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34 Postings, 1462 Tage FinanzeselFDA Antrag eingereicht?

27.11.20 18:12
Hat Moderna überhaupt schon den Antrag auf FDA Zulassung eingereicht? Ich glaube noch nicht!?  

54 Postings, 3929 Tage Zocker-FamilieFahnenstange

27.11.20 19:10
Das sieht doch verdammt nach einer Fahnenstange aus. Ich bin heute bei 104,98 raus. Viel Erfolg noch!  

47 Postings, 4320 Tage Navo@Chefleutnant

27.11.20 19:53
Der Moderna-Impstoff  braucht keine -70°c
für den Transport und Lagerung. Deshalb hat er gegenüber
Biontech  langfristig größere Absatzchancen.  

8036 Postings, 2320 Tage BobbyTHNew Form 4

27.11.20 20:27

96 Postings, 1631 Tage DRSlaiderTransport und Lagerung

27.11.20 21:05
Kurzfristig scheint Moderna das bessere Transport/Lager Produkt zu haben. Jedoch sollte die Hürde mit den -70C bei Biontech demnächst Q1-Q2/21 durch die neue Generation Impfstoff erledigt sein. Dann kommt es hauptsälich auf die Lieferfähigkeit an. Biontech hat bereits eine hohe Kapazität die sie demnächst nochmals erhöhen werden (z.b.neues Werk Marburg und Baxter)  

209 Postings, 1695 Tage BabyfantSehe

27.11.20 23:46
Ich genauso.
Im Endeffekt kommt es nicht auf die Lagerung an.
Wer als erster auf dem Markt ist , und Menge liefern kann, macht auch erstmal das rennen.
Der Stoff wird gebraucht, und wenn er wirkt ist es egal wie man ihn lagern muss.
Solange es Lagermöglichkeiten gibt und weiter Menge produziert werden kann, geht der auch raus.
Alleine schon die Menge in den Lieferverträgen lastet Biontech für längere Zeit aus.
Was bringt ein Impfstoff der leichter lagerbar ist, aber nicht verfügbar in benötigter Menge???
Ich sehe da eher dann auf längere Sicht eine höhere Chance bei denen.

Meine Meinung, keine Handelsempfehlung  

47 Postings, 4320 Tage Navo@Babyfant

28.11.20 13:21
Durch die erforderlichen hohen Minustemperaturen
entstehen zusätzliche Kosten, die Moderna nicht hat.
Die Börse sieht dies scheinbar genau so. Im letzten
Monat ist Biontech um 28%, aber Moderna um 78%

4795 Postings, 8427 Tage GilbertusModerna Freitag + 15.51 %

28.11.20 13:27

MODERNA letzten Freitag + 15.51 %

"Neid und Missgunst ist der Ursprung   JEDEN ÜBELS   in dieser Welt".
Mahatma Gandhi

Für alle hier Investierten tanzt fortan ein Luigi pro 5 % Tageskurssteigerung für Euch,

Freitag in N.Y. ein Plus von 15.51 %, macht zwei Luigis


cool        cool       cool

1058 Postings, 1585 Tage Provonce@Navo

28.11.20 19:20
"Durch die erforderlichen hohen Minustemperaturen
entstehen zusätzliche Kosten, die Moderna nicht hat.
Die Börse sieht dies scheinbar genau so. Im letzten
Monat ist Biontech um 28%, aber Moderna um 78%
gestiegen.  "

Ich bin eher der Meinung, das trotz der erforderlichen Kühlkette der Impfstoff von BioNTech billiger und besser ist, da er weniger Nebenwirkungen hat. Das kann man sich auch alles ganz leicht ausrechnen (Ein Freezer für 100.000 Dosen kostet ca. 25.000 Euro). Du wirst sehen, daß BioNTech/Pfizer wesentlich mehr Impfstoff auch an ärmere Länder verkaufen werden als Moderna(siehe Malaysia oder Indonesien). Trotz irreführender Presse in den USA wird man das "Kühlproblem" nicht mehr lange aufrecht erhalten können, wenn die Impfungen demnächst starten.

Aber deswegen bin ich gar nicht hier. Ich wollte eigentlich nur fragen, wann man mit den aussagekräftigen Daten und dem entsprechendem Antrag von Moderna rechnen kann. Das sollte ja alles schon letzte Woche passieren, wie ich in der Presse las. Also dann kommende Woche?  

