das Unternehmen hat sich bemüht, sicherzustellen, dass diese Annahmen realistisch sind, kann die Gesellschaft nicht in zukünftige Ereignisse, die nicht vorhersehbar sind Faktor. Daher ist es möglich, dass die Prognosen nicht erreicht werden kann. Um die maximale soweit gesetzlich zulässig, wird keine Zusicherung, Gewährleistung oder Verpflichtung, weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend, hergestellt und, um die maximale soweit gesetzlich zulässig, keine Verantwortung oder Haftung übernommen wird von der Gesellschaft oder einer oder seine leitenden Angestellten, Mitarbeiter, Vertreter oder Berater oder eine andere Person als der Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Angemessenheit der Informationen in dieser Präsentation. Um die maximale soweit gesetzlich zulässig, keine Verantwortung für etwaige Fehler oder Auslassungen in diesem Vortrag, ob sich aus Fahrlässigkeit oder sonst akzeptiert wird. Eine Investition in die Aktien der Gesellschaft ist es, als höchst spekulativ werden. Vertraulichkeit Die Inhalte dieser Präsentation sind vertraulich. Diese Präsentation wird Ihnen auf der Basis vorausgesetzt, dass Sie nicht zu reproduzieren, zu kommunizieren oder offen zu legen, oder diskutieren Sie mit, jede andere Person, ohne die vorherige Genehmigung des Unternehmens. Kompetente Personen Statement Die Angaben in der Präsentation, die sich auf Explorationsergebnisse und Mineralressourcen beziehen, wurden von Herrn Stuart Mathews, MSc (Hons), der ein Mitglied des Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy ist zusammengestellt worden und wird ein Vollzeit-Angestellter der Company.  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 23/11

23.11.11 05:33
2011 AGM PresentationWed, 23 Nov 2011 11:56:00 +1000       2 hours, 35 minutes ago

Annual General Meeting 23 November 2011 PRECIOUS & BASE METAL PRODUCTION COMPANY 2 DISCLAIMER Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared and issued by Kimberley Metals Limited (“the Company”). It contains general information about the Company’s activities current as at the date of the presentation. The information is provided in summary form and does not purport to be complete.

This presentation is not to be distributed (nor taken to have been distributed) to any persons in any jurisdictions to whom an offer or solicitation to buy shares in the Company would be unlawful. Any recipient of the presentation should observe any such restrictions on the distribution of this presentation and warrants to the Company that the receipt of the presentation is not unlawful. The presentation does not constitute, and should not be considered as, an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities in the Company or as an inducement to make an offer or invitation with respect to those securities.

This presentation contains forecasts which are based on various assumptions. While the Company has endeavoured to ensure that that these assumptions are reasonable, the Company can not factor in future events which are not foreseeable. Therefore, it is possible that the forecasts may not be achieved.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, no responsibility or liability is accepted by the Company or any or its officers, employees, agents or consultants or any other person as to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the information in this presentation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, no responsibility for any errors or omissions from this presentation whether arising out of negligence or otherwise is accepted. An investment in the shares of the Company is to be considered highly speculative.

Confidentiality The contents of this presentation are confidential. This presentation is being provided to you on the basis that you do not reproduce, communicate or disclose it to, or discuss it with, any other person without the prior permission of the Company. Competent Persons Statement The information in the Presentation that relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources has been compiled by Mr Stuart Mathews, MSc (Hons), who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is a full-time employee of the Company.

He has sufficient experience ....
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2011 AGM Presentation Wed, 23 November 2011 11.56.00 1000 2 Stunden, 35 Minuten

Hauptversammlung 23 November 2011 Edel-und Basismetall PRODUCTION COMPANY 2 DISCLAIMER Disclaimer Diese Präsentation wurde erstellt und von Kimberley Metals Limited (das "Unternehmen") ausgestellt. Es enthält allgemeine Informationen über die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens aktuell wie zum Zeitpunkt der Präsentation. Die Informationen in zusammengefasster Form zur Verfügung gestellt und erheben keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Diese Präsentation ist nicht zu verteilen (noch ergriffen werden, um verteilt worden sind), um alle Personen in Gerichtsbarkeiten, denen ein Angebot oder eine Aufforderung zum Kauf von Aktien der Gesellschaft erwerben werden würde rechtswidrig. Jeder Empfänger der Präsentation sollte diese zu beachten über die Verteilung dieser Präsentation und garantiert dem Unternehmen, dass der Erhalt der Präsentation nicht rechtswidrig ist. Die Präsentation stellt kein und sollte nicht als ein Angebot oder eine Einladung zur Zeichnung oder zum Kauf von Wertpapieren der Gesellschaft oder als Anreiz für ein Angebot oder eine Einladung in Bezug auf diese Wertpapiere zu berücksichtigen. Diese Präsentation enthält Prognosen, die sich auf auf verschiedenen Annahmen. Während das Unternehmen hat sich bemüht, sicherzustellen, dass diese Annahmen realistisch sind, kann die Gesellschaft nicht in zukünftige Ereignisse, die nicht vorhersehbar sind Faktor. Daher ist es möglich, dass die Prognosen nicht erreicht werden kann. Um die maximale soweit gesetzlich zulässig, wird keine Zusicherung, Gewährleistung oder Verpflichtung, weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend, hergestellt und, um die maximale soweit gesetzlich zulässig, keine Verantwortung oder Haftung übernommen wird von der Gesellschaft oder einer oder seine leitenden Angestellten, Mitarbeiter, Vertreter oder Berater oder eine andere Person als der Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Angemessenheit der Informationen in dieser Präsentation. Um die maximale soweit gesetzlich zulässig, keine Verantwortung für etwaige Fehler oder Auslassungen in diesem Vortrag, ob sich aus Fahrlässigkeit oder sonst akzeptiert wird. Eine Investition in die Aktien der Gesellschaft ist es, als höchst spekulativ werden. Vertraulichkeit Die Inhalte dieser Präsentation sind vertraulich. Diese Präsentation wird Ihnen auf der Basis vorausgesetzt, dass Sie nicht zu reproduzieren, zu kommunizieren oder offen zu legen, oder diskutieren Sie mit, jede andere Person, ohne die vorherige Genehmigung des Unternehmens. Kompetente Personen Statement Die Angaben in der Präsentation, die sich auf Explorationsergebnisse und Mineralressourcen beziehen, wurden von Herrn Stuart Mathews, MSc (Hons), der ein Mitglied des Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy ist zusammengestellt worden und wird ein Vollzeit-Angestellter der Company. Er besitzt ausreichend Erfahrung ....
Quelle wotnews  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 29/11

