EBAY Lizensiert NEOM Barcode Technik
Erst dann wird es m.E. krachen können.
Keiner wird sich darum scheren ob wir gerne was wissen wollen würden oder eben nicht. Ich hoffe, die 26 wird drüben halten und über alles was wir drüber schließen freue ich mich, der Montag wird dann den weiteren Werdegang zeigen, aber wie auch immer es kommt wenn man es geschickt anstellt kann man hier noch was verdienen und wenn wir Glück haben sogar besonders viel!!!
euch allen ein schönes WE, ipson ;)
Der Typ is im Februar hier eingestiegen, und ratet mal in welchem Sektor der sein Brot verdient oder seine Finger schmutzig macht etc......
--ýAccretive Health Inc (NYSE: AH)
Mir gefällt das zweite Wort^^ irgendwer war da doch auch nen ganz kleines bisl involved
wie hieß der noch??? Ding Dong oder so....
Acc-no: 0001193125-12-058786 (34 Act) Size: 56 KB 2012-02-14 005-51621
Gestern nen Kauf von 20Mio Stühle zum Feierabend = 4,5% gerundet vom ganzen Kuchen
+ 30,89% = 35,39% -> fehlt ja nicht mehr viel um 51% von unserem liebling zu halten um was mit den Patenten im "Health"-Sector zu basteln^^
Nur mal ne kleine spekulation meinerseits!!
So jetzt will ich nen paar "Interessant" haben^^
#258441 Question for the board. superslider 03/30/12 12:58:22 PM
#258440 Too funny the paid promo group for SN$# cjstocksup 03/30/12 12:57:17 PM
#258439 I don't expect anything different on the 10K vero 03/30/12 12:53:57 PM
#258438 It not a game for us, its their paulsbest 03/30/12 12:50:15 PM
#258437 They are still shorting this baby,may tide tides johnydollar 03/30/12 12:50:14 PM
#258436 Just like people looking for a press release, skysdlimit 03/30/12 12:49:50 PM
#258435 I DONT THINK MANY OF US HERE ARE skysdlimit 03/30/12 12:46:00 PM
#258434 That's the name of the game shorts verses johnydollar 03/30/12 12:43:02 PM
#258433 What ever the shorts maybe thinking (and guess rwandrw 03/30/12 12:42:34 PM
#258432 I like that CJ. johnydollar 03/30/12 12:41:02 PM
#258431 Its amazing, we could have 50 straight buys skysdlimit 03/30/12 12:41:02 PM
#258430 They make folks think that a stock cannot johnydollar 03/30/12 12:40:31 PM
#258429 and how much time do the shorters have deadbroke_1 03/30/12 12:39:55 PM
#258428 NITE is at the NEOM HOD .0294. We cjstocksup 03/30/12 12:38:32 PM
#258427 your essay will be answered when news or deadbroke_1 03/30/12 12:38:01 PM
#258426 Going sideways till weekend, maximum. Too low volume paulsbest 03/30/12 12:37:10 PM
#258425 That's why if NEOM breaks 0.03 shorts will johnydollar 03/30/12 12:36:03 PM
#258424 Well, first off! My point of view is, Hoofman 03/30/12 12:35:30 PM
#258423 can someone please explain what you mean when SparklingAnjewel 03/30/12 12:32:17 PM
#258422 MERQ our famous NEOM short will not move cjstocksup 03/30/12 12:32:14 PM
#258421 Neom break it and lets fly baby. johnydollar 03/30/12 12:29:52 PM
#258420 Hello to all! First I would say I Beanrdavid 03/30/12 12:29:08 PM
#258419 Sounds like you are also a follower of Hahazhen 03/30/12 12:26:38 PM
#258418 Here we go...Time..to.Breakthrough .030!!! coronaman 03/30/12 12:22:48 PM
#258417 Every body including MMs are trying to defend johnydollar 03/30/12 12:21:33 PM
#258416 Neom looking good. My exit will be .05-.07 P23 03/30/12 12:19:45 PM
#258415 They know ,that's why they make every body johnydollar 03/30/12 12:19:25 PM
#258414 That's almost funny cause if they were to whizknock 03/30/12 12:17:26 PM
#258413 Get-in-NOW...Will-SOAR after Lunch!@ coronaman 03/30/12 12:16:40 PM
#258412 AUTO is retail. He sold weak at .028. cjstocksup 03/30/12 12:15:12 PM
#258411 again people, this is gonna fall like a sam ulst 03/30/12 12:13:45 PM
#258410 If you must sell hold them high they Justkidding 03/30/12 12:13:39 PM
#258409 Where are they getting these shares at .029. druzela 03/30/12 12:11:31 PM
#258408 They are short and they don't want to johnydollar 03/30/12 12:11:27 PM
#258407 Seen this game before they put a fake johnydollar 03/30/12 12:08:56 PM
#258406 Yep. Why they want to hold it back whizknock 03/30/12 12:07:33 PM
#258405 Clue a few 5 K buys at .029 cjstocksup 03/30/12 11:58:25 AM
#258404 NeoMedia ? @neomediainc PClick 03/30/12 11:58:22 AM
#258403 Seems to me like this thing has a dmelvin 03/30/12 11:57:00 AM
#258402 You got to love them MMs putting a johnydollar 03/30/12 11:55:43 AM
#258401 Could someone please start the countdown clock or Hoofman 03/30/12 11:55:12 AM
#258400 They WON,T let it get to 3SSSS diggerdoo 03/30/12 11:54:57 AM
#258399 R U READY? iwantin2 03/30/12 11:54:07 AM
#258398 thats for sure looking like bottom here PIERRAT 03/30/12 11:52:51 AM
#258397 Flipping NEOM now is like playing musical chairs!!! :) Bigfootbud 03/30/12 11:52:40 AM
#258396 This is looking to RUN. druzela 03/30/12 11:51:57 AM
#258395 Not yet Johnydollar, not yet. whizknock 03/30/12 11:51:40 AM
#258394 might have a turn around PIERRAT 03/30/12 11:47:45 AM
#258393 thats me,just picked up 500k PIERRAT 03/30/12 11:46:49 AM
Viel Erfolg denen die investiert sind hier noch mit Neo.
Good Luck