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Wir haben bei 9,1 € einen starken Boden eingezogen....
Also los jetzt allles einsteigen bitte und der letzte macht die Türen zu.
Die Leerverkäufer werden bald Panikkäufe tätigen und dann sehen wor schnell die 15 € Plus....
Es werden händeringend große Packette gesammelt.
Ich und andere haben weitere Kauforder platziert.
Die Übernahme kommt erst nach den Zahlen, nach den Q2 Zahlen und dem Ausblick, dann wird es immer noch nicht zu spät sein, denn bis dahin können die Schortys ihre Anteile reduzieren.
Der Run steht erst noch ganz am Anfang. Der Streubesitz ist extrem eingeengt worden.
Auch die Vorstände werden bald mit Käufen punkten. Die haben bestimmt schon gekauft und werden bald Meldungen machen müssen.
Tubulis Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for Antibody-Drug Conjugate Candidate TUB-040 in Platinum-resistant Ovarian Cancer
TUB-040 is a next-generation NaPi2b-targeting Exatecan ADC based on the company’s proprietary P5 technology, currently being evaluated in a multicenter Phase I/IIa study NAPISTAR 1-01
Designation for TUB-040 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer is based on preclinical data in a range of models, demonstrating superior biophysical properties with effective and durable responses
Fast Track status allows for increased interaction with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) to support the development of TUB-040 to expedite regulatory review
Ovarian cancer (OC) is the leading cause of death among women diagnosed with gynecological cancers 1, with platinum-resistant OC being associated with especially poor disease outcomes
Munich, Germany, 27 June 2024:
Tubulis announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has granted Fast Track designation to its lead antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) TUB-040 for the treatment of patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. TUB-040 is a next-generation NaPi2b-targeting Exatecan ADC based on Tubulis’ proprietary P5 technology with superior biophysical properties that demonstrated effective and durable responses in a range of preclinical models, including ovarian cancer. The candidate is currently being evaluated in a multicenter Phase I/IIa study (NAPISTAR 1-01, NCT06303505) in patients with platinum-resistant high-grade ovarian cancer (PROC) or relapsed/refractory adenocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), who have exhausted other available treatment options.
„Almost all patients with ovarian cancer who are not cured by initial therapy will develop resistance to platinum-based therapy over time. Once platinum-resistant, therapeutic options for these patients are poor with highly unsatisfactory outcomes. The FDA´s Fast Track designation of TUB-040 is an important step in the development of TUB-040 to provide these women with urgently needed new therapeutic options,“ said Günter Fingerle-Rowson, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of Tubulis. “The FDA decision brings us one step closer to our goal of delivering the true value of ADCs to patients in need, and we are grateful for the agency’s support on this path to develop TUB-040 fast and efficiently.
The Fast Track status granted by the FDA is designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of new therapies that are intended to treat serious conditions and have the potential to address an unmet medical need. Programs granted Fast Track designation are subject to more frequent interactions with the FDA during clinical development and may be eligible for accelerated approval and/or priority review if certain criteria are met.TUB-040 is currently being evaluated in a multicenter, first-in-human, dose-escalation and optimization Phase I/IIa study. The trial is designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of TUB-040 as monotherapy and is being conducted in the US, UK, Spain, Belgium and Germany. Phase Ia includes dose escalation and will determine the safety and the maximum tolerated dose or identified dose for optimization, while Phase IIa will focus on dose optimization, safety, and preliminary efficacy of TUB-040.
To continue reading, please follow this link to Tubulis' press release.
Die Depotbanken haften nur für jeweils max. 90% bis 20.000€.
Sie verleihen teilweise ohne Zustimmung der Anleger deren Bestände.
Dann schaut man in Röhre, legaler Betrug , meine Meinung.
Tubulis Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for Antibody-Drug Conjugate Candidate TUB-040 in Platinum-resistant Ovarian Cancer
- TUB-040 is a next-generation NaPi2b-targeting Exatecan ADC based on the company’s proprietary P5 technology, currently being evaluated in a multicenter Phase I/IIa study NAPISTAR 1-01
- Designation for TUB-040 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer is based on preclinical data in a range of models, demonstrating superior biophysical properties with effective and durable responses
- Fast Track status allows for increased interaction with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) to support the development of TUB-040 to expedite regulatory review
- Ovarian cancer (OC) is the leading cause of death among women diagnosed with gynecological cancers 1, with platinum-resistant OC being associated with especially poor disease outcomes
Munich, Germany, 27 June 2024:
Tubulis announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has granted Fast Track designation to its lead antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) TUB-040 for the treatment of patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. TUB-040 is a next-generation NaPi2b-targeting Exatecan ADC based on Tubulis’ proprietary P5 technology with superior biophysical properties that demonstrated effective and durable responses in a range of preclinical models, including ovarian cancer. The candidate is currently being evaluated in a multicenter Phase I/IIa study (NAPISTAR 1-01, NCT06303505) in patients with platinum-resistant high-grade ovarian cancer (PROC) or relapsed/refractory adenocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), who have exhausted other available treatment options.
„Almost all patients with ovarian cancer who are not cured by initial therapy will develop resistance to platinum-based therapy over time. Once platinum-resistant, therapeutic options for these patients are poor with highly unsatisfactory outcomes. The FDA´s Fast Track designation of TUB-040 is an important step in the development of TUB-040 to provide these women with urgently needed new therapeutic options,“ said Günter Fingerle-Rowson, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of Tubulis. “The FDA decision brings us one step closer to our goal of delivering the true value of ADCs to patients in need, and we are grateful for the agency’s support on this path to develop TUB-040 fast and efficiently.