29.11.11 05:14
Kimberley Rare Earths set to restructure board
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 by Christine Feary

Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) is kicking off a board restructure, with the aim of bringing in two non-executive directors to complement the company’s remaining board and senior management team.

The restructure is expected to be complete by the end of March, 2012.

The move was sparked by the decision by independent non-executive director Peter Rowe and non-executive director and chief financial officer Gerry Kaczmarek to step down from the company’s board.

Rowe will remain as a technical consultant to Kimberley, but will not seek re-election to the board at the company’s annual general meeting today, while Kaczmarek will remain on the board until completion of the restructure.

Rowe, who was appointed to the board in the early stages of the formation of Kimberley, has cited other board and professional commitments is his decision.

Kaczmarek’s resignation is due in part to Navigator Resources’ (ASX: NAV) reduced shareholding, a result of the recent in-specie distribution of Kimberley shares to Navigator shareholders
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Kimberley Rare Earths Set an Bord Umstrukturierung
Dienstag 29. November, 2011 von Christine Feary

Kimberley Rare Earths ( ASX: KRE ) ist Auftakt einer Platine Umstrukturierung mit dem Ziel, in zwei nicht-exekutiven Direktoren des Unternehmens verbleibenden Board und Senior Management Team ergänzen. Die Umstrukturierung wird voraussichtlich bis Ende März abgeschlossen ist, 2012. Der Umzug wurde durch die Entscheidung von unabhängigen Non-Executive Director Peter Rowe und Non-Executive Director und Chief Financial Officer Gerry Kaczmarek zum Rücktritt vom Vorstand des Unternehmens ausgelöst. Rowe wird als technischer Berater zur Kimberley bleiben, aber nicht zu suchen Wiederwahl in den Verwaltungsrat des Unternehmens Hauptversammlung heute, während Kaczmarek wird auf der Platine bis zum Abschluss der Umstrukturierung bleiben. Rowe, der dem Vorstand in den frühen Stadien der Bildung von Kimberley ernannt wurde, hat andere Brett und zitiert beruflichen Verpflichtungen ist seine Entscheidung. Kaczmarek Rücktritt ist zum Teil aufgrund Navigator Resources (ASX: NAV) reduziert Beteiligung, ein Ergebnis der jüngsten in-specie Verteilung von Kimberley Aktien Navigator Aktionäre.  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 6/12

06.12.11 05:12
Kimberley Rare Earths intercepts broad zones of rare earths at Cummins Range, Western Australia
Tuesday, December 06, 2011 by Christine Feary
Significant near surface, broad zones of total rare earth oxides of up to 41 metres at 3.85% TREO, complemented by smaller, high grade zones, offer potential for an open pit operation at Kimberley's Cummins Range Project. Managing director Tim Dobson told Proactive Investors today that metallurgical work is underway with diamond drilling planned for 2012.

Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) has intercepted up to 41 metres at 3.85% total rare earth oxides (TREO) at the Cummins Range Rare Earth Project in Western Australia as it aims to upgrade the project’s Resource.

Broad rare earth intercepts have been returned from the infill and extensional reverse circulation drilling program that was recently completed at Cummins Range.

The best intercepts from the program include:

- 41 metres at 3.85% TREO from 11 metres;
- 61 metres at 2.04% TREO from 2 metres; and
- 30 metres at 2.93% TREO from 37 metres.

High grade intercepts of up to 3 metres at 11.14% TREO from 51 metres have also been intercepted.

So far about 50% of assays from the program have been received, with the remainder due within 10 days.

“The most exciting thing about this for us is it’s really confirmed this deposit as being a very consistent and good quality deposit,” Kimberley managing director Tim Dobson told Proactive Investors today.

“Also, it’s changed our view on the shape of it a little bit, having a northwest-southeast strike, and we’re seeing that it’s still open in those directions, both to the northwest and to the southeast.”

Segments of the deposit have been observed as being preferentially enriched in heavy rare earth oxides (HREO), with studies underway to determine if these can be taken advantage of during the early stages of mining.

