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2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrLöschung

21.10.09 16:13

Zeitpunkt: 14.05.14 11:16
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Thread geschlossen
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrThe flagship-property Saskatchewan

21.10.09 16:16

Saskatchewan - Border



The Border Property is Goldsource Mines’ flagship with 128,352 hectares in coal permits which focus on a recent coal discovery.  Exploration drilling of geophysical targets in 2008 revealed the potential for a major coal deposit. The Company is currently in the process of delineation drilling which will hopefully lead to a resource estimation and preliminary assessment.  Other targets are also being investigated as potential coal basins outside of the main 2008 discovery area.

Location and Property

The Border Property is located on the eastern edge of central Saskatchewan. Several world-class mining districts and mineral deposits already exist in Saskatchewan, including a high-grade uranium deposit, the world’s largest potash reserve and diamondiferous kimberlites.  Saskatchewan has a history of resource development and is open to mining.

The Border Property is situated along the Durango Coal Trend, which continues to the southeast and northwest of the property. Infrastructure around the Border Property is excellent. The town of Hudson Bay is located 45 km south and with approximately 2000 inhabitants and includes a skilled labor force.  Both Provincial Highway 9 and a CN railroad line transect the property and are within 5 km of the coal zone discoveries.  A 230kv power line is located 70 kilometres north and water resources are present.  

The property is comprised of 183 coal permits and measures approximately 35 by 35 kilometres in size or over 128,352 hectares.  Goldsource Mines Inc. has a 100% interest in the project.


In April 2008 while drilling geophysical anomalies for diamonds, Goldsource Mines Inc. intersected approximately 23 metres of coal in two discovery drill holes, 1.6 kilometres apart.  Both returned significant intervals of high volatile bituminous B to sub-bituminous C thermal coal in the Chemong target area.  

In the summer of 2008, a total of 9 core holes (including 2 twins of the April 2008 holes) were drilled as follow-up to earlier results in the Chemong area.  Coal zone intercepts were encountered in 7 of the holes. The most significant “continuous” coal zone intervals were found in;  hole BD08-05, (with approximately 36 metres of dull to bright coal with minor coal partings), and hole BD08-06, (with 24 metres of similar visual coal characteristics).  

A 2009 winter program was planned to follow-up on the 2008 drilling.  From January to March 2009 this drill program has been underway and successful in further delineating the Chemong area targets as well as identifying new areas of coal occurrence.  The Pasquia area, which extends north of the Chemong, has returned very encouraging results, particularly around 2008 holes BD08-2 and BD08-5.  Further work is required to fully understand the lateral extent of this area.

Geologic Setting

The Durango Trend is a term coined by Goldsource Mines Inc. to identify a NW to SE trending zone of similar geology containing geophysical signatures indicative of basinal settings conducive to coal deposition.  The Durango Trend continues from Lac Longe, Saskatchewan to Dauphin, Manitoba and is approximately 600 km in length.  Goldsource has completed coal applications and acquired coal permits along this trend to establish exploration projects, of which the Border project is the most advanced.   

Deposit Geology

Geologically, the setting for coal deposition is currently assumed to have formed in fresh water to marine estuarine environment similar to that seen in the present day Florida everglades with low-velocity water flow (low energy environment) and with vegetation accumulation into basins, sub-basins and troughs during the Cretaceous Period. For example, a continuous coal zone interval of approximately 36 metres represents potentially 300 metres of vegetation which accumulated over millions of years.  Vegetative environment of this sort are influenced by both marine and fluvial variations.   

The stratigraphy of the project area is comprised of Cretaceous Lower Colorado and Mannville Group rocks overlain by glacial till and muskeg. Faulting has been recognized in drill core and its relationship, (if any) to sub-basin distribution is being investigated.

Regional geology and geophysics, suggests several large structural lows or sub-basins occur within the project area.  From the holes drilled to date, a number of the broader sub&#8208;basins appear to be discrete features containing significant coal zones commonly greater than 30 metres with their limits defined by underlying Devonian limestone. The paleo-surface of the underlying Devonian limestone continues to be a critical factor in defining the sub-basins.  Sub-basins with greater coal zone extent are interpreted to be deeper and/or open ended and to have endured sustained low energy environment overtime.


Coal zones are defined as zones saturated in carbonaceous components and are comprised of both coal and coally intervals.  Coal analyses are carried out on all coal zone sections to determine coal quality.

