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15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekrokönnte auch Panguna sein:

01.07.15 10:21
hina looks to mine Papua New Guinea assets


Oxford Business Group

Chinese miners are looking to increase their presence in Papua New Guinea’s minerals industry, with two recent acquisitions giving companies from the mainland a firm hold on assets in the extractive sector.

China already has a presence in the PNG economy, through investments in the mining, infrastructure and property sectors, attracted by the country’s relatively untapped mineral wealth. Recently, firms have been looking to raise their profile in the minerals sector, taking advantage of the depressed commodities market to buy into ventures where existing operators are in need of a cash injection, as well as secure supplies to meet domestic demand.

Buying up

In May, Australian miner PanAust accepted a revised takeover offer worth about A$1.2bn ($923m) from Guangdong Rising Assets Management Company (GRAM). The move will see the state-owned Chinese company gain control of a large-scale gold and copper development on PNG’s Frieda River, building on its 22.5% stake in the firm.

According to Greg Anderson, the executive director of the PNG Chamber of Mines, Chinese investors are better placed than most to fund developments, particularly large-scale mining projects such as Frieda River, because they have the capital. “It is a mega, world-class project and raising the funds for it, particularly in the current market, would be extremely difficult,” he told Australia’s ABC radio in June. “With the entry of the Chinese into the project, it’s far more likely that it will go ahead, certainly within the next five years or so.”

The Chinese drive gained further impetus when Zijin Mining Group acquired a 50% stake in Canadian-based miner Barrick Gold’s PNG Porgera gold operation for $298m in cash, at the end of May, as part of a broader strategic partnership. Barrick’s take from the mine was 493,000 ounces of gold last year, and it is expected to have an operational life of five years or more.

Barrick Gold is selling assets as it looks to reduce a $13bn debt pile, after investing heavily in assets when the market was high, only to see commodities prices dip.

Chairman John Thornton noted that Chinese firms would increasingly have a central role in the mining industry as the country’s appetite for minerals grows. “A 21st-century mining company with global reach and the intention to become an industry leader must, by definition, have a distinctive relationship with China,” he said.

Local opposition

Chinese miners have not always enjoyed a warm welcome in PNG. There have, for example, been clashes between locals and employees of the Metallurgical Corporation of China, which operates the Ramu nickel cobalt project via its subsidiary Ramu NiCo. At least four people were killed in 2009, when riots were sparked by fights between local and Chinese workers during the construction of the project, located near Madang on the north coast. Last August, production was halted for three days after five Chinese workers were injured in an attack by locals.

The $2.1bn Ramu mine was the first large-scale foray by China into the PNG minerals extraction sector. In 2014, the mine produced 21,000 tonnes of nickel, according to the Chinese firm’s junior partner Highlands Pacific, which is forecast to increase to 31,000 tonnes a year when the facility reaches full capacity over its 40-year lifespan.

Though global demand for many minerals remains sluggish, some analysts are forecasting a rebound for the mining industry in 2016. In particular, metals such as copper, gold and nickel – all of which are found in PNG – are expected to post solid price increases, in part on the back of higher demand from China.

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil..@bollo.. jeder vergeudete Tag.....

01.07.15 12:39

...``was stolen from the next generation.``....

.. Was ist wenn denen das  Licht dann richtig aufgeht ??  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....ASX heute...

03.07.15 08:43

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03 Jul 2015
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15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroEigentlich..........

03.07.15 10:21
..........hätte ich damit gerechnet dass die im Mai/Juni in D abgefischten 500k  Shares heute nach AU verschoben würden um den Kurs zu drücken?
Angehängte Grafik:

302 Postings, 6503 Tage sellongoodnews.

03.07.15 11:49
welches Interesse sollte bestehen, den Kurs zu drücken?  

396 Postings, 4762 Tage BOC-KoalaEin niedriger Kurs

03.07.15 14:21
... erleichtert möglicherweise die Verhandlungsbereitschaft von PNG
... mildert möglicherweise irre Meekamui Forderungen
... ermöglicht Mininggegner sich billig mit Aktien zu versorgen -> damit werden aus
    Mininggegnern plötzlich Aktionäre und die Sicht der Dinge ändert sich womöglich.  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil......#20129......kommt darauf an...