901 Postings, 4441 Tage michi1406Briten sichern sich 2Mio Impfdosen.

29.11.20 07:22

991 Postings, 4995 Tage pablo55Der Kursverlauf zwischen Moderna und Biontech

29.11.20 12:53
wird sich nächste Woche umkehren, wenn in England laut Medien zugelassen und geimpft wird.
Die Amis werden dann wach und schichten um.  

1127 Postings, 2199 Tage Artikel 14Eher BioNTech aus folgenden Gründen

29.11.20 13:00
Wenn ich diese Wahl habe...
(1) Auf einen Impfstoff noch ca. 6 Monate zu warten (CureVac, mRNA, wenig geprüft)
(2) Nur 62 bis 70% Wirkung (Astra, Lebendviren als "Vektor", Probleme bei Dosierung und Auswertung)
(3) 300% häufiger Nebenwirkungen (Moderna, mRNA, wenn verwendbar, dann "America first")
(4) Ohne Impfung vor jeder Türklinke, jedem Atemaerosol und jeder Pin-Eingabe Angst haben
(5) 95% Wirkung, 96% keine Nebenwirkung, Rest nur leichte Nebenwirkungen (BioNTech, mRNA, an 22.000 Probanden erprobt)
...dann ist für mich selbst die Entscheidung klar, dass ich zeitnah zur Impfung mit BNT162B2 gehe. Die allermeisten US-Cowboys kennen BioNTech nicht und die US-Medien nennen es nie beim Namen (nur "Pfizer", aber "er hat's erfunden?") und glauben daher, dass sie in Kürze Moderna geimpft bekommen, obwohl die Einreichung und Genehmigung dem entgegensteht. BioNTech werden noch 2020 IMHO sehr deutlich mehr Dosen verimpfen als Moderna, dies werden Anfang Januar die Q4-Berichte offenlegen. Entscheidend sind für mich letztlich dann
(1) der Vergleich der Marktkapitalisierung (BNTX 21,07 Milliarden, MRNA 42,50 Milliarden)
(2) das Vertrauen in die Unternehmensführung
(3) die tatsächliche Anzahl der Impfungen  
(4) Häufigkeit und Profil der Nebenwirkungen
(5) Kapazitäten für die Massenproduktion
In allen fünf Punkten stellt das Investment in BioNTech für mich die besseren Chancen dar.  

1058 Postings, 1585 Tage Provonce@michi1406

29.11.20 15:30
Danke für den Link. Ich hab mal auf der Moderna Webseite gesucht und dazu diese Pressemitteilung gefunden.

Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, daß dort nichts mehr davon steht, daß Moderna in 2020 noch Impfstoff ausliefern will. Ich meine mich zu erinnern, daß in früheren Pressemitteilungen etwas von 20 Mio. Dosen in 2020 stand. Warum hat man diesen Textbaustein gestrichen, kann Moderna am Ende in 2020 nicht liefern? Wie beurteilst Du das?    

901 Postings, 4441 Tage michi1406Hmmm.

29.11.20 16:17
es fängt ja schon damit an das Moderna bis ende Nov. die Zulassung beantragen wollte.
Da bleibt nicht mehr viel Zeit.Ohne Zulassung in Massen produzieren zu lassen macht wenig Sinn.Wenn da in den nächsten Tagen keine News kommt siehts wohl erst mal schlecht für den Kurs aus.Ich habe es schon mal gesagt"Moderna sollte sich schon an die Ankündigungen halten".

1127 Postings, 2199 Tage Artikel 14Bloomberg BioNTech & Moderna

30.11.20 00:43
Bloomberg berichtet wichtige Termine für BioNTech-Pfizer Do. 10.12. und Moderna Fr. 18.12.:

"Pfizer Inc. is scheduled to submit an Emergency Use Authorization request on Dec. 10 for the vaccine it developed with Germany’s BioNTech, followed by Moderna Inc. on Dec. 18, Adams said."

(1) Englisch können die Cowboys verstehen
(2) Bloomberg hat Relevanz für die Nasdaq
(3) BioNTech wird explizit erwähnt, was in den USA bisher unüblich war

Daher halte ich es für besonders marktrelevant und bin gespannt auf den folgenden Kursverlauf.
Jedenfalls liegt BioNTech in den USA mit der nicht gleichzeitigen Behandlung zeitlich vorne und der Termin 11.12. ist günstiger als der 18.12., denn direkt vor dem Wochenende und vor Weihnachten fehlt Moderna im Vergleich massiv Zeit. Über Weihnachten hinweg wird kaum noch etwas bewegt werden können, da können viele sekundäre Ansprechpartner nicht durcharbeiten und daher nicht erreichbar sein werden. BioNTech-Pfizer hat im Vergleich mit Moderna wohl das deutlich bessere Timing.  

