Banken in der Eurozone

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991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222Pensionskasse droht mit Klage

20.03.23 21:48
Die Fusion der angeschlagenen Credit Suisse mit der UBS dürfte ein juristisches Nachspiel haben: Der Schweizer Pensionskassenvertreter Ethos prüft bereits eine Klage. Er könnte nicht der Einzige bleiben.

991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222Die Milliardenbombe am Markt für Bankanleihen

20.03.23 21:52
CS-Investoren verlieren 16 Milliarden Euro
Im Zuge der Übernahme der Credit Suisse durch die UBS verlieren Investoren sogenannter AT1-Anleihen mehr als 16 Milliarden Euro. Das bringt am Montag das gesamte Marktsegment in Turbulenzen.

991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222Kunde schildert Service-Irrsinn

21.03.23 14:28
Kunde schildert Service-Irrsinn„Probleme hatte ich mit der Postbank öfter, doch so krass war es noch nie“
Deutschland sei eine Servicewüste, heißt es immer wieder. Das musste nun auch Stefan Herbener erfahren. Und einmal mehr geht es dabei um die Postbank, über die sich zuletzt zahlreiche Kunden beschwert hatten.

991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222Börsenexperten verlieren die Zuversicht

21.03.23 15:50
Strauchelnde Banken
Die existenzbedrohende Krise gleich mehrerer Banken hat die Finanzmärkte verunsichert. Zum ersten Mal seit mehreren Monaten sackt das ZEW-Konjunkturbarometer deutlich ab.

991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222Prozess in Großbritannien

21.03.23 15:51
Commerzbank muss Ex-Managerin in London für Diskriminierung entschädigen - DER SPIEGEL
Die Commerzbank-Managerin Jagruti Rajput fühlte sich nach ihrer Elternpause bei Beförderungen übergangen. Das Londoner Arbeitsgericht hat ihr jetzt gut 300.000 Pfund zugesprochen, die Bank will in Berufung gehen.

991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222Schweizer Regierung friert Bonuszahlungen bei Cred

21.03.23 23:59
Trotz ihrer Notübernahme kündigte die Credit Suisse die reguläre Auszahlung von Boni an. Nun hat die Schweizer Regierung bestimmte variable Vergütungen vorerst gestoppt.

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawAT1 bonds market bail-in moment

22.03.23 17:06

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawHow Finma milked Credit Suisse's CoCos

22.03.23 17:07

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawLoan investors brace for lower recoveries

22.03.23 17:07
Loan investors brace for lower recoveries: Buy-siders expect to recoup up to 30 percentage points less if borrowers default  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawEuropean banks' AT1 bonds high yield

22.03.23 17:12
European banks' AT1 bonds high yield
High yield = high risk  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawEU banks need billions in NII hedges

22.03.23 21:30
The bad news, though, is that around half of EU lenders are expected to fail the European Banking Authority’s NII test – EU banks need ‘billions’ in hedges to pass new NII test.  

991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222US-Notenbank erhöht Leitzins um 0,25 Prozentpunkte

23.03.23 00:05
US-Notenbank erhöht Leitzins um 0,25 Prozentpunkte - DER SPIEGEL
Trotz der Turbulenzen im Bankensektor hat die Federal Reserve beschlossen, die Zinsen erneut anzuheben. Im Kampf gegen eine hartnäckige Inflation ist es die neunte Erhöhung in Folge.

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawCS-Integration in die UBS

23.03.23 07:59
CS-Integration in die UBS ist wohl zehn Mal so komplex wie Dresdner-Bank-Übernahme durch die Commerzbank  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawIs this the final countdown? June-2023-deadline!

23.03.23 11:11
The final countdown: Europe’s pension funds get ready to clear With clearing exemption due to end next June, EU funds try to learn from UK’s LDI mistakes. Yet fears persist around the liquidity risks posed by clearing. If the size of margin calls were to spike, pension funds might all have to..

The end of the Emir mandatory swaps clearing exemption for pension scheme arrangements (PSAs) is approaching. The European Commission has said there will be no extension in the EU to pension funds' exemption from clearing, which is due to end next June. Exemption preventing pension funds from mandatory clearing will come to an end permanently in June 2023. June-2023-deadline.  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawIs this the final countdown? PSAs Margin Call

23.03.23 11:23

Implementation of the clearing obligation for pension scheme arrangements: Requiring PSAs to clear OTC derivative contracts at a Central Clearing Party (CCP) could lead them to transform a significant amount of their assets for cash or other highly liquid assets, such as bank deposits, money market fund shares, repurchase agreements or credit lines, in order to be able to provide ‘margin’ to CCPs. The obligation to clear and the associated requirement to provide margin relates in particular to the need to ensure sufficient cash for variation margin that needs to be covered regularly and at short notice.


