Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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112 Postings, 5284 Tage Uraktionär6046

25.11.10 23:11
hätte iich seid 2005 bei jedem hoch verkauft und unten wieder eingekauft,dann hätte
ich jetzt 10 mal soviele wie 2005!  

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroRio Tinto Sees Bottleneck In Copper Output

25.11.10 23:24
By Alex MacDonald

Published November 24, 2010

| Dow Jones Newswires

LONDON -(Dow Jones)- The global copper market has too much smelting capacity and not enough copper in concentrate production capacity, the head of Rio Tinto PLC's (RIO: 66.46 ,0.00 ,0.00%) copper divison said Wednesday.

Andrew Harding, chief executive of Rio Tinto Copper, said the combination of rising copper demand, spurred by industrialization in emerging markets, and fewer discoveries of large copper deposits means copper concentrate is likely to be in short supply in the near term.

Hardin was speaking here at the Mongolian Investment Summit.

Although copper in concentrate supplies might be tight, copper smelting capacity is in abundance, he said.

There's "easily more smelting capacity than concentrate," he said.

China has added a signifcant amount of new, low cost copper smelting capacity in recent years which may have created an overhang in the copper smelting market, he said.

"It's an overhang in the very low end of the curve" which means investors who are considering investing in new smelting capacity should be cautious, he said.

Copyright © 2010 Dow Jones Newswires

Read more:

72 Postings, 5285 Tage BOCstolanyLöschung

26.11.10 00:04

Zeitpunkt: 26.11.10 11:54
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



72 Postings, 5285 Tage BOCstolanyLöschung

26.11.10 00:15

Zeitpunkt: 26.11.10 11:54
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroRT AU 1.53 AUD 1.145€ +0,06 +4,1%

26.11.10 06:08
VOL 89k


Hab bischen mitgespielt ;-)))

11671 Postings, 6516 Tage 1ALPHAPräsident Momis :

26.11.10 07:02
bei der Vorstellung des letzten Montag mit PNG vereinbarten Bougainville Budget :

"...ohne eigene Einnahmen des AGB ändert sich nichts. Ein notwendiges Ziel der ABG ist es deshalb, eigene und verläßliche Einnahmen zu erhalten..."  

302 Postings, 6507 Tage sellongoodnews@nekro

26.11.10 07:23
Umrechenr kaputt?

1,53 = 1,1163. Wir wollen doch den Kurs nicht künstlich hochtreiben :-)  

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekro@sellongoodnews

26.11.10 07:30
Ich nehme den Kurs den der AU$ mich kostet

11671 Postings, 6516 Tage 1ALPHAWenn alles kommt,

26.11.10 09:08
wie es sich abzeichnet und wie von allen stakeholdern gewünscht, haben Leerverkäufer in BOC  WKN: 852652 keine schönen Monate vor sich :  
Angehängte Grafik:

11671 Postings, 6516 Tage 1ALPHADie Landwirtschaft

26.11.10 09:21
ist kein Allheilmittel und zur Finanzierung eines Staates nicht geeignet, da durch Monokultur, Kunstdünger und generell Eingriffe in die Natur immer eine Reaktion der Natur stattfindet.
Bergbau ist zwar auch ein Eingriff - aber Bergbau ist besser kontrollierbar und dadurch berechenbarer. Das eigentliche Problem des Bergbaus - welchen Ertrag erzielt das Erz - hat die Landwirtschaft auch - vielleicht sogar stärker, wie die Preisschwankungen zeigen.

26th November 2010
Cocoa Pod Bora in Bougainville
By Cynthia Tokiapron

The Cocoa Pod Bora is decreasing in affected areas in Bougainville since the introduction of training on cocoa block management.

This was reveled by CPB program coordinator for North Bougainville Jude Murava.

He says all farmers had given up in producing cocoa after CPB has affected their areas.

This however has changed since training on cocoa management was introduced to farmers. The CPB training that is underway is a COE based program.

Jude Murava says the Cocoa pod bora is being observed as a seasonal pest. He believes that the CPB was not brought in from outside of Bougainville but originated in Bougainville. Samples were taken but still waiting for results.

It is believed that the plant the CPB insect feeds on is extinct as a result of climate change and it now feeds on cocoa.

He says people are using their cocoa blocks as an ATM, calling on people to start managing their blocks to avoid the CPB.  