876 Postings, 1681 Tage BlaumonchiSoll das hier nen

30.11.20 08:38
Shortsqueeze werden?
Erzeuge FOMO Stimmung xD
Zahlreiche Faktoren sprechen für BionTech und Moderna donnert nach oben.  

767 Postings, 1449 Tage meikel123Short Squeeze Rakete oder Blutbad ?!

30.11.20 12:14
Market Date Short Volume Total Volume Short Volume Ratio
2020-11-27 11,411,024 43,293,563 26.36
2020-11-25 5,030,106 25,850,600 19.46
2020-11-24 2,140,894 11,896,764 18.00
2020-11-23 2,812,239 16,359,600 17.19
2020-11-20 2,449,878 15,306,303 16.01


767 Postings, 1449 Tage meikel123Rakete !.....hoffentlich

30.11.20 12:28

767 Postings, 1449 Tage meikel123Rakete !

30.11.20 13:07
November 30, 2020 6:59 AM EST
Moderna Announces Primary Efficacy Analysis in Phase 3 COVE Study for Its COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate and Filing Today with U.S. FDA for Emergency Use Authorization

Primary efficacy analysis of the Phase 3 COVE study of mRNA-1273 involving 30,000 participants included 196 cases of COVID-19, of which 30 cases were severe
Vaccine efficacy against COVID-19 was 94.1%; vaccine efficacy against severe COVID-19 was 100%
mRNA-1273 continues to be generally well tolerated; no serious safety concerns identified to date
Phase 3 COVE Study has exceeded 2 months of median follow-up post vaccination as required by the U.S. FDA for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
Moderna plans today to request EUA from the U.S. FDA, to apply for a conditional marketing authorization with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and to progress with the rolling reviews, which have already been initiated with international regulatory agencies
FDA has told Company to expect VRBPAC meeting for mRNA-1273 likely on December 17, 2020
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 30, 2020-- Moderna, Inc. (Nasdaq: MRNA), a biotechnology company pioneering messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics and vaccines to create a new generation of transformative medicines for patients, today announced that the primary efficacy analysis of the Phase 3 study of mRNA-1273 conducted on 196 cases confirms the high efficacy observed at the first interim analysis. The data analysis indicates a vaccine efficacy of 94.1%. Safety data continue to accrue and the study continues to be monitored by an independent, NIH-appointed Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB). The Company also announced that today, Moderna plans to request an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and conditional approval from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The Phase 3 study, known as the COVE study, enrolled more than 30,000 participants in the U.S. and is being conducted in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The primary endpoint of the Phase 3 COVE study is based on the analysis of COVID-19 cases confirmed and adjudicated starting two weeks following the second dose of vaccine. Vaccine efficacy has been demonstrated at the first interim analysis with a total of 95 cases based on the pre-specified success criterion on efficacy. Today’s primary analysis was based on 196 cases, of which 185 cases of COVID-19 were observed in the placebo group versus 11 cases observed in the mRNA-1273 group, resulting in a point estimate of vaccine efficacy of 94.1%. A secondary endpoint analyzed severe cases of COVID-19 and included 30 severe cases (as defined in the study protocol) in this analysis. All 30 cases occurred in the placebo group and none in the mRNA-1273 vaccinated group. There was one COVID-19-related death in the study to date, which occurred in the placebo group.
Efficacy was consistent across age, race and ethnicity, and gender demographics. The 196 COVID-19 cases included 33 older adults (ages 65+) and 42 participants identifying as being from diverse communities (including 29 Hispanic or LatinX, 6 Black or African Americans, 4 Asian Americans and 3 multiracial participants).
The safety profile of the Phase 3 study of mRNA-1273 was previously described on November 16. A continuous review of safety data is ongoing and no new serious safety concerns have been identified by the Company. Based on prior analysis, the most common solicited adverse reactions included injection site pain, fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, and erythema/redness at the injection site. Solicited adverse reactions increased in frequency and severity in the mRNA-1273 group after the second dose.
The Company will submit data from the Phase 3 COVE study to a peer-reviewed publication.
