** Ein chancenreicher Goldexplorer **

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1537 Postings, 6411 Tage Olly Dbei 20 EUR

18.09.08 14:43
Umsatz sollte man der Kurssteigerung aber nicht zu viel Aufmerksamkeit widmen....  

1756 Postings, 6913 Tage calimeraStimmt, aber drüben ziehen die Ami´s nach

18.09.08 17:55

1756 Postings, 6913 Tage calimera12 month ago, aber's Gold ist noch immer im Boden!

14.11.08 11:16

Gibts da draussen noch ein paar "desperate digger", die auf Hill setzen ?!

Die 0,002 EUR sind zum gestrigen Schluß sogar fair getaxt und scheinen auch problemlos bedient zu werden - zumindest in homöopathischen Dosierungen. Denke aber, daß der Makler wegzieht, wenn hier einer alles auf "SCHWARZ" setzt...

14.11.2007 | Gemini Explorations: Investoren geben sich Klinke in die Hand!

Während die Kreditkrise, ausgelöst am Subprime-Markt in den USA, viele Unternehmen trifft und ihnen die Finanzierung erschwert, hat Gemini Explorations (3G5; WKN: A0MW3E) ganz andere „Probleme". Luxusprobleme aber, denn man kann sich vor Finanzierungsangeboten quasi kaum retten....

Insgesamt rechnet das Unternehmen maximal mit etwas mehr als einer viertel Million Dollar Kosten für die Modernisierung, realistisch dürften etwas geringere Kosten sein. Eine Investition, die sich aber lohnen wird, denn so wird die Mine nach der Modernisierung von einer täglichen Förderrate, die zunächst bei 30 bis 50 Tonnen Gestein liegen soll, auf 100 Tonnen pro Tag erweitert....

.............Mit den Cashflows wird dann auch das Top-Projekt des Unternehmens weiter gebracht werden können. Mit La Planada exploriert die Company ein Projekt von absolutem Spitzenformat. Dies alles zeigt, wie wichtig Los Chorros und damit auch die vielen Finanzierungsangebote für Gemini Explorations sind. Das Management kann nun die optimalen Angebote nutzen. Für Aktionäre sind dies extrem gute Nachrichten, erst recht, wenn man das Kreditmarktumfeld ins Kalkül zieht.

Quelle: investinside.net

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerso liebe...

28.11.08 11:18

ich habe gerade mal 200.000 stück in berlin zu 0,002 geordert, mal schauen - werde diese ja wohl problemlos bekommen.
schade für einige hier, das sie vor kurzer zeit noch das 10 oder 30 fache zahlen mussten, aber man kann ja auch nachkaufen.

2 mrd. dollar deposit, bei einem goldpreis von 650 dollar hören sich interessant an.

mal sehen wann diese kolumbianischen brüder die handbremse loslassen.

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerklick...

28.11.08 18:39
...habe meine bekommen  --  hurra
dann lass mal gehen  -- billiger gehts nimmer?

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerjaaaaaaaaaa 300 Prozent+

19.12.08 17:27
hurra - jaja -yipiee

aber wer kauft fuer 8 euro???

5298 Postings, 6583 Tage Lapismuc0,0010 BID

19.12.08 17:44
kannste aber so schlecht Millionär werden??  

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerna dann gemini - lass mal gehen

23.12.08 13:06

wenn sie denn noch einen handel zustande kriegen, geht hier ja die post ab.

200.000 stuck habe ich mir letztens auch gegoennt.


Geld- und Briefkurse


HandelsplatzGeld-Stk.GeldGeld-BriefBriefBrief-Stk.Spread Zeit
 Frankfurt 1.270.0000,001  €
0,005  €500.000400,00%08:58:11
 Stuttgart 41.0000,001  €
0,005  €91.000400,00%12:36:47
 München 00,001  €
0,011  €01.000,00%12:32:00
 Berlin 0-     
0,003  €500.000-11:34:41
 XETRA 0-     
0,003  €500.000-22.12.08

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerNetto-Cashflow von US$ 12.900.000

23.12.08 13:41
guckst du in die letzen uralt news von ariva
und mal 10 minuten diesen thread lesen.
und dann mit spielgeld einkaufen gehen.

