Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Momis lays down an action agenda for O’Neill on Bougainville
BOUGAINVILLE president John Momis has taken the opportunity of congratulating Peter O’Neill on his election win to remind him that the autonomous province is expecting cooperation from the Papua New Guinea government in addressing joint challenges.
Dr Momis emphasised the need for continued close engagement in relation to the forthcoming referendum on Bougainville’s independence and the importance of ensuring autonomy arrangements work effectively.
Bougainville’s referendum will be held in mid-2019, during the term of this PNG parliament, and relationships between the autonomous province and the O’Neill government have been rocky in the past.
“It is important that Bougainville’s autonomy arrangements operate effectively as intended by the PNG constitution,” Dr Momis reminded Mr O’Neill.
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Es bleibt dabei... Kursziel sind die rund 3,50€ vor Schließung der Mine 1989...
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July 31, 2017
Ousted member for Central Bougainville Jimmy Miringtoro has congratulated the MP-elect Fr Simon Dumarinu.
Mr Miringtoro also pledged his support to the new MP, opting to work together to rebuild Central Bougainville and Bougainville as a whole.
He applauded the election process, stating that the people have spoken and made their decisions known in the democratic system through the secret ballot voting.
“It is time to build Bougainville. Whatever group that will form the government, rebuilding Bougainville is the priority for all the leaders of Bougainville,” Mr Miringtoro said, adding that rebuilding Bougainville will continue for the next 50 years.
“Rebuilding Bougainville is not a one-man job. It needs honesty, and diligent leadership to continue to push policies to rebuild Bougainville and the livelihood of the people who have missed out in the civil conflict.”
Mr Miringtoro urged the MPs to work with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG).
“When ABG is not delivering, therefore, the four national MPs must hold hands and work to rebuild the island its population. We have government on the ground (ABG) but its not performing its duties to lead people. Instead, it is leading people to confusion. We must work with the grassroots on the ground and help them realize their dreams and aspirations.”
Mr Miringtoro (pictured right) termed the last five years in government as successful, whereby he had pushed government policies and worked hard to cover whole of Central Bougainville electorate in the service delivery....
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Leider mangelt es an Hirn im Kopf. Homebrew und Bethelnüsse machen den Rest.
Wenn die Frauen auf Bougainville Miriori durchschauen, könnte mehr gehen.
...He noted that the matter is currently before the National Court ...
“Key members of our team, including executive manager Justin Rogers and senior project officer Ezekiel Burain, who are both very well-regarded in Bougainville, had the opportunity to update landowners on our more immediate community engagement plans as well as on the process for finalising the 1990 statutory compensation payments,” Burns said.
A COURT has issued a restraining order to stop the signing of an agreement between landowners and the Autonomous Bougainville Government regarding the reopening of the Panguna mine.
Justice Ambeng Kandakasi issued the order at the Waigani National Court following an application filed by Philip Miriori, the chairman of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Incorporated (SMLOLI).
He ordered that the parties to the proposed memorandum of agreement for the redevelopment of the Panguna mine were “forthwith restrained from signing the agreement”.
“If in the event the agreement has already been signed, the parties to that agreement and any person wanting to implement it are forthwith restrained from doing so,” Kandakasi said.
The signing of the agreement would have paved the way for the Bougainville Copper Limited to start work on the mine’s reopening.
The agreement was to have been signed last Friday but was cancelled after women from the area protested.
The court also restrained Lawrence Daveona from acting as the chairman of SMLOLI. The matter will return to court on Friday.
Justice Kandakasi said the order would remain in force unless the parties to the agreement could produce evidence that they had obtained the consent of the more than 500 block holders. The National
Metals & Mining
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0.380 11 Aug 2017 | Daily 0.030 8.571% | Daily volume 18,700 | |||||||||
Bid 0.350 | Offer 0.380 | Dividends
Interessant wäre, ob es ein "Urteil" gibt, denn der "Friday" müsste der 23.Juni gewesen sein....
Bzw. Frage erübrigt sich, da Burns ja auf den Gerichtsfall verweist.
Metals & Mining
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0.400 15 Aug 2017 | Daily 0.020 5.263% | Daily volume 70,904 | |||||||||
Bid 0.350 | Offer 0.400 | Dividends
Er ist noch nicht geknackt, aber kurz davor...
Mit dem Überschreiten kommt auch Umsatz rein...
In D wir doch weder nennenswert gekauft oder verkauft...
Die, die drin sind bleiben drin und für neue müssen erst schlagkräftige Argumente kommen, News oder charttechnisch...
Ich finde, es sieht verdammt gut aus nach den Jahren der negativen Lethargie..
Hoffe mal nicht, dass Miriori den Fortschritt für längere Zeit blockieren kann....
Die rund 250k um die 40c im ASK bekommen wir nur mit big news weg. Und das BID ist momentan beängstigend schwach. Rund 30.000 Stück und danach sind wir dann schon wieder in den 20ern (AU Cents).
Warten auf Godot?
Aktie hat heute -14% verloren bei höheren Umsätzen.
vielleicht gutes Omen für BOC
They said former Panguna combatants are fighters and do not fear and will not hesitate to destroy anybody that sabotages the Panguna re-opening.