“This positive primary analysis confirms the ability of our vaccine to prevent COVID-19 disease with 94.1% efficacy and importantly, the ability to prevent severe COVID-19 disease. We believe that our vaccine will provide a new and powerful tool that may change the course of this pandemic and help prevent severe disease, hospitalizations and death,” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna. “I want to thank the thousands of participants in our Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 studies, as well as the staff at clinical trial sites who have been on the front lines of the fight against the virus. I would again like to thank our partners at NIH, NIAID, BARDA and Operation Warp Speed who have helped us advance the clinical development of mRNA-1273. Finally, I want to thank the Moderna team and our suppliers and partners for their tireless work on the research, development and manufacturing of our vaccine. We will file today for an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA and continue forging ahead with the rolling reviews that have already been initiated with several regulatory agencies around the globe.”
Today, Moderna will submit for an EUA with the U.S. FDA and an application for Conditional Marketing Authorization (CMA) with the European Medicines Agency. The Company has already initiated the rolling review process with the EMA, Health Canada, SwissMedic, the United Kingdom Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Ministry of Health in Israel, and Health Sciences Authority in Singapore and intends to seek Prequalification (PQ) and/or Emergency Use Listing (EUL) with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Additionally, Moderna announced that the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting to review the safety and efficacy data package for mRNA-1273 will likely be scheduled for Thursday, December 17. The Company expects that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will make a recommendation on immunization priorities. The Company anticipates that the shipping of mRNA-1273 to designated distribution points throughout the U.S. will occur shortly after an Emergency Use Authorization is granted.
Moderna is working with the U.S. CDC, Operation Warp Speed and McKesson (NYSE: MCK), a COVID-19 vaccine distributor contracted by the U.S. government, as well as global stakeholders to be prepared for distribution of mRNA-1273, in the event that it receives an EUA and similar global authorizations and approvals. By the end of 2020, the Company expects to have approximately 20 million doses of mRNA-1273 available in the U.S. The Company remains on track to manufacture 500 million to 1 billion doses globally in 2021. On November 10, the American Medical Association (AMA) issued a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code to report vaccination with mRNA-1273 (code: 91301). Moderna recently announced further progress towards ensuring the distribution, storage and handling of the vaccine can be done using existing infrastructure.
To learn more about Moderna’s work on mRNA-1273, visit
About the Phase 3 COVE Study
The Phase 3 COVE trial is a randomized, 1:1 placebo-controlled study testing mRNA-1273 at the 100 µg dose level in 30,000 participants in the U.S., ages 18 and older. The primary endpoint is the prevention of symptomatic COVID-19 disease. Key secondary endpoints include prevention of severe COVID-19 disease and prevention of infection by SARS-CoV-2. The trial will continue to accrue additional data relevant to safety and efficacy even after an EUA is submitted. The final estimates of vaccine efficacy for both primary and secondary endpoints will depend on the totality of data that will accumulate to inform the final analysis. Moderna worked closely with BARDA and the NIH, including NIAID’s COVID-19 Prevention Network (CoVPN), to conduct the Phase 3 COVE study under Operation Warp Speed. Moderna’s partner PPD (Nasdaq: PPD), a leading global contract research organization providing comprehensive, integrated drug development, laboratory and lifecycle management services, has also been essential to the successful execution of the COVE study.
The Phase 3 COVE study was designed in collaboration with the FDA and NIH to evaluate Americans at risk of severe COVID-19 disease and completed enrollment of more than 30,000 participants ages 18 and older in the U.S. on October 22, including those at high risk of severe complications of COVID-19 disease. The COVE study includes more than 7,000 Americans over the age of 65. It also includes more than 5,000 Americans who are under the age of 65 but have high-risk chronic diseases that put them at increased risk of severe COVID-19, such as diabetes, severe obesity and cardiac disease. These medically high-risk groups represent 42% of the total participants in the Phase 3 COVE study. The study also included communities that have historically been under-represented in clinical research and have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. The study includes more than 11,000 participants from communities of color, representing 37% of the study population, which is similar to the diversity of the U.S. at large. This includes more than 6,000 participants who identify as Hispanic or LatinX, and more than 3,000 participants who identify as Black or African American.
About mRNA-1273
