Billabong Kultmarke vor Rebound!
A summary of consolidated revenues and results by significant geographical segments is set out below:
Segment Segment revenues Segment EBITDA*
2011 2010 2011 2010
$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
Australasia 501,904 425,663 55,225 89,175
Americas 843,737 712,633 80,194 92,311
Europe 337,627 344,023 54,246 69,847
Third party royalties 2,211 2,009 2,211 2,009
1,685,479 1,484,328 191,876 253,342
Less: Net interest expense (23,045) (14,739)
Depreciation and amortisation (41,931) (35,572)
Profit from continuing operations before income tax expense 126,900 203,031
Income tax expense (8,855) (57,865)
Profit from continuing operations after income tax expense 118,045 145,166
Loss attributable to non-controlling interests 1,094 822
Profit attributable to members of Billabong International Limited 119,139 145,988
Seite 5!!!
Craig Woolford: (Citi, Analyst) Okay. Two other quick questions; firstly, did I hear
before correctly in your commentary before the questions about the net cashflow negative
after financing and investing activities. Is that correct?
Craig White(Billabong): Craig I think in terms of - look I’m not going to speculate exactly where
we’re going to end up at the end of December. First of all we’ve clearly got a lot of
trading to go on during this month and as we’ve previously flagged, it is an enormous
month both in terms of sales, profit and cashflow.
What I probably would say is that whilst the EBITDA range that we’re guiding to at the
half year is down, I think we’re still looking for cashflow from operations to look
reasonable relative to that EBITDA range. So I can’t really comment --
Wie sieht denn die steuerliche Seite australischer Dividenden aus?
trading to go on during this month and as we’ve previously flagged, it is an enormous
month both in terms of sales, profit and cashflow
divedende letzte Info:
19 August 2011: The Directors have resolved to pay a final ordinary dividend partially franked to 25% of $33.0 million (13.0 cents per fully paid share) to be paid on 21 October 2011 out of retained profits at 30 June 2011.
Und die Aussage bleibt, dass Dezember ein extrem wichtiger Monat ist. Ob der Monat gut läuft oder nicht, bezogen auf das Vorjahr, wird nicht gesagt.
Nur, das noch keine Aussage über die Ergebnisse möglich ist, eben weil viel Geschäft im Dezember stattfinden kann. Ist ja der wichtigste Monat für den Einzelhandel.
Nur ob dieses Jahr gut läuft, oder nicht, lässt sich aus der Aussage nicht lesen.
Im Gegenteil, auf Grund der hohen Bedeutung des Dezembers ist keine Aussage möglich für die Zahlen.
Nichtsdestotrotz nicht uninteressant, allerdings hat die Bude auch einen großen Schuldenberg.
15.03.11 Dividende 0,12 EUR
20.09.10 Dividende 0,13 EUR
at 04:36PM .Code Name Price Percent
BDR Beadell Resourc.. 0.685 10.48%
BBG Billabong Inter.. 1.95 10.16%
KAR Karoon Gas Aust.. 4.77 9.9%
WEC White Energy 0.39 -4.88%
KZL Kagara Ltd 0.275 -3.51%
WTF 3.71 -3.14%