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Eröffnet am:04.01.15 13:32von: xman_242Anzahl Beiträge:608
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 02:20von: Stephanielso.Leser gesamt:68.791
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398 Postings, 3665 Tage Reiswaffel473

28.03.15 09:47
Die Zahlen werden sicher gigantisch bei 50% Wochenminus. *ironie aus*  

281 Postings, 3790 Tage xman_242Dein 50% Wocheminus

28.03.15 15:51
ist auch "gigantisch" *Ironie off*  

5789 Postings, 5118 Tage AktienflüsterinGuten morgen

30.03.15 07:24
jetzt bin ich auf den heutigen Nachmittag gespannt.
Der 31te steht vor der Tür, die Aktie ist total überverkauft und Charttechnich vor Split gesehen an den lows. Mal sehen ob es heute und morgen eine technische Gegenreaktion gibt.  

1768 Postings, 4130 Tage GurkenheiniSind

30.03.15 07:34
Even Zigarettten die man dem Arsch raucht,deswegen auch der Kurs von Arsch.  

5789 Postings, 5118 Tage AktienflüsterinAlso ich verabschiede mich aus dem Forum

30.03.15 09:50
denn das Niveau ist mittlerweile unterirdisch geworden und lohnt sich nicht mehr weiter zu verfolgen.
Allen gute trades weiterhin.  

281 Postings, 3790 Tage xman_242Ich bin auch weg AF!

30.03.15 10:52
Es lohnt sich nicht mit solchen Leuten zu kommunizieren.  

914 Postings, 4957 Tage Daywalker 61ca 75%

31.03.15 07:46
hat die Aktie in ca. 2 Wochen verloren.
das ist schon eine Leistung. Die komplette KE wurde bereits verfrühstückt.
Next Step Chapter 11?

Wie gut müssen die Zahlen wohl sein um um 300% zu steigen.
Und dann hätte man erst den Kurs vor dem Resplitt.


351 Postings, 6191 Tage tobs777Heute ist der Tag der Wahrheit!

31.03.15 16:57
Der Kurs scheint sich bei 0,68 Euro stabilisiert zu haben und wenn heute Abend dann gute Zahlen kommen dann könnte das ein gute Neustart sein...lassen wir uns überraschen!  

351 Postings, 6191 Tage tobs777and lift off :)

31.03.15 19:41

2181 Postings, 7403 Tage recaroGuten Morgen, falls jemand etwas über

01.04.15 05:09
die Zahlen weiß, ruhig mal reinstellen, Dankeschön !  

13 Postings, 4621 Tage Black FrogWas für

08.04.15 09:13
eine Sch.... Aktie.
88% Einbruch in knapp über zwei Wochen.
Produzieren die überhaupt irgend etwas oder besteht das Management nur aus Frühstücksdirektoren.
Chapter 11 ick hör Dir trapsen!

Komisch ist nur dass man diese komischen E-Zigaretten wirklich an jeder Ecke sieht.
An den Verkaufszahlen kann es nicht liegen.

978 Postings, 5529 Tage mützelheute eine ERHOLUNG !?

08.04.15 12:51

589 Postings, 4510 Tage tradingman79Rebound startet target 0,50$

08.04.15 15:46

493 Postings, 4818 Tage ini_bin jetzt auch mal mit nen paar scheinchen dabei

08.04.15 16:31
Den wollen wir mal hoffen ;-)  

1243 Postings, 4750 Tage onkel jamesKönnte gestern die Bodenbildung gewesen sein

09.04.15 08:49
und zumindest kurzfristig einen steilen Up_move geben.

Luft nach oben ist jedenfalls genügend vorhanden.  

493 Postings, 4818 Tage ini_mal sehen was der heutige tag so bringt

09.04.15 13:50
Auf jedenfall hat ein investor seine anteile aufgestockt...  

493 Postings, 4818 Tage ini_schwach gestartet aber nu

09.04.15 17:19
Siehts garnet mal so übel aus rt 0,38$  

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3der fette Rebound bleibt aus ?

09.04.15 18:44
Ist hier die pleite überhaupt noch abwendbar ?


589 Postings, 4510 Tage tradingman79Rebound wird hier eingeleitet - Geduld

09.04.15 19:15
1. Target 0,50$ - klarer Kauf  

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3sowas ist doch auch für

10.04.15 08:12
Philip morris interessant:

Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Ltd., through its subsidiaries, operates as an independent marketer and distributor of vaping products and electronic cigarettes in the United States and internationally. It offers disposables, rechargeables, tanks, starter kits, e-liquids, open and closed-end vaping systems, and accessories under the Victory, FIN, Vapestick, and VIP brand names. The company sells its products through various channels, including wholesale distributors, convenience stores, grocery stores, mass merchandisers, club stores, vape shops, and independent retailers, as well as through its e-commerce Websites. The company was formerly known as Victory Electronic Cigarettes Corporation and changed its name to Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Ltd. in July 2014. Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Ltd. was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3was sagt der CEO und CFO ?