mRNA-1273 is an mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 encoding for a prefusion stabilized form of the Spike (S) protein, which was co-developed by Moderna and investigators from NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center. The first clinical batch, which was funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, was completed on February 7, 2020 and underwent analytical testing; it was shipped to the NIH on February 24, 42 days from sequence selection. The first participant in the NIAID-led Phase 1 study of mRNA-1273 was dosed on March 16, 63 days from sequence selection to Phase 1 study dosing. On May 12, the FDA granted mRNA-1273 Fast Track designation. On May 29, the first participants in each age cohort: adults ages 18-55 years (n=300) and older adults ages 55 years and above (n=300) were dosed in the Phase 2 study of mRNA-1273. On July 8, the Phase 2 study completed enrollment.
Results from the second interim analysis of the NIH-led Phase 1 study of mRNA-1273 in the 56-70 and 71+ age groups were published on September 29 in The New England Journal of Medicine. On July 28, results from a non-human primate preclinical viral challenge study evaluating mRNA-1273 were published in The New England Journal of Medicine. On July 14, an interim analysis of the original cohorts in the NIH-led Phase 1 study of mRNA-1273 was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. mRNA-1273 currently is not approved for use by any regulatory body.
BARDA is supporting the continued research and development of mRNA-1273 with $955 million in federal funding under Contract no. 75A50120C00034. BARDA is reimbursing Moderna for 100 percent of the allowable costs incurred by the Company for conducting the program described in the BARDA contract. The U.S. government has agreed to provide up to $1.525 billion to purchase supply of mRNA-1273 under U.S. Department of Defense Contract No. W911QY-20-C-0100.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, including regarding the Company’s development of a potential vaccine (mRNA-1273) against the novel coronavirus, mRNA-1273's efficacy and its ability to prevent infection or mitigate symptoms of COVID-19, the safety profile for mRNA-1273, the Company’s plans to seek regulatory approval for the use of mRNA-1273 in the U.S. and other jurisdictions, the Company’s anticipated production of mRNA-1273, and the timing of the initial shipments of mRNA-1273. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “may,” “should,” “could”, “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “aims,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential,” “continue,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. The forward-looking statements in this press release are neither promises nor guarantees, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond Moderna’s control and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, among others: the fact that there has never been a commercial product utilizing mRNA technology approved for use; the fact that the rapid response technology in use by Moderna is still being developed and implemented; the safety, tolerability and efficacy profile of mRNA-1273 observed to date may change adversely in ongoing analyses of trial data or subsequent to commercialization; despite having ongoing interactions with the FDA or other regulatory agencies, the FDA or such other regulatory agencies may not agree with the Company’s regulatory approval strategies, components of our filings, such as clinical trial designs, conduct and methodologies, or the sufficiency of data submitted; Moderna may encounter delays in meeting manufacturing or supply timelines or disruptions in its distribution plans for mRNA-1273; whether and when any biologics license applications and/or emergency use authorization applications may be filed and ultimately approved by regulatory authorities; potential adverse impacts due to the global COVID-19 pandemic such as delays in regulatory review, manufacturing and clinical trials, supply chain interruptions, adverse effects on healthcare systems and disruption of the global economy; and those other risks and uncertainties described under the heading “Risk Factors” in Moderna’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and in subsequent filings made by Moderna with the SEC, which are available on the SEC’s website at Except as required by law, Moderna disclaims any intention or responsibility for updating or revising any forward-looking statements contained in this press release in the event of new information, future developments or otherwise. These forward-looking statements are based on Moderna’s current expectations and speak only as of the date hereof.

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Colleen Hussey
Director, Corporate Communications
Lavina Talukdar
Senior Vice President & Head of Investor Relations
Source: Moderna, Inc.
View this release →


6084 Postings, 4704 Tage DA_BUANoch heute die Zulassung

30.11.20 13:13
wie geil  

2259 Postings, 1624 Tage AktienQuerdenkerBeantragen ist nicht zugelassen...

30.11.20 13:17

8036 Postings, 2320 Tage BobbyTHNews

30.11.20 13:23

767 Postings, 1449 Tage meikel123Zulassung steht noch aus,...2 x Rakete

30.11.20 13:28
o.T.....cest la vie...

schön zweigleisig fahren

Biontech Invest
Moderna ...Zock  

8191 Postings, 2305 Tage DressageQueenSehr gut!

30.11.20 13:44
Curevac zieht dann nach.  

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