Coal samples from core drilling received thus far have returned results indicating good quality thermal coal exists which ranges from sub-bituminous C to bituminous C in rank. The coal ranges in calorific value from 20,640 kj/kg (8,874 Btu/lb) to 23,358 kj/kg (10,042 Btu/lb) on a “dry” basis. Coal samples tested from 2008 drilling have  raw ash values ranging from 11.4 % to 18.7 % and moisture contents from 24.8 % to 37.9% on an “as received basis”. Once air dried, the moisture contents drop significantly to as low as 4%. This decrease in moisture can positively impact the calorific value and marketability of the coal for various potential markets.

Within the coal zone other intervals of carbonaceous or coally material have ash contents greater than 25%.  These intervals may be amenable to upgrading through washing.  The Company is still awaiting the results of further washability tests.  Preliminary washability tests, completed by Loring Labs on the two discovery hole samples in 2008, indicated the potential to significantly upgrade the quality of all of the coal by reducing the ash and sulphur content.  Ultimate analyses by Loring on select coal samples show that much of the sulphur is inorganic in nature and therefore potentially amenable to reduction in the washing process.

The Free Swelling Index (FSI) tests received to date, that may be an indication of potential coking coal characteristics, did not produce any positive results. However, as only 11 holes have been analyzed to date in the permit area, potential still exists to find coal with coking characteristics.


The Company completed an airborne geophysical survey of the area in 2006 for diamond exploration and has re-processed the 5,700 line kilometres of EM geophysical data in an effort to delineate the aerial extent and the thickness of potential coal zone occurences.

The relationship of the geology, the sub&#8208;basins and the apparent deposition of the coal encountered to date is somewhat more complex than first anticipated but the current drill results, airborne geophysics and down&#8208;hole geophysics are being utilized to develop a comprehensive geological and geophysical model defining the lateral continuity of the coal zone and stratigraphy within the discovery areas. 

The Company is also investigating the application of other cost-effective geophysical tools including seismic techniques to further define the coal seam and the paleo-surface of the underlying Devonian limestones which is believed to be one of the controlling factors in the deposition of the coal.


The 2009 winter drill programme commenced in January with the installation of a 36 man camp and the completion of road access to drill sites.  Approximately 75 km of access routes were completed to the Chemong, Pasquia, Split Leaf and Red River North target areas.   Three diamond drills were contracted to complete this approximately 75 day programme.

A total of 58 holes (7,000 metres) were originally planned to be completed from January to late March.  Of these, thirty nine holes were planned to delineate the Chemong and Pasquia areas for  possible resource estimation.    An additional 15 holes were planned to test the Split Leaf (North and South) and Red River North targets within the 132,000 hectare project area.

As of mid-March 2009, a total of 70 core holes (approximately 9,200 metres) have been completed, with efforts concentrated largely on understanding the extent of coal zone intersections found in discovery holes BD08&#8208;03, BD08-05and BD08&#8208;06.  Significant coal zone intervals were also found in hole BD09&#8208;20 (with approximately 50.9 metres of dull to bright coal with minor partings) and hole BD09&#8208;22 (with 47.0 metres of similar visual coal characteristics).  Both of these holes were step out holes to test a specific geophysical target, approximately 2500 metres to the south and west of the BD08&#8208;03 discovery hole.

A series of -50&#730;angle holes (BD09-29, 34, 40, 43 and 47) were drilled from the BD08-03 and BD08-06 discovery hole sites in the Chemong area. Hole BD09-40 drilled at 010 degrees azimuth from BD08-03 and encountered 115.7 metres of combined dull to bright coal within an approximately 132.6 metre (est. 100.0 metres true thickness) coal zone with partings. Hole BD09-34 drilled 250 degrees azimuth from BD08-03 and encountered 72.9 metres of continuous dull to bright coal within an approximately 72.9 metre (est. 55 metre true thickness) coal zone with minor partings. Hole BD09-43 drilled 155 degrees azimuth from BD08-06 and encountered 28.5 metres of combined dull to bright coal within an approximately 54.2 metre (est. 41 metres true thickness) coal zone with partings.

The Pasquia area extends to the north of the Chemong area for approximately 6 kilometers and covers at least 2 interpreted sub-basins.  Recent drilling here has found potential coal zone continuity over an open-ended area of approximately 1square kilometre in the BD09-05 area where a 36.05 coal zone had been encountered in that hole.  Importantly, Hole BD09&#8208;41 intercepted thick coal intervals of 25.5 metres of continuous dull to bright coal within an approximately 35.3 metre coal zone including partings.  As of mid-March, drilling continued to determine the limits of this particular sub-basin with holes BD09- 32, 36, 37, 42, 45 and 46 drilled as step-outs to BD08-05Hole BD09-37 intersected a 43.3 metre coal zone including a 21.5 metre interval of combined dull to bright coal as well as an underlying 10.9 metre coal zone.  Further work is required to further define this area.