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerjaja

02.01.09 16:49
so kanns gehen


7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerFinancial Statement 03-01-2009

04.01.09 15:09

hm??? die gleichen verzoegerungen, wie bei tao-minerals - auch in medellin

sind wohl doch zwillinge

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanernach unten gibts keinen boden

05.01.09 23:05
... das weiss ich ja selber, aber ob er hier nicht vielleicht doch  gerade ist??????
die mk ist auf jeden fall so niedrig, da geht ja nicht mehr viel nach sueden.
nach norden ist der himmel wie immer offen.
Angehängte Grafik:
chart_all_gemini_exploration.png (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerzwei

05.01.09 23:09
...milliarden deposit
geteilt durch zehn sind 200 mio mk
mal 2,5 fuer produzentenstatus ( wenn es dazu kommt) macht 500 mio euro mk.
kurs bei ek gleich 0,2 mio oder 0,002 euro

oder so ungefaehr

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerwer..

07.01.09 18:23
...will noch mal, wer hat noch nicht¿

fuer 100 prozent aufschlag gibts noch welche.

aber jetzt komm nicht mit dem spruch: wem willste den schrott denn andrehen.

ich verkauf erst bei 20 cent oder so - ist ja auch vom newsflow abhaengig.

vielleicht verkauf ich dann erst bei 0,99 - ist (wird) ja schliesslich ne goldmine, da ist eine mk von 250 mio ja nicht exorbitant, oder?

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerTarget Price

08.01.09 13:59
Target Price $1.23 by Beacon Equity Research
Thursday September 18, 7:00 am ET

nana - mal nicht uebertreiben, soviel stellen haette mein konto ja gar nicht.

81 Postings, 6207 Tage laird of glencairnTarget Price

09.01.09 14:43
Das ist doch mal ne Zahl würde meinem Konto auch gut zu Gesicht stehen!!  

Clubmitglied, 61581 Postings, 5753 Tage BigSpenderWas für eine Bilanz

09.01.09 14:44
seit Threaderööfnung. Fast Totalverlust! Da bleibt nur hoffen auf bessere Zeiten!

81 Postings, 6207 Tage laird of glencairnseit Threaderööfnung. Fast Totalverlust!

09.01.09 15:09
da stimme ich dir zu- Hoffnung habe ich noch -
mal sehen was daraus wird- wenn (ich glaube März 09) -sollte gefördert werden.(gelesen im wallstreet -Forum)
vielleicht erreichen wir die 20 cent oder so  -  

81 Postings, 6207 Tage laird of glencairnGlauben setzt Hoffnung voraus

09.01.09 15:20
sollte galeon wissen, dass tatsächlich die produktion beginnt könnte  der gesamte kredit in aktien getauscht werden.
(was nicht sein muss)-

was 600 tausend dollar in aktien  bedeuten, kann man ausrechnen. ( bei diesem Kurs)  

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerNew Prospective Joint Venture Partner

27.02.09 09:27

Gemini Explorations, Inc. Enters Into Negotiations With a New Prospective Joint Venture Partner to Assist in the Development of Its La Tapata Gold Mine
Tuesday February 24, 8:30 am ET

CALGARY, AB--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 24, 2009 -- Gemini Explorations Inc. (Gemini) (OTC BB:GXPI.OB - News) announced today that it has entered into negotiations with a new prospective joint venture partner for the purpose of expediting the development of its LaTapata Gold Mine.

Previously, in a news release dated 10/16/08, Gemini updated the status of its active negotiations with its first prospective JV partner for the La Tapata Project, a substantial mining company, unnamed for reasons of confidentiality. As of this date, negotiations with the firm mentioned in that announcement are actively continuing -- as are discussions regarding the joint venture of this property with another mining exploration company (Not previously noted in any announcement).

The newly initiated negotiations are with a publicly traded mining corporation and headquartered in Canada, which is listed on the TSX-V Exchange. Representatives of this company have scheduled a visit to Colombia in March 2009 for the expressed purpose of conducting an in-depth survey/inspection of the La Tapata property.

"Gemini is emerging from a short quiet period," commented Michael Hill, CEO of Gemini, "and is now ready to proceed in a timely fashion with the successful conclusion of a joint venture agreement, which will enable us to move expeditiously to transition La Tapata into a profitable producing gold mine. We are fortunate to have interest in this property from two eminently capable prospective joint venture partners and look forward to being able to report substantial progress on this front in the very near future."

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerAnnounces Preparations for

27.02.09 16:40

Press Release Source: Gemini Explorations, Inc.

Gemini Explorations, Inc. Announces Preparations for Commencement of Additional Geological Exploration to Further Determine the Extent of Potential Resources of Gold and Other Economic Minerals at Its La Tapata Gold Mine
Thursday February 26, 8:30 am ET

CALGARY AB--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 26, 2009 -- Gemini Explorations, Inc. ("Gemini") (OTC BB:GXPI.OB - News) announced today that, concurrent with its efforts to conclude a joint venture agreement with one of two prospective joint venture partners, it is making preparations to re-institute further geological/mineralogical surveys of its La Tapata Gold Mine property. This effort would build upon and reinforce the results of sampling and survey work already accomplished and focus on the recently discovered second vein system increasing the economic potential of this property significantly. Following are some highlights of the sampling and analysis already performed.