76 Postings, 6995 Tage tragobHandelszeiten Sydney

26.11.10 09:30
Sydney (All Ordinary)

00:00 - 02:30
04:00 - 06:00

und wegen dieser S***** Winterzeit den Einstieg um eine Minute verpasst vor diesem WO. Sonst stünd der Kurs einen Cent höher.

last orders please, - in englischen Pubs wird man wenigstens mit einen lauten Glocke aufmerksam gemacht....  

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekro@tragob

26.11.10 11:04
Der Makler in Sydney schliesst seine Bücher so gegen 16:10-16:30 u. führt noch offene Order i.d.R. auch noch nachbörslich aus.

Wenn deine Bank die Order nicht mehr routen will (wegen Feierabend) einfach die Ordergültigkeit auf Monat hochsetzen.Dann klappts ;-)))))))))))))))

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekro@ur/alt/Aktionäre

26.11.10 11:11

In welchen Publikationen habt ihr euch den in der vor-I-net Zeit über die Kurse u.Vol informiert?

Viele Zeitungen wurden ja nachträglich eingescannt u. stehen den Abonnenten im Archiv zur Verfügung.

Interessieren würden mich besonders die Kaufempfehlungen u. VOL der BOC ADRs von 87-90

178 Postings, 6437 Tage joebo@nekro

26.11.10 11:46
die Kaufempfehlung kam damals von einem Börsenbrief (ich weiss beim besten Willen, nicht mehr welcher),
ich habe dann den Kurs erstmal etwas verfolgt, die AU-Kurse gab es damals in der FAZ,
zu den Volumen gab es dort allerdings keine Angaben,

Gruß joebo  

11671 Postings, 6516 Tage 1ALPHA@nekro

26.11.10 12:17
Kurse täglich in Börsenzeitung + Handelsblatt  

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroBOC Short in AU heute

26.11.10 12:20

703 Postings, 6341 Tage Tom0001Empfehlung in ca. 1989

26.11.10 12:42
meiner Meinung nach im "Die Aktienbörse" Börsenbrief. Bernecker streitet aber katogorisch ab, eine Empfehlung gegeben zu haben, obwohl er zugegeben hat, sich mit dem Titel beschäftigt zu haben!? Vielleicht sollte ich mal nach Archivexemplaren aus dieser Zeit fragen!?

Kurse und Infos (D) aus dem Handelsblatt und der Passauer Neuen Presse. Keine Volumen.  

11671 Postings, 6516 Tage 1ALPHA@nekro

26.11.10 12:42
Damals Vol. + Preis nur aus D.
Aus Aus. nur Vol.
Aus USA nur per Anruf bei der Bank.  

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroUS Publikationen......

26.11.10 14:32
...........haben doch bestimmt zu der Zeit die Börsenkurse veröffentlicht.

Welche kommen denn da in Frage? ;-))))

918 Postings, 6516 Tage Carlchen03alte Empfehlungen / Infoquellen

26.11.10 14:44
ich könnte das gleiche schreiben wie Joebo,

die Kaufempfehlung kam damals von einem Börsenbrief,
ich glaube  SwingTrend  oder so hieß er.  
Er hielt lange daran fest, eben auch mit der Begründung von wegen aktive Mine gewesen, Rohstoffe (Gold, Silber, Kupfer) sind in Massen nachgewiesen und Kupfer wird immer gebraucht.
Ich habe dann den Kurs einige Jahre verfolgt und 1991 das erste mal einige gekauft,
die Kurse gab es damals in der FAZ und in der Welt.
Das Volumen hatte ich allerdings nicht.

Will mir keiner meine paar Stücke abnehmen???
... dann behalte ich sie auch noch ...  

76 Postings, 6995 Tage tragob@nekro

26.11.10 16:29
danke für den Tip!  Ich verstehe es so: tagesgültige Order werden um 10 Minuten nach Börsenschluss in Sydney von meiner Bank storniert - es war die Saxo, die mir auf Anruf erklärte, das meine Orderänderung um 6.11 Uhr erfasst wurde, während um 6.10 die letzte Order durchging - und bei Ordergültigkeit Monat hat der Broker noch einige Minuten mehr um die stehengebliebene Order durchzuführen.