Hole BD09-30 located near BD08-02 intercepted two coal zones measuring 34.8 and 21.4 metres respectively for a combined thickness of 56.2 metre of dull to bright coal.  The area around BD08-02 represents the second basin in the Pasquia area again measuring approximately 1 sq. km.

Core samples of coal zone intervals have been continuously sent to Loring Labs for analyses to determine coal quality and characteristics.  

A new coal discovery was recently made in the Split&#8208;Leaf target area.  Two sub-basins are interpreted (Split Leaf North and South) in this area and have been drilled during the 2009 Winter Programme.  Encouraging results were returned from holes BD09-39, 41 and 43.  

Through additional drilling, Goldsource has increased its understanding of the geological and depositional settings of the coal at the Border project.  Data compilation and geological modeling will follow the 2009 winter program and this work will contribute to resource estimations going forward.   

Exploration Objectives

Powder River Basin (Peabody Energy)- 20 metres of coal,  Border Property has 100 metres of coal

From the holes drilled to date, the sub-basins appear to be comprised of discrete features containing exceptional coal zone intervals of up to approximately 100 metres thick with their limits defined by certain geophysical signatures and the underlying Devonian limestone. It is believed that the contours of underlying Devonian limestone continue to be a critical factor in defining the sub-basins and this information is being used to target other areas of potential coal deposition at Border and the Company’s other properties.

Goldsource’s objective for the remainder of 2009 at Border is to complete a resource estimate and continue to identify additional priority areas that may contain significant quantities of coal. Depending on the results of resource estimation, a Preliminary Assessment may be completed. 

2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrSharestructur

21.10.09 16:17
 Day Low:2.230
Stock Information Provided by
              Yahoo Finance



Stock Options Outstanding:


Warrants Outstanding


Shares Issued, fully diluted:


As of June 30, 2009



2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrRT-Chart

21.10.09 16:30

2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgr...

21.10.09 19:08

"""""J. Scott Drever, President stated, “Since the discovery of this unique coal field 16 months ago, we have
explored only a small portion of the 1300 square kilometre property with 115 drill holes. We have been
rewarded with 15 different deposits in five separate sub basins that contain coal thicknesses averaging
approximately 25 metres and have coal intervals ranging up to 100 metres in true thickness. To put this
in perspective, many coal mines in North America are based on coal seams only a few metres thick
and our average thickness is roughly the height of an eight story building
. The primary objective for
our continued exploration efforts has been to identify priority areas that potentially contain sufficient
coal resources that may be economically developed. We believe we have been extraordinarily
successful in achieving that objective and most of our land holdings are yet to be explored.”"""""



2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgr....

21.10.09 20:29

Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009
According to McCloskey Group, export prices rose 45 cents to an average of USD 64.05 a ton in the week ended October 16th 2009.

Mr Andrew Wells assistant editor at McCloskey said that the week was very quiet. He speculated that buyers may be waiting for the October 25th 2009 to October 27th 2009 Coaltrans coal conference in London to get a better feel for the market.

Mr Sabine Schels a New York based analyst with Bank of America Merrill Lynch wrote in a report dated October 16th 2009 that prices at Richards Bay have dropped 39% over the past 12 months as companies cut output and jobs to deal with the worst recession since World War II. The coal market outlook should improve significantly.

Richards Bay Coal Terminal shipped 22% less of the fuel in September than a year earlier. Exports decreased to 4.16 million tonnes from 5.32 million tonnes. At its September shipment rate, the port will export 57.6 million tonnes of coal this year as compared with capacity of 76 million tonnes and shipments of 61.79 million tonnes last year.

The volume exported from Newcastle in the week dropped to 1.92 million tonnes from 2.01 million tonnes a week earlier. Nineteen ships, waiting to load 1.44 million tonnes of coal, were outside the harbor, down from 25 vessels.


2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgr..wie lange noch bis NI?

24.10.09 15:21

Die Zeit läuft,der NI43-101 kann jederzeit kommen.

Ich denke das wir den NI in der kommenden Woche allerspätestens in der übernächsten Woche sehen werden.