There is potential to exploit the deposit using open pit mining, with much of the deposit outcropping or occurring within 50 metres of the surface. Due to the near surface nature of the mineralisation, no pre-strip would be required for a potential starter pit.

Importantly, low levels of uranium and thorium could reduce the radiation management criteria for the project.

The Cummins Range drilling program was initially aimed at extending and upgrading the existing JORC Inferred Resource, which currently stands at 11 million tonnes at 1.1% TREO, based on a 0.5% cut-off.

Results from a 2007 drilling program at the site were missing some quality control data and lacked a specific gravity measurement, meaning the Resource was unable to be upgraded.

Dobson said the company was focused on gathering sufficient data to make an upgrade possible.

“We’ve now measured that specific gravity, and in conjunction with the independent geologist we have got all the quality assurance/quality control done properly, so we’ve now ticked both those boxes."

A total of 4,230 metres of drilling has been completed in 77 holes, with 4,499 samples submitted to Intertek/Genalysis in Perth for analysis.

In addition to rare earths, each sample will be assayed for uranium, thorium, phosphorus, scandium, niobium, tantalum and a range of gangue elements, to assist with metallurgical characterisation.

Kimberley also tested five high priority aeromagnetic target areas, with drill sites selected by combining the gravity and geochemical data.

Difficult drilling conditions including binding clays, voids and water flow in several holes reduced the program over the central resource area.

These ground conditions are also characteristic of the strongest mineralised zones in the Cummins Range rare earth resource.

While final results are pending, Dobson says Kimberley has started metallurgy work, with basic sighter flotation tests being carried out on samples from the 2007 drilling campaign.

“Once we’ve got all the assays in we’ll then identify which samples, intersections that we want to use for a much larger flotation test work campaign," he said.

“Over the summer when we can’t drill we’ll actually be doing a lot of metallurgy; that will then also assist us with the next drilling program and we will almost definitely take a diamond drill rig into the site at the end of the wet season to get much better metallurgical samples.”

Kimberley holds a 25% interest in Cummins Range, but has the right to earn up to 80% by finding exploration and development through to the delivery of a bankable feasibility study.

The company will spend $10 million within four years to increase its interest to 55%.


Kimberley’s Cummins project is in the same state as Lynas Corporation’s (ASX: LYS) Mount Weld, which is believed to be the richest known rare earths deposit in the world. This provides the company with a road map of sorts for approvals.

In addition, the majority of rare earths oriented stocks have been marked down by the market in the last few months.

Kimberley Rare Earths has been no exception, down from $0.17 in July to a current share price of $0.10 in December,

On an EV/Resource Tonne valuation, Kimberley is currently one of few rated negatively. Clearly, with any market pick up, this situation will be unlikely to last, providing an opportunity for investors at current prices.

On an in-situ valuation, Cummins' resource would be valued at around $4 billion, depending on recoveries in mining and processing.

While it might have only listed in May 2011, Kimberley is among the front line of rare earth producers, one of few advanced rare earth resource players outside China.

Managing director Tim Dobson is progressing Cummins through exploration and development into production.

The sell-off of rare earth stocks seems to have discounted and disregarded the potential of this world class project, having reduced the market capitalisation of Kimberley to near cash levels.

This provides investors with an opportunity to get onboard at the beginning of a well-funded multi-year exploration and development program.

Kimberley Rare Earths appears ready to follow in the footsteps of other notable Australian rare earth developers such as Lynas Corporation, Arafura Resources (ASX: ARU) and Alkane Resources (ASX: ALK).  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 7/12

07.12.11 05:25
Boardroomradio Interview mit Tim Dobson Wed, 7 Dezember 2011 08.41.00 1000 5 Stunden, 42 Minuten

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte TIM DOBSON Chief Executive ASX BEKANNTMACHUNG ASX: KRE Kimberley Rare Earths Limited ABN 20 147 678 779 Directors Ian Macpherson - Chairman & NED Tim Dobson - Managing Director Allan Trench - NED Gerry Kaczmarek - NED-Management Tim Dobson - Managing Director Geoff Collis - GM-Exploration Darren Crawte - Company Secretary Hauptgeschäftssitz Suite 1, 83 Havelock St West Perth WA 6005 Telefon: +61 8 9486 4326 Fax: +61 8 9486 4327 Registered Office C / - MGI Perth Level 7, die Quadrant 1 William St, Perth WA 6000 Telefon: +61 8 9463 2463 Fax: +61 8 9463 2499 Webseite Kapitalstruktur 125.6m Aktien 6,0 25c, 2014 börsennotierte Optionen 2.5m 30c, 2014 börsennotierte Optionen für weitere Informationen, kontaktieren Sie bitte TIM DOBSON Geschäftsführer Tel: +61 8 9486 4326 7. Dezember 2011 BOARDROOM RADIO INTERVIEW KERNPUNKTE Kimberley Rare Earths freut sich, eine Gelegenheit für Aktionäre bereitzustellen, um eine Audio-Sendung mit Tim zu hören Dobson. Tim spricht über die erste Runde der Bohrabschnitte, dass bei Cummins Bereich erreicht wurden. Zum Anhören der Sendung, kopieren Sie die folgenden Informationen in Ihrem Web-Browser.  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 9/12

09.12.11 05:24
Kimberley Rare Earths nears start of exploration at Malilongue after earning 40% interest
Friday, December 09, 2011 by Angela Kean
Kimberley Rare Earths managing director Tim Dobson told Proactive Investors today the company’s plan is to have a pipeline of rare earth projects that will move into production over the next five to 10 years. The company is building on that goal with the recent 40% earn-in to the Malilongue heavy rare earths project in Mozambique.

Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) has reached the significant milestone of acquiring a 40% interest in the Malilongue heavy rare earths project in northwest Mozambique after recently completing due diligence on the project.

Malilongue is a pegmatite hosted rare earths project which hosts major exploration potential, including for xenotime-hosted yttrium, dysprosium and erbium.

Previous pegmatite grab samples assaying over 20% total rare earth oxides show the highly prospective nature of the project.

Kimberley Rare Earths managing director Tim Dobson said the deal provides the company with a heavy rare earths project to add to its portfolio, which includes the Cummins Range Rare Earth Project in Western Australia which is a light rare earths project.

Under the farm-in agreement made with Great Western Mining, a gemstone mining company incorporated in Mozambique, Kimberley Rare Earths can earn up to a 90% interest in the Malilongue project.

To satisfy the acquisition of the initial 40% interest, Kimberley Rare Earths will pay Great Western a further A$250,000, taking total payments to $300,000, as well as issue 1 million shares at the five day volume weighted average price prior to issue and 750,000 options exercisable at $0.30 each within four years from six months after the date of issue.

Additional consideration comprises a cumulative $4 million payment over five years to earn up to 80%, with a right to increase to 90% by sole funding to production.

Kimberley Rare Earths will begin exploration immediately with the re-processing of geophysical and Landsat data to define suitable exploration targets for follow-up.

Dobson said the first exploration program will include including geological mapping, rock chip sampling and stream sediment sampling to identify the first drilling targets.

The company is aiming to have a rig on the project for the start of drilling after Mozambique’s wet season in the June quarter 2012.

Impressive historical data

No doubt attracting Kimberley Rare Earths to the Mozambique domiciled project is the historical data, which includes rock chip samples assaying over 20% TREO.

Added to this is concentrates from 38 separate pits located throughout the pegmatite field sampled by the current owner, which have averaged over 1000ppm TREO with 55% being LREO, 25% HREO and 20% yttrium oxide.

A sample extracted from the eluvial beds was subjected to mineralogical examination by a scanning electron microscope and found to comprise major xenotime and minor monazite and zircon.

In addition to yttrium, the xenotime shows appreciable dysprosium and erbium.

Strategic project location

Malilongue is located in western Mozambique about 300 kilometres west of the regional mining centre of Tete, and comprises two tenements, Mining Concession 1133C and Prospecting License 1583L.

Another plus for the project is good access with grid hydroelectric power, with mobile phone coverage located 50 kilometres to the east.

Great Western has established some basic infrastructure within the mining concession including a secure office, accommodation, workshop complex and has fully operational earth moving, haulage and treatment facilities associated with its gemstone operation.

Potential Projects

Dobson also told Proactive Investors Kimberley Rare Earths is assessing somewhere between five and 10 potential heavy and light rare earths project acquisitions at the moment, both in Australia and overseas.

“We are looking at other rare earth projects. We will only take on good quality projects. One of our biggest assets is our cash position and we want to make sure we conserve that as best we can,” he said.  

“We’ve only got room for a couple of grassroots projects. I am actually looking for another advanced project. Our plan is to have a pipeline of projects that will move into production over say the next five to 10 years  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 12/12

12.12.11 05:31
Mineral Hill UpdateMon, 12 Dec 2011 12:12:00 +1000       2 hours, 12 minutes ago

ACN 129 954 365 ASX: KBL, KBLGA Level 3, 2 Elizabeth Plaza, Nth Sydney NSW 2060. PO Box 98, Nth Sydney NSW 2059. 12 December 2011 ASX RELEASE MINERAL HILL UPDATE KBL Mining Limited, formerly Kimberley Metals Limited, (“the Company” or “ KBL”) is pleased to report the following updates for the Mineral Hill mine, located approximately 65 kilometres north of Condobolin in central-western New South Wales.

Concentrate Shipments The Company continues to produce copper concentrates within specification from mining of ore from the Parkers Hill underground mine. • • • • • • The first shipment of concentrates are now at the Yunnan Copper smelter in China The second shipment departed 19 November 2011 The third shipment left Port Botany on 10 December 2011. The fourth shipment is scheduled to depart on 29 December 2011.

A total of 2,707 tonnes was despatched in the first three shipments. Future shipments are scheduled at regular three week intervals in line with the mine plan Mill Production Copper recoveries have continued to achieve 85-90% and the average concentrate grade has improved to 25% copper attributable to maintaining a consistent high ore grade feed to the plant and the presence of bornite in the ore which is a higher grade copper mineral resulting in a higher quality concentrate. The team at Mineral Hill are currently working on expanding forecast production targeting an initial 10% gain in mill feed from the current forecast rate of 250,000 tonnes of ore per annum to 275,000 tonnes per annum.

Expanded production is expected to commence in January and will mean a 10% increase in planned copper metal production from 4,900 to 5,200 tonnes in concentrate. Current mill capacity has been restricted to a maximum of 28 tonnes per hour (250,000 tonnes of ore per annum) due to tailings pipe and mill cyclone pump restrictions, resulting in no catch up ability after power or other outages. These restrictions are currently been addressed with a second tailings line currently being installed and larger mill cyclone pumps due for installation in the next two weeks.

