EightSolutions (Gener8) - 3D, Video und BigData
Seite 93 von 371 Neuester Beitrag: 03.04.22 13:32 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 05.02.15 16:15 | von: harry54 | Anzahl Beiträge: | 10.252 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 03.04.22 13:32 | von: 123thringer | Leser gesamt: | 2.094.814 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 396 | |
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Seite: < 1 | ... | 90 | 91 | 92 | | 94 | 95 | 96 | ... 371 > |
Tag für Tag warten wir....., und nichts passiert!!!! Die 10 Tage von Januar bis jetzt sind längst vorbei!!!
Es ist März!!! Seine Antwort....
I am behind on news, it has been a busy few weeks, and I need to figure out how to get better updates out (not as news releases but more just updates).
I am working to write one right now (I am behind by many days and will just sit down tonight and focus)
So in the updates I hope to talk about things we are doing, etc. Maybe that will be enough for all of you in Germany?
Thanks for the honest comments
Das ist brotlose Kunst, nett gemeint , aber bringt nichts , ehrlich .
jetzt lasst doch mal eight eight sein und schaut erst 2017 wieder hier rein, wie wärs.. schont die nerven =)
gar nicht als so ein Stümper kram . Die Leute sehen sich auf der Seite um und dann sowas unausgegorenes , sehr unprofessionell .
Und eine Hompage aufschalten ist ja auch nicht ganz einfach. In dem hat die Menschheit noch nicht allzu viel Erfahrung. Das sieht man ua darin, dass nur die wenigten Firmen eine eigene Hompage haben.
Langsam frage ich mich auch, was hier abgeht. Aber dass viel eigenens Geld drin ist beruhigt mich irgendwie :)
Mal schauen, was er mit dem Update preis gibt.
Ich sehe das insgesamt nicht so trübe. Da kommt noch was positives, da bin ich mir sicher.
Gruß Spirit
Dear Mr. Armes,
i have sent an email on monday to in investorrelations@eightsolutions.com but didn’t get an answer, so i try it again and adress it directly to you. I know that the german shareholders must go on your nervs already, as you have to do a lot of work and much more importatnt things. But i hope you understand our concerns a little bit. Many people have put a lot of money into eightsolutions, including me. Since two years i am shareholder of eight and until now i lost more than 60% of my money. Still many are holding their shares because they still believe in you and your skills, they beliefe in the company modell and they just like to follow eight as a startup. Nevertheless the uncertainty rises as we have no insight look at the company. You work every day in the company, you can see achievements, developements and chances. But we are just waiting for released news. So it is quiet tough to stay calm. In your last updates you have puplished your goals for 2016. Until now we didn’t hear of one contract with a paying client. You have released that eight has expanded into Transportation, but as we understood, this is also no paying client. Maybe some clients signed and you are not allowed to release the contracts, we don`t know. In your last update you have also talked about 50000 Sky users for 2016. But on your new homepage you are saying that a closed beta is coming soon and that you are looking for testers. So how far is sky, how long will it take until the company will release it and how is the plan to get 50000 users? We are also wondering about the 8 openings on your homepage. Are this new jobs, so ist he company expanding or are you loosing staff?
Another point that really makes us nervous and lets us doubt ist he new homepage of cumul8. Great design, very modern, stylish and clearly. But there are so many mistakes. The homepage works to some degree on the mobile phone but on ipad and computer nothing works, nothing is on the right place the images and graphics look very cloudy and deformed. I mean the company says it is top in visualisation an designing. The homepage is now uploaded for two weeks and it looks really unprofessionell. So we are wondering how you want to handle complex datas and converte it into easy and clearly charts, if the company is not able to manage and design a normal homepage.
Last but not least the company is saying that it has a unique approach because of its video gaming approach. Isn’t it possible to publish a chart (image) on your homepage that looks really speciell, where you can see and feel the gaming aspect? That would help us a lot.
I hope you are not nerved to my by this mail and i really feel a little bit sorry that i am steeling your time. But as you have written in your updates we should ask you any question we have. You don `t have to answer me directly but maybe you can integrate the answers to the questions into your next CEO Update.
Thank you so much, all the best for eightsolutions and please excuse my bad english;-)
Er hat mich zwei Mal vertröstet, mit dem "Versprechen" am nächsten Tag zu Antworten. Nach dem ich irgendwann schrieb, nur langsam will nicht stressen, bin lange genug in eight investiert, also warten gewohnt, kam nix mehr...
Wenn es nicht gut läuft, bedeutet jede mail salz in seine wunde.
Was soll die aktion? Wollt ihr die bestätigung, dass es nicht gut läuft oder vermutet ihr, dass er aus lauter gehässigkeit 2000 kunden nicht veröffentlicht?
"the great german shareholders" oder den Mann der die Aktie in Deutschland bekannt gemacht hat :D