Ich denke das könnte mit diesen beiden Terminen zusammenhängen.


October 26, 2009
British Columbia - Saskatchewan Minerals Investment Forum 2009
Embassy of Canada in Tokyo; Embassy Theatre, Level B2
Tokyo, Japan

October 29, 2009
British Columbia - Saskatchewan Minerals Investment Forum 2009
KOTRA IKP Center; Lecture Room 1
Seoul, Korea




Ist aber nur meine Meinung und keine Kauf,-bzw. Verkaufsempfehlung

2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgr..Auszug aus.....

27.10.09 09:54




Goldsource Mines (TSX.V: GSX) in 2008 sent a buzz through the investing world with a stock that shot from $0.30 to about $19 per share before getting hosed down by a combination of recession and surprising drill results. While drilling for diamonds in eastern Saskatchewan, the company happened upon a 30 metre coal intercept that overnight changed Goldsource into a coal company and the region into a hub of exploration activity. This month, Goldsource completed the final eight holes of the summer phase of drilling at its wholly-owned Border Project Border, located near Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan, Canada.

The drilling encountered 23 to 50 metre coal intercepts.

A total of twenty core holes, totalling approximately 3,267 metres, were drilled during the summer programme. The most significant coal intervals occurred in the Niska sub-basin. All holes drilled in this phase were designed to test new targets outside the original discovery area.

The company said that drilling to date has discovered 15 coal deposits at Border with excellent potential for additional coal discoveries. Each is a coal deposit in its own right, some measuring greater than a kilometer across.

Goldsource maintains that Border has the potential to be a world class mine and is targeting 500 million to 1 billion tonnes high quality thermal coal (low ash<15%, moderate sulphur <2%, high BTU’s >9,000). The company remains conservative with all its numbers: The initial reports in 2008 caused a wave of speculation and elevated the stock price well beyond expectations. That said, if Goldsource was able to raise $18 million at $11.75 per share in difficult times (June 27, 2008!), I’m comfortable its present price.

While the Border project is young, the company is toying with several options, including  producing high quality thermal coal for export and coal liquefaction. Additionally, the coal mined would be of a higher quality than that produced in the south of Saskatchewan, and could therefore be sold to power producers in the province and neighboring provinces and states with coal burning power generators.

Other aspects of Goldsource that should be attractive to investors:

  • Undiluted stock, with 19 million shares out.
  • Cash in the bank: The company raised $18 million when the market cap was higher.
  • Management: The management team is in the process of putting a gold-silver mine into production in Mexico (SilverCrest Mines). They know what they’re doing. We’ve watched them raise funds favorably on more than one occasion. They follow through.
  • Excellent infrastructure: Deposit adjacent to railway, highway and service communities.
  • Government support: We have spoken with the mayor of the nearby town of Hudson Bay. She was effusive about the project.
  • Aggressive exploration: The company planned $5 – $6M winter drill hole program (commenced Q1-2009) – COMPLETE;  Targeting 2009 NI 43-101 Technical Report and preliminary scoping study.
  • Room for expansion: The project is less than 10% explored; the company has consistently expanded the resource since discovery & owns more land in the region.

Now that the company has a clearer idea of the nature of this deposit, it is proceeding with completing a scoping study and initial resource estimate for the Border project, along with additional drilling in the area and at the Ballantyne project.


Many resource companies (and investors) celebrated last week as Mongolia’s new government made sensible changes permitting projects to move ahead, pumping new energy into public companies operating in that country. With these events, some coal companies have seen large gains in their respective stock markets; many have not yet realized gains.

2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgrinteressantes Video zu GXS und dem Border-Projekt

27.10.09 09:56

1772 Postings, 5661 Tage male2009@Hräswelgr

28.10.09 15:02
Hi, hast Du eine Ahnung, warum die Aktie so eingebrochen ist? Ich bin da nicht wirklich im Bilde, vielleicht weisst du ja genaueres??


2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgr....

28.10.09 23:54
Ich denke das hat 2 Gründe.

1. die allg. Marktlage da hat fast jeder Explorer Federn gelassen.

2. die Verzögerungen des NI43-101,es waren wohl zu viele Zocker drin die nun ungeduldig geworden sind

Fundamental hat sich nichts geändert.Management weilt noch mind. bis 29.10. (eher 30.) in Asien.(siehe Post 9)
Ich glaube nicht das die so ne aufwändige Asien-Tour machen wenn sie nix in der Hand hätten.