10.04.15 08:32
Fourth Quarter Summary

   Adjusted revenue of $15.7 million, compared with $0.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2013
   One-off adjustments of $3.5 million, related to sales returns, allowances, customer concessions, credits and price adjustments
   Total revenue of $12.1 million, compared with $0.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2013
   GAAP net loss of $(336.2) million for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2014, including impairment charges of $144.4 million which is primarily related to our “FIN” and “VAPESTICK” business units.

Dan O’Neill, Executive Chairman of Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Inc., commented, “Recognizing the challenges faced by the Company during fiscal year 2014, the new team has been working tirelessly to position ECIG for future profitable growth. Since my appointment as Executive Chairman, every stone of the Company has been reviewed, discussed and challenged. The work to date has been focused on setting ourselves up to take advantage of the opportunities in the category and the brands in the ECIG portfolio. The restructuring of the balance sheet, the ability to secure both short-term and long-term financing, the changes to the Board and the cleaned up old inventory are mostly behind us. More importantly, we obtained an internal agreement for a new global strategy setting ourselves up for 2015. Cash and profits will be the drivers, with new targets set for inventory turns, SKU priorities, in-country production, receivables and payment terms. The category is one of major opportunity. Our mission is to capture and significantly improve our performance.”

Full Year Summary

   Adjusted revenue of $46.9 million, compared with $3.1 million in 2013
   One-off adjustments of $3.5 million, related to sales returns, allowances, customer concessions, credits and price adjustments
   Total revenue of $43.5 million, compared with $3.1 million in 2013
   GAAP net loss was $(381.6) million for the full year ended December 31, 2014. The net loss includes a goodwill impairment charge of $144.4 million related to the “FIN” and “Vapestick” reporting units.

Phil Anderson, Chief Financial Officer of Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Inc., commented, “Our three main financial objectives since Dan and I joined the company have been to retire our convertible debt by restructuring the balance sheet, secure short and long term working capital, and address all issues relating to our customers and employees. I am very pleased at the progress we have made thus far and we look forward to completing our public recapitalization.”

Full Year 2014 Results Overview
Related Quotes


Electronic Cigarettes Internat …
OTC MarketsThu, Apr 9, 2015 3:58 PM EDT

For the year ended December 31, 2014, adjusted revenue was $46.9 million, compared with $3.1 million in 2013. The increase was driven by growth in online sales to new and recurring customers, along with sales to retail and wholesale sources, as a result of an increase in distributors and in marketing efforts throughout 2014.

Cost of Goods Sold was $31.5 million in 2014, compared with $1.3 million in the previous year. The increase in cost of goods sold was driven by an increase in sales, as well as a change in product mix to higher distributor and wholesaler sales, which have lower gross margin than online sales to consumers.

Gross profit was $12.0 million in the year ended December 31, 2014, compared with $1.8 million in the previous year. Gross profit margin was 27.6% in fiscal year 2014.

Distribution, marketing and advertising expenses were $10.4 million in 2014, compared with $1.1 million in 2013. During 2014, the Company continued to increase various advertising campaigns to grow both online and point of sale brand awareness.

Selling, General and Administrative expenses were $56.5 million in 2014, compared with $3.0 million in 2013.

Net loss was $(381.6) million for the full year ended December 31, 2014. The net loss includes a goodwill impairment charge of $144.4 million related to the “FIN” and “Vapestick” reporting units.

Balance Sheet

As of December 31, 2014, the Company had $2.1 million of cash and equivalents.

About Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Ltd. (ECIG)

Electronic Cigarettes International Group (ECIG) is dedicated to providing a compelling alternative to traditional cigarettes for the more than 1 billion current smokers around the world. ECIG is a fast growing independent electronic cigarette company, and owns the trademarks VAPESTICK®, FIN®, Victory®, VIP®, and others. The Company owns multiple subsidiary companies and has operations in North America and Western Europe. ECIG offers consumers a full product portfolio that incorporates product quality and the latest technology. The Company’s website is www.ecig.co.


493 Postings, 4818 Tage ini_382 millionen verlust

10.04.15 14:47
Ist schon heavy...  

589 Postings, 4510 Tage tradingman79Jetzt gehts los ende der woche 0,50€

13.04.15 18:03

1954 Postings, 4755 Tage riverstone@tradingman.....das schaut jetzt

13.04.15 19:00
sehr gut aus...Boden scheint gefunden zu sein....stark überverkauft.....da könnten wir jetzt zeimlich schnell höhere Kurse sehen....an die 0,50 glaube ich persönlich auch noch diese Woche.....Viel Glück!  

383 Postings, 3626 Tage Volchocsieht nach einem schönen

14.04.15 13:24
Comeback aus! Der Überverkauf spricht sich rum  

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