Da geht bald die Post ab WKN: 898464
Tournigan's 2008 Infill-Bohrungen verschoben 8.084.000 Pfund U308 aus der Ressourcen-Kategorie, in die besser definierte und vertrauenswürdigere "indicated category".
Die Qualität der angezeigten Ressourcen stiegen um 28% von 0,435% U308 auf 0,558% U308.
Die Infill-Bohrungen zeigten das Vorhandensein von einer Zone mit einem außergewöhnlichen hohen Grad der Uran-Mineralisierung, which remains open along both strike and dip(?).
Die Schätzung umfasst 3261000 Pfund Molybdän als mögliche Produkte (siehe Tabelle unten)
Hier der Originaltext mit Tabellen:
Habe jedenfalls meinen Order plaziert.
Tournigan Grants Stock Options
Vancouver, April 27, 2009 -- Tournigan Energy Ltd. ("Tournigan") (TVC: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt)
The directors of Tournigan today granted a total of 2,125,000 incentive stock options of the capital stock of the company to directors, officers, employees and consultants exercisable for up to a five year period at an exercise price of $0.44 which price is the last closing price of the company's shares prior to the date of grant. The options granted will vest over a period of 18 months.
About Tournigan Energy Ltd.
Tournigan Energy is a uranium and gold exploration and development company that has built a portfolio of highly prospective assets in Europe. The company has focused its development and obtained licences in Slovakia, a member of the European Union since 2004. Slovakia is economically and politically stable, has excellent infrastructure and, as of January 1, 2009, has adopted the Euro currency. Tournigan Energy is committed to safe and sustainable exploration and mine development in Slovakia and its other operational jurisdictions.
Vancouver, June 8, 2009 -- Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC:TSX-V; TGP:Frankfurt) is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive option agreement with Ortac Resources plc of London, England, whereby Ortac may acquire in four stages up to a 100% interest in Tournigan's Kremnica Gold project in Slovakia, a non-core asset of Tournigan. Tournigan's focus is now solely on the development of its prospective uranium properties in Slovakia, notably the Kuriskova uranium project.
Strategic Benefits of the Option Agreement
The option agreement allows Tournigan to allocate its financial and management resources entirely on developing its core uranium properties in Slovakia.
The overhead savings from divesting of the operatorship of the Kremnica Gold project are estimated at approximately Cdn $40,000 per month.
Management can more aggressively pursue its primary objective of developing the company's flagship Kuriskova uranium project through the pre-feasibility and feasibility stages.
Tournigan is now effectively a uranium pure-play company.
The option agreement structure will allow Tournigan shareholders to continue to participate in the upside of potential future production at Kremnica while committing minimal financial or management resources.
Option Agreement Summary
The option agreement grants Ortac the sole and exclusive right and option to acquire in four stages up to an undivided 100% right, title and interest in and to the Kremnica Gold project (20% in the first stage, 10% in the second stage, 30% in the third stage and 40% in the fourth stage). The earn-in terms for the four option stages are as follows:
First Option Stage: Ortac may acquire a 20% interest by completing at its sole cost an NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate and preliminary assessment on or before June 1, 2011.
Second Option Stage: Upon completion of the First Option Stage, Ortac may acquire an additional 10% interest by delivering an extension notice and payment of US$500,000, payable in cash or publicly traded shares of Ortac, to Tournigan.
Third Option Stage: Upon completion of the Second Option Stage, Ortac may acquire an additional 30% interest by completing at its sole cost an NI 43-101 bankable feasibility study on or before June 1, 2013.
Fourth Option Stage: Upon completion of the Third Option Stage, Ortac may acquire the remaining 40% interest in the Kremnica Gold project for the following consideration:
A payment to Tournigan of $15.00 per ounce of 100% of the gold equivalent (gold plus silver) resource defined as proven and probable reserve in the bankable feasibility study, payable in cash or publicly traded shares of Ortac (this payment will be net of the US$500,000 payment described in the Second Option Stage unless this stage is completed by June 1, 2011 in which case the US$500,000 will be deducted from that payment); and
Granting to Tournigan a 2% net smelter royalty (NSR) on gold and silver production from the Kremnica Gold project (such NSR may be reduced to 1% by paying Tournigan US$1 million in cash at any time prior to the commencement of commercial production at Kremnica. The remaining 1% NSR which Tournigan retains will be payable in respect of 1 million gold ounces equivalent, after which time it will be reduced to a 0.5% NSR in respect of a further 1 million gold ounces equivalent, after which time Tournigan's NSR will be terminated).
Following completion of the First Option Stage, Ortac and Tournigan will form a joint-venture with participating interests reflecting the earn-in at each option stage. If Ortac decides not to proceed with the next option stage, then the participating interests in the joint-venture will remain fixed at the preceding earned-in amounts.
Ortac will take over operatorship of the Kremnica Gold project during the term of the option agreement and will maintain the underlying properties and mining licenses in good standing.
Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, President and CEO of Tournigan, will be appointed to the Board of Directors of Ortac.
The option agreement is still subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange.
About Tournigan
Tournigan is a uranium exploration and development company that has built a portfolio of highly prospective assets in Slovakia. The Company has focused its development and obtained licences in Slovakia, a member of the European Union since 2004. Slovakia is economically and politically stable, has excellent infrastructure and, as of January 1, 2009, has adopted the Euro currency. Tournigan is committed to safe and sustainable exploration and mine development in Slovakia.