Aber alles nur meine Meinung.

1772 Postings, 5661 Tage male2009ok, danke Dir....

29.10.09 15:54
für die schnelle Antwort. :-)

Na, dann warten wir mal ab, was die nächsten Tage so kommt.


11094 Postings, 6381 Tage sirusmale

29.10.09 15:58
bei den aussagen von hräswelgr wäre ich vorsichtig siehe gmg-thread  

2996 Postings, 6166 Tage IceRipperLöschung

29.10.09 21:48

Zeitpunkt: 29.10.09 23:16
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Unterstellung - bitte ebenfalls unterlassen



187 Postings, 5991 Tage mge3News!

30.10.09 09:53

Goldsource Receives Manitoba Permits;
Updates Border Technical Report Status
TSX-V: GXS FWB: G5M For Immediate Release


VANCOUVER, B.C. October 30, 2009 – Goldsource Mines Inc. (“Goldsource” or the “Company”) is pleased to report that it has
received  8  Quarry  permits  from  the  Manitoba  Science,  Technology,  Energy  and  Mines  Branch  totalling  approximately
44,670 hectares. The issuance of the permits is in response to the Company's applications that have been outstanding for up
to 14 months.  The Company is now in a position to proceed with its planned exploration programs in Manitoba.
Following  its major  coal  discovery  at  the  Border  Property  in  Saskatchewan  in  the  spring  of  2008, Goldsource  carried  out
research of various Manitoba databases and identified a number of reported coal occurrences in west-central Manitoba. The
Company subsequently carried out airborne geophysical surveys over selected areas to better define potential coal bearing
sub-basins using  the Company’s proprietary  geophysical  signatures developed  at  the nearby Border Project.  The historical
data  reported several coal occurrences within  the Cretaceous Mannville Group  ranging  in  thickness  from 1  to 20 metres at
depths of 14 to 90 metres below surface. The Company drilled five reconnaissance holes on private land in late 2008, which
confirmed  the  historical  data  in  certain  areas.  The  Company  is making  applications  for  a  winter  exploration  program  of
approximately 20 drill holes  that will  further confirm  the extent of  the Manitoba coal deposits and provide  information on
coal quality. 
Border Technical Report Status:
The  NI  43-101  Technical  Report  being  prepared  by  independent  Qualified  Persons  for  the  Border  Project  is  nearing
completion. This report will include resource estimations for the Border Property and provide quality characteristics for each
of the 15 coal deposits discovered to date in the Border Property. The report had been expected to be completed by the end
of  the  third  quarter,  however,  the  addition  of  the  late  summer  drill  results  and  proximate  laboratory  analysis  delayed
compilation  of  the  coal  quality  estimations  for  each  deposit.  Goldsource  will  announce  the  resource  estimations  and
compiled coal quality data as soon as they are available and is required to file the NI 43-101 Technical Report within 45 days
after that announcement.
The  Company  is  currently  making  plans  to  drill  additional  high  priority  targets  this  winter  on  the  Border  Property.
Environmental  permitting  is  being  completed  to  implement  initial  drilling  of  targets  identified  by  recent  Fugro  airborne
geophysics on the Company’s Ballantyne property in Saskatchewan and on the Manitoba properties.


2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrLöschung

30.10.09 13:27

Zeitpunkt: 01.11.09 12:09
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - bitte Signatur ändern und unterstellende/diffamierende Äußerung entfernen bzgl. anderer Thread-user, Post ist ansonsten i.O.



5101 Postings, 6272 Tage AndreitoHräswelgr:

30.10.09 14:47
wann wuerden diese 45 tage ablaufen???

2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrLöschung

30.10.09 14:58

Zeitpunkt: 01.11.09 12:01
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - bitte Signatur ändern und unterstellende/diffamierende Äußerung entfernen bzgl. anderer Thread-user



2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgrnun nochmal ohne Signatur............

01.11.09 19:09

Goldsource will announce the resource estimations and
compiled coal quality data as soon
as they are available and is required to file the NI 43-101 Technical Report within 45 days
after that announcement.


The Company is currently making plans to drill additional high priority targets this winter on the Border Property.
Environmental permitting is being completed to implement initial drilling of targets identified by recent Fugro airborne
geophysics on the Company’s Ballantyne property in Saskatchewan and on the Manitoba properties.


2544 Postings, 6297 Tage Hräswelgr@Andreito

01.11.09 19:10

der vollständige Ni-Report wird innerhalb von 45 Tagen nach Veröffentlichung der Ressourcenschätzung veröffentlicht.