03.07.15 16:59

...bei wem die Böcke zur Zeit sind. Wenn dafür  die Cinesen in Frage kommen, könnte ich mir vorstellendas  sie noch länger im Stall bleiben. ;-))))  

1025 Postings, 4833 Tage antares0650Chinesen

04.07.15 19:01
ich glaube nicht, dass die Chinesische Banken bei einem Kurssturz von minus 25 % in den letzten 10 Tagen viel Geld auf die Beine stellen werden...
Die müssen jetzt mal von den Zockern an den Börsen ihre ausstehenden Kredite eintreiben....  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil...@antares....

05.07.15 09:12

....die Überlegung ist die: wenn angenommen wird das Chinesische Bergbauunternehmen  an Panguna Interesse haben, liegt es doch nahe das sie im Vorlauf vor der Bekanntgabe eines Angebotes (oder vor News die darauf hindeuten), soviel wie möglich zum jetzigen Kurs einsammeln und bis zum Zeitpunkt X auch halten.

Solange es da keine gegenteiligen Stellungnahmen gibt (von beiden Seiten) ist dieses Scenario doch nicht ganz von der Hand zu weisen.

Was allerdings in den letzten Wochen und Tagen  auffällt ist das  Erscheinungsbild der USA und damit auch AUS in der Region.Auch da darf man ein finanzielles Interesse schon voraussetzen, mal abgesehen von den politischen Zielsetzungen.

Wie auch immer primär geht es doch darum aus einem Fass ohne Boden ``also Armut`` ein Fass mit Boden ``also Wohlstand``  für alle Beteiligten zu machen. imho.  ;-))))


15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroEverybody is so bearish on commodities........

05.07.15 14:59 present, most of this negativity has been driven by analysts and the media. Share prices of every iron ore miner, copper miner, nickel miner, and lead/zinc miner have been trashed by the market. Exploration has been curtailed as most mining juniors are out of money and have little chance of raising money, and guess what this has happened many times over the years.
I remember after the huge nickel find of Poseidon in 1969 the market went crazy and then just a few years later it was all over and geologists who had been in the outback exploring for new nickel deposits were reduced to driving taxis in Perth.
After every mining boom theres a bust, and after every bust is another boom.
The one thing that has changed this time is that in Asian countries with their huge populations the people are sick of washing clothes in the river and peddling their bicycle to the farm. So the next boom is not so far away as it was from the time before.
Whilst RIO has made some dumb mistakes and should've had more insight earlier into the situation in China, doesn't mean that RIO isn't going to outperform in the future. With the lowest production costs RIO will continue to produce and sell its products, and when the next boom comes along RIO will be sitting in the box seat. The next boom might not be this year or next year, but I'm betting it will be within the next 5 years. This bust is setting the seeds for the next boom, and the bigger the bust then the bigger the next boom.
Most traders will say so what, its years away, but I liken investing in shares as I do in investing in property, when I buy, I buy for the long term. Who buys and sells their investment property every week, definitely not me.
If RIO goes any lower I'll be doubling up.

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil......Fluid situation momis said........

08.07.15 12:53


By Tom Kathoa

Politicians and public servants who attended the opening of the four days Induction Workshop for members of the House of Representatives were told that the situation in Bougainville is still very fluid.

ABG President, Hon. Dr. Chief John Momis in his opening remarks told the participants that we are going through a very fluid situation adding that we still do not know where we will end up.

On this note, the president appealed to all Bougainvilleans to make good use of the time and opportunity and to put on their thinking caps to make good decisions for our future.

President Momis is appealing to all the people of this region to make sure we do not end up in a situation like Port Moresby where the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer.

We, the people of Bougainville have a responsibility and duty to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Every citizens of Bougainville should be allowed to equally participate in any development that is taking place on their land.

He said it is very important that our political leaders including village leaders and every man and woman of Bougainville should all contribute towards a better Bougainville.


Quelle :  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekro"less talk and more action. "

09.07.15 11:59
By Tom Kathoa

A senior cabinet minister in the Autonomous Bougainville Government has called for less talk and more action.

Economic Service Minister and Member for Tsitalato, Hon Fidelis Semoso says he is already tire and fed up with public servants saying work is in progress.

He claims the phrase, Work is in progress or progressing has become an everyday language for public servants to hide their inefficiency or lack of commitment to their work.

The minister challenged all public servants to be active in producing and delivering the goods to the bulk of the rural population of Bougainville.

Telling the government that work is in progress is not enough, but an excuse by such officers to hide their non commitment to perform their expected duties of carrying out and implementing government programs.

Mr. Semoso is calling on government workers to work with the government in meeting the peoples’ needs of service delivery.


1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....was der Big Mac Index ....

