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6 Postings, 8321 Tage Rastaman_VibrationIDI AMIN DER "MENSCHEN"-FRESSER

26.12.01 01:21
Ich meine die "westlche"PRESSE!

Ich weiss nur Amin war ein Idiot(laut Presse) bevor er sagte :Ohne Hitler wäre Afrika nicht frei!das macht ein mensch zum MENSCHEN FRESSER!


                                                  Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront

                                                             By TONY MARTIN

                        The Jewish attack on Black progress reached Wellesley College in 1993, when more Jewish organizations than you could
                        shake a stick at issued a call for the dismissal of Dr. Tony Martin from his tenured professorship at the elite women's college.
                        His crime? - including readings on Jewish involvement in the African slave trade in an African American history course. With
                        rare insight and biting wit, Martin replies to his detractors and offers a historian's analysis of the escalating Jewish onslaught
                        against Black people.

6 Postings, 8321 Tage Rastaman_VibrationEs gibt parralelen!

26.12.01 02:07
blöde "neger"! Lach weg!achtet auf die zahlen ,"feinde" und überfalle zwischen Idi Amin und Hitler!

Kampala - Ugandans Sunday April 11 celebrated two decades after the overthrow of the barbaric tyrant, Idi Amin Dada, but his ghost
                  still haunts the east African country. The dictator captured power in a bloody coup in January 1971, overthrowing President Apolo
                  Milton Obote. Amin was Dr. Obote's obedient Army Commander. Following the coup, Amin, an illiterate, was promptly given
                  recognition by the international community - including the West - largely because Obote had become pretty unpopular: he had himself
                  used the army to overthrow the first president, Sir Edward Mutesa, abolished the cherished institutions of traditional rulers, and banned
                  political party activities. Amin's eight-year reign of terror put him at similar levels with the likes of Adolf Hitler and he is today regarded
                  as one of the most notorious dictators in history.

                  He killed an estimated 300,000 people - including several cabinet ministers, a Ugandan Anglican Archbishop in charge of four nations, a
                  chief justice and more. His torture chambers were legendary. "Up to today Amin is more popular than Uganda," remarks Kiyimba
                  Balidawa, a business administrator educated in America. "In many parts of the country people know more about Amin than they do
                  Uganda. Some know the country because of Amin, others indeed still think he is our president up to today." During his reign, educated
                  people as well as Christians (who make up over 90% of the country's population) were persecuted, forcing many to flee to exile. The
                  government and army were dominated by illiterates. Former Amin Minister, now Third Deputy Prime Minister, Brig. Moses Ali, says of
                  Amin's inner circle: "Illiterates and sycophants were some of the people who spoilt Amin's government. They could not even read maps,
                  they excelled in praising him, they were no better than Amin himself." In a move he said was aimed at putting business in the hands of
                  Black Africans, Amin in 1972 gave all Asians in Uganda 90 days to leave the country. He claimed God had ordered him to do that in a

                  The Asians' vast businesses were given to the president's cronies who mismanaged them and led to a phenomenal stagnation of the
                  economy. Amin became famous partly for his for his easy lifestyle and buffoonery. He could address the United Nations General
                  Assembly in Luganda (a Ugandan dialect), ride around town on bicycles or jeeps, hold boxing, dancing and swimming contests with
                  sundry people. At six feet four inches and a professional boxer, the giant Amin once challenged the diminutive Tanzanian president Julius
                  Nyerere to a boxing contest at a time the two countries' relations were strained. The dictator offered to enter the ring with Nyerere with
                  one of his arms tied behind him. Nyerere wisely rejected the offer. Then Amin remarked that if Nyerere had been a woman, he (Amin)
                  would marry him as he was beautiful. Later Amin attacked and annexed Tanzania's Kagera region, claiming (rightly) that it was
                  Ugandan territory which colonialists had transferred to Tanzania. That move marked the start of the dictator's exit, as Nyerere mobilised
                  Ugandan exiles, gave them troops, arms and training, and they launched a campaign which ousted Amin. He was a polygamist with five

                  At one time he divorced three of them in a single announcement on national radio. After wedding one of them, Amin repeated the
                  ceremony for the benefit of OAU presidents who met in Kampala. He had one of them murdered for loving another man. Her
                  dismembered body was found in the boot of her lover's car. That same day the lover was found dead too. Big Daddy, as the West
                  preferred calling him, was a promiscuous man who severally suffered with sexually transmitted diseases. It is said that while serving
                  with the Kings African Rifles (KAR) in Kenya, he once run naked through the streets of Nakuru town after being found in bed with a
                  colleague's wife. Recently The Telegraph of London wrote that the ex-dictator eats 40 oranges a day to keep up his sex power. He lives
                  in a plush suburb in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and spends much of his time reading the Quoran, cruising around in convertible BMWs and
                  Mercedes Benzes, and swimming. He conferred a doctorate of law on himself from Makerere University, declared himself a field
                  marshal and life president of Uganda. He also awarded himself various titles like MC, VSO, CBE (Conqueror of the British Empire).