Die relevanten Auszüge (oder Highlights) des NI-Reports, wie z.B. besagte Ressourcenschätzung, von der hier soviel erwartet wird, werden "in Kürze" bekannt gegeben ("as soon as they are available").

Der vollständige Ni-Report, den hier sowieso 99% nicht lesen werden, wird dann innerhalb von 45 Tagen nach Veröffentlichung der Ressourcenschätzung und anderer Angaben, die alle Bestandteil dieses Berichtes sind, veröffentlicht. Der vollständige NI-Report ist somit für die Masse bze den "Markt" irrelevant, da die wesentlichen Informationen ja bereits bekannt sind.

(#8727   von MFC500)

Ist aber nur meine pers. Meinung.;-)

2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrSo die Resourcenschätzung ist da.............;-)

09.11.09 14:09
Nov 09, 2009 00:05 ET
Goldsource Announces Initial Border Coal Resource

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 9, 2009) - Goldsource Mines Inc. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:GXS) is pleased to announce the NI 43-101 compliant, initial thermal coal resource estimated by Moose Mountain Technical Services for the Company's Border property near Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan. This coal resource estimation is based on 119 diamond drill holes totaling approximately 17,370 metres of core drilling. Three phases of core drilling since 2008 have been completed at Border to establish this initial estimated coal resource.

Overall, the estimated coal resources at Border consist of 63.5 million Indicated tonnes plus 89.6 million Inferred tonnes, and 18.7 million Speculative tonnes. The Inferred and Speculative resources are limited only by the current lack of drill hole data within an already defined geophysical anomaly. Further drilling is planned that may convert the majority, if not all, of the Inferred and Speculative tonnes into the Indicated Resource category. As defined in GSC Paper 88-21, "Speculative resources are those based on extrapolation of few data points over large distances and are confined to regions where extensive coal exploration has not yet taken place".

Geological interpretation of the drill core and downhole geophysical logs have determined that there are three main seams at Border which have been designated Durango A, B and C. The Geologic-Type as defined by GSC Paper 88-21 with respect to the complexity of the deposits is considered "Moderate" and the Deposit-Type is considered "Surface Mineable". The resources are distributed over 4 sub-basins which include 14 potentially surface mineable deposits which range in size from 1.8 million tonnes to 66.1 million tonnes. The fifteenth deposit, Pasquia 97, is currently considered too deep to be surface mineable and is not included in the resource.

J. Scott Drever, President, stated: "Our objective from the efforts to date was to define a coal resource we thought would be a threshold amount with sufficient quality to support economically viable production. In approximately 18 months from the discovery of these unique coal deposits, we have outlined a significant coal resource that has the heating characteristics and potential to fuel a major, modern, clean-coal power plant. We will continue to define additional coal resources by drilling several more high priority targets at Border and now proceed with the completion of a Preliminary Economic Assessment on the project that will investigate initial economic parameters of the Border resource. We have explored only a small portion of more than 1,300-square-kilometre property with 119 drill holes".

This initial coal resource with estimated coal quality represents a new significant energy resource for Saskatchewan and Canada. Conceptually, this resource could potentially generate 300 to 600 Megawatts per year of affordable electricity for 30 to 50 years. This would be equivalent to approximately 10 to 20% of the current annual electricity needs for Saskatchewan. A feasibility study has not yet been completed and therefore there is no certainty the project will be economically viable.



2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrSehr ordentlich wie ich meine.....

09.11.09 14:15

......the estimated coal resources at Border consist of 63.5 million Indicated tonnes plus 89.6 million Inferred tonnes, and 18.7 million.....

63,5 Mio to Indicated

89,6 Mio to Inferred

Macht in der Summe 153,1 Mio to.!!! Als Bonus gibts noch vermutete Resourcen von 18,7 Mio to.


Das alles bei nur 10% der explorierten Fläche vom Border-Property.



2544 Postings, 6297 Tage HräswelgrAussagen zur zukünftigen Verwendung.....

09.11.09 14:16

"""""This initial coal resource with estimated coal quality represents a new significant energy resource for Saskatchewan and Canada. Conceptually, this resource could potentially generate 300 to 600 Megawatts per year of affordable electricity for 30 to 50 years. This would be equivalent to approximately 10 to 20% of the current annual electricity needs for Saskatchewan. A feasibility study has not yet been completed and therefore there is no certainty the project will be economically viable."""""

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