Mal sehen wie das Krippenspiel am Montag läuft :-))  

178 Postings, 6437 Tage joebo@Carlchen03 #6070:

26.11.10 19:19
"ich könnte das gleiche schreiben wie Joebo"

mit dem kleinen - leider für mich negativen - Unterschied,
dass ich meine ersten BCL´s noch zu Zeiten der Vollproduktion der Mine gekauft habe, zu recht stolzen Preisen, waren aber auch nicht allzu viele,
habe dann einige Jahre später noch ein paar mehr nachgekauft, die liegen heute schon deutlich im Plus,
und bin eigentlich erst seit ca. 3 Jahren mit  - für mich - größeren Stückzahlen dabei,

Gruß joebo  

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroRio Tinto investor seminar

27.11.10 09:52

"More than US$2 billion is to be invested over the next three years to grow existing copper operating assets." ;-))))))))))))))))

26 November 2010

Rio Tinto investor seminar

Rio Tinto is holding its annual investor seminar in London today at 2.00pm and repeating it in Sydney on Monday 29 November at 9.00am.

At the seminar Rio Tinto will provide an update on capital expenditure and growth projections and will reaffirm how it will continue to focus on identifying, developing and growing tier one assets to optimise shareholder value. It will contain the following updates:

Capital expenditure for the 18 months to December 2011 remains forecast at around US$13 billion.  Due to some re-phasing the current years spend is now anticipated to be close to US$4 billion with an increase to around US$11 billion in 2011. Annual spend is set to remain at a comparable level over the medium term.
Planned expansion of the Iron Ore business will increase production by more than 50 per cent over the next five years. Infrastructure expansion is underway in the Pilbara to take capacity up to 283 mtpa by 2013 with final feasibility studies underway to increase to 333 mtpa.  Rio Tinto's Pilbara port, rail and mine operations have unrivalled potential to grow significantly beyond this level, if required by the market.  The 'all-in1' cost per tonne for the full scope of expansions in the Pilbara will be around US$130 per tonne on a 100 per cent basis and around US$105 per tonne for Rio Tinto's equity share.
As a result of variable grades across the mine lifecycle, 2010 mined copper production is expected to be 661,000 tonnes. The effect of lower grades will continue in 2011 but rebound in 2012.  Beyond 2012, the outlook reflects an increase in annual copper production for 2013 and 2014 as a result of increasing grades and the start of production at Oyu Tolgoi.  
More than US$2 billion is to be invested over the next three years to grow existing copper operating assets.
Development of the Oyu Tolgoi project remains on track with first ore expected in 2012 with a five year ramp-up to full production. Rio Tinto's stake in Ivanhoe now stands at 34.9 per cent.
Integration and transformation of the Aluminium business continues, with a further US$1 billion of sustainable cash improvement targeted by 2014.
Tom Albanese, chief executive, Rio Tinto said: "'We believe the first and best use of our strong cashflows and robust balance sheet is to invest in the excellent range of value-adding growth projects across Rio Tinto's product portfolio.  

"The Pilbara iron ore expansion is a prime example of the quality of our growth options. It is the largest mine project ever undertaken in Australia. With our track record of being able to deliver projects on time and on budget we are confident that it will also be the lowest risk, highest return project in Australia for the foreseeable future.

"The long-term industrialisation and urbanisation story in developing countries continues apace. Over the next 15 to 20 years, this will lead to a doubling in iron ore, aluminium, and copper demand which will require a significant supply response. With our large suite of low cost, large scale, expandable assets along with our core skills in operating excellence, exploration, technology and innovation, we are very well positioned, and are investing to take full advantage of these opportunities."

Notes to editors

1. 'All in' costs of iron ore expansion includes all capital expenditure on owner-operated mines, rail and port infrastructure.

2. Both the London and Sydney seminars will be webcast and can be accessed on Replays will be available after the close of each seminar.

3. Presentations will be made by Tom Albanese, chief executive, Guy Elliott, chief financial officer, Sam Walsh, chief executive, Rio Tinto Iron Ore, and Andrew Harding, chief executive, Copper.

About Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto is a leading international mining group headquartered in the UK, combining Rio Tinto plc, a London and NYSE listed company, and Rio Tinto Limited, which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Rio Tinto's business is finding, mining, and processing mineral resources. Major products are aluminium, copper, diamonds, energy (coal and uranium), gold, industrial minerals (borax, titanium dioxide, salt, talc) and iron ore. Activities span the world but are strongly represented in Australia and North America with significant businesses in South America, Asia, Europe and southern Africa.