As reported in previous news releases, one set of sampling results from La Tapata showed the presence of gold in amounts ranging from 6.4 grams per tonne to 190.6 grams per tonne. Subsequent sampling along the principal vein in an area with a thickness varying between 0.20 m and 1.15 m, showed the presence of gold in concentrations up to 243 grams per tonne, with excellent consistency overall. The Company Geologist has estimated, based on that sampling, that 12 grams per tonne of gold average grade for the ore is conservatively quite probable.

Also noted in a more recent news release is that, with the use of a proprietary, environmentally friendly hydrometallurgy process, economically viable quantities of silver, copper and lead can be extracted from the ore present at La Tapata. Particularly noteworthy was the presence of 958.8 grams per tonne of silver in the sample from the ore zone tested. All evidence to date indicates that La Tapata has the potential be a very profitable mine based on the estimates of an economically viable prospective gold resource. The economical recovery of other metallic minerals through the possible employment of this more sophisticated processing technique further enhances the probability of a high margin mining operation.

"We are determined to move forward quickly to finalize this round of exploration, sampling and testing at La Tapata," stated Michael Hill, CEO of Gemini, "so that we can then, as rapidly as possible, achieve our goal of transforming Gemini into a profitable producing mining concern to the benefit of the company and our shareholders."

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerOTCBB: GXPI is pleased to announce

04.03.09 09:46
Gemini Explorations, Inc. Announces Near Term Goals and Updates Tentative Production Estimates for Its La Tapata Gold Mine Project

2009-03-02 08:30 EST - News Release

CALGARY, AB -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 03/02/09

Gemini Explorations, Inc. ("Gemini") (OTCBB: GXPI) is pleased to announce an outline of its near-term 2009 goals for its La Tapata Gold Mine project. The first of four primary objectives is, as discussed in a recent news release, to conclude negotiations with one of two joint venture prospects and execute a JV agreement, which will serve to expedite the accomplishment of the transition of La Tapata into a profitable production gold mine.

Secondly, as part of the process to place the mine into operation, to carry out the last of the geological/mineralogical surveys required to finalize decisions necessary to develop the details of the plan to maximize the cost effectiveness of the actual production and processing operation. Thirdly the decision to determine the economic viability of selecting the more sophisticated approach to processing which would allow for the production of silver, copper and lead in addition to gold. Also to be finalized is the previously announced pending purchase of two adjoining mining concessions which will add significantly to the potential resource base of the mine.

In a prior news release, the company's geologist provided tentative income estimates for the mine based on ore production volumes of 50 and 100 tonnes per day at what he felt was a conservative average grade of 12 grams of gold per tonne. Utilizing a currently conservative value of $900 per oz. for gold and a conservative cost of extraction, processing and general operating expenses of $200 per oz., gross operating profits for 12grams per tonne at a production rate of 50 tonnes per day and 300 working days per year, would total $4,063,500 at La Tapata. Increasing production to 100 tonnes per day with all other factors unchanged would result in a gross operating profit of $8,127,000. As Gemini currently owns an 80% interest in La Tapata, the company's share of these gross operating profits would respectively be $3,250,800 and $6,501,600.

"While the road to bringing La Tapata into production has been longer than anticipated," commented Michael Hill, CEO of Gemini, "we are working diligently and making progress in our effort to turn La Tapata into a profitable operating mine."

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerFinancial - Report

25.03.09 09:24

sieht nicht so dolle aus, aber sie leben noch.
outstanding shares, haben sich mehr als verdoppelt.
Common stock, 900,000,000 shares authorized, $0.001 par value   ...

During the nine month period ended January 31, 2009, the Company paid $65,197 of management fees to the President of the Company....

For the nine month period ended January 31, 2009, we incurred $74,500 in exploration costs....

Not accounting for our working capital deficit of $1,001,350, we require additional funds of approximately $279,000 at a minimum to proceed with our plan of operation over the next twelve months, exclusive ...

...Our auditors have issued a going concern opinion for our year ended April 30, 2008. This means that there is substantial doubt that we can continue as an on-going business for the next twelve months unless we obtain ...

Office furniture and equipment    1,059      647      412      676  (nicht in tausend)

Seite F9 ist auch sehr interessant...

das bei einem explorer nur minus rauskommen kann ist schon klar, oder?
die augaben für operating activities haben sich um 50% erhöht, das sehe ich mal als gutes zeichen.