                  While his coup was supported by Israel, the CIA and the British government which were unhappy with Dr. Obote's socialist leanings,
                  Amin later fell in bed with fellow Muslim states and he became a leading critic of Western imperialism and Israel Zionism. He supported
                  Palestinians to hijack a planeful of Israelis and kept the hostages at Entebbe. They were, however, rescued by Israeli commandos in a
                  daring operation in which several Ugandan soldiers (and Israel Premier Benjamin Netanyahu's brother) were killed. Amin's men later
                  murdered an elderly hostage who had been transferred to hospital for treatment at the time the Israelites made the rescue mission.
                  Amin's first task in office was to purge the army of all officers and men who were from the same ethnic group as Dr. Obote whom he
                  had overthrown. He was afraid that they could plot a counter-coup against him. His favoured methods were disappearances of
                  individuals, many of whose bodies were later recovered floating on the River Nile. Many others just discovered without trace.

                  Henry Kyemba, who served as Amin's principal private secretary and Health Minister before fleeing the country for Britain, says "Amin
                  never knew anything about how a government is run. He could not write and he had problems reading. So it was very hard to work with
                  him." Amin never had any formal education. But in 1946 he joined the colonial army called the King's African Rifles (KAR) as a trainee
                  cook. Because of his towering physique, he was later recruited into the army. He learnt and excelled in rugby and boxing, which
                  endeared him to the English army officers. He cut his murderous teeth in Kenya where he was deployed with the KAR to fight Kenyan
                  Mau Mau movement that was fighting for independence from Britain. Amin, who commanded a section of fighters, was said to be
                  especially ruthless. That earned him marks among the colonial army, so much so that by the time Uganda got independence in 1962, he
                  was one of only two Ugandan commissioned officers.

                  Dr. Obote (as prime minister) sent Amin to then Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) to help the rebels who were fighting
                  against Moshe Tshombe and Mobutu Sese Seko. In return the rebels gave Amin gold and ivory, riches that Amin and the Premier
                  shared, and their friendship blossomed. And Amin became army chief. When he captured power, Amin promised to hand over to
                  civilians shortly, saying being head of state was not the work for military men. But he must have found the seat too sweet, as he stayed
                  on until April 11 1979 when a combined force of the Tanzanian army and Ugandan fighting forces kicked him out of Kampala. President
                  Yoweri Museveni, who never seems to tire of talking ill against Amin (and Obote) said early this year that Amin has called Sate House
                  Kampala three times seeking an audience with him (Museveni) but it has been refused. It is not clear what the ex-dictator has on his
                  mind that he wants to tell Museveni. But the whole world is now convinced he has no more interests in being president.
Well, what we know
           Is not what they tell us;
           We're not ignorant, I mean it,
           And they just cannot touch us;
           Through the powers of the Most-I (shoobe
           We keep on surfacin' ;
           Thru the powers of the Most-I ,
           We keep on survivin'.

4784 Postings, 8442 Tage C.Webb4Parallelen... o.T.

26.12.01 12:47

72 Postings, 8418 Tage Ulfie2bist hier wohl falsch, Rasta !

26.12.01 12:52
Zeigen sich hier die Auswirkungen permanenter Vibrationen
auf Deinen zelebralen Kortex ?

Frohe Weihnachten !

9161 Postings, 9116 Tage hjw2irgendwie eichelartig das Ganze.. o.T.

26.12.01 13:01

2573 Postings, 8621 Tage josua1123Rasta

26.12.01 13:05
Wer Sch...t sich drum


34698 Postings, 8802 Tage DarkKnightDanke! Was besinnliches zu Weihnachten

26.12.01 13:40
ist immer gut.

Ich habe fast alles verstanden, nur eine Frage: was ist der Sinn des Begriffs "Arschlöcher"?  

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