ACN 129 954 365 ASX: KBL, KBLGA Level 3, 2 Elizabeth Plaza, Nth Sydney NSW 2060. PO Box 98, Nth Sydney NSW 2059. 12 December 2011 Further gains are expected in mill feed based on coarse grind metallurgy test work completed by the Company.

Indications are that high copper recoveries are still achievable at coarser  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernEbenfalls vom 12/12 interview

12.12.11 05:31

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 23/1

23.01.12 05:22
Placement of 8.8 million sharesMon, 23 Jan 2012 08:32:00 +1000       5 hours, 47 minutes ago

ACN 129 954 365 ASX: KBL, KBLGA Level 3, 2 Elizabeth Plaza, Nth Sydney NSW 2060. PO Box 98, Nth Sydney NSW 2059. 23 January 2012 ASX RELEASE Placement of 8.8 million shares KBL Mining is pleased to announce that it has agreed to place 8.8 million shares at 25 cents per share to professional and sophisticated investors.

The placement was arranged through Martin Place Securities. The issue received strong support and the original $2 million raising was increased to $2.2 million. The proceeds will be used to strengthen the Company’s working capital.

For further information, please contact: Jim Wall Executive Chairman Kimberley Metals Limited Telephone: 02 9927 2005 Barry Dawes Managing Director Martin Place Securities Telephone: 02 9222 9111 About KBL Mining Limited KBL Mining is an Australian resource company listed on the ASX (ASX: KBL and KBLGA) with focus on precious and base metals The Company (75%) and Henan Yuguang Gold & Lead Co. Ltd (HYG&L) (25%,) own the Sorby Hills Silver-Lead-Zinc deposit in Western Australia, which is one of the world’s largest near surface undeveloped silver-lead deposits, close to port infrastructure and a short distance from Asian markets. The Company wholly owns the Mineral Hill Mine located in central New South Wales.

Current production of 250,000tpa at Mineral Hill is forecast to increase to 400,000tpa with the introduction of gold and silver dore production from the Pearse open cut from mid-2012. Initial planned production at Sorby Hills will be 500,000tpa from mid-2013. More information can be found on KBL’s website at  

614 Postings, 5272 Tage FunkyHatHab ich was verpasst?

23.01.12 16:16
"KBL Mining" und "Kimberley Metals" haben vermutlich _nichts_ mit Kimberley Rare Earths zu tun, richtig? Dann erschliesst sich mir der Sinn des Beitrags #30 nicht.  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 10/2

10.02.12 05:09
Kimberley Rare Earths completes board restructure with appointment of Jon Parker
Friday, February 10, 2012 by Christine Feary

Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) has completed a board restructure announced late in 2011, welcoming Jon Parker as a non-executive director.

Parker brings strong corporate experience in the resource and energy sectors to the board, with 30 years’ experience in commercial, development and strategy roles along with 10 years in technical roles.

He spent 26 years with Rio Tinto in management and executive roles in iron ore, energy, kaolin and aluminium.

Kimberley chairman Ian Macpherson said Parker’s experience with strategy development would be a boon for the company.

“Jon brings a strong focus on strategic thinking to the board and through his recent consulting roles, will be a valuable resource as the company develops its rare earth projects towards production both in Australia and overseas.”

The board restructure was announced following the decision by independent non-executive director Peter Rowe and non-executive director and chief financial officer Gerry Kaczmarek to step down from the board.

Kaczmarek has officially stepped down from the board following Parker’s appointment.
There were only two small trades in Kimberley Rare Earths Limited (KRE) yesterday. But over the past week there has been some buying activity that suggests there is insider buying in the company. If you look at the above daily stock chart, you can clearly see this spurt of buying.

Yesterday, the stock closed on its high at 8.6c. Trading is still very thin so it’s still a little too early to know if there is anything to it. The stock has been sold down quite a bit, so it could simply be a case of some seeing value – after the stock hit a new record low of 7.3c earlier this week.

Kimberley Rare Earths Limited is a spin-off from Navigator Resources which listed back in May 2011.

Investing and trading in ASX listed stocks and other financial instruments is speculative in nature and therefore involves inherent risk. Before considering any information provided on, please read our disclaimer.  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 13/2

13.02.12 05:06
Kimberley Rare Earths completes board restructure with appointment of Jon Parker
9:41 pm
Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) has completed a board restructure announced late in 2011, welcoming Jon Parker as a non-executive director.

Parker brings strong corporate experience in the resource and energy sectors to the board, with 30 years’ experience in commercial, development and strategy roles along with 10 years in technical roles.

He spent 26 years with Rio Tinto in management and executive roles in iron ore, energy, kaolin and aluminium.

Kimberley chairman Ian Macpherson said Parker’s experience with strategy development would be a boon for the company.

“Jon brings a strong focus on strategic thinking to the board and through his recent consulting roles, will be a valuable resource as the company develops its rare earth projects towards production both in Australia and overseas.”

The board restructure was announced following the decision by independent non-executive director Peter Rowe and non-executive director and chief financial officer Gerry Kaczmarek to step down from the board.