For further information, please contact:

Media Relations, Australia / Asia
David Luff
Office: +61 (0) 3 9283 3620
Mobile: +61 (0) 419 850 205
Karen Halbert
Office: +61 (0) 3 9283 3627
Mobile: +61 (0) 412 119 389
Bruce Tobin
Office: +61 (0) 3 9283 3612
Mobile: +61 (0) 419 103 454

1335 Postings, 6515 Tage Traderevilin Sydney....

27.11.10 09:59
Panguna wird hier nicht  erwähnt,könnte es dennoch auf dieser  Konferenz vom  6.-8. Dezember ein Thema/Tagespunkt  sein ?? weis jemand mehr darüber?

Quelle  Post Courier  Freitag 26. November

Mining and petroleum meet set to be big


All roads will lead to Sydney next week as Papua New Guinea’s premier Mining and Petroleum Investment conference which is shaping up to be the largest ever gathering gets underway.
The Eleventh biennial conference scheduled for December 6-8 in Sydney has already attracted over 900 delegates - all keen to hear the exciting new developments taking place in the mining and petroleum industry in PNG.
The conference will be opened by Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare and a number of senior Ministers will present keynote addresses to introduce specific sessions.
Organized by the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, with major financial backing from principal sponsors Anitua Ltd, Barrick Gold, ExxonMobil, and Oil Search Ltd, and a number of major and support sponsors, the conference is the flagship event for the Chamber and its members, other PNG businesses, and the Government to showcase the resource industry and the country to the world.
A trade exhibition will be held simultaneously with the conference, with 31 participating companies and organisations. This includes mining and petroleum companies, a wide range of service and supply companies, and government organizations.
The event is all about showcasing the PNG’s mining and petroleum industry to the international finance and investment sectors. It will provide up-to-date information about the industry, including a comprehensive analysis of the major projects, issues and events currently dominating the industry in the country.
PNGCMP Executive Director Greg Anderson said, “It is vital that we promote ourselves as an industry and a nation to the outside world. The finance industry provides access to the capital required for resource project development and for the larger projects this can run into many billions of dollars. Sydney is the premier financial hub in our region and we need to showcase our industry in their backyard. We are providing a comprehensive data package to the resource analysts, banking and investment houses, informing them of the significant progress and achievements made by our resource sectors in recent years and the pending opportunities and developments.
The first two days of the conference will feature mining sector presentations - PNG’s newest mines including the country’s first nickel production, the world’s first proposal for offshore deep sea mining for high grade seafloor massive sulphide deposits, as well as existing producers, advanced prospects and the exciting progress in the exploration arena. Presentations from the petroleum sector will feature the construction of the prestigious PNG LNG project, progress on other gas proposals, major new gas discoveries and other exploration.
In addition, a session has been dedicated to cover a cross section of landowner business ventures, which demonstrates the resource industry commitment and support for business development opportunities for landowner companies. The size, complexity and success of some of the better established landowner business ventures is a tribute to the progress that has been achieved by the resource communities over time. This is not always understood or acknowledged by some commentators on the resource industry.
The third day, on Wednesday 8 December, features a morning Seminar on Governance and Fiscal Management of Resources Revenues and two parallel afternoon seminars on PNG Petroleum and Mineral Exploration Updates.
The Seminar on Fiscal Management will highlight the success stories with investment funds stemming from resource projects, such as MRL Capital, as well as focus attention on the endeavours for further improvements in wealth management in PNG, such as the Sovereign Wealth Fund proposed by Department of Treasury, and proposals for a PNG Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative. This session will also include presentations from the banking sector and EFIC on their approach to sustainable financing, including social best practice and community welfare.
The Exploration Seminars provide a venue for a large cross section of our exploration sector to present on their activities. The diversity and number of companies clearly demonstrates the vitality and extent of current exploration activities and the presentations will reflect this as they will reveal the progress made on tenements all around the country, including some very exciting results.
The Chamber expressed appreciation for the strong support from a large number of sponsors, trade fair exhibitors and participation.  

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroPaul Coleman ist zumindest anwesend

27.11.10 10:36

3.10pm AFTERNOON TEA | Sponsored byMarkham Culverts Ltd
Chairman: Mr Paul Coleman, Manager PNG, Rio Tinto

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