Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Ohne Panguna gibt es keine Unabhängigkeit. Wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht nass, geht halt nicht.
Und auch, dass BCL in der absoluten Mehrheit der Bevölkerung gehört, scheinen Sie auch nicht zu verstehen.
Nervt ziemlich das ganze rumeiern.
Diese Konstellation gab es vor 30 Jahren überhaupt nicht und heute würde fast das gesamte Einkommen von BCL auf Bougainville bleiben.
....offizielle Einschätzung .;-)
Pacific Papua New Guinea
2:01 pm today
Panguna like project vital for Bougainville prosperity, says govt
2:01 pm today
Arawa, Bougainville
Arawa, Bougainville Photo: RNZI
The autonomous Bougainville Government [the ABG] says it remains determined to foster a major mining project ahead of a vote on possible independence from Papua New Guinea in 2019.
Last week, an attempt by the ABG to sign a memorandum of agreement with landowners around the Panguna mine was abandoned after a protest and road block by groups who are opposed to the mine opening before the independence vote.
The Bougainville Vice President, Raymond Masono, said they hope to resolve the issues these group have very soon because the government was determined to proceed with its policy.
"It believes that without a large economic project on which sectors just mentioned [tourism, farming] can piggyback, you can talk about political independence but without a sound economic foundation for a future prosperous Bougainville, what is there to vote for in the referendum? "
Those protesting are also against any return by Bougainville Copper Ltd, which used to run the mine, but that company is now under the control of the Bougainville and PNG governments, and local landowners, after the multi national, Rio Tinto, walked away from any involvement.
A COURT has issued a restraining order to stop the signing of an agreement between landowners and the Autonomous Bougainville Government regarding the reopening of the Panguna mine.
Justice Ambeng Kandakasi issued the order at the Waigani National Court following an application filed by Philip Miriori, the chairman of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Incorporated (SMLOLI).
He ordered that the parties to the proposed memorandum of agreement for the redevelopment of the Panguna mine were “forthwith restrained from signing the agreement”.
“If in the event the agreement has already been signed, the parties to that agreement and any person wanting to implement it are forthwith restrained from doing so,” Kandakasi said.
The signing of the agreement would have paved the way for the Bougainville Copper Limited to start work on the mine’s reopening.
The agreement was to have been signed last Friday but was cancelled after women from the area protested.
The court also restrained Lawrence Daveona from acting as the chairman of SMLOLI. The matter will return to court on Friday.
Justice Kandakasi said the order would remain in force unless the parties to the agreement could produce evidence that they had obtained the consent of the more than 500 block holders.
Warum haben sie den Lawrence kaltgestellt und wer ist dieser Miriori?
Trotzdem denke ich, now or never.
...enteignen in unserem Sinne geht meistens gar nicht d. h. Grundstück Parzellen Kataster = 0 denn die * Ländereien * erben immer die Frauen ohne irgendwo erfasst zu werden.
Die Frauen haben in Ihrer Kultur die Familie mit den Früchten Ihrer Arbeit auf dem Feld und in dem Garten zu ernähren!
Diese Aufgabe muß erhalten und ausgebaut und gewährleistet sein.
Was ja auch der Fall ist.
Wenn jezt diese Frauen aus der Landwirtschaft demonstrieren dann stehen wahrscheinlich *andere Interessen von Gruppen bzw. Einzelpersonen dahinter die ihnen erzählt haben das sie ihre Familien nicht mehr nach altem Brauch oder auch *Kultur* versorgen können wenn.........
Real heißt das für sie dann ein großer Machtverlust und davor haben sie Angst.
Da hilft nur Aufklärung + Aufklärung was bestimmt nicht leicht ist .
Ich denke auch der Gesellschaftliche Vortschritt (Ärzte, Lehrer, Arbeitsstellen usw.) den die Einnahmen durch das mining bietet wird hier aus einem tief verwurzeltem Misstrauen gegenüber jeglicher Administration gar nicht oder sehr wenig beachtet.
