Hanwha SolarOne - neuer Name, bessere Zukunkft?
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am Drücker. Die Aktie war ne Zeit lang sehr Volatil...und jetzt
ist sie Tot. Fällt nur noch. Jetzt muss man auf die Ergebnisse aus Q4 warten und hoffen das es wieder anzieht. Sonst muss man noch länger
die Geschichte hier aussitzen..mfg
Es fällt jeden Tag mehr und mehr. ..
Schon wieder knapp -10%
für Institunelle sind?! Und zur Verbesserung der Produktion?
Oder irre ich?
voher auch Überaus Volatil gewesen. Nun versucht Hanwha kosten zu sparen. Macht euch keine
Gedanken...es wird nächstes Jahr nachhaltig steigen...und sie wird Explodieren da
sie komplett neu Bewertet werden muss...also Frohes Fest
The panels are scheduled to be delivered this month and in February to the solar farm in Norfolk, eastern England, Hanwha SolarOne said today in a statement. Ikaros plans to connect the project to the grid by the end of March. sagt bloomberg
der absolute Renner heute mit plus 13,7% geht gerade wieder runter
Since the third-quarter conference call, the company has issued six news releases summing up some 330MW of contracts and projects, most notably with 213MW Chinese corporations, a record activity, compared to none for the prior 11 months. On December 2nd news came out, this time about the credit agreement from Bank of Beijing issuing $574M credit facility to the company. I quote Chief Financial Officer of Hanwha SolarOne Mr. Jay Seo's words about this event: "This is an important component to support our emphasis on a strengthening downstream business in China. We currently have 250MW in our pipeline. We expect to build up our EPC competency and project track record and develop an IPP business, including through strategic partnerships in China now under active discussion." That portfolio of 250MW came to me as a surprise. Then I found Ki-Joon Hong's statement, Chairman and CEO, who said the following in prepared remarks during the third-quarter conference: "We will for sure enhance profitability with a focus on expansion in high-end markets including the EU residential as top segment, exploit first-mover advantage in Japan and also higher price segment of U.S. market."
Ki-Joon Hong continued with the 2014 strategy: "Strengthen PV downstream business in China, our EPC competence and develop IPP business with consolidation through our alliance with strategic partners. Differentiate from Chinese peers with high-quality, low-cost production driven by increased manufacturing automation and cooperation with Q-CELLS. Develop market initiatives in Hanwha growth, leveraging the long-term reliability, network and revenue." The news on December 4th about Strategic Partnership MOU with Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology to Develop Downstream Opportunities in China, gave the full meaning of the transformation, including a 150MW module supply from Hanwha.
If considering other points of the strategy, Hanwha is certainly delivering a different momentum in the last 40 days. Certainly, I expect the company to have the highest deliveries to Japan out of the peer group, followed by large (for them) contributions to the US and South Korea during Q4. ......
with those December releases and the fact of Hanwha's mother backing, and now Chinese banks, SolarOne is becoming a lot more attractive at its current price, particularly when altered into an independent power producer. most are completely oblivious to the list of improvements spelled out for Q4 by management. Those include shipments in the area of 380MW, where I hope for 400MW, gross margins' expansion and average selling prices supporting at least the same $0.68 per watt (and absolute price per watt shipped at $0.61 including OEM service). Finally, cost reduction and manufacturing efficiencies for wafers and cells with the introduction of new, E STAR II cell technology, reportedly improves average module efficiency by 3 to 5W and reduces silver paste intake by some 45%. With some 15 grams of silver per average 60-cell panel the cost reduction could be up to $0.04 per watt, something which could help with results in Q1, 2014. I also hope for less OEM and more third-party sales during Q4, while having as much as 100MW shipments domestically in China. More than half, 63MW, were confirmed with China Huaneng Group on December 10 and Jiangsu Zhongtian on December 11.
Of course, Hanwha is not going to hit profitability any time soon. Yet the realization of the above conditions could suddenly accelerate HSOL, something which is not yet palpable.
For the past two years, Hanwha SolarOne has consistently supplied high-quality modules to a number of large-scale solar parks realized by ib vogt. These include several projects in the United Kingdom, such as the 9.8 MW Manston PV park in Kent, the 6.2 MW Langunnett PV park in Cornwall, a 5 MW PV park in Wellow on the Isle of Wight, and a 5 MW PV park in Oving, West Sussex. In addition to these projects, Hanwha SolarOne has also supplied 9.5 MW of solar modules to ib vogt, which they used in the Thunpadel solarpark in Lower Saxony, Germany.
..Hanwha SolarOne successfully delivered the first batch of HSL-60 modules in December 2013 and will complete the total shipment early in the first quarter of 2014. HSL-60 modules, characterized by excellent performance and extended durability, are backed by a 12 year workmanship warranty and a 25 year linear performance warranty.
15. Januar 2014
Der Modulhersteller will vom Photovoltaik-Boom in China profitieren. Hanwha Solar One hat dazu eine Absichtserklärung über eine strategische Partnerschaft im Projektgeschäft mit HTR geschlossen.
Hanwha Solar One Co., Ltd. und die Shanghai HuiTianRan Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (HTR) haben eine Absichtserklärung unterzeichnet, dass sie langfristig im Photovoltaik-Downstream-Bereich kooperieren wollen. Die Zusammenarbeit solle über die bereits bestehende Projektgesellschaft von HTR erfolgen, teilte der chinesische Modulhersteller mit. Die Projektgesellschaft betreibe HTR als Joint Venture mit dem staatlichen Energieversorger SOE. Außerdem planten beide Unternehmen ein eigenes Gemeinschaftsunternehmen zu gründen, dass im Photovoltaik-EPC-Geschäft aktiv werden solle, hieß es weiter. Der endgültige Vertrag über die strategische Partnerschaft solle innerhalb der kommenden 60 Tage unterzeichnet werden.