As at January 31, 2009, the Company has a working capital deficit of $1,001,350, has never generated any revenues and has accumulated losses of $3,553,305 since...

Loans Payable

a)  As at January 31, 2009, the Company owes $100,000 (April 30, 2008 - $100,000) to a third party for advances and funds advanced to the vendor of the mineral properties acquired by the Company (as described in Note 6) on behalf of the Company. The Company has received a subscription agreement in which the Company could issue 200,000 units at $0.50 per unit in exchange for $100,000 of the amount owing. Each unit would consist of one share of common stock and one share purchase warrant exercisable at $0.75 per share for a period of two years. As at January 31, 2009, the Company owes an additional $284,000 (April 30, 2008 - $373,787) to the same third party. The amount due is non- interest bearing, unsecured and due on demand. On February 6, 2009, the third party assigned $100,000 to another third party. On February 10, 2009, the Company entered into a letter agreement wherein the Company has agreed to convert the debts into equity by the issuance of 200,000,000 shares of common stock at a deemed price of $0.0005 per share. Refer to Note 10.

b)  As at January 31, 2009, the Company owes $24,387 (Cdn$30,000) to a third party which is non-interest bearing, unsecured and due on demand.

c)  As at January 31, 2009, the Company owes $79,945 to a third party which is non-interest bearing, unsecured and due on demand.


Effective February 10, 2009, we entered into a debt conversion agreement with FundTech Solutions, LLC, wherein we have agreed to issue to Fundtech and its assignees, up to 200,000,000 shares of our common stock, in connection with the assignment of debt in the amount of $100,000 issued to FundTech by Epsom Investment Services N.V. Epsom has assigned to FundTech a portion of a convertible note issued by our company in March 2007 in the amount of $250,000.

On February 10, 2009, we authorized the issuance of an aggregate of 75,000,000 shares of our common stock to FundTech and its assignees pursuant to the debt conversion agreement. Subsequent to our quarter ended January 31, 2009, the remaining 125,000,000 shares of common stock were issued to FundTech and its assignees.



und zum schluss: wir sind nicht sicher das sich das ganze projekt jemals lohnen wird und
das explorer aktivitäten mit hohen risiken verbunden sind......


7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerder ritt auf der kanonenkugel geht...

26.03.09 10:49
...in die nächste runde.
jetzt wird ein ore-prozessor avisiert und das shipping nach bogota vorbereitet.

hört sich nach pre-production an.

Press Release Source: Gemini Explorations, Inc.
Gemini Explorations, Inc. in Negotiations With Bogota Based Ore Processing Refinery
Wednesday March 25, 2009, 9:30 am EDT
      Buzz up! Print CALGARY, AB--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 25, 2009 -- Gemini Explorations, Inc. ("Gemini") (OTC BB:GXPI.OB - News) is pleased to announce that it is in negotiations with an ore processor based in Bogota, Colombia. This processor owns and operates a refinery with a proven record of efficiently capturing gold, silver and lead from ores similar to those that are present in Gemini's La Tapata Gold Mine. In a news release dated August 20, 2008 Gemini disclosed that ore samples from the La Tapata concentrated zones of mineralization yielded concentrations of 9.38 g/tonne of Au (gold) and an impressive 958.8 g/tonne Ag (silver) when subjected to a high yield processing technique with a recovery capability similar to that available in Bogota.

As also announced, earlier sampling from the principal vein at La Tapata showed vein rock gold concentrations as high as 243 g/tonne, with an average from two separate sampling efforts of 41.94 g/tonne Au (gold).

Discussions with the refinery owners have covered a number of topics including the logistics involved in shipping the ore from the La Tapata project to the refinery in Bogota. Gemini initial ...

7974 Postings, 6808 Tage louisanerNews - Final Joint Venture - 02-04-2009

03.04.09 08:53

Press Release Source: Gemini Explorations, Inc.

<!-- /press-release ý</ý</ý<dýýý

CALGARY, AB--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 1, 2009 -- Gemini Explorations, Inc. ("Gemini") (OTC BB:GXPI.OB - News) is pleased to announce that company CEO Michael Hill will be traveling to Colombia in mid April to close on the acquisition of two mining concessions adjacent to its La Tapata Gold Mine property.

About Gemini Explorations, Inc.

Gemini Exploration is a mining exploration and development company formed to acquire, develop, and exploit natural resource properties focusing primarily on the rich yet highly underdeveloped gold deposits of Colombia.

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains "forward-looking statements," as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this press release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions ...



und noch was uraltes



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