Kaczmarek has officially stepped down from the board following Parker’s appointment.  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 17/2

17.02.12 05:07
Kimberley Rare Earths discovers large heavy rare earth prospect at Malilongue in Mozambique
Friday, February 17, 2012 by Angela Kean
Kimberley Rare Earths general manager – exploration Geoff Collis told Proactive Investors today all indications are at the moment that the Malilongue heavy rare earths project in Mozambique is similar to Quest Rare Minerals’ Strange Lake deposit in northern Quebec, which has an Indicated Resource of 51Mt at 1.16% TREO.

Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) has identified multiple heavy rare earth oxide (HREO) exploration targets at its 40%-owned Malilongue Project in Mozambique.

Strong comparisons have been drawn between the Malilongue project and Quest Rare Minerals’ (TSX-V: QRM) Strange Lake pegmatite-hosted deposit in northern Quebec, which hosts an Indicated Resource of 51 million tonnes at 1.16% total rare earth oxides (TREO) within a total Inferred Resource of 230 million tonnes at 1% TREO.

General manager – exploration Geoff Collis told Proactive Investors today Kimberley Rare Earths is highly confident of defining a heavy rare earth deposit at Malilongue.

“The similarities with Strange Lake are quite remarkable and geologically it looks very similar,” he said. “All indications are at the moment that we may be onto the same kind of thing.”

Managing director Tim Dobson said Malilongue has already revealed surface mineralisation with significant xenotime-hosted critical heavy rare earth oxides.

“The recently acquired airborne geophysical and satellite data have considerably enhanced our views on the potential for Malilongue to host significant heavy rare earth deposits,” he said.

“We are particularly excited by the Vundu prospect, which has never previously been explored for any minerals, let alone rare earths. We plan to mobilise field crews as soon as weather permits.”


The largest and highest priority target has been named the Vundu prospect and measures 3 kilometres in strike with total count activity levels that peak at eight times background.

The size and location of this anomaly are considered geologically significant being located on the margins of the intrusion where pegmatite-hosted HREO mineralisation is expected to occur.

No previous exploration has been conducted over this area. Kimberley Rare Earths is now planning to conduct ground radiometric surveys, soil geochemistry and geological mapping programs to define targets for reverse circulation drill testing.

This is expected to begin in March, following the current wet season.

High resolution aeromagnetic/radiometric data flown in 2008 by Kimberley Rare Earths’ joint venture partner Great Western Mining has been acquired and reprocessed to reveal considerable HREO potential within the project tenure.

A circular Malilongue granite intrusion was identified which appears to demonstrate significant internal magnetic zonation. This zonation may be a factor in targeting further HREO exploration.

Landsat and ASTER satellite thermal emission and reflectance data were acquired over the project area and manipulated in an attempt to enhance various alteration products potentially associated with pegmatite emplacement.

Strong vegetation cover over most of the project area resulted in a subdued response to many of the alteration ratios, however a marked vegetation anomaly was detected along the northern margins of the granite intrusion and coincident with the Vundu radiometric anomaly in particular.

Collis said Kimberley Rare Earths aims to begin drilling at Malilongue before mid-year, weather permitting.

“If we get some really good hits in the first drilling phase, which hopefully will be around about June, then we’ll be straight into resource drilling after that,” he said.

Impressive historical data

No doubt attracting Kimberley Rare Earths to the Mozambique domiciled project is the historical data, which includes rock chip samples assaying over 20% TREO.

Added to this is concentrates from 38 separate pits located throughout the pegmatite field sampled by the current owner, which have averaged over 1000 parts per million TREO with 55% being light rare earth oxides, 25% HREO and 20% yttrium oxide.

A sample extracted from the eluvial beds was subjected to mineralogical examination by a scanning electron microscope and found to comprise major xenotime and minor monazite and zircon.

In addition to yttrium, the xenotime shows appreciable dysprosium and erbium.

Farm-in Agreement

Under the farm-in agreement made with Great Western Mining, a gemstone mining company incorporated in Mozambique, Kimberley Rare Earths can earn up to a 90% interest in the Malilongue project.

Malilongue is just one of a number of acquisitions Kimberley Rare Earths has been considering.

Dobson also told Proactive Investors previously Kimberley Rare Earths is assessing somewhere between five and 10 potential heavy and light rare earths project acquisitions, both in Australia and overseas.


At the end of the December quarter Kimberley Rare Earths held cash reserves of A$13.7 million, with a market cap of just $10 million.  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 21/2

21.02.12 05:34
Presentation at IQPC Rare Earths ConferemnceTue, 21 Feb 2012 09:05:00 +1000       5 hours, 25 minutes ago

Cummins Range – Towards Production IQPC Rare Earths & Strategic Metals Conference February 2012 DISCLAIMER  The information contained in this presentation is not financial product advice. The presentation is for information purposes and is of a general and summary nature only. It does not constitute an offer.

Kimberley Rare Earths Limited (KRE) gives no warranties in relation to the statements and information in this presentation. Investors should seek appropriate advice on their own objectives, financial situation and needs. subject to inherent risks and uncertainties which could cause actual values, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed, implied or projected in any forward looking statements.

 This presentation contains certain statements which may constitute “forward-looking statements”. Such statements are only predictions and are  KRE disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.

 This presentation does not constitute or form any part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities in the Company nor shall it or any part of it, or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or commitment or investment decision relating to any securities in the Company. Any decision regarding any proposed subscription for securities in the Company must be made solely on the basis of information on the Company that is publicly available.  This presentation does not constitute an offer of securities for sale.