Also ist es die Aufgabedes ABG siehe : # 21213. :-)
"These are not your ordinary protesters. They are not your common or familiar type. But they are growing and giving cargo cultism, religious fanaticism, misguided patriotism a new face and a new beginning in Bougainville. They own BCL now even though they are not Panguna landowners. Can someone please explain this to them before they start damaging what they own or start stealing from themselves
I think we are now dealing with a handful of fanatics and zealots that are confused and are a threat to Bougainville's peace and future."
Ein Kommentar:
"I think most of these protesters, if not all, are residents of Arawa town. My guess is most are occupying BCL or other peoples properties; some may have built houses and/or businesses on other properties land. These people are protesting to stop mining or BCL so they can continue illegally occupy BCL properties. All kinds of corruption at work. If and when BCL returns all its properties will be reclaimed na yumi bai paimin ples."
... giving cargo cultism, religious fanaticism, misguided patriotism a new face .....
...wenn diese Leute wirklich die Entwicklung auf Bougainville beeinflussen dann ist doch die Frage warum bringt man es nicht fertig sie so zufrieden zustellen das sie mitarbeiten an einer Zukunft für alle????
Bitte frage jetzt nicht wie, es gibt unendliche Möglichkeiten Menschen *glücklich zu machen* Mir fällt da spontan ein Land ein das mit T...anfängt und ein Polit superstar der mit Erd.......anfängt (praktisch die untere Linie der Bandbreite) und als Gegenbeispiel Norwegen das ja gemessen die glücklichsten Einwohner hat.(praktisch die obere Linie der Bandbreite)
Ja das Beispiel hinkt.
Dazwischen gibt es aber hundertfach andere (in Europa geht es nach dem Motto Brot und Spiele) und die auf facebook angesprochenen rechtswiedrigen gebauten Hütten ect............ man muß da nichts weiter aufführen.........wozu ist die Exekutive in einem Staat da??????........... .keine Fragen mehr..;-))
Evtl. sind es auch die Menschen, welche illegal abbauen.
Entweder mit Gewalt räumen, was aber nicht gut wäre, oder alternative Unterkünfte anbieten mit Perspektive. Jemand muss mit Ihnen reden und Sie müssen auch bereit sein, auch nur ein bißchen zuzuhören. Anscheinend konnte man am Tag der Blockade nicht mit Ihnen reden!?
Ich glaube, es wird eine gute Lösung für alle geben.
Fakt ist, dass die meisten und vor allem die Macher wollen, dass ist eine gute Grundlage.
Ich bin opimistisch.
...sonst hätte ich mich nicht so oft positiv diesbezüglich geäußert. :-) Wenn jetzt der Eindruck des bashings entstanden ist dann war das überhaupt nicht die Absicht.
Das worüber wir hier schreiben ist im Grunde auch überschaubar. Ich meine die Bevölkerungszahl
vergleichbar mit einer Kleinstadt in der EU und da kennt sich auch fast jeder persönlich zumindest die Ortsteilvorsteher untereinander. Und wie Meinungen unterstütz bzw. abgeschwächt werden kennt man doch auch zur genüge. Auch in relativ kurzer Zeit.
Im Grunde kommt es immer nur auf eine Handvoll Leute an die ich auf meine Seite bringen muß (wie auch immer;-)
Die besten Voraussetzungen durch die Übertragung der BCL shares sind doch gegeben wie Familien in der Region gut leben können wissen auch die Experten vor Ort. Geld zur Finanzierung ist auch bald genug da. Also macht doch was daraus!! Die Zeit steht nicht sie läuft.
Government tunes in to people
June 21, 2017
Government research conducted across Bougainville has laid the foundation for more targeted public awareness.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has released a report on people’s access to media and communication channels to better target awareness activities on the peace agreement and upcoming referendum.
The report is based on a survey of over 1,000 people across Bougainville. It found that the varying, but generally low access to government information required new approaches with greater attention to presentation of information.
