Haldane McCall PLC erzielt € 5,88 Millionen Gewinn
Seite 18 von 158 Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:03 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 20.02.13 11:38 | von: Mark Trader | Anzahl Beiträge: | 4.93 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 00:03 | von: Annazvwca | Leser gesamt: | 331.602 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 242 | |
Bewertet mit: | ||||
Seite: < 1 | ... | 15 | 16 | 17 | | 19 | 20 | 21 | ... 158 > |
Wenn ja dann kauf mal bitte 1 Aktie bestens.
Dieses - 19 % nervt ja gewaltig
Wenn ich könnte würde ich mich sogar weiter eindecken.
Also ruhig bleiben und auf weitere News warten.
hier Auszug:
Why does the Company have a German listing?
Based on this strategic measure HMK has multiple access to capital, in return offers investors transparency based on the practices and report requirements for regular reporting. As HMK plans to upgrade to the Entry Standard segment these report requirements will increase. By starting in the Open Market segment HMK offers interested investors a method of trading shares in an early stage. In general HMKs management prefers mid- to long-term shareholder relations as a partnership, where both parties are benefiting from capital input and operational results. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange has been our choice in Europe as an established organization and a significant number of small medium enterprises matching our set-up. On the business side the Company itself intents to start acquisitions and operations in the near future in Germany, too.
Momentan, so habe ich den Eindruck, wird mit dem getrade der Leitindizes zu viel Geld verdient ;-).
und ich kaufe mir ne Aktie
ich konnte die -18 nicht sehen!
wir sind wieder in + !!!
es geht weiter, aber nicht mehr mit großen Sprüngen wie gestern oder vorgestern !!!
Dabei ist dieser Kurs meiner Ansicht noch günstig.
Und sollten nächste Woche tatsächlich die nächsten News kommen, werden viele rückblickend sagen: wäre ich man bei 0,60 eingestiegen.
Was erwartet uns denn demnächst?
Listing in Frankfurt
Listing in Berlin
Q2 Zahlen
Alles potentielle Hammer-News !!!
Hab ich doch richtig belesen, oder? Der Prospekt ist da. Seite 11. Ausgabe der neuen Aktien Anfang Juli
The Offering concerns (aldane McCall PLC􏰀s 􏰁􏰂,000,000 new common shares. The expected issue date of the securities is seven days after BaFin approves this Prospectus. The Prospectus is expected to be approved by BaFin on June 28th 2013 and will be published immediately after approval, at latest on July 01st 2013. Therefore the Offer Period is expected to start on July 02nd 2013 and will last for one year. During this time the shares are sold over the exchange. There is no book building period and therefore, withdrawal of the subscription is technically impossible. The Offer Period can be shortened by the issuer arbitrarily without any reasons, even if the Offer over the exchange has already started.
assuming a purchase price per share of € 􏰅.􏰁􏰆 and that all 20,000,000 new shares are placed the gross issue proceeds obtained by the company will be € 􏰁􏰆,􏰂􏰂􏰂,􏰂􏰂􏰂. After deducting € 250,000 in expenses for the offering the Company would obtain net proceeds of € 24,750,000