Jetzt Eisenaktien kaufen?
...und das obwohl nahezu alle Industriemetalle besser als Gold gelaufen sind.
...und wahrscheinlich weiterhin wesentlich besser als Gold performen werden, denn:
- China hat eine wesentlich höhere Stahlproduktion, als bislang zugegeben. Man schätzt, dass China´s Eisenerzbedarf der nächsten zwei Jahre tatsächlich wesentlich höher ist. Durch die extrem hohen (tatsächlichen) Stahlkapazitäten ist nicht genug Eisenerz verfügbar und China selbst kann nicht genug Eisenerz fördern - muss Eisenerz importieren!
- Indien hat eine drastische Erhöhung des Ausfuhrzolls auf Eisenerz beschlossen.
- Brasilien denkt ebenfalls über die Einführung einer Exportsteuer nach.
Das Schlimme (oder für uns Gute?) daran ist, dass Indien und Brasilien unter den Top 5 der Eisenerzproduzierenden Ländern sind.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass Eisenerzaktien ggü. Goldaktien klar outperformen werden, denn Licht und Schatten wechseln sich an den Börsen immer in Phasen ab. Das Blickfeld der Marktteilnehmer ist momentan stark auf Edelmetalle ausgerichtet (auch zu Recht, wenn man sich die Performance der Edelmetallaktien im allgemeinen ansieht!)In Folge dessen hat sich eine Diskrepanz in der Wertentwicklung zwischen Gold- und Eisenaktien, insbesondere im Smallcapbereich, entwickelt, woraus sich wiederrum auf der Eisenerzseite eine grosse Chance ergibt.
Hier eine Liste von Eisenerzunternehmen:
Soviel muss erlaubt sein. Mein persönlicher Favorit für die kommenden Monate ist Indo Mines.;timeFrame=ThreeMonth
Sehr großes Potential an Nickel! Produktion evtl. 2012 / Evtl. dieses Jahr noch DSO
Desweiteren Gold, Kupfer usw. Man wartet auf News die bald kommen müssen.
Die Aktie ist lächerlich bewertet!
LG Marcel
ich habe auch ein Paar eisenerzaktien im depot. neben "indo mines" halte ich auch aktien von "grange resouces". zu letzterem wert habe ich gerade einen thread eröffnet. haben heute die PFS kompletiert.
ihr könnt ja mal vorbeischauen;)
auf der watch habe ich im moment in dieser richtung noch sundance resources wkn: A0BK6G und sherwin iron wkn: A1C4WZ.
überlege mein depot in diese richtung noch stärker auszurichten.
gruß in die runde black.jack
Perf. seit Threadbeginn: +58,04%
Fortescue Metal.
Perf. seit Threadbeginn: -1,09%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn: -41,09%
gestern extrem gute news (imho):
Reuters reported that the German government and about 10 companies based in Europe's biggest economy are planning to found a company before the end of the year to buy key raw material needed by the industrial sector.
As per report, the companies, which include BASF, Daimler, Evonik and ThyssenKrupp, will each invest a six digit figure in the project.
ThyssenKrupp, Germany's biggest steelmaker, said a year ago that the government and German companies should band together to buy raw materials. Germany depends on raw materials from abroad to power its export driven economy.
German economy minister Mr Rainer Bruederle at the time also urged industrial firms to set up a Deutsche Rohstoff AG or a German raw materials company, to find and secure rare earths, which are used to manufacture a range of high tech products.
But he also ruled out the state's taking a stake in it.
(Sourced from
ein mächtiger Rebound die letzten Wochen bei guten News, das sieht echt gut aus m.E.
Cap-Ex Ventures, ITUM Indians sign deal for claims
Cap-Ex Ventures Ltd (C:CEV) Shares Issued 44,291,898Last Close 11/30/2011 $0.93Thursday December 01 2011 - News Release
Mr. Brett Matich reports
Cap-Ex Ventures Ltd. and Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-Utenam (ITUM) have signed a first agreement in a series of two planned agreements regarding the company's exploration activities on its mining claims in Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Agreement contains commitments by the Company and ITUM to negotiate a second, finalized Exploration Agreement (the "Exploration Agreement") by February 29, 2012 failing which the Agreement will terminate. The Agreement:
-- provides for the participation of ITUM in environmental monitoring;
-- supports the practice of traditional activities;
-- commits to the restoration of sites;
-- includes socio-economic benefits for ITUM and its members;
-- allows ITUM to benefit from the sale of Claims;
-- sets out a consultation process for future exploration activities; and
-- provides for the negotiation of an Impact and Benefit Agreement (the "IBA") prior to the development of a mine.
ITUM has informed the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador that it does not object, and withdraws its earlier objections and comments, to the Company's Application for Exploration Approval filed with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador on April 11, 2011, as modified by the Company's letter to the Government on June 16, 2011, including the work on Block 103 currently subject to an environmental review by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Agreement calls for a payment of $100,000 to ITUM now and the issuance to ITUM of 300,000 shares of the Company on execution of the Exploration Agreement. In addition, the Company at its election may pay $100,000 to ITUM or issue to ITUM an additional 200,000 shares (the "Annual Payment"). The Annual Payment is conditional upon the Company completing Exploration Activities of $100,000 or more on the Claims in the exploration year prior to the payment being made.
The Agreement further calls for an annual cash payment (the "Annual Cash Payment") of $100,000. The Annual Cash Payment is conditional upon the Company completing Exploration Activities of $100,000 or more on the Claims in the exploration year prior to the payment being made.
The Company has agreed to work with ITUM to monitor the environmental and other impacts of exploration activities and will make a $35,000 annual contribution (the "Annual Impact Monitoring Commitment") to ITUM to finance such participation by ITUM.
The Agreement states that ITUM will receive a 0.5% gross royalty on any revenues that the Company may receive from sale of iron ore products mined in the future on the Claims.
In the event that the Company acquires additional mining claims within territories over which ITUM has asserted territorial claims, the Annual Cash Payment, the Annual Impact Monitoring Commitment and the Annual Share Payment will be increased by that proportion by which the Claims' total hectares have increased. For example, if the total hectares of the Claims the Company was exploring increased from 120,000 to 150,000 (an increase of 25%) the Annual Cash Payment, the Annual Impact Monitoring Commitment and the Annual Share Payment would be increased by 25%.
The Exploration Agreement's term is to be for the duration of the Company's exploration activities. The Agreement has been approved by the TSX-Venture Exchange.
We seek Safe Harbor.
© 2011 Canjex Publishing Ltd.
Konservativ betrachtet würde dies eine Bewertung von bis zu 200 Mio. CAD bedeuten wenn man folgende überschlägige Rechnung zu grunde legt:
8 Mrd Tonnen 0,25 Cent/ Tonne = 2 Mrd. hiervon "lediglich" 10 % genommen entsprechend 200 Mio market cap entsprechend 4-5 CAD "konservativ betrachtet"
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