Aurora Cannabis - Kanada & die Legalisierung
Nahezu in allen Bereichen Verbesserung gegenüber dem letzten Q.
Ich sage danke
"I have looked at the Financials and lets put what they say into a few small sections !
Lets understand this for all intents and purposes is a start up company effect it is less than a full year of Canadian legalization ..and where are we
~this company had grown exponentially quarter after quarter
~sales have grown in every segment , medical , recreational , international
~production has grown , in every segment
~business relationships have grown quarter after quarter
~Company has grown to the largest world footprint of any other Cannabis company
~Production has grown to the largest of any other Cannabis in the world
~product selection and diversity has grown to the best in the world
~Production facilities ..the best and innovative in the world
~cost of production has gone down quarter after quarter and looking like it will be the lowest cost producer in the world
~ACB has never lost any crops
~ACB has not had any products returned by customers
~ACB has not had any issues with regulators
so lets consider a few things about today's financials ..
1. They only capture 9 months of canadian legalization
2. ACB has taken over the lead in recreational canadian Cannabis sales
3.ACB is the leader in Canadian Medical Cannabis sales
4.ACB is the leader in international Cannabis sale
5. ACB is one of the lowest cost producers in the world
6.ACB leads in almost all sector indicators
7.ACB did not have any negatives in their reporting
8.ACB has quarter after quarter continued to grow in all sectors without the blunders other companies have done
The question we should ask ourselves is had the company continued to do what they have said they will do
The answer is YES
The only problem that i see is that people expect things to happen too quickly in a timetable that may not be realistic
the bottom line is that these financial are only 8 months into the Canadian Legalization and lets put these results into perspective .. 11 million from EBITDA positive position after only 8 months of legal Cannabis is not a bad place to be for arguably the largest Cannabis company in the world.
just consider also in approximately 2 years plus a bit went from arguably the fourth or fifth largest Cannabis company in Canada to the largest Cannabis in the world ..i would say anyone who has invested in this company just has to relax and give it time will not happen in 6 or 8 months."
aber ich bitte euch... die Herren haben die Umsatzprognose um 2% verfehlt ! mmmuuuahhha lächerlich
hier die positive Entwicklung des Unternehmens:
Net cannabis revenue up 61% sequentially to $94.6 million
Canadian consumer cannabis revenue up 52% to $44.9 million
Medical cannabis revenue up 10% to $29.7 million
Wholesale revenues of $20.1 million
Cash cost to produce per gram sold declined 20% sequentially to $1.14 per gram in Q4 2019.
Production volume increased 86% sequentially to 29,034 kgs.
Gross margin on cannabis net revenue increased by 3% to 58%
Verluste knapp 68% runtergedrückt !
Umsatz ca. 340% rauf ! ... alles weitere steht oben
Man kann nie wissen....
Vergisst nicht......die sind immer noch im Gespräch mit Coca Cola.....
jetzt waren es "nur" 98,9 LOooOOL eine rieeesen Enttäuschung ;-)
@ Gonzodererste natürlich sind die Kurskapriolen nicht witzig !!! Absolut nicht .. aber die Kurse machen andere : meine Einschätzung hierzu ( wenn die Schafe sich verabschiedet haben wird der Kurs sich komischerweise wieder nach Norden bewegen!
Deinen Äußerungen nach könnte man meinen, dass Du dich für den Erleuchteten hältst.
Koch mal runter und bleib bitte sachlich !
"I have had a chance to look closer at ACB financials and it strikes me quite funny to watch the response of many mostly the bashers and short sellers ..
As we see on a day to day basis the two things people have to complain about these days is the number of outstanding days ( so called dilution ..which should have no impact on a company's market Value ) and the second being Goodwill ( which again is just an accounting term with no impact on actual performance )
No one discusses all the great things the ACB has done in the last 3 months , 6 months or the last couple of years !
it seems we are going to do the same things with the financial
we are not going to discuss that they beat the market estimate by 100% in earnings per share
we are not going to discuss that that they had almost 100 million in quarterly revenue
we are not going to discuss how much they lowered production costs or that they are in range to lowering cost to under $1
we are not going to discuss that they have almost 60% margins
we are not going to discuss that they have become the leader in the Canadian recreational market even though they claim to be a medical Cannabis company
we will not going to discuss that they have had significant increases in market share in all segments and increased sales in all segments significantly
we are not going to discuss that they are the only major Cannabis company who has met all production targets they have set
we are not going to discuss that ACB has stayed out of controversy..they are model producers for Health canada obtaining licences where and when they need them
we are not going to discuss licences for outdoor grow facilities while others are still on the drawing board
we are not going to discuss 25 countries
we are not going to discuss all the exclusive agreements
we are not going to discuss all construction projects , expanded Aurora Sun on schedule , Aurora Nordic on schedule 650,000KG by mid 2020 on schedule !