991530 Postings, 3763 Tage youmake222Abwicklung der Credit Suisse hätte eine Finanzkris

23.03.23 19:55
Abwicklung der Credit Suisse hätte eine Finanzkrise auslösen können
Die Schweizerische Nationalbank hält die Rettung der Credit Suisse für alternativlos. Deren Abwicklung hätte eine Finanzkrise ausgelöst.

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawSchwarzer Schwan: US Schattenbanken blow up

24.03.23 09:38
Systemic credit event US shadow banking
Fund Managers’ Biggest Fear Is Now a Systemic Credit Crunch
Wall Street Mood Turns Apocalyptic With Majority Expecting "Systemic Credit Event" Out Of Shadow Banking Sector
The Cost of Ignoring the Shadow Banking System  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawSchwarzer Schwan: US Schattenbanken blow up

24.03.23 16:03
Yellen Convenes Emergency Financial Stability Meeting On Friday As Banking Crisis Explodes
Pablo Hernández de Cos says lenders are at risk from links to shadow banks
Banking regulators increase scrutiny of 'shadow' bank exposures: Global banking regulators will step up scrutiny of how risks from systemically important shadow banks could destabilise lenders, a top banking regulator said on Friday as central bankers home in on the huge funds industry.
Out of the shadows? The global response to 'Shadow Banking'

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawFinancial Times signals of danger ahead

24.03.23 17:11
Financial Times: sell banks on Friday and go away - Drop in Deutsche Bank shares is more likely noise than a signal of danger ahead  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawUnd ab ins Finanzkrisen-Wochende

24.03.23 17:54
Der europäische Bankenindex Stoxx 600 Banks sank um 2,5 Prozent, kein einziger Banktitel konnte sich an diesem Freitag in die Pluszone retten. "Manche wollen über das Wochenende offenbar nicht auf dem falschen Fuß erwischt werden"

Wie ein Fondsmanager das letzte Finanzkrisen-Wochende erlebt hat  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawShort sellers betting against Deutsche Bank

24.03.23 19:29
Short sellers make $100 mln betting against Deutsche Bank  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawChart of the Week: CoCo-Anleihen

25.03.23 09:32

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawEBA: Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)

25.03.23 09:36
EBA Consolutation: Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB): The Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the assessment methodology under which competent authorities verify an institution’s compliance with the internal models under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) rules are part of of the EBA roadmap for the new market and counterparty credit risk approaches. These RTS ensure clarity on the assessment performed by competent authorities, so as to guide the implementation of FRTB internal models in EU. In particular, these draft RTS set out a framework for competent authorities to assess these requirements and focus on three main aspects: governance, the internal risk-measurement model - covering the expected shortfall, and the stress scenario risk measure -  and the internal default risk model.

Consultation Paper on draft RTS on the assessment methodology under which competent authorities verify an institution’s compliance with the internal model approach  

5068 Postings, 786 Tage JohnLawEs regt sich ein schwarzer Schwan im Schatten

25.03.23 10:26
The crisis ahead: Fed officials meet in shadow of banking crisis. Fund managers worry systemic credit crunch could crash US markets. The most likely source of a credit event, according to the fund managers, is shadow banking – or non-bank financial institutions that are not subject to regulation including hedge funds, private equity funds, investment banks and mortgage lenders. Many analysts worry that authorities may soon discover they have even less control and comprehension of the non-bank financial sector than they anticipated as gloomy clouds gather over the global financial system. The amount of the correction is impossible to forecast because “shadows” do not promote openness
Since the global financial crisis, higher risk or more complex lending or trading moved into the opaque and less regulated shadow banking system -- non-bank financial institutions which include insurance companies, pension funds, mutual or hedge funds, family offices and speciality financiers. The Bank of International Settlements estimates its size at $227 trillion as at 2021, almost half the size of the global financial sector up from 42 percent in 2008.
The dangerous growth of shadow banking: Since the global financial crisis, regulators have restricted the lending abilities of traditional banks, leaving the riskier bits to non-bank financial institutions. The policy may have gravely backfired  

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