July 27, 2009
Tournigan Files Technical Report
Vancouver, July 27, 2009---Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt) has posted on SEDAR the 43-101 Preliminary Assessment (Scoping Study) prepared by its independent third party consultant, Pincock, Allen and Holt (PAH) of Lakewood, Colorado, on its Kuriskova uranium deposit in Slovakia. Results of this Preliminary Assessment were first reported in a News Release dated June 25, 2009. Since then, PAH has completed the Preliminary Assessment, resulting in some minor changes to project parameters, as summarized in the following table ....
Mehr unter: http://www.tournigan.com/s/..._Title=Tournigan-Files-Technical-Report
21.10.2009 09:35| A A
Tournigan Energy sofort kaufen
Endingen (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "Emerging Markets Investor" raten Anlegern die Aktie von Tournigan Energy (ISIN CA8915651035/ WKN 898464) sofort zu kaufen.
Die Tournigan Energy-Aktie sei ein siedenheisser Übernahmekandidat.
Der Rohstoffexplorer halte unter anderem einen 100%-Anteil am Kurikovska-Projekt im Nordosten der Slowakei. Hier seien rund 20 Mio. Pfund Uran nachgewiesen, die die Gesellschaft nun unter Hochdruck abbauen wolle. Außerhalb des kanadischen Athabasca-Beckens enthalte die die Kurikovska-Liegenschaft nämlich eines der weltweit höchsten Urangehalte. Zudem liege das Vorkommen innerhalb der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten und verfüge bereits über eine perfekte Infrastruktur. Entsprechend würden die Kapitalkosten bis zum Beginn der Förderung mit lediglich 168 Mio. USD veranschlagt.
Frankreich und Russland würden händeringend nach Uran suchen. Dementsprechend hätten die Analysten von Salman Partners die französische Areva oder den russischen Uranproduzenten JSC Tvel auf ihrer Liste potenzieller Übernahmeinteressenten. Die Analysten würden ein Kursziel von 0,70 CAD ausgeben, was fast dem Dreifachen des derzeitigen Kurses entspreche. Für die Experten sei das nicht verwunderlich, betrage doch das KGV im Jahr des geplanten Produktionsbeginns lächerliche 0,4.
Den Experten von "Emerging Markets Investor" zufolge sollten Anleger die Tournigan Energy-Aktie sofort kaufen. (Ausgabe 20 vom 19.10.2009)
Analyse-Datum: 20.10.2009
hast du vl nenn link mit realtimkurs oder ... ??
wäre nett!
Hab zwar jetzt 20% plus in 16 Tagen aber das Volumen ist in der letzten Zeit so hoch gewesen, da kommt noch was.
Umweltschutz gegen Arbeitsplätze und so...
Soll mir egal sein, ich will Tournigan ja nur traden und nicht für Ewigkeiten halten.
politische Börsen haben kurze Beine.
Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt) reports that S.A. Resources Ltd. ("SA") has completed payment to the company for the September 2009 purchase of Dalradian Gold Ltd., the Northern Ireland company that holds the Curraghinalt gold licences. Tournigan's cash position at December 31, 2009 was approximately C$5.6 million.
SA acquired Dalradian from Tournigan for consideration of C$5.5 million paid as to C$2.5 million on November 2, 2009 and the balance of C$3 million on December 22, 2009.
About Tourni...http://www.stockhouse.com/tools/...Fsymbol%3DV.TVC%26newsid%3D7582731
Nun scheint es einen 12-Jahres Plan für den Abbau von Uran in der Slovakei zu geben.
Geld jetzt schon bei 32.000 in Stück in Frankurt - Brief 17.500
Los- wer kauft mir meine ab?
16:10 14.01.10
DJ IRW-PRESS: Tournigan Energy Ltd.: Tournigan durchschneidet 4,5 Meter mit 0,977 % eU3O8 bei Kuriskova
Tournigan durchschneidet 4,5 Meter mit 0,977 % eU3O8 bei Kuriskova
Vancouver, 14. Januar 2010 Tournigan Energy Ltd. (TVC: TSX-V; TGP: Frankfurt) meldete heute die Ergebnisse von acht Bohrlöchern seines laufenden Infill- und Step-out-Bohrprogramms bei der Uranlagerstätte Kuriskova in der Slowakei. Der bedeutendste Abschnitt in Bohrloch LE-K-39, das im nördlichen Teil der Zone Main gebohrt wurde ergab 4,5 Meter mit 0,977 % eU3O8.
Unsere Infill- und Step-out-Bohrungen liefern weiterhin bedeutende hochgradige Uranoxidwerte", sagte Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol, President und CEO von Tournigan. Die Infill-Bohrlöcher beweisen weiterhin die Beständigkeit der hochgradigen Uranmineralisierung im nördlichen Teil der Lagerstätte. Wir verfügen nun auch über ein besseres Verständnis der Firstenmineralisierung im mittleren Teil der Lagerstätte und haben die Möglichkeit, diese Mineralisierung in die angezeigte Kategorie hochzustufen."
Die in dieser Pressemitteilung gemeldeten Urangehalte werden als Äquivalenturanoxide (eU3O8 %) angegeben, die auf den radiometrischen Aufzeichnung im Bohrloch basier...http://www.ariva.de/news/...ter-mit-0-977-eU3O8-bei-Kuriskova-3194640
Last: 0.27
High: 0.27
Low: 0.26
Volume: 74700
Change: +0.02
Date: 19-Jan-10
Time: 08:36 AM
ich hoffe, dass das zweite Engagement genauso erfogreich wird,
wie das erste.
Damals bei 0,27 Cent eingestiegen und für 2,54 € verkauft
jetzt wieder bei 0,127 eingestiegen.............
schau ma mal..... allen investierten viele Glück