COMPETENT PERSONS STATEMENT  Information in this presentation that relates to exploration or exploration results is based on information compiled by Mr Geoff Collis, who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and has sufficient exploration experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activities which are being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Collis consents to the inclusion of these estimates in the form and context in which they appear.  ....
google Übersetzung------------
Präsentation auf der IQPC Seltene Erden Conferemnce Tue, 21 Februar 2012 09.05.00 1000 5 Stunden, 25 Minuten

Cummins Range - in Richtung Produktion IQPC Seltene Erden & Strategic Metals Conference Februar 2012 DISCLAIMER  Die Informationen in dieser Präsentation enthaltenen Informationen sind nicht Finanzproduktberatung. Die Präsentation ist zu Informationszwecken und sind allgemeiner Natur und die Zusammenfassung nur. Es stellt weder ein Angebot. Kimberley Rare Earths Limited (KRE) gibt keine Garantien in Bezug auf die Aussagen und Informationen in dieser Präsentation. Anleger sollten sich eine geeignete Beratung über ihre eigenen Ziele, finanziellen Situationen und Bedürfnisse. unterliegen naturgemäss Risiken und Unsicherheiten, die tatsächlichen Werte, Leistungen oder Erfolge erheblich von jenen unterscheiden ausgedrückt, impliziert oder in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen prognostizierten verursachen könnten.  Diese Präsentation enthält bestimmte Aussagen, die "zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen" darstellen können. Solche Aussagen sind nur Vorhersagen sind und  KRE lehnt jegliche Absicht oder Verpflichtung zur öffentlichen Aktualisierung jeglicher zukunftsgerichteter Aussagen, gleich ob als Ergebnis neuer Informationen, zukünftiger Ereignisse oder Ergebnisse oder auf andere Weise. Investoren werden darauf hingewiesen, dass zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen sind keine Garantien für zukünftige Leistungen und Investoren werden davor gewarnt, in unangemessener Weise auf zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen aufgrund der inhärenten Unwägbarkeiten enthalten.  Diese Präsentation stellt weder bilden einen beliebigen Teil eines Angebots oder einer Einladung zum Verkauf oder zur Ausgabe oder einer Bewerbung eines Angebots zum Kauf oder zur Zeichnung von Wertpapieren der Gesellschaft noch darf sie oder ein Teil davon, oder die Tatsache ihrer Verbreitung, bilden die Basis, auf oder im Zusammenhang mit der geltend gemacht werden einem Vertrag oder einer Verpflichtung oder Investitionsentscheidung betreffend Wertpapiere der Gesellschaft. Jede Entscheidung, zu allen Vorschlägen für Abonnements von Wertpapieren der Gesellschaft muss ausschließlich auf der Grundlage von Informationen über das Unternehmen, das öffentlich zugänglich ist, vorgenommen werden.  Diese Präsentation stellt weder ein Angebot zum Kauf von Wertpapieren. ZUSTÄNDIGE PERSONEN UND VERLUSTRECHNUNG  Die Informationen in dieser Präsentation, die auf Explorations-oder Explorationsergebnisse bezieht sich auf Informationen von Herrn Geoff Collis, der ein Mitglied des Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy ist zusammengestellt basiert und verfügt über ausreichend Erfahrung, die relevant Exploration ist es, die Art von Mineralisation und den Typ von Lagerstätte Überlegung und zu den Aktivitäten, die umgesetzt werden, um als qualifizierte Person, wie in der Ausgabe 2004 des "Australian Code for Reporting von mineralischen Ressourcen definiert und Ore Reserves ". Herr Collis stimmt der Aufnahme dieser Schätzungen in Form und Kontext, in dem sie erscheinen.  ....  

21 Postings, 4720 Tage Ralle711*kopfraucht*

09.03.12 20:16

Uff...thx für die Infos, hab mir die mal am Stck durchgelesen und sie waren sehr interessant. :-)


1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 5/4

05.04.12 05:29
Malilongue - Heavy Rare Earth Exploration UnderwayThu, 5 Apr 2012 09:33:00 +1000       3 hours, 52 minutes ago

[Type text] ASX:KRE ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 5 April 2012 Kimberley Rare Earths Limited ABN 20 147 678 779 Directors Ian Macpherson – Chairman & NED Tim Dobson – Managing Director Allan Trench – NED Jon Parker – NED Management Tim Dobson – Managing Director Geoff Collis – GM Exploration Michael Chan – GM Project Dev. Darren Crawte – Company Secretary Head Office Suite 1, 83 Havelock St West Perth WA 6005 Telephone: +61 8 9486 4326 Facsimile: +61 8 9486 4327 Website Capital Structure 126.6m shares 6.0m 25c, 2014 unlisted options 3.5m 30c, 2014 unlisted options 0.75m 30c, 2015 unlisted options Cash at 31 March 2012 $12.9 million Market Cap at 2 April 2012 $10.2 million For further information, please contact: TIM DOBSON Managing Director Tel: +61 8 9486 4326 Malilongue, Mozambique: Heavy Rare Earth Exploration Underway KEY POINTS  Field exploration commenced at Malilongue HREE project  Vundu prospect’s significance confirmed via ground radiometric survey  Location of previously unrecorded artisanal pegmatite workings confirmed via mapping  Soil geochemistry program in progress Kimberley Rare Earths Limited (ASX:KRE) is pleased to announce it has begun the first systematic exploration program of its 40%‐owned Malilongue Heavy Rare Earth Project located in Mozambique (see Appendix 1 for location map). KRE entered into the Malilongue Project, a joint venture, in September 2011 to take advantage of the strong prospectivity for xenotime‐hosted heavy rare earth oxides such as yttrium, dysprosium and erbium; coupled with the strong market outlook for heavy rare earth products.