The report recommended tapping into new channels people are using such as mobile phone and video, but a general need to focus on the content of information with clear, simple and consistently repeated messages, designed with the target audience in mind - whether they be youth, women or people of different levels of literacy.
The survey was an initiative of the Bureau of Media and Communications and was conducted by the Centre for Social and Creative Media , University of Goroka.
Chief Secretary Joseph Nobetau thanked Bougainvilleans for their participation in the survey and assured them that the government was listening to their voice.
“This survey has gone down to the grassroots level to find out why awareness of the BPA and government remains low”, Nobetau said.
“It has found the penetration of traditional media: radio, newspapers and television, and newer internet channels is very low, especially outside Buka and Arawa. This creates a major challenge for a government to communicate with its people.”
The research showed there was still confusion about key aspects of the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
People said they wanted the government to come down to their level, invest in radio, but also suggested new ideas, like using mobile phone for information dissemination.
Mr Nobetau said while the survey showed there is a lot of work to do to prepare people for the referendum, it also gave many good ideas about how to do things better.
“The lack of a good understanding of the Peace Agreement is evidence that we cannot rely on using the same old awareness approaches of the past. We must look at presenting information more clearly, more consistently, more often, and use a variety of different ways to get a two-way flow of information happening. This will create greater impact and greater understanding.”
The head of the Bureau of Media and Communications Adriana Schmidt, said they were already responding to the findings.
“We are currently working with the Department of Peace Agreement Implementation to prepare multi-media information kits for our Members of Parliament, producing video and investigating mobile-phone based awareness,” Ms Schmidt said.
“With this report, the government has listened to the views of people and we are now better placed to plan and implement improved awareness.”
The Chief Secretary called upon all government agencies and communication partners to use the report to improve engagement with community.
“The task ahead is to better target our awareness campaigns and we will continue to survey and measure our activities in this regard.”
The Bougainville Audience Study asked people about their access to radio, mobile phone, TV, newspaper and the internet, their most trusted sources of information, and preferred ways of receiving government news. The research also asked people about their level of understanding of the three pillars of the Bougainville Peace Agreement: weapons disposal, autonomy and referendum, and other issues.
The survey was an initiative of the Bureau of Media and Communications, conducted by Centre for Social and Creative Media , University of Goroka, with funding support from the governments of Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, Australia and New Zealand. Over 1,114 people were surveyed, and 200 in-depth interviews conducted. The Bougainville Audience Study can be downloaded at :
These are not your ordinary protesters. They are not your common or familiar type. But they are growing and giving cargo cultism, religious fanaticism, misguided patriotism a new face and a new beginning in Bougainville. They own BCL now even though they are not Panguna landowners. Can someone please explain this to them before they start damaging what they own or start stealing from themselves.
They get their strength not from the cultures that bind and bond our societies together. They do not believe in representative government and attack and ridicule elected leaders and ABG at will.
They read the Bible like a comic book and are rather selective, only choosing to use those chapters and verses that suit their fancy. They derive their strength, enthusiasm and faith from a deep misunderstanding of both biblical and modern Israel, Zionism and something called Ophir.
Some of them go on pilgrimages to get their cue, strength and energy from abroad as if the land that is Bougainville has no strength and energy. When they come back they talk in parables and tongues with devious messages that are hard to hear and comprehend.
They are convinced that all the gold, silver diamonds and all precious stones belong to King Solomon and we should just leave them in the ground for him until his reincarnation.
Their biggest weapon is a lot of noise, clatter and chatter. They huddle in small numbers and their refusal to accept truth and reality as well as their disregard for rights of landowners is only surpassed by their ignorance of who really owns BCL today.
When you peel them off like layers of onions to find out what they actually stand for, you will not find anything. There is no substance in the core. Nothing.
It is dangerous when people think they believe in something or think they are standing up for something but do not know what it is.
I think we are now dealing with a handful of fanatics and zealots that are confused and are a threat to Bougainville's peace and future.
Don't say you haven't been told or warned.
