Bass Metals, der wirtschaftliche Produzent
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Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 01:35 | von: Stephaniejoc. | Leser gesamt: | 168.257 |
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Und was is los ? Keine Sau kauft. Ich ziehe mein "Scheiss Aktie " zurück...die Anleger sind schuld :D wer da zu dem Preis nicht zugreift ,ist selber schuld ,das sieht doch zu dem Preis blendend aus .
Für mich ist die Situation erstmal so das Demon Holding kompett aussteigt und die wollen nur noch raus, egal zu welchem Preis. Deswegen rauscht der Kurs wahrscheinlich in Aus auch so nach unten. Allerdings dürften die so langsam alle ihre Shares in den Markt gedrückt haben, so dass langsam der Druck nachlassen sollte.
Kurzfristig scheint Bass die Finanzen im Griff zu haben und sich mit seinen Gläubiger geeinigt zu haben bzw hat Zeit gekauft .Allerdings gibt es auch ne Menge dunkle Wolken am Himmel.
Was ist nach der nächsten Campaign ? Derzeit läuft die Letzte was kommt danach und wie will sich die Firma dann finanzieren und warum ist es die Letzte ?
Man sucht neue Geldgeber,Partner und eine Verwässung steht an und wie hoch wird diese sein ?
Derzeit also hohes Risiko als auch hohe Gewinnmöglichkeiten.
ASX / Media Release 19 April 2012 Operations & Corporate Update Bass Metals Ltd (ASX: BSM) is pleased to provide the following operational, financial and corporate update on its overall strategy to re-establish Bass Metals on a scaled down basis as a successful and prospective resource company. Hellyer Operations – NW Tasmania On the 7th April 2012 the Hellyer site achieved 600 days lost-time-injury free which is an excellent achievement by all employees and contractors. Mining operations at the Fossey underground mine are progressing in line with the work-out mine plan.
There is a further 25,000 tonnes of ore remaining to be recovered from the mine stopes and hauled to the Hellyer run-of-mine (ROM) stockpile for processing. Mining activities are planned to be completed in late April 2012, after which the Fossey underground mine will be placed on care and maintenance. As part of the stage 1 revised mine plan, the mining cost was fixed at $58.10 per tonne of ore delivered to the ROM which reflects the reduced level of mining activities and has reduced risk to Bass Metals’ cash flow forecasts.
Processing of Campaign 9 ore through the Hellyer Mill commenced on 26 March, 2012. Plant availability has been excellent with few stoppages, contributing to good operating performance in terms of throughput and metallurgical recoveries. Processing performance against the work-out plan is excellent with 52,695 tonnes processed as at 15 April at an estimated average head grade of 9.1% zinc and 4.7% lead (with silver, copper and gold credits) which is 52% of the Campaign 9 budget of 101,151 tonnes of ore grading 9.2% zinc and 4.4% lead.
Metallurgical recovery estimates and the zinc, lead and copper-silver concentrate production estimates are tracking in line with budget forecasts. The cost of milling was budgeted at $30 per tonne of ore processed, with current indications coming in at just below this budget estimate. The ROM stockpile contains approximately 23,456 tonnes of ore (as at 15 April), which together with the ore planned to be hauled from the underground mine indicates a further 48,456 tonnes remains to be processed.
On completion of Campaign 9 in late May the Hellyer Mill will be shut down and placed on care and maintenance. There is some scope to mine and process additional ore which could require operations to continue for an extra week or two. Regrettably, staff and contractors will be stood down as ....
hoffnungslos, beste wird ein übernahmekandidat sein
my Name is xxxx from Germany and iam shareholder.I red your Operations & Corporate Update today and have one question: What will happen after Campaign 9 ? Is there any information about further activities ? I would be pleased, if you can tell me more about the future of Bass Metals.
Kind Regards
Hello XXXX,
The Company is in a very difficult position as you probably gathered from the very low share price. There is uncertainty around our ability to repay all of our debt and avoid a winding-up process which is driving the share price down.
We are working very hard to maximise our production revenues as reported on 19 April to ASX (see attachment) which will contribute to reducing debt - but after that we still need to source additional funding from asset sales and / or new financing.
If we are successful in doing that Bass will focus on exploring to build up resources to support a 4-5 year mine life before mining restarts and also to undertake a detailed study on its gold resource which has the potential to be a large scale gold producing project. However to get to this point we need to raise additional funds as indicated above.
Thanks for your note, I regret the news is not more positive please come back to me if you have further questions.
Mike Rosenstreich
Dear Mr. Rosenstreich,
thank you for your fast reaction.
I summarize the actual situation: You have 10 Mill. Dollars debt and there is uncertainty , how to reduce or obliberate this debt.If i understood it correctly, after Campaign 9 the end of your Activities is reached for the time being..
My final question:
Are you in serious negotiation with potential financier or Investors yet ?
I think, your shareholders should know, whats going on.
Kind regards
Hello Xxxx,
I think you summary is pretty right. We are in discussions with several groups some more serious than others. However because they are incomplete I cannot discuss with shareholders at large - indeed for what purpose? While I appreciate that it is frustrating not knowing I think it is misleading and could compromise discussions if was to provide progress reports on all of the leads we were following. Most circumstances the other party insists that a confidentiality obligation is maintained until an outcome is certain.
Okay meine Frage war auch sehr direkt und ich wusste,dass er dazu nichts sagen wird.
Insgesamt glaube ich aber, dass hier was getan wird. Meine Mails wurden ausgesprochen schnell beantwortet und allgemein scheint mir die Kommunikation transparent zu sein .
Meine Entscheidung: Ich bleibe dabei mit meiner überschaubaren Position.
ziemlich hoch, bis zum Wassereinbruch.