Die nun unterzeichnete Absichtserklärung beinhalte weiter, dass HTR in seinen geplanten Photovoltaik-Projekten mit einer Gesamtleistung von 700 Megawatt Solarmodule von Hanwha Solar One installieren oder den Modulhersteller als EPC-Serviceanbieter auswählen werde, hieß es. Bei der Kooperation gehe es sowohl um kommerzielle als auch private Dachanlagen. Aus Sicht von Hanwha Solar One wird die Kooperation den Ausbau des eigenen Projektgeschäfts wesentlich beschleunigen. Insgesamt sehe das Photovoltaik-Unternehmen ein Potenzial im Downstream-Bereich von 950 Megawatt in China, sagte Finanzvorstand Jay Seo.
Erst Anfang Dezember unterzeichnet Hanwha Solar One bereits eine ähnliche Absichtserklärung über eine langfristige Partnerschaft mit der Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Co., Ltd („ZTT“). In diesem Fall geht es um die gemeinsame Realisierung von Photovoltaik-Projekten mit einer Gesamtleistung von 150 Megawatt in der chinesischen Provinz Jiangsu, bei denen auch Module von Hanwha Solar One installiert werden sollen."
Read more: http://www.pv-magazine.de/nachrichten/details/...13728/#ixzz2qSx4BGvg
Ich denke ,dass die letzte Meldung über 700 MW MoU noch gar nicht richtig eingespeist wurde,aber sollte der Report Mitte Februar kommen und positiv sein ,dann gibts einen richtigen Short Sqeeze
Komplette Liste der von China geförderten PV-Hersteller
Platz 29.
Höchstkurs 2010 12 september bei 12.18$
....seit dem letzten Report hat die Firma 330MW neuer Aufträge und Projekte veröffentlicht davon 213MW in China,eine Rekord Aktivität verglichen mit den 11 Monten zuvor.A. 2.Dezember erhielten sie $574M credit facility von der Bank in Peking.Der CFO Mr. Jay Seo
sagte dazu,dass sie das Downstream Business ausbauen werden.Sie hätten jetzt 250MW in der Pipeline und beabsichtigen strategische Partnerschaften in China.
Die Strategic Partnership MOU mit Jiangsu Zhongtian Technologyzur Entwicklung von Downstream Opportunities in China wurde am 4.Dezember bekannt gegeben inclusive 150MW von Hanwha
Am 15.Januar haben Hanwha Solar One Co., Ltd. und die Shanghai HuiTianRan Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (HTR) haben eine Absichtserklärung unterzeichnet, dass sie langfristig im Photovoltaik-Downstream-Bereich kooperieren wollen. Die nun unterzeichnete Absichtserklärung beinhalte weiter, dass HTR in seinen geplanten Photovoltaik-Projekten mit einer Gesamtleistung von 700 Megawatt Solarmodule von Hanwha Solar One installieren oder den Modulhersteller als EPC-Serviceanbieter auswählen werde,
The company announced that it has signed a MOU with the Shanghai HuiTianRan Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. The company said that the intention of signing this MOU is to create a very string and long term strategic-partnership to co-operate in the Photovoltaic downstream business. They will be able to leverage the exiting JV project company that HTR has with a massive state-owned electric-power company. These 2 companies also aim to in combination establish a Joint venture company via which they will develop and also construct Photovoltaic power-plant projects.
HTR intends to use the photovoltaic modules that have been manufactured by Hanwha Solarone Co Ltd (NASDAQ:HSOL) in their 700 MW power-plant projects. Alternatively, Hanwha Solarone Co Ltd (NASDAQ:HSOL) might be selected to be the EPC service-supplier for these same projects. In addition, HTR will identify commercial as well as residential roof-top resources. These 2 companies intend to enter into the definitive strategic cooperation-agreement within 60-days post the signing of this Memorandum of understanding.
The Chief Financial Officer of Hanwha Solarone Co Ltd (NASDAQ:HSOL), Mr. Jay Seo the head of the company’s downstream business said that this MOU with Shanghai HuiTianRan Investment Holding Group provides some added impetus to the company’s increasing down-stream activities in the country. Mr. Seo said that the company continues to build their track record and their project profiled in the EPC. They plan to involve themselves in some IPP development as well as ownership as they move forth. He said that the company has now identified the downstream business-potential of 950 megawatts in China through this & some other recently-announced agreements. Hanwha Solarone Co Ltd (NASDAQ:HSOL) is 1 of the top-10 PV module manufacturers across the globe. It provides high quality, cost competitive photovoltaic modules.
“I know very well the cost structure of the Chinese players and our cost structure in Malaysia is very similar,” Kim said today in a phone interview. The Malaysian plant is currently being expanded to 1.1 gigawatts of capacity.
Hanwha, also producing in Thalheim, Germany, will focus on selling in “premium” markets in Europe and Japan and develop and sell power plants worldwide to raise profitability, he said. ......Hanwha Q-Cells, expecting Japan to add 6 gigawatts of solar panels this year and China at least 10 gigawatts to raise world demand by 20 percent, is seeking to boost module sales in Japan from last year’s 250 megawatts, he said. It plans to develop 100 megawatts of solar plants in Japan, from 30 megawatts last year.
The company expects to develop as much as 200 megawatts of solar-power plants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico this year, he said. Hanwha Q-Cells “will soon announce” the details of a U.K. project already under construction, Kim said.