Panguna Mine protesters not landowners
The Vice President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Raymond Masono has expressed disgust at the action of those calling themselves hardliners that recently prevented the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
June 22, 2017
The Vice President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Raymond Masono has expressed disgust at the action of those calling themselves hardliners that recently prevented the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
The signing scheduled for June 16 2017 was to be done between the ABG and the Panguna Mine Affected Landowners (PMAL) and other stakeholders to the Panguna Mine.
Mr Masono said the signing would have started the process of removing impediments to reopening the Panguna Mine but the ABG team was prevented from travelling to Panguna for the signing by the group opposed to the reopening of the mine and Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL’s) return to redevelop the mine.
He said Bougainville is probably one of a few places in this country where individuals or groups disagreeing with a particular government policy can stop a legitimate government from carrying out its mandated duties for the common good of its citizens.
Mr Masono said this does not auger well for good governance, the rule of law and respect for lawful authority, that are important benchmarks in the ratification outcome of the referendum by the national government and the international community who are watching our every actions.
“What kind of signal are we sending to the United Nations and the rest of the international community with regards to Bougainville’s unity prior to the conduct of the referendum, as well as ratification by PNG and the support of the UN and the international community of the outcome,” Mr Masono asked.
The Vice President said it must also be understood that those opposed to the reopening of Panguna and the return of BCL are not landowners.
aus #21240...Google Übersetzung:.............
Herr Masono sagte, dass dies nicht gut für eine gute Regierungsführung, die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und die Achtung vor rechtmäßiger Autorität, die wichtige Maßstäbe in der Ratifizierung Ergebnis des Referendums durch die nationale Regierung und die internationale Gemeinschaft, die alle unsere Aktionen beobachten.
"Welche Art von Signal senden wir an die Vereinten Nationen und den Rest der internationalen Gemeinschaft in Bezug auf die Einheit von Bougainville vor der Durchführung des Referendums, sowie die Ratifizierung durch PNG und die Unterstützung der Vereinten Nationen und der internationalen Gemeinschaft der Ergebnis ", fragte Herr Masono.................
nächster Ausbruch in den kommenden Wochen führt den Kurs wahrscheinlich über 0,28
auf bis zu 0,35-0,40
Bougainville landowners keen to see mining but not BCL
Posted by mnews on June 22, 2017
The head of a landowners group controlling the site of the Panguna mine in Papua New Guinea’s Bougainville says it is keen to see a resumption of mining but will always be opposed to the return of Bougainville Copper Ltd.
BCL was the operator of the mine up to the outbreak of the civil war....
vollständiger Artikel hier:
Aber ich denke auch diese Herausforderung wird entsprechend befriedigend gelöst werden und BCL wird die Mine eröffnen. Auf die paar Wochen...
Sehe aber ohne positive News Kurs um 15 Euro Cent auf uns zukommen.
hat jemand schon was zur Entscheidung (?) des Gerichts gelesene, sollte doch heute rauskommen?
.................................................0,33 Aus $ = 0,2237€.......................................................
H. P. Mir..... schlimmer gehts nimmer ;-) die Firmen-Bilanz 2016 dürfte noch mehr Klarheit schaffen ;-))
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Aktienkurs RTG Mining
Börsenplatz | Toronto |
Letzter Kurs | 0,120CAD |
Performance | 0,00 % |
Kurszeit | 10:00:09 |
Eröffnung | 0,120CAD |
Tageshoch | 0,125CAD |
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Wer macht nun das Rennen? Wer hat das Sagen? SMLOLA u. niemand anders?
Ist die Exploration Licence im Sept. 2016 verfallen? Wann u. mit wem wird verlängert?
The members of SMLOLA are the owners of the customary land & minerals which is the subject of the old BCL operated Panguna open pit mine area!?
.........This proposal is also, ultimately conditional upon the support
of the Autonomous Bougainville
Government (“ABG”) and others...........
.....Dieser Vorschlag ist auch letztlich von der Unterstützung
Der autonomen Bougainville
Regierung ("ABG") und andere abhängig.............