The Fast Track status granted by the FDA is designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of new therapies that are intended to treat serious conditions and have the potential to address an unmet medical need. Programs granted Fast Track designation are subject to more frequent interactions with the FDA during clinical development and may be eligible for accelerated approval and/or priority review if certain criteria are met.TUB-040 is currently being evaluated in a multicenter, first-in-human, dose-escalation and optimization Phase I/IIa study. The trial is designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of TUB-040 as monotherapy and is being conducted in the US, UK, Spain, Belgium and Germany. Phase Ia includes dose escalation and will determine the safety and the maximum tolerated dose or identified dose for optimization, while Phase IIa will focus on dose optimization, safety, and preliminary efficacy of TUB-040.
To continue reading, please follow this link to Tubulis' press release.
Bei der nächsten News explodiert der Kurs richtung 10,7 € und anschliessend richtung 12,9 €.
Das ist glasklar.
Diese Verbrecher Anal-Lysten aus England, völlig unbekannt, waren nur bezahlte schreiberlinge die keine ahnung haben.
Bewertung von 7 € ist schon eine Lachnummer! Mann kann es schon auf die Spitze treiben und auch +übertreiben.
liegt man zu 95 % richtig. Die sind nur bezahlte Verbrecher Schreiberlinge.
Tubulis Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for Antibody-Drug Conjugate Candidate TUB-040 in Platinum-resistant Ovarian Cancer
- TUB-040 is a next-generation NaPi2b-targeting Exatecan ADC based on the company’s proprietary P5 technology, currently being evaluated in a multicenter Phase I/IIa study NAPISTAR 1-01
- Designation for TUB-040 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer is based on preclinical data in a range of models, demonstrating superior biophysical properties with effective and durable responses
- Fast Track status allows for increased interaction with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) to support the development of TUB-040 to expedite regulatory review
- Ovarian cancer (OC) is the leading cause of death among women diagnosed with gynecological cancers 1, with platinum-resistant OC being associated with especially poor disease outcomes
Munich, Germany, 27 June 2024:
Tubulis announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has granted Fast Track designation to its lead antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) TUB-040 for the treatment of patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. TUB-040 is a next-generation NaPi2b-targeting Exatecan ADC based on Tubulis’ proprietary P5 technology with superior biophysical properties that demonstrated effective and durable responses in a range of preclinical models, including ovarian cancer. The candidate is currently being evaluated in a multicenter Phase I/IIa study (NAPISTAR 1-01, NCT06303505) in patients with platinum-resistant high-grade ovarian cancer (PROC) or relapsed/refractory adenocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), who have exhausted other available treatment options.
„Almost all patients with ovarian cancer who are not cured by initial therapy will develop resistance to platinum-based therapy over time. Once platinum-resistant, therapeutic options for these patients are poor with highly unsatisfactory outcomes. The FDA´s Fast Track designation of TUB-040 is an important step in the development of TUB-040 to provide these women with urgently needed new therapeutic options,“ said Günter Fingerle-Rowson, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of Tubulis. “The FDA decision brings us one step closer to our goal of delivering the true value of ADCs to patients in need, and we are grateful for the agency’s support on this path to develop TUB-040 fast and efficiently.
The Fast Track status granted by the FDA is designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of new therapies that are intended to treat serious conditions and have the potential to address an unmet medical need. Programs granted Fast Track designation are subject to more frequent interactions with the FDA during clinical development and may be eligible for accelerated approval and/or priority review if certain criteria are met.TUB-040 is currently being evaluated in a multicenter, first-in-human, dose-escalation and optimization Phase I/IIa study. The trial is designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of TUB-040 as monotherapy and is being conducted in the US, UK, Spain, Belgium and Germany. Phase Ia includes dose escalation and will determine the safety and the maximum tolerated dose or identified dose for optimization, while Phase IIa will focus on dose optimization, safety, and preliminary efficacy of TUB-040.
To continue reading, please follow this link to Tubulis' press release.
Ansonsten sind alle nur Verbrecher und bezahlte korrupte Scharlantane.
Bei Morrphosys gab es vom Kurstief ca. 450 % Kurs
aufschlag bis zur vollendung der Übernahme. Das könnte auch hier um die 42 € liegen und das heisst auf jedenfall und ist auch glasklar, unabhängig von den Verwerfungen durhc die Leerverkäufer, das Evotec deutlichst unterbewertet ist. Nahc wie vor liegt der Umsatz bei 780 Mio und die 1 Milliarde € Umsatz für 2025 ist nach wie vor bestätigt worden.
Wer etwas anderes behauptet ist ein bezahlter schreiberling der Leerverkäufer. In 2017 hatte Evotec einen Umsatz von ca. 130-150 Mio € und der Kurs lag bei ca. 5,6-7,3 €.
Das GAP worauf viele speckulierten, wird mit sicherheit nicht geschlossen werden. Deshalb haben auch sehr viele weiter auf fallende Kurse gesetzt und das ist auch gut so.
Das Peak wird sicher kommen und ist keine frage des ob, sondern des wann! Nach 11:00 Uhr könnte gewaltiger druck aufkommen. Leider haben die Leerverkäufer noch keine erhöhung der Positionen gemeldet. Die sind wohl nicht mehr mutig genug, oder sie lügen weiter um sich nicht in die Karten schauen zu lassen. Heute ist ein guter Tag für einen kleinen Crash im Gesamtmarkt.
Meiner Meinung nachhaben die es enorm übertrieben und ausgereizt....
Brennt Shortys brennt.
Der Boden ist ausgeprägt, aber eine Ausbruchsbestätigung fehlt noch.
1 Nutzer wurde vom Verfasser von der Diskussion ausgeschlossen: goalgetter