A program of high‐impact exploration is underway to rapidly assess priority heavy rare earth targets identified from regional geophysical datasets previously advised to ASX on 17 February 2012. The aim is for the priority targets identified to be the basis of a drilling program during the 2012 dry season. A ground radiometric survey is in progress at the Vundu prospect.

Initial indications confirm and significantly enhance the airborne anomaly. Scintillometer readings in excess of 10 times background have been recorded along segments of the prospect leading to discrete targets constrained within the broader Vundu prospect. Full results will be released when the survey is complete.

Reconnaissance geological mapping is also underway and has uncovered previously unrecorded artisanal workings excavated within pegmatites. Some of these diggings are very recent indicating that new pegmatite discoveries are constantly being made within the tenement area. These new occurrences are being mapped and sampled to ....  

1622 Postings, 5362 Tage heller-goisernNews vom 17/7

17.07.12 06:13
Kimberley Rare Earths discovers HREO prospect at Malilongue in Mozambique
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 by John Phillips
Geoff Collis, GM of Exploration, told Proactive Investors today that prospects keep appearing at Malilongue. "We continue to discover good values of rare earths and heavy rare earths, along with lithium and tantalum."

Kimberley Rare Earths (ASX: KRE) has discovered a new prospect which has the potential for multiple elements at the Malilongue heavy rare earths oxide project located in Mozambique.

Kimberley only started exploration a few months ago at Malilongue, with the Chigaio prospect yielding significant strategic metal anomalism - and is located just nine kilometres from the Vundu prospect where more rare earth anomalism was recently defined.

Worth noting for investors, Malilongue has already drawn similarities to the Quest Rare Minerals' (CVE: QRM) Strange Lake deposit in Canada, (43‐101 Resource: 230 million tonnes at 0.91% TREO. A "Heavies" Project: 41% HREO/TREO).

Over 1800 soil samples have been collected from around the margins of the Malilongue granite using a set of grid system designs, with results from the Southern Pegmatite Field grid defining a major geochemical zone containing lithium, tantalum and tin anomalism over the Chigaio pegmatite.

Further soil geochemical peak values include tantalum in soil at over 270ppm and lithium in soil at over 450ppm, on dimensions exceeding 2 kilometres in strike and 400 metres in width.

The tin in soil values peak at 992ppm from within an anomaly defined by a threshold value of 200ppm tin, with the anomaly slightly offset from the lithium-tantalum zone and may be indicative of a zoned pegmatite body which is consistent with similar deposits currently being mined around the world.

Tim Dobson, managing director, commented: “The KRE exploration team has done an excellent job in identifying two significant prospects in quick succession. These early achievements confirm our view that Malilongue is highly prospective for a range of deposit types.”

Importantly - geological mapping at Chigaio has identified that the surface lithium tantalum tin anomalism is directly related to a large pegmatite body emplaced along a major NE trending structure that defines the SE contact of the Malilongue granite.

A major plus us early indications suggest that the Chigaio pegmatite is of a particular rare element class known as LCT, which is one of the most important sources of tantalum, lithium, tin, other rare metals and gemstones.

Geoff Collis, GM of Exploration, told Proactive Investors today that prospects keep appearing at Malilongue. "We continue to discover good values of rare earths and heavy rare earths, along with lithium and tantalum. Heavy rare earths remain our primary target."

News flow to increase in the short term

Kimberley will look to release more geochemical soil results in August and September, with a trenching program to commence immediately in the Chigaio prospect area, which is a low cost and effective method of follow up testing.

Once these additional results have been received and targets defined, Kimberley can then look to drill test using a reverse circulation rig which has been sourced locally.

Proactive Investors  

614 Postings, 5272 Tage FunkyHatKonzeptstudie

21.08.12 08:35
KRE hat eine Konzeptstudie für die Cummins Range rausgehauen. Open Pit Design und 16 Jahre Minen-Lebensdauer sind die Stichworte. Hatte noch keine Zeit mir das Blatt im Detail anzuschauen:  

614 Postings, 5272 Tage FunkyHatnoch nen projekt

28.11.12 07:30

 Welcome to Kimberley Rare Earths
ASX Announcement - Acquisition of Big Springs Gold Project
Large gold project proposed to be acquired
Mining: previous production (1987 – 1993) >350 koz
Exploration: NI 43‐1011 inferred resource reported
Drilling data: >2,400 holes
Extension: potential at depth & along strike
Location: Nevada, USA
Consideration framework
Cash: US$4m plus up to US$2m cash deferred (milestone‐based)
KRE shares: 20m plus 45m performance shares (milestone based)
Subject to conditions: includes due diligence, ASX & shareholder approvals
Fit with KRE strategy and capability
Aim to achieve prompt sustainable cash flow
Delivers platform for growth via further M&A
Name change to Anova Metals: approval sought at AGM


614 Postings, 5272 Tage FunkyHatBevor es in Vergessenheit gerät

23.01.13 09:52

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