Clock ticks for Barclays in complex ABN talks
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Barclays is in exclusive talks with ABN to strike the biggest ever bank takeover and create the world's sixth biggest bank.
The exclusivity is to last 30 days, according to sources familiar with the matter. The two sides have already said a combined company would be headquartered in Amsterdam and the two top jobs would be split.
The pressure is now on Barclays to identify synergies and pitch an offer at a level to deter possible counterbidders. It also faces pressure from regulators and shareholders, according to Selina Sagayam, a partner at law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.
"Thirty days is not very long to do due diligence on an entity the size of ABN and work out what the best strategy is and to present that in the best light to shareholders," she said.
ABN's businesses include retail, wholesale and investment banking and asset and wealth management, and are spread across Europe, the United States, Brazil and Asia.
Its businesses have limited overlap with Barclays, leaving the UK bank stretching to find cost savings in areas such as technology and systems compatibility, Sagayam said.
"They'll be looking hard as they need to identify other areas of cost savings," she said.
Regulatory talks are also expected to be complex. The two sides have said the Dutch central bank would be lead regulator, but with UK, Dutch and U.S. regulators all involved there is a threat the issue of regulation could derail the talks.
Conducting talks in the eye of media and analysts is also not ideal, and a trend of greater shareholder activism is likely to add pressure, as it has done for long running takeover talks among Europe's stock exchanges in recent years.
And while Barclays will want to glean as much information as possible, ABN will be reluctant to disclose too much to a rival in case talks break down.
Each bank has four advisers working with them.
Ultimately, however, price will be the key issue, especially as the other traditional sticking points of management and headquarters have been resolved, analysts said.
The complexity of cross-border banking deals means Barclay's faces a high execution risk.
Barclays is still integrating Woolwich, the UK mortgage bank it bought in 2000, and ABN would be a far more daunting scale.
"If you've got two universal banks merging then you've got a whole nexus of business unifications, and that's a source of challenge and complexity for the senior management," Peter Dutton, director of financial services ratings at S&P.
Ian Gordon, analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort, added: "I think the execution risks would be can make that argument purely on the lack of success that ABN has had in taking costs out of the business."
Adding to the challenge is the planned departure of Barclays' finance director Naguib Kheraj, who will be replaced by Chris Lucas on April 1.
As Kheraj's departure is said to be amicable and for lifestyle reasons, he could stay on to help with integration or for consultation, analysts said
Wie aus einer am Freitag veröffentlichten Pressemitteilung hervorgeht, wurden Barclays im Rahmen des Übernahmeangebots für den niederländischen Finanzkonzerns nicht genügend Anteilsscheine von ABN AMRO angedient. Den Angaben zufolge wurden bis zum 4. Oktober insgesamt 4.410.136 ABN-AMRO-Aktien sowie 782.945 American Depositary Shares (ADS) angedient. Die Gesamtzahl der Anteilsscheine von ABN AMRO beläuft sich auf mehr als 1,91 Milliarden.
Für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Übernahmeangebots, welches einem Wert von 31 Euro je Anteilsschein von ABN AMRO entsprach, wäre eine Annahmequote von mindestens 80 Prozent erforderlich gewesen. Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung verlangt Barclays nunmehr von ABN AMRO eine Entschädigung in Höhe von 200 Mio. Euro in Zusammenhang mit dem Scheitern der Übernahme. Des Weiteren kündigte Barclays ein neues Aktienrückkaufprogramm im Gesamtwert von 1,55 Mrd. Britischen Pfund an, im Rahmen dessen bis zu 196,0 Millionen eigene Aktien erworben werden sollen.
Nun ist der Weg für eine Übernahme der niederländischen Großbank durch das von der Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (RBS) (ISIN GB0007547838/ WKN 865142) angeführte Konsortíum frei. Das RBS-Konsortium, dem noch die spanische Banco Santander Central Hispano S.A. (BSCH) (ISIN ES0113900J37/ WKN 858872) und die belgische Fortis (ISIN BE0003801181/WKN 982570) angehören, bietet umgerechnet rund 37,76 Euro je Anteilsschein von ABN AMRO.
Die Aktie von Barclays notiert aktuell in London mit einem Plus von 0,15 Prozent bei 656,00 Pence. (05.10.2007/ac/n/a)
Ok. Das Scheitern war ja zu erwarten, aber was haltet ihr von den 200 Mio. Entschädigung?
wie gesagt manchmal muss man langfristig denken ,auch mir fällt es schwer .
ich bin mir sicher solch eine grosse chance so günstig einzusteigen wird es nicht mehr geben.
schnell rein und wieder raus wäre mir oft auch lieber,nur wieviele schaffen das.
jetzt sagen sie sie machen über 5,3 mrd. gewinn. wüsste nicht warum der staat eingreifen sollte.
aber zur zeit weiß man bei banken ja gar nix *G*
take care