09.07.15 13:24

...über die Kaufkraft einer Landes Währung aussagt das sagt der Bier Index über den Goldpreis :-)

This 65-year beer vs gold price chart is the only one you need.


Warum dann nicht gleich in das flüssige Gold investieren ?????? (  + 4,2%/ Jahr seit 1950 + and more fun;-))))))


666 Postings, 5934 Tage havannaBougainville must be united...

09.07.15 19:29
Veteran urges leaders to unite


LEADERS of Bougainville have been called to unite for the good of the people of Bougainville.

This concern was raised by veterans from Central Bougainville who also demanded that leaders must come down to the grassroots people and address them of many outstanding issues currently surrounding the region.

Philip Pinau, an ex-combatant turned businessman, said it is high time for Bougainville leaders from the National Government and Autonomous Bougainville Government reconcile and work together for the benefit of the people, who are mostly left in the dark on where Bougainville is heading to.

“Our MPs are not united; National Government MPs are working in isolation from ABG President John Momis and ABG Ministers. We want our leaders to work together and leave out their petty politics.

“We want an open forum organised so our leaders can come down and address us,” Mr Pinau said on behalf of other veterans.

They also mentioned that the Bougainville Peace Agreement has no review since its inception and demanded that leaders must not go off track and side-line the real issue – which is independence for Bougainville.

“Leaders of Bougainville must stand united and address the real issue, of why there was a Bougainville crisis in the first place.

“Many lives were lost during that time.” Mr Pinau said.

“Health and education for our kids is very poor because our leaders doing their own little bits and pieces without working together in unity. Most places leaders are working together while Bougainville, leaders are not working together,” Mr Pinau said adding that there is no economic base for our government such as exporting of commodities out of the region as our income generating business revenue.  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....Tanis to head up new Department....

10.07.15 12:55

....Bougainville Referendum News : Tanis to head up new Department for Referendum, Peace and Veteran Affairs

Grand Chief PNG und der ``alte``zukünftige?  Präsident.

Quelle :  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekro#20140

11.07.15 10:42
Vielleicht gelingt James Tanis jetzt der Durchbruch.

Panguna locals want PNG mine to reopen


Villagers who shut down an Australian-run gold and copper mine in PNG's autonomous region of Bougainville during a violent civil war now want to reopen the mine.

Bougainvilleans are now voting in their second general elections to decide who will prepare the tiny Pacific island for a promised 2015 referendum on full independence from Papua New Guinea.

The massive Panguna mine in central Bougainville was what sparked the bloody decade-long guerilla war that claimed an estimated 20,000 lives. The islanders now think their secessionist future might depend on the revenue it can generate.

Bougainville President James Tanis told AAP moves were now under way to review the mine agreement.

"Panguna is owned by the Panguna landowners, but people from all over Bougainville have died over that mine, so culturally that mine is now owned by the people of Bougainville," he said.

"There has been a growing opinion, even coming from Panguna landowners, with a basic argument saying that the bottom line for people of Bougainville is independence.

"If this mine funded PNG independence (in 1975) then it can fund Bougainville autonomy and independence," he said.

Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) executive Paul Coleman travelled to Bougainville last year for the first time since the mine's closure for talks with President Tanis in Buka.

BCL, which is owned 53 per cent by Rio Tinto and 19 per cent by the PNG government, reported millions of tonnes of gold and copper remained in the ground at the disused mine.

Panguna Landowners Association Chairman Chris Damana - an election hopeful - said mining at was once the world's largest gold and copper mine could resume only if there was a full review of conditions for locals.

"My platform for the election is for me to represent my people of Panguna and to reopen the mine," he said.

"We want to open the mine because Bougainville needs economic development in order for Bougainville to generate independence," he said.

"But there must be a full review of the agreement. Bougainville has to benefit, not just the mining company," he said.

"We are not divided as landowners. We just want to work out how reopening will be done," he said.

Another positive sign is that the Meekamui Defence Force (MDF), headed by self-appointed general Chris Uma, has lifted a heavily armed no-go zone around the Panguna mine.

General Uma, who controlled separatist militias throughout Bougainville's central and southern regions, has made an unprecedented move to support President Tanis in the current election.

© 2015 AAP
Brought to you by aap  

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroOnly in Bougainville

11.07.15 20:07

The slogan, “Only in Bougainville” is proving to be right for the region as many things that we do here is not done in other parts of Papua New Guinea.

ABG President, Hon. Dr. Chief John Momis told members of the House of Representatives and senior public servants that right now the situation is very fluid.

President Momis said we are going through and experiencing a lot of both good and bad things as we move prepare ourselves for referendum.

And, he has warned Bougainvilleas not to blame others for the mistakes, but to accept the consequences of their own actions and to work on corrective measures.

He said only Bougainvilleans will decide their future destiny and not others.

The forty members of the House of Representatives have a very important task as the policies and laws they make will determine the region’s future destiny.

President Momis says in Bougainville we do not want a photocopy or prefabricated ideas from outsiders, but a real homegrown society.

What Bougainvilleans want is a society that is allows its people to actively participate in decision making and developments.


666 Postings, 5934 Tage havannabzgl.20141 Panguna locals want PNG mine to reopen

13.07.15 10:19
Im Artikel ist von "Bougainville President James Tanis " die Rede, aktueller Präsident ist aber John Momis. Wie passt das zusammen?

15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekro#20143 Das war ein Statement von Tanis....

13.07.15 11:01
.....als er noch Präsident war.

Als "Tanis to head up new Department for Referendum, Peace and Veteran Affairs" u. als (von AU unterstützter) möglicher zukünftiger Präsident dürfte er wohl kaum seine Meinung geändert haben.

Ohne $$$ keine Independance und ohne Wiedereröffnung der Pangunamine auch kurzfristig keine $$$

Die Agenda:

Reconciliation BOC/ Boug

Transfert of Powers/ BOC Shares PNG/ Boug

Negotiations of Reopening Panguna RT/BOC/PNG/BOUG/Lo`s


15645 Postings, 6512 Tage nekroUnter 0,39 AUD = 0,2617 EUR......

13.07.15 11:08 das OB in AU komplett leer, wer dort einsteigen will muss den Kurs schon um +30% anschieben. ;-)))

Angehängte Grafik:

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil...#20145.....

13.07.15 12:38 ist doch auch absolut logisch.
Wenn der Vergleich zu den aktuellen Ergebnissen von heute Nacht (Stichwort EU/Greece ist klar hinkt etwas ;-)))
erlaubt ist: auf Boug. wird die Zukunft auf einem goldenen/kupfernen Tablett serviert und ein ungleich noch höherer % Satz der Bevölkerung  unterstützt den eingeschlagenen Kurs. :-)  

918 Postings, 6512 Tage Carlchen03Ruhe vorm Sturm ???

15.07.15 11:05
ist / wird  das jetzt die berühmte große Ruhe vor dem "Sturm" ???


1528 Postings, 6508 Tage CCLSCApropos Sturm ...

15.07.15 11:21
Was macht eigentlich Axel und wie geht es ihm?  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....ASX today.....

16.07.15 08:34

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222 Postings, 6354 Tage reinhold_tabrisPostcourier

17.07.15 13:28
BEC appoints Tanis to take over from Siriosi


ACTING Secretary of the Bougainville Referendum office, Mr Chris Siriosi has been replaced.

The replacement comes after a special Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) meeting number one for 2015 on the July 8, 2015, appointed former ABG President James Tanis to head the newly formed Department of Referendum, Peace and Veterans Affairs.

The new appointment comes after the Office of Bougainville Referendum was merged with the newly formed Department for Referendum, Peace and Veterans Affairs that the BEC had resolved to in their first meeting this year.

The BEC is headed by the ABG President John Momis. A statement released by the President’s office confirmed this after the week-long induction program for newly elected members of the House of Representatives during the meeting.

Doing it the hard way up in Panguna’s Pakia Gap where a landslide occured a fortnight ago. Picture couple of commuters pushing a fuel drum over the landslip area to a waiting vehicle on the other side of the landslip. Picture: ROMULUS MASIU

The program highlighted the three pillars of the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA) on weapons disposal, referendum and autonomy that must be pursued as the highest priority of the government in this critical period leading up to the referendum.

Mr Momis said BEC strongly viewed that linking the referendum, peace and veteran’s affairs together will position the ABG to move effectively on these matters and Mr Tanis was appointed due to his strong networks across Bougainville with his great appreciation of the issues at stake and his high standing in Bougainville as he will be a real asset to the ABG’s programs.

He said the appointment is for a six months period and this will give time for the formal recruitment and appointment process to be undertaken for this position so that a final appointment can be made.

The Chief Secretary of the Bougainville Administration, Mr Monovi Amani, has also advised Mr Siriosi on his six months expiry date a month earlier but the new department and appointment has not been gazetted.

According to the BEC special meeting it also stated that the six months period for Mr Siriosi has passed but on confirmation, his